Those hummingbird hawk-moths are so cool. We only get hummingbirds lately, none of the hawk moths and i think they are way cooler than regular hummingbirds lol.
Just saw a Hummingbird moth yesterday on our petunias, It is always special to see one. They are not too skittish. You can pet them sometimes
+1 or the stick ya with needles to fill the areas back up , no knifes or needles till I can’t take it any more ! - every doc seems to have variying opinions depending on their profession
my sentiments exactly. Every doctor and pseudo-doctor (people that know it all), keep harping on just have the surgery!
No, I'm not letting someone cut into my back until the possible alternative is far worse! As long as weed is working, I'll limp through the golden years!
Those hummingbird hawk-moths are so cool. We only get hummingbirds lately, none of the hawk moths and i think they are way cooler than regular hummingbirds lol.
We have between 6-10 humming birds here now. 2 pair at least and then the watchers. Just about impossible to sneak up on them for pics.
I think the moths are really cool. I look forward to them and the hummingbirds when the flowers start to flower.
Just saw a Hummingbird moth yesterday on our petunias, It is always special to see one. They are not too skittish. You can pet them sometimes
This guy let me within inches of him.
May have to try to pet him if he lets me.
They are one of my favorite summer bugs. :love:
It’s concentrates for me - got the degen disease and 10 bulging/herniated disc - sux for sure bro - I smoke so much wax /weed the only time I get a great high is first thing in the morning !

Traded opiates for nerve blockers on real bad days , don’t take it away but makes it manageable

Got poppie seeds I’m gonna throw out next year myself !
Yeah man the wax does wonders for sure. Ive got 12 grams of wax in my smoke cabinet. Its just been really harsh on my lungs and makes me feel like im gonna cough my insides out. So ive put them away for a while.
Taking a break this week, not happy about it, but i gotta do it. I barely get a good buzz in the morning anymore. Smoked through a half pound in like 4 or 5 weeks.... its ridiculous man.
So time for a break from everything, so ill be taking my nuerontin more this week to try and block out the pain, just makes me feel sick as a dog the first 2 days i take it.
Morning Yiz!
On the porch this morning enjoying the cool down and a cup of Java. Had a big porch sitting visit last night, homemade wine, smoke and laughter 🥰 Some friends showed up to occupy my mind, they knew I was having a hard time yesterday. In this life, we are blessed if we have one good friend that gives a shit. Four showed up here last night. I’m truly blessed. It really helped.
I too have some nasty back problems, I swear this Concrete Shoes is without a doubt some of the best pain relief I have found in the Canna World. Try it!
Ha isnt that the truth brother! We guys are always doing dumb shit we shouldnt lol.

Sorry about your friend man, thats a dark deadly road for sure. I couldn't continue the opioids after living in Portland ME and seeing all the heroin. 2 people i met and lived with up there had moved from California and had started up a wicked successful business got hooked on the dope and ended up in a grave within 6 months of getting addicted... They were 28 year old twin brothers.

I saw that, came home to them ODd in the kitchen and that was when i left Maine and gave up the oxys. It wasnt hard at all after seeing what happened to them and the way they made me feel zombified.

Man, without my family idk what id do, theyre the reason i get up everyday.
Had a similar experience in my music days. Got to be friends with a dude named Johnny Thunders. He use to play with a group called the New York Dolls back in the day. One of the funniest guys that I ever met. Unfortunately, he had a bad heroin problem. I knew the local dealer and Johnny would hang at his place. One day we were supposed to do an impromptu jam at my apartment but he never showed. Even though Johny was a junkie he would never pass up an opportunity to jam so when he didn't show up I got suspicious. I went over to the dealers place and there was a police car parked in the dealers driveway. I got there just as the cop discovered Johnnys body with a needle still stuck in his arm. Dealer took all his shit and just left Johnny there to rot. The smell was something you don't forget. I guess he didn't want to be brought up on murder charges.

I had been dabbling in a little meth and coke just for fun and a buddy of mine that was playing with heroin was trying to get me to "try" it. After Johnny I never touched the stuff and stopped dicking around with any powdered ambition.
Had a similar experience in my music days. Got to be friends with a dude named Johnny Thunders. He use to play with a group called the New York Dolls back in the day. One of the funniest guys that I ever met. Unfortunately, he had a bad heroin problem. I knew the local dealer and Johnny would hang at his place. One day we were supposed to do an impromptu jam at my apartment but he never showed. Even though Johny was a junkie he would never pass up an opportunity to jam so when he didn't show up I got suspicious. I went over to the dealers place and there was a police car parked in the dealers driveway. I got there just as the cop discovered Johnnys body with a needle still stuck in his arm. Dealer took all his shit and just left Johnny there to rot. The smell was something you don't forget. I guess he didn't want to be brought up on murder charges.

