I agree with your main point and get what you are saying. This is a tablet that is for kids though. I don't care about Disney employing gay people or being proud of that. What business does it have on anything marketed to children? It should be optional download only type of thing two dad's with an adopted kid can set up or something. I'd have no problem if I just gave him a tablet for all ages, but cmon man a kids tablet....smh.

They can have their pride, celebration whatever. But my child can have his innocence, and it wasn't something I just readily seen...it was hidden in the back and he got to the page randomly by pressing stuff. If I had known prior it wouldn't even be an issue.
Did you press the button? Did a drag performance come up when you did or some sort of gay indoctrination?

I think the icon is what's producing the response. They can put pride colors on anything. It doesn't mean that the content will be the same. If putting pride colors on things made them gay then I guess we should ban Beach balls and Beach umbrellas.

Do people and corporations have an agenda? Most definitely. What most people miss is the context because they're too busy raging about the click bait. The moment something disagreeable comes up they assume the worst. I get it. It's a defense mechanism but I think it's best to reserve judgement until you have all the facts.

Remember a few years ago when Bubba Wallace found what looked like a noose in his garage and he got all flustered about it accusing people of being racist when that shit had been there before and no one was doing anything close to what he was insinuating? This is the bullshit I'm talking about. Chill. Look at it and try and figure out WHY they are assuming what they are assuming and, nine times out of ten, it'll be for all the wrong reasons.

Again, if you don't want your kids exposed to that shit then you need to be vigilant and inspect it first before you unleash it on your kid.

@TSD nailed it and I agree. Moderation is the only way we're all going to get along. The only reason we're in the FUBAR we're in now is because media amplifies the loudest voices in the room. Most of the loud voices are also the most ridiculous but that makes for good click bait and we just keep on clicking......
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I can’t believe you didn’t buy that magic ac! 😂🤣😅
I did buy one but too big for a small box, I got a good deal on a 14,000 btu unit for upstairs...although after 2 days of use we got a warning from our electric company that are consumption had gone up 50% over the last few days...yikes...power hungry beast but it works well.
Did you press the button? Did a drag performance come up when you did or some sort of gay indoctrination?

I think the icon is what's producing the response. They can put pride colors on anything. It doesn't mean that the content will be the same. If putting pride colors on things made them gay then I guess we should ban Beach balls and Beach umbrellas.

Do people and corporations have an agenda? Most definitely. What most people miss is the context because they're too busy raging about the click bait. The moment something disagreeable comes up they assume the worst. I get it. It's a defense mechanism but I think it's best to reserve judgement until you have all the facts.

Remember a few years ago when Bubba Wallace found what looked like a noose in his garage and he got all flustered about it accusing people of being racist when that shit had been there before and no one was doing anything close to what he was insinuating? This is the bullshit I'm talking about. Chill. Look at it and try and figure out WHY they are assuming what they are assuming and, nine times out of ten, it'll be for all the wrong reasons.

Again, if you don't want your kids exposed to that shit then you need to be vigilant and inspect it first before you unleash it on your kid.

@TSD nailed it and I agree. Moderation is the only way we're all going to get along. The only reason we're in the FUBAR we're in now is because media amplifies the loudest voices in the room. Most of the loud voices are also the most ridiculous but that makes for good click bait and we just keep on clicking......
It's right next to a regular Disney app for anything non gay 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️ not a knee jerk I see loud colors type thing?
Saving it all for you buddy lol

