I have a list of companies that I am and will continue to boycott. Disney is top of that list. When the truth comes screaming out, many will be shocked. This is not new, we have been seeing stuff we never even saw for many years now. (Things hidden in cartoons)
For instance there is an Oreo commercial out now, if you really watch it, you will catch what I did. Is it really necessary for a woman to be hunching all over a man, in a cookie commercial? Cookie commercials are normally aimed at children.
Is it normal for a theme park to have the name of your child and a photo of them before they enter a theme park? Has anyone ever put two and two together, simple little things, like how many had been there prior to coming up missing?
This is a sick world, and it’s our children they are coming after. The bedrock of morality has been destroyed and we have all unknowingly participated.
Look at the bullshit they have pulled with that Barbie movie.
Keep your babies close and pay attention to every single thing they consume, both food and so called entertainment.