I had been dabbling in a little meth and coke just for fun and a buddy of mine that was playing with heroin was trying to get me to "try" it. After Johnny I never touched the stuff and stopped dicking around with any powdered ambition.
As old Lemmy said "never seen someone die on speed it was always heroin".

Idk how I've managed the past couple years...definitely getting old...sciatic nerve on the right leg sucks balls. Then a couple years ago I messed my back up real bad....was pretty much locked in a seated position for comfort....couldn't smoke every cough hurt. Went to a chiropractor and a few docs they told me I got 4 bulging possibly herniated discs.....2 at the top of my spine and 2 at the base. I started doing these stretches they recommended to help the bulging disc's mend, I get flare ups to where I can tell that if I push myself anymore my back is going to lock up again (It's done it numerous times that winter though I was in horrible shape for like 2 months). So I know the feeling of it starting to be enflammed and back off immediately.

I bought a pallet of water softener salt bc I got them for a deal, 1 dollar a I bought 70. Still got like 20 sitting on my porch because they were messing my back up carrying them I slowly slip the ones on the porch into my softener as needed til they are gone.
As old Lemmy said "never seen someone die on speed it was always heroin".

Idk how I've managed the past couple years...definitely getting old...sciatic nerve on the right leg sucks balls. Then a couple years ago I messed my back up real bad....was pretty much locked in a seated position for comfort....couldn't smoke every cough hurt. Went to a chiropractor and a few docs they told me I got 4 bulging possibly herniated discs.....2 at the top of my spine and 2 at the base. I started doing these stretches they recommended to help the bulging disc's mend, I get flare ups to where I can tell that if I push myself anymore my back is going to lock up again (It's done it numerous times that winter though I was in horrible shape for like 2 months). So I know the feeling of it starting to be enflammed and back off immediately.

I bought a pallet of water softener salt bc I got them for a deal, 1 dollar a I bought 70. Still got like 20 sitting on my porch because they were messing my back up carrying them I slowly slip the ones on the porch into my softener as needed til they are gone.
You should see some of the shit I do just to get my dirt mixed! Old saying, “where there is a will, there is a way”..damn straight Skippy!
You should see some of the shit I do just to get my dirt mixed! Old saying, “where there is a will, there is a way”..damn straight Skippy!
You meaning just the struggle of doing it and how rough it is on you? Or have you come up with clever "back saving" ideas?

+100 for having good friends, it makes a great difference in life
Yeah man the wax does wonders for sure. Ive got 12 grams of wax in my smoke cabinet. Its just been really harsh on my lungs and makes me feel like im gonna cough my insides out. So ive put them away for a while.
Taking a break this week, not happy about it, but i gotta do it. I barely get a good buzz in the morning anymore. Smoked through a half pound in like 4 or 5 weeks.... its ridiculous man.
So time for a break from everything, so ill be taking my nuerontin more this week to try and block out the pain, just makes me feel sick as a dog the first 2 days i take it.
I feel ya I burn thru a zip a week myself plus the wax - and I don’t do dabs just for that reason ! I vape - I have a few pens I use from a Puffco plus - the best tasting and least coughing but is small - to the large throw at yo can , but I’ve found the pens much easier in the lungs
As old Lemmy said "never seen someone die on speed it was always heroin".

Idk how I've managed the past couple years...definitely getting old...sciatic nerve on the right leg sucks balls. Then a couple years ago I messed my back up real bad....was pretty much locked in a seated position for comfort....couldn't smoke every cough hurt. Went to a chiropractor and a few docs they told me I got 4 bulging possibly herniated discs.....2 at the top of my spine and 2 at the base. I started doing these stretches they recommended to help the bulging disc's mend, I get flare ups to where I can tell that if I push myself anymore my back is going to lock up again (It's done it numerous times that winter though I was in horrible shape for like 2 months). So I know the feeling of it starting to be enflammed and back off immediately.

I bought a pallet of water softener salt bc I got them for a deal, 1 dollar a I bought 70. Still got like 20 sitting on my porch because they were messing my back up carrying them I slowly slip the ones on the porch into my softener as needed til they are gone.
Sciatica sucks. Old ex got it. I used to go over to her place and help her do stretches and massage her back to try and lessen the pain but it got to a point where even those weren't helping. She finally