While I have no problem with pride or anyone's personal life choices, having it pre-installed is a bit pushy. Is it one that can't be uninstalled? Hold down in the app, does an option for uninstall pop up? I hate all the shit they come preloaded with that you can't get rid of. I got my son (7) a nice Samsung tablet for Christmas because he has never had one, glad I read some reviews and discovered there's a ridiculous amount of shit that's pre installed that you can't get rid of... meaning the advertised 16GB storage capacity is actually like 2GB because it's already damn full... so I had to shell out for a 32 GB just so there's room to add more shit. Almost made me betray android... Almost lol. Make sure you really limit how much he uses it, it's a lot for thier tiny developing brains and easy to get addicted... the best way he can learn to talk is by you guys talking to him, describe what you're doing as you're doing it, seems silly but it works... "Daddy is taking the milk out of the fridge and pouring it into a green cup" etc. We always talked to my son like he was a person too, no baby talk, did a lot of the descriptive talking... and his vocabulary was ridiculous by like 3. Also, read read and read some more! Follow with your finger when he's a toddler, it really lays the groundwork for learning to read when he's a little older. Good luck with the tablet.