Nah I think it's probably like queer musicians...still why it gotta be seperated? I think thats a big part of the problem. Whether the artist is gay or not I would have just thought "it's the music of disney it should be included with the rest"....making something special makes it polarizing for various reasons.
I coached high school sports for 20 + years and you have no idea how many people should NOT have kids ! Or mayb ya do either way the amount of immature idiots as parents is just staggering
I mean... all the idiots in the world gotta come from somewhere right? 🤣 I'd say a majority of kids are being raised to be self centered, entitled little shits with no respect. My kid's teacher was gushing about how well behaved he was in school and how nice and helpful he is to his peers... and I was thinking "sooo... the way all kid's used to be expected to act in school? Normal human decency?" There were some absolute feral children in his class this year, to be fair lol. He'd come home and tell me all the crazy shit they did that day. 🤣 I see it all the time though, kids just running amok in stores or restaurants, climbing shit, rolling around on the floor, screaming, putting dirty fingers and mouths all over windows or displays that the employees will have to clean... and parents just... let them? Most of the parents are just as bad, letting them watch a movie on full volume in a nice restaurant instead of teaching them how to act in a nice restaurant. So rude. One time I got so pissed that I loudly asked the waitresses to make my order to go so at least I could pick my own movie to eat in front of. My kid has never once had any electronic in a restaurant or waiting room... it's just not necessary. I used to bring flip books or crayons when he was small, and now we sit and have a damn conversation like humans. I did daycare for a long time so I have zero issues telling other people's children they're acting a fool if it comes to that. When we went to that skate party, there were a couple kids out on the rink with no skates, running against traffic, wrestling, paying zero attention. I finally had to stop and be like "Yo... You're gonna cause someone to crash and get hurt, beat it!" They just looked at me like "how dare you?!" Until I stood there and stared them down till they went off to the bleachers to beat on each other instead. Like.... has no one ever told you no before? I fear for the future.
Saving it all for you buddy lol

Nah I think it's probably like queer musicians...still why it gotta be seperated? I think thats a big part of the problem. Whether the artist is gay or not I would have just thought "it's the music of disney it should be included with the rest"....making something special makes it polarizing for various reasons.
Is it that it's polarizing or is it that you view it that way? Again, perception is a tough thing to get right if we let our emotions make the decisions.

I hate almost everything Disney but that's because I was tortured when I worked there. When you work at Disney you're required to clock in no less than 15 minutes before your shift starts. Why? Because you need time to get dressed into your costume and time to get to the ride or wherever you're stationed. My first day I was assigned to the Matterhorn. For reasons I won't go into I had to wear Liederhosen and I looked completely out of place. When I reported to the ride not only the employees but the guests were all laughing at me. Not mean like but just amused at the situation. About an hour into it a super comes cruising through and spots me. He asks me why I'm there and I tell him this is where I was assigned. He laughs and tells me to go back to wardrobe and they'll assign me another assignment. I got assigned to Small World unloading boats. You would think that a ride as placid as Small World would be easy. Nope. I cleaned up more barf on that ride than any other ride I worked on. Also, having to listen to the Small World song for 8 hours a day straight for months on end has a damaging psychological effect on you. I still say the C.I.A tortures people by making them listen to that song on a loop for days on end.
Is it that it's polarizing or is it that you view it that way? Again, perception is a tough thing to get right if we let our emotions make the decisions.

I hate almost everything Disney but that's because I was tortured when I worked there. When you work at Disney you're required to clock in no less than 15 minutes before your shift starts. Why? Because you need time to get dressed into your costume and time to get to the ride or wherever you're stationed. My first day I was assigned to the Matterhorn. For reasons I won't go into I had to wear Liederhosen and I looked completely out of place. When I reported to the ride not only the employees but the guests were all laughing at me. Not mean like but just amused at the situation. About an hour into it a super comes cruising through and spots me. He asks me why I'm there and I tell him this is where I was assigned. He laughs and tells me to go back to wardrobe and they'll assign me another assignment. I got assigned to Small World unloading boats. You would think that a ride as placid as Small World would be easy. Nope. I cleaned up more barf on that ride than any other ride I worked on. Also, having to listen to the Small World song for 8 hours a day straight for months on end has a damaging psychological effect on you. I still say the C.I.A tortures people by making them listen to that song on a loop for days on end.
After seeing Sound of Freedom we have much larger problems to combat.
While I have no problem with pride or anyone's personal life choices, having it pre-installed is a bit pushy. Is it one that can't be uninstalled? Hold down in the app, does an option for uninstall pop up? I hate all the shit they come preloaded with that you can't get rid of. I got my son (7) a nice Samsung tablet for Christmas because he has never had one, glad I read some reviews and discovered there's a ridiculous amount of shit that's pre installed that you can't get rid of... meaning the advertised 16GB storage capacity is actually like 2GB because it's already damn full... so I had to shell out for a 32 GB just so there's room to add more shit. Almost made me betray android... Almost lol. Make sure you really limit how much he uses it, it's a lot for thier tiny developing brains and easy to get addicted... the best way he can learn to talk is by you guys talking to him, describe what you're doing as you're doing it, seems silly but it works... "Daddy is taking the milk out of the fridge and pouring it into a green cup" etc. We always talked to my son like he was a person too, no baby talk, did a lot of the descriptive talking... and his vocabulary was ridiculous by like 3. Also, read read and read some more! Follow with your finger when he's a toddler, it really lays the groundwork for learning to read when he's a little older. Good luck with the tablet.
You can further limit the apps you can’t uninstall in the app management tool. Wipe their data and sometimes disable.

