Yes. My kid had an early development speech impediment. Therapist would stick a plastic coffee stirrer in his mouth and have him speak. I was baffled at first but she said it taught his tongue how to adjust. Whatever she did it worked.

All the shovelware that gets loaded onto devices today is a product of why tablets and other computing devices are so cheap. Everyone wants cheap shit but, as I've stated before, in tech NOTHING is free. All of these apps that come with your device are there for one thing and that is to collect data on your shopping habits among other things.
Yup. Feed the consumer beast. My little man has a pretty strong tongue tie, we didn't fix it as a baby cause he was breastfeeding like a champ and they said fixing it might actually do more harm than good at that point, he also had a front tooth pulled at 3 due to an abscess caused by a nice fall on his face and a broken tooth... so he had a hard time with some sounds that require the tongue to move further than his could. He went to speech in kindergarten and last year in first and he speaks perfectly now. Speech language pathologists are amazing folks!
I have a list of companies that I am and will continue to boycott. Disney is top of that list. When the truth comes screaming out, many will be shocked. This is not new, we have been seeing stuff we never even saw for many years now. (Things hidden in cartoons)
For instance there is an Oreo commercial out now, if you really watch it, you will catch what I did. Is it really necessary for a woman to be hunching all over a man, in a cookie commercial? Cookie commercials are normally aimed at children.
Is it normal for a theme park to have the name of your child and a photo of them before they enter a theme park? Has anyone ever put two and two together, simple little things, like how many had been there prior to coming up missing?
This is a sick world, and it’s our children they are coming after. The bedrock of morality has been destroyed and we have all unknowingly participated.
Look at the bullshit they have pulled with that Barbie movie.
Keep your babies close and pay attention to every single thing they consume, both food and so called entertainment.
I can see both sides of the picture thing... like if a kid gets lost it would be helpful to have a pic... but the name.... ehhh seems sus... and it could definitely be used for nefarious purposes. I got into an argument with a friend once cause she posted pics of our kids in front of school with the name of the school in the pic... I asked her to take them down and she thought I was being crazy... she eventually did though. I have no comment on the barbie movie cause I haven't seen it, it's not meant for young kids though.
My kid has known about stranger danger since he started to talk. He's also known the proper names for his privates since 2, that it's not ok for adults to ask him to keep secrets. (Unless it's a fun surprise or something) Having an aura of shame around genitals, sex, normal bodily functions... that's all laying the groundwork for some sicko to make it easier to groom them. I want my kid to feel comfortable talking to me about ANYTHING. I don't want him thinking shit mom's gonna be pissed about this if she finds out... I want him thinking shit I gotta tell mom, she'll know what to do!
Oh and he also knows that someone he doesn't know knowing his name is a red flag, and that I will never be mad at him for standing up for himself, even if he gets in trouble at school. Gotta give these babies the tools to make it in this insane world.
I watched a video the other day of a lady that was a survivor of ritualistic satanic abuse... which I didn't even know was a thing... fucking sick the shit that poor woman survived as a small child, but she's using it to help others and raise awareness... but that shit will live rent free in my head forever now.
Teaching them not to over ride thier instincts to keep the peace or placate adults is also important. Gut feelings have saved my ass more than once in life.
I left for work last friday knowing I was gonna hit a deer, but I was running behind and kept my foot on the pedal. Hit a deer at 75 on a dirt road a spilled all my coffee. Thank goodness the airbags didn't deploy.

She nailed it, though. Follow your gut folks.
I left for work last friday knowing I was gonna hit a deer, but I was running behind and kept my foot on the pedal. Hit a deer at 75 on a dirt road a spilled all my coffee. Thank goodness the airbags didn't deploy.

