Hey guys, thanks for the welcome. I'm a new grower in a ban state so I've been keeping my grow a secret and doing my best not to screw up. At work right now so can't post photos but I've got a small thread going at Unknown Forum if you want to see progress so far. Just flipped a week or so ago.

I was tipped off that there are some experienced RDWC growers here so I hope to learn a lot. No real issues at this point but my first plant that popped will not stop getting rust spots on older growth. I screwed that plant up by using test strips instead of a meter, the pH was around 3.5 for the first month or two and it's never really recovered. There's a pic of one of the leaf on the GWE thread. I took a clone of it and that is doing great in comparison. I'm thinking the root system is bound up or restricted in some way. Also I'm thinking I should have pulled some of the clay out of the net pots cause the trunk is compressed by them due to growth. Maybe not an issue, dunno.
Welcome aboard…. Plenty of highly experienced hydro growers here. Some of the best you will find imo
Say can you ask the boss man what POSH means?
Hmmmm is this some kind of secret man words? Lol He immediately said there is a boat company named posh. Green and white European boats. POSH itself stands for PACC Offshore Service Holdings.
Is this what you are seeking?
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Hey guys, thanks for the welcome. I'm a new grower in a ban state so I've been keeping my grow a secret and doing my best not to screw up. At work right now so can't post photos but I've got a small thread going at Unknown Forum if you want to see progress so far. Just flipped a week or so ago.

I was tipped off that there are some experienced RDWC growers here so I hope to learn a lot. No real issues at this point but my first plant that popped will not stop getting rust spots on older growth. I screwed that plant up by using test strips instead of a meter, the pH was around 3.5 for the first month or two and it's never really recovered. There's a pic of one of the leaf on the GWE thread. I took a clone of it and that is doing great in comparison. I'm thinking the root system is bound up or restricted in some way. Also I'm thinking I should have pulled some of the clay out of the net pots cause the trunk is compressed by them due to growth. Maybe not an issue, dunno.
That was me that sent you that message on GWE......

Welcome! Glad you made it over. You'll find all the information you can handle on this site especially if you're running hydro style grows. I'm a dirt farmer but I've grown in pretty much every discipline you can think of.
That was me that sent you that message ......

Welcome! Glad you made it over. You'll find all the information you can handle on this site especially if you're running hydro style grows. I'm a dirt farmer but I've grown in pretty much every discipline you can think of.
Yep, thanks for the heads up! Working on an intro post right now.
I agree, but im cheap and dont like coffee that has sat on a hot plate for a while so kcups it is lol.
I'm with you there... if hubby makes regular drip coffee I have to drink it immediately, like before it's even done brewing lol... the flavor goes to shit if it sits on the hot plate even 10 minutes. I'm with @Farmerdave I grind my own beans from a local coffee roaster, or if I'm out of the good beans, Aldi carries whole beans and Green Mountain beans aren't bad either. I make espresso drinks with my cheap little Mr. Coffee espresso machine or I use my French press... which of course I have to pour that into a big to go cup cause if it steeps for more than 5 minutes it gets bitter and nasty... guess I'm a bit of a coffee snob lol. I do like Stewart's coffee... but I always ask how long since they filled the carafe or wander around till someone puts out a new pot lol. Someday I'll have a legit espresso machine. I got dunkin today and that wasn't up to my standards... they either let the espresso pull too long or the machine was filthy. I take my coffee flavor as seriously as my weed flavor lol.
I’m no connoisseur of the java..but I like it how I like my men, sweet hot and blond 😂🤣😂😅😂 (just fibbing bout the last part, my Hubby is Indian and French).
Nothing but fresh roasted beans from the little shop in town and i grind them a day ahead of brewing (cause i dont like the grinding noise in the morning)
I never drank coffee until a few years ago and now I love the difference of fresh ground beans into the espresso machine, just blows my mind sometimes lol
I alternate between that and cold brew which is good in its own right

Now I want coffee but it's time to go to bed! 😂
I was never a coffee drinker until I went on the Keto diet. Prior to that the only coffee that I'd had that I thought was worth drinking was Guatemalan coffee through a french press. I was at some high end restaurant and my ex wanted coffee so we ordered it for the table and I took a sip of hers just for fun and WOW! After that I decided to give coffee another chance but the only thing I was finding was sewer water coffee.

After Keto I got used to coffee and even learned to like it so now I drink drip coffee and, if I get a chance to visit a higher end coffee shop, I'll go in just to remind myself what good coffee tastes like.
I alternate between that and cold brew which is good in its own right
I have a cold brew maker too, use fresh beans for that as well... yummo... got it for 12 bucks at Aldi... who else has Aldi where they live? The "aisle of shame" gets me every time... that random aisle with all the non food items that you decide you can't live without... I've gotten a ton of cool shit from Aldi... hell my favorite Jean shorts are from Aldi. 🤣 No shame in my cheapskate game.
Bunn MCU makes the best cup of coffee I've had from a single serve or home brew machine in general. Rock solid just like their commercial stuff. Bunn knows what hot, strong coffee is, unlike Keurig.
I can always taste a tinge of plastic in keurig coffee, plus it's weak and the machines grow mold quite easily. The only person I accepted keurig coffee from was my husband's grandma... you don't be rude to your husband's grandma... his mom on the other hand... she don't ask no mo. 🤣
Yeah those keurigs are on the don’t do list for hotels. For the very reason you just stated. BTW since when have Holiday Inns turned into a two hundred a night stay? I was shocked. Was looking for a room for powwow. They generally run 120 or so a night. I got one using points plus cash for 91.00 a night, but were it not for that I’d be staying in the haunted air bnb For 65.00 a night.
Yeah those keurigs are on the don’t do list for hotels. For the very reason you just stated. BTW since when have Holiday Inns turned into a two hundred a night stay? I was shocked. Was looking for a room for powwow. They generally run 120 or so a night. I got one using points plus cash for 91.00 a night, but were it not for that I’d be staying in the haunted air bnb For 65.00 a night.
The haunted air bnb sounds way more fun. I paid 7 bucks for a 3 pound bag of potatoes today, so that doesn't surprise me at all. Shit is getting out of control. Minimum wage needs to be like 30 bucks an hour with the insane cost of everything now.
The haunted air bnb sounds way more fun. I paid 7 bucks for a 3 pound bag of potatoes today, so that doesn't surprise me at all. Shit is getting out of control. Minimum wage needs to be like 30 bucks an hour with the insane cost of everything now.
I live in a haunted house, I’m not putting up with that shit on a mini vacation!
I can always taste a tinge of plastic in keurig coffee, plus it's weak and the machines grow mold quite easily. The only person I accepted keurig coffee from was my husband's grandma... you don't be rude to your husband's grandma... his mom on the other hand... she don't ask no mo. 🤣
Yeah, my parents water tank on theirs turns green at the bottom in like a week...
I end up getting a new coffee pot every 3 months. I put the water tank in my dishwasher every time i do dishes, and i run a descaler through the machine once a week.
This one is on its 3rd month, if it starts tasting shittier than normal its time for a new one lol.
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