Grab a tool that manages wireless connections and lock down all but the ones you want to get out.

Unless you hack or mod this is about the best you can do.
Yes. My kid had an early development speech impediment. Therapist would stick a plastic coffee stirrer in his mouth and have him speak. I was baffled at first but she said it taught his tongue how to adjust. Whatever she did it worked.

All the shovelware that gets loaded onto devices today is a product of why tablets and other computing devices are so cheap. Everyone wants cheap shit but, as I've stated before, in tech NOTHING is free. All of these apps that come with your device are there for one thing and that is to collect data on your shopping habits among other things.

If you think it’s free YOU’RE the commodity being sold.

OPT out is BS. When the hell did it become legal binding to OPT me into anything without my permission? FFS
So my take on this whole thing is what happened to Cancel Culture = Bad? I agree. Trying to cancel something that you don't agree with is stupid. Pundits were screaming about how they're canceling everything a few years ago yet the screamers are now doing the canceling. Ok.....

I worked at Disney Anaheim in the 80's. Even then a lot of their crew was gay. I think most of their support of Pride comes from them wanting to support the workforce that makes them the boatloads of cash that they make. I'm sure there are all kinds of references that are hidden in cartoons and the such but that's been going on since Disney's inception. IIRC, there were some early cartoons that are pretty racist. What's baffling to me is that Pride celebrations and support have been happening for decades. For some reason only now is it a problem. I have no issue with peoples lifestyle choices as long as I'm not forced to be part of it or my actions discriminate against them.

The whole identifier thing with these entities having info like name and photo are just a product of our digital age. I'm sure it's not just limited to children. The idea that your information is private is naive. With all the database breaches that have happened over the years I would imagine most info is already out there. People complain about this as if it were some sinister plot yet they gleefully post pictures and names of their children on Facebook without a second thought.

I just read an article about a breakthrough scientist made in terms of identifying people through DNA. They developed it to be able to determine what species of animal in the wild were present rather than just relying on trail cams to visually id the bio diversity present. They do this by setting up collection devices that collect the DNA floating in the air then sequence it to determine what species are present. This can be refined to be able to detect people by the DNA they are producing that is floating in the air. Position enough of these collection sites and you can locate anyone anywhere in the world through a DNA database. This is going to be the new reality. It will be used for both good and bad much like everything else.

Are children being abducted from theme parks? I would agree as it's a prime place where lots of "targets" gather. Is Disney somehow involved? My guess is not likely. I would point to the parents not being as vigilant as they should being the culprit rather than Disney actively promoting this. When I worked at Disneyland I can't tell you how many times I had to alert the parents that they needed to keep a better eye on their kids. And they'd get mad at me and tell me to mind my own business! Parents let their guard down at Disneyland because of the fun atmosphere but predators count on parents doing that. I was shocked at how many parents would ask me to watch their kid while they attended to another that may have had an "accident". They had no idea who I was other than I was wearing a Disney costume. I could have been a predator dressed up like an employee and just hang around the bathrooms and restaurants waiting for an opportunity to come up.