She nailed it, though. Follow your gut folks.
Exactly... I've had the feeling to slow down and be alert a few times, once was a whole herd of deer jumping out of the ditch and I narrowly missed them, another time someone ran a stop sign and had I been going faster I would have been t boned... and I seem to sense the police trying to catch speeders on a regular basis lol. The biggest one though was I was drunk-ish at a party in high school and a group was trying to get me to leave with them to go to another party. My gut screamed at me don't you DARE and I took them calling me lame and called my dad to get me. The truck crashed, the driver died. One girl was paralyzed for life and another boy broke his neck but recovered. Fucking intense sense of oh my God that could have been me made me ALWAYS listen to my gut.
I have a list of companies that I am and will continue to boycott. Disney is top of that list. When the truth comes screaming out, many will be shocked. This is not new, we have been seeing stuff we never even saw for many years now. (Things hidden in cartoons)
For instance there is an Oreo commercial out now, if you really watch it, you will catch what I did. Is it really necessary for a woman to be hunching all over a man, in a cookie commercial? Cookie commercials are normally aimed at children.
Is it normal for a theme park to have the name of your child and a photo of them before they enter a theme park? Has anyone ever put two and two together, simple little things, like how many had been there prior to coming up missing?
This is a sick world, and it’s our children they are coming after. The bedrock of morality has been destroyed and we have all unknowingly participated.
Look at the bullshit they have pulled with that Barbie movie.
Keep your babies close and pay attention to every single thing they consume, both food and so called entertainment.
@Rootsruler , I guess I fail to see what you find funny about any of this? Enlighten me.
So I've come to the conclusion that my kid probably caught some funky waterborne bacteria and that's why he's still so sick. Can't believe I didn't think of this before now. We had a river day 2 days before this started and he and his friends were launching themselves off the falls and underwater like crazy. The amount of rain we've had has probably helped leech all kinds of nasties into the water... there was much more slime and algae than I've ever seen in my river. Just hoping it's not one of the really bad ones... waiting on a call back from the doc since I'm dumb and didn't think of that till after we saw her yesterday. 🤦‍♀️
So I've come to the conclusion that my kid probably caught some funky waterborne bacteria and that's why he's still so sick. Can't believe I didn't think of this before now. We had a river day 2 days before this started and he and his friends were launching themselves off the falls and underwater like crazy. The amount of rain we've had has probably helped leech all kinds of nasties into the water... there was much more slime and algae than I've ever seen in my river. Just hoping it's not one of the really bad ones... waiting on a call back from the doc since I'm dumb and didn't think of that till after we saw her yesterday. 🤦‍♀️
You’re not dumb! These are things we seldom had to worry about when we were young. Keep us posted on the poppet.
Whoohoo, I ordered last night 8pm it will be delivered on Thursday.....I put in the specs I wanted and this is what came up in refurbished computers, Best Buy with a wifi keyboard and mouse. I've bought a number of them refurbished and all have worked well for me...View attachment 16095
I can’t believe you didn’t buy that magic ac! 😂🤣😅
So I've come to the conclusion that my kid probably caught some funky waterborne bacteria and that's why he's still so sick. Can't believe I didn't think of this before now. We had a river day 2 days before this started and he and his friends were launching themselves off the falls and underwater like crazy. The amount of rain we've had has probably helped leech all kinds of nasties into the water... there was much more slime and algae than I've ever seen in my river. Just hoping it's not one of the really bad ones... waiting on a call back from the doc since I'm dumb and didn't think of that till after we saw her yesterday. 🤦‍♀️
I had ecoli as a kid... vomitting, pissing blood, kidneys hurt, worst sickness ive ever had.
Hope its not that and your little man gets better soon! I hate when kids get sick.
So, I have some convos going via DM, some convos going via Mod posts and some other half baked ( just means I haven’t finished my smoke yet) convos going in other threads..but.. I’m dipping out on yiz.
Headed to the big town to do some shopping with my Daughter. I love spending time with her..the shopping..not so much.
Catch up with yiz this evening. 🥰
So, I have some convos going via DM, some convos going via Mod posts and some other half baked ( just means I haven’t finished my smoke yet) convos going in other threads..but.. I’m dipping out on yiz.
Headed to the big town to do some shopping with my Daughter. I love spending time with her..the shopping..not so much.
Catch up with yiz this evening. 🥰
Enjoy the day out!
[forrestgumvoice] and just like that, this became that![\forrestgumpvoice]

A few of the bigger ones got me during the process, euphorbia is a family that isn’t very forgiving. Toxic and spiny, many of them are like cactus with a bad attitude.