I think the danger is that access to pretty much everything is much easier today than it was before. Vigilance rather than banning stuff is, in my eyes, the actual solution. You can't stop it all and easier access makes it even harder but it's the tradeoff we have to make if we want the easy stuff. Much like the cheap devices loaded with bloatware.
Just so you understand a couple of things. Gay, was never mentioned in my post. None of that had anything to do with gay at all.
My point is if it goes against the grain of my beliefs, if it is complicit in any manner toward pedophilia or trafficking it will receive zero support from me.
Anyone that still trusts any entity that is involved in that does so of their accord, not mine. All are indeed welcome to do so, just as I am welcome not too.
As you are welcome to your opinion, so am I. I am always open for discussion on any of them providing the attitude of the opposing view is not just an asshat. I am a kind person, not a meek one.
Below, you will see my problem with Disney. Just a small example, it goes on and on.
As you said in this day and age people can find out anything about you. Why do they not take the time to investigate employees, knowing they have direct access to children?
I would be curious to know how many children you have raised? Me? Five, that’s why I’m crazy! 😜
Being made to listen to it’s a small world after all for that period of time..pure unadulterated psychological abuse! Certainly interesting that you would akin that to a CIA method of driving one mad!IMG_1217.jpeg
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Moving on here to lighter conversation. I went to big town shopping, came home with a big blue swollen ankle. Got ran over by a shopping cart and ate some unhealthy bad things, all in all a pretty good day! Well minus the fat foot. 🥴
Fixing to end the day with some kind of 100mg candy pearls that @CannaGrannysSeedling got at the dispensary, poke my ankle in the air, add ice and chill…literally..

Disney employs a lot of people. It's inevitable that some of those people will be assholes.

Should we also cancel religion for the years of abuse they've inflicted on children? I don't seem to see many on the right or left trying to shut down religion when its employees are involved in pedophilia. For all I know there could be a network within the church trafficking people. My making that statement would probably be more credible than lefty elites gathering at a pizza parlor to drink baby blood which seems to be the order of the day among the Q crowd.

My mention of gay was pointed at MDK and his tablet controversy.

CG, I think you are a good hearted person. I think you genuinely want to do the right thing and I've said so. I respect your point of view. You make a lot of credible points.

What I don't like is when people assume things that they have no idea about. I've run into people on the net talking about how they've "done their research". Bitch Please. You're telling me you've done a double blind study in every phase and have the empirical evidence to back up your claim? Doubtful. You're going on hearsay and, because it confirms your bias, you accept it as truth.

I have accounts on pretty much every social media platform like FB, Insta, Tik Tok, TS, Reddit, etc. I haven't touched them in years. I realized early on that these platforms were pretty much a waste of time if you're looking for intelligent conversation.

I've raised 3 children. My own son and my cousins 2 kids. My cousin and his wife died in a car accident.
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Moving on here to lighter conversation. I went to big town shopping, came home with a big blue swollen ankle. Got ran over by a shopping cart and ate some unhealthy bad things, all in all a pretty good day! Well minus the fat foot. 🥴
Fixing to end the day with some kind of 100mg candy pearls that @CannaGrannysSeedling got at the dispensary, poke my ankle in the air, add ice and chill…literally..

View attachment 16166

Hope your foot is ok!
Gotta watch out for those shopping carts apparently cause i tripped over one at walmart 3 weeks ago, my ankle is still black n blue, starting to turn yellow now so its going away but shit did that hurt lol.
Hope your foot is ok!
Gotta watch out for those shopping carts apparently cause i tripped over one at walmart 3 weeks ago, my ankle is still black n blue, starting to turn yellow now so its going away but shit did that hurt lol.
It’s going down a bit. Sure is pretty blue. It was an accident. After hopping around on one foot, turning red and cussing under my breath, we got through it. No harm done, well to her.. Good thing I am a kind person. I just figure we all do stupid shit, I know I do. 😜
You can further limit the apps you can’t uninstall in the app management tool. Wipe their data and sometimes disable.

Grab a tool that manages wireless connections and lock down all but the ones you want to get out.

Unless you hack or mod this is about the best you can do.
Yeah I did a little research but I'm not confident enough in my ability with technology to go fucking with the OS... I'd certainly crash it and render the whole tablet useless... so I just bought the one with more memory and admitted defeat lol.
Oh man, sorry you got hurt on your fun day out @CannaGranny , that's a good way to put a damper on things! I hope you felt better tomorrow!