Not all plants are euphorbia, many are succulents with a better disposition.
I’m really hoping that they enjoy the new digs. IMG_0131.jpegIMG_0128.jpegIMG_0129.jpegIMG_0130.jpegIMG_0142.jpegIMG_0141.jpegIMG_0140.jpegIMG_0145.jpegIMG_0144.jpegIMG_0143.jpegIMG_0148.jpegIMG_0147.jpegIMG_0146.jpeg
So my take on this whole thing is what happened to Cancel Culture = Bad? I agree. Trying to cancel something that you don't agree with is stupid. Pundits were screaming about how they're canceling everything a few years ago yet the screamers are now doing the canceling. Ok.....

I worked at Disney Anaheim in the 80's. Even then a lot of their crew was gay. I think most of their support of Pride comes from them wanting to support the workforce that makes them the boatloads of cash that they make. I'm sure there are all kinds of references that are hidden in cartoons and the such but that's been going on since Disney's inception. IIRC, there were some early cartoons that are pretty racist. What's baffling to me is that Pride celebrations and support have been happening for decades. For some reason only now is it a problem. I have no issue with peoples lifestyle choices as long as I'm not forced to be part of it or my actions discriminate against them.

The whole identifier thing with these entities having info like name and photo are just a product of our digital age. I'm sure it's not just limited to children. The idea that your information is private is naive. With all the database breaches that have happened over the years I would imagine most info is already out there. People complain about this as if it were some sinister plot yet they gleefully post pictures and names of their children on Facebook without a second thought.

I just read an article about a breakthrough scientist made in terms of identifying people through DNA. They developed it to be able to determine what species of animal in the wild were present rather than just relying on trail cams to visually id the bio diversity present. They do this by setting up collection devices that collect the DNA floating in the air then sequence it to determine what species are present. This can be refined to be able to detect people by the DNA they are producing that is floating in the air. Position enough of these collection sites and you can locate anyone anywhere in the world through a DNA database. This is going to be the new reality. It will be used for both good and bad much like everything else.

Are children being abducted from theme parks? I would agree as it's a prime place where lots of "targets" gather. Is Disney somehow involved? My guess is not likely. I would point to the parents not being as vigilant as they should being the culprit rather than Disney actively promoting this. When I worked at Disneyland I can't tell you how many times I had to alert the parents that they needed to keep a better eye on their kids. And they'd get mad at me and tell me to mind my own business! Parents let their guard down at Disneyland because of the fun atmosphere but predators count on parents doing that. I was shocked at how many parents would ask me to watch their kid while they attended to another that may have had an "accident". They had no idea who I was other than I was wearing a Disney costume. I could have been a predator dressed up like an employee and just hang around the bathrooms and restaurants waiting for an opportunity to come up.

I think the danger is that access to pretty much everything is much easier today than it was before. Vigilance rather than banning stuff is, in my eyes, the actual solution. You can't stop it all and easier access makes it even harder but it's the tradeoff we have to make if we want the easy stuff. Much like the cheap devices loaded with bloatware.
Well fuck. There goes 6 grams of keif into the carpet... guess it was for all my dead homies. 😮‍💨😤

Had the jar on my counter and spun around fast, blasted that shit right off the counter and it showered keif all over my living room floor.
Got this Amazon fire tablet to help my baby with learning to talk, figured there would be fun games or something he may get excited to learn with.

Should have figured there'd be some shit like this already loaded onto it. This is the crap I have a problem with. A kids tablet, marketed to kids. Sexualized. My son don't even know what his peepee is guess Disney is out to change that...😡🤬😡🤬🖕🖕

Anyone got any experience with these devices before it goes in the trash?

Fire tablets come pre-loaded with garbage apps which is why they are so cheap. That means it's a little harder to remove apps but it can be done.

First try the easy way, but some apps can't be removed -

For those you'll need a Windows PC and a bit of time -
And here are some more commands to remove other apps -

I'm with you on this BS. I have no problem with adults doing what they want behind closed doors. But kids should not be involved. Life as a kid is already confusing enough.
I know sometimes the stuff is rooted to the tablet or phone...I'm gonna look into it more...just seemed more like a button they can press for sing a long songs or something...maybe kind of laced into the UI
So my take on this whole thing is what happened to Cancel Culture = Bad? I agree. Trying to cancel something that you don't agree with is stupid. Pundits were screaming about how they're canceling everything a few years ago yet the screamers are now doing the canceling. Ok.....

I worked at Disney Anaheim in the 80's. Even then a lot of their crew was gay. I think most of their support of Pride comes from them wanting to support the workforce that makes them the boatloads of cash that they make. I'm sure there are all kinds of references that are hidden in cartoons and the such but that's been going on since Disney's inception. IIRC, there were some early cartoons that are pretty racist. What's baffling to me is that Pride celebrations and support have been happening for decades. For some reason only now is it a problem. I have no issue with peoples lifestyle choices as long as I'm not forced to be part of it or my actions discriminate against them.

The whole identifier thing with these entities having info like name and photo are just a product of our digital age. I'm sure it's not just limited to children. The idea that your information is private is naive. With all the database breaches that have happened over the years I would imagine most info is already out there. People complain about this as if it were some sinister plot yet they gleefully post pictures and names of their children on Facebook without a second thought.

I just read an article about a breakthrough scientist made in terms of identifying people through DNA. They developed it to be able to determine what species of animal in the wild were present rather than just relying on trail cams to visually id the bio diversity present. They do this by setting up collection devices that collect the DNA floating in the air then sequence it to determine what species are present. This can be refined to be able to detect people by the DNA they are producing that is floating in the air. Position enough of these collection sites and you can locate anyone anywhere in the world through a DNA database. This is going to be the new reality. It will be used for both good and bad much like everything else.

Are children being abducted from theme parks? I would agree as it's a prime place where lots of "targets" gather. Is Disney somehow involved? My guess is not likely. I would point to the parents not being as vigilant as they should being the culprit rather than Disney actively promoting this. When I worked at Disneyland I can't tell you how many times I had to alert the parents that they needed to keep a better eye on their kids. And they'd get mad at me and tell me to mind my own business! Parents let their guard down at Disneyland because of the fun atmosphere but predators count on parents doing that. I was shocked at how many parents would ask me to watch their kid while they attended to another that may have had an "accident". They had no idea who I was other than I was wearing a Disney costume. I could have been a predator dressed up like an employee and just hang around the bathrooms and restaurants waiting for an opportunity to come up.

I think the danger is that access to pretty much everything is much easier today than it was before. Vigilance rather than banning stuff is, in my eyes, the actual solution. You can't stop it all and easier access makes it even harder but it's the tradeoff we have to make if we want the easy stuff. Much like the cheap devices loaded with bloatware.
Yeah frankly, a lot of parents suck and shouldn't be parents. Just a couple weeks ago at the community pool I plucked a toddler out that was in the pool with no parents in sight and the lifeguard was busy with another kid with no parent in sight. No life vest on a 3 year old that is shorter than the water is deep and no parents... just expected the teenage lifeguard to watch thier kid properly along with the other 20 kids in the pool. When the parent finally came back they actually got mad at the lifeguard for saying you can't just leave your 3 year old unattended. I actually spoke up and was like look lady, this kid was going under and if I hadn't gotten her out, this may have ended badly. Let alone if some pedo happened by...we have several sex offenders close by unfortunately. Like please go sterilize yourself immediately and stop procreating. It's soley your responsibility to protect your children and educate them so they can protect themselves. Both sides of any argument think they are right. We'd be a lot better off if everyone could take a more middle of the road view on shit. I don't agree with cancel culture and I don't agree with the beliefs of others being forced upon me... but people have been murdering each other for having different beliefs for millennia, this ain't new... And yes, if someone wants to find out about you and your family and you have any type of internet presence... that's not difficult. The DNA thing, yeah... everyone flocking to do the ancestry shit.. probably a massive database somewhere with everyone that's ever paid to give out thier DNA on it. Unless you live off the grid in the woods, anonymity is a thing of the past. You don't think the government knows we all grow weed because we're on here talking about it? I can assure they do, they just don't care for the most part. There will always be good humans and horrible ones. All you can do is be a good one and try to make your kids good ones too. Standing up for injustice and what you believe in is great... as long as you're not stomping on someone else's rights in the process.
Whoohoo, I ordered last night 8pm it will be delivered on Thursday.....I put in the specs I wanted and this is what came up in refurbished computers, Best Buy with a wifi keyboard and mouse. I've bought a number of them refurbished and all have worked well for me...View attachment 16095
If you are using WiFi and not a wired connection I would upgrade the WiFi it has. Can be done for cheap, Intel wifi 6 card for under $30
Fire tablets come pre-loaded with garbage apps which is why they are so cheap. That means it's a little harder to remove apps but it can be done.

First try the easy way, but some apps can't be removed -

For those you'll need a Windows PC and a bit of time -
And here are some more commands to remove other apps -

I'm with you on this BS. I have no problem with adults doing what they want behind closed doors. But kids should not be involved. Life as a kid is already confusing enough.
My wife got me a fire tablet for Christmas a few years ago... Felt so bad. I tried to use it but hated the bloatware. Forced ads just to boot up... Insane-o. No Google play store... Wanted to flash it with a real Android OS, but at the time my model hadn't been broken yet. Don't even know where it is now, I'm sure by now there is a way to do it.

I need to dig it up and repurpose it for something grow related, if I didn't throw it out which I think I did.
Well fuck. There goes 6 grams of keif into the carpet... guess it was for all my dead homies. 😮‍💨😤

Had the jar on my counter and spun around fast, blasted that shit right off the counter and it showered keif all over my living room floor.
Put a sock over your vacuum and suck it up .pull out rabbit hair smoke.
So my take on this whole thing is what happened to Cancel Culture = Bad? I agree. Trying to cancel something that you don't agree with is stupid. Pundits were screaming about how they're canceling everything a few years ago yet the screamers are now doing the canceling. Ok.....

I worked at Disney Anaheim in the 80's. Even then a lot of their crew was gay. I think most of their support of Pride comes from them wanting to support the workforce that makes them the boatloads of cash that they make. I'm sure there are all kinds of references that are hidden in cartoons and the such but that's been going on since Disney's inception. IIRC, there were some early cartoons that are pretty racist. What's baffling to me is that Pride celebrations and support have been happening for decades. For some reason only now is it a problem. I have no issue with peoples lifestyle choices as long as I'm not forced to be part of it or my actions discriminate against them.

The whole identifier thing with these entities having info like name and photo are just a product of our digital age. I'm sure it's not just limited to children. The idea that your information is private is naive. With all the database breaches that have happened over the years I would imagine most info is already out there. People complain about this as if it were some sinister plot yet they gleefully post pictures and names of their children on Facebook without a second thought.

I just read an article about a breakthrough scientist made in terms of identifying people through DNA. They developed it to be able to determine what species of animal in the wild were present rather than just relying on trail cams to visually id the bio diversity present. They do this by setting up collection devices that collect the DNA floating in the air then sequence it to determine what species are present. This can be refined to be able to detect people by the DNA they are producing that is floating in the air. Position enough of these collection sites and you can locate anyone anywhere in the world through a DNA database. This is going to be the new reality. It will be used for both good and bad much like everything else.

Are children being abducted from theme parks? I would agree as it's a prime place where lots of "targets" gather. Is Disney somehow involved? My guess is not likely. I would point to the parents not being as vigilant as they should being the culprit rather than Disney actively promoting this. When I worked at Disneyland I can't tell you how many times I had to alert the parents that they needed to keep a better eye on their kids. And they'd get mad at me and tell me to mind my own business! Parents let their guard down at Disneyland because of the fun atmosphere but predators count on parents doing that. I was shocked at how many parents would ask me to watch their kid while they attended to another that may have had an "accident". They had no idea who I was other than I was wearing a Disney costume. I could have been a predator dressed up like an employee and just hang around the bathrooms and restaurants waiting for an opportunity to come up.

I think the danger is that access to pretty much everything is much easier today than it was before. Vigilance rather than banning stuff is, in my eyes, the actual solution. You can't stop it all and easier access makes it even harder but it's the tradeoff we have to make if we want the easy stuff. Much like the cheap devices loaded with bloatware.
I agree with your main point and get what you are saying. This is a tablet that is for kids though. I don't care about Disney employing gay people or being proud of that. What business does it have on anything marketed to children? It should be optional download only type of thing two dad's with an adopted kid can set up or something. I'd have no problem if I just gave him a tablet for all ages, but cmon man a kids tablet....smh.

They can have their pride, celebration whatever. But my child can have his innocence, and it wasn't something I just readily was hidden in the back and he got to the page randomly by pressing stuff. If I had known prior it wouldn't even be an issue.
So I've come to the conclusion that my kid probably caught some funky waterborne bacteria and that's why he's still so sick. Can't believe I didn't think of this before now. We had a river day 2 days before this started and he and his friends were launching themselves off the falls and underwater like crazy. The amount of rain we've had has probably helped leech all kinds of nasties into the water... there was much more slime and algae than I've ever seen in my river. Just hoping it's not one of the really bad ones... waiting on a call back from the doc since I'm dumb and didn't think of that till after we saw her yesterday. 🤦‍♀️
Much respect to u and all u parents out there ! I realized my kids in much simpler times- no cell phones no internet and I could whoop my kids ass if needed !
Yeah frankly, a lot of parents suck and shouldn't be parents. Just a couple weeks ago at the community pool I plucked a toddler out that was in the pool with no parents in sight and the lifeguard was busy with another kid with no parent in sight. No life vest on a 3 year old that is shorter than the water is deep and no parents... just expected the teenage lifeguard to watch thier kid properly along with the other 20 kids in the pool. When the parent finally came back they actually got mad at the lifeguard for saying you can't just leave your 3 year old unattended. I actually spoke up and was like look lady, this kid was going under and if I hadn't gotten her out, this may have ended badly. Let alone if some pedo happened by...we have several sex offenders close by unfortunately. Like please go sterilize yourself immediately and stop procreating. It's soley your responsibility to protect your children and educate them so they can protect themselves. Both sides of any argument think they are right. We'd be a lot better off if everyone could take a more middle of the road view on shit. I don't agree with cancel culture and I don't agree with the beliefs of others being forced upon me... but people have been murdering each other for having different beliefs for millennia, this ain't new... And yes, if someone wants to find out about you and your family and you have any type of internet presence... that's not difficult. The DNA thing, yeah... everyone flocking to do the ancestry shit.. probably a massive database somewhere with everyone that's ever paid to give out thier DNA on it. Unless you live off the grid in the woods, anonymity is a thing of the past. You don't think the government knows we all grow weed because we're on here talking about it? I can assure they do, they just don't care for the most part. There will always be good humans and horrible ones. All you can do is be a good one and try to make your kids good ones too. Standing up for injustice and what you believe in is great... as long as you're not stomping on someone else's rights in the process.
I coached high school sports for 20 + years and you have no idea how many people should NOT have kids ! Or mayb ya do either way the amount of immature idiots as parents is just staggering
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