So my day... my little dude was in a lot of pain earlier with his belly, so I called his doctor's office and told them my concerns about it being a possible waterborne illness... maybe I'm being paranoid, I do have hypochondriac tendencies... but the timeline and the symptoms add up... so I wanted to get a poo culture done to make sure it wasn't anything potentially very harmful... stomach bugs don't usually last this long nor have such severe stomach pain involved, at least not in my experience. So I talk to the nurse, she says she'll talk to the (new) PA because Doc is not there. Background on this new lady, we saw her yesterday for the first time. I did not like her vibe. She was condescending, my least favorite personality trait. Additionally, I had written the timeline down, because my brain has a tendency to get jumbled when I'm in a doctor's office and I always forget shit. She looks at my paper and says "yeah... that's a lot to read." Firstly, no it wasn't, it was a small notebook page and I have large, scrawling handwriting, secondly, I didn't ask her to read it... it was for myself so I didn't get shit mixed up. So already I don't like this woman. So today, nurse calls back, says PA says take him to the ER. I ask the nurse, who is lovely by the way... "Really? I don't feel like that's necessary, can't you just order the tests that they will inevitably order and save me from making my sick child sit in the ER for like 6 hours? Don't you guys have signs all over the office that say 'call us first and avoid a trip to the ER?' If I thought it was that much of an emergency, I'd be in the ER, not talking to you." So she says she'll talk with PA and get back to me. Lo and behold, she calls back and the tests are ordered. I apologize to the nurse cause I know I was a little snappy when she told me go to the ER, but it wasn't directed at her, but at this asshat of a PA. So I had to go get supplies and collect a sample then bring little man for his first ever blood draw, which he did amazingly, didn't even flinch or cry... not gonna lie I did bribe him with a toy in addition to explaining everything that would happen beforehand, but I was so proud of him! He did better than his father does with blood draws lol. So waiting on results from all that, but it took literally 20 minutes instead of however long the ER would have taken... spoiler alert... several hours. Fucking go to the ER cause you don't feel like gathering supplies for me and ordering some tests? Not to mention the several hundred dollar copay... not that I care about that if it's necessary obviously. Ugh. Rant over. Might be switching pediatricians before his next appointment.
I've used "chillers" similar to this. They don't work to lower the temp of a room. Maybe if you're at a desk and you have it right next to you filled with ice but the ice doesn't last very long and you have to constantly refill every hour or so. I bought one of these trying to cool down a 3 x 5 tent. It had very little effect on temp and raised the humidity in the tent.

At least that was my experience. These are basically mini swamp coolers without the constant stream of water to keep them cool.
i bought 3 similar to these and they did about the same as what you described. not worth what i paid lol.
Cleaning the gutter on the bright side of the house. More rain coming and I noticed the pine needles had bulked up at the down spout again. Need at least twilight to do the back/dark side.

Cut down 4 clones, cleaned the 3x3 that Twin1 was in and moved my last clone Clip into the 3x3. One of the mains just snapped even though it’s green not enough material to reattach. 😢

So I took a new clone as a back up. (That’s the story, sticking to it.)

Really need to reset or get crap off my mind. Not eating much and skipping dinner. Helps with the waste line but not the energy.

“Well it’s forty below and I don’t give a fuck got a heater in the truck and I’m off to the rodeo.

It's an allemande left and allemande right, C'mon you fuckin' dummy, get your right step right. Get off stage, you goddamn goof, you know. Piss me off, fucking jerk, get on my nerves.”
“Well it’s forty below and I don’t give a fuck got a heater in the truck and I’m off to the rodeo.

It's an allemande left and allemande right, C'mon you fuckin' dummy, get your right step right. Get off stage, you goddamn goof, you know. Piss me off, fucking jerk, get on my nerves.”
Here comes Johnny with his pecker in his hand....
Here comes Johnny with his pecker in his hand....
He’s a one ball man and off to the rodeo…

An old friend helped me sand an old red car for a neighbour. We were 16 and got paid with a 12 pack of beer.

After drinking said beer he taught me that song…took a few tries…he sang it fast, but I still remember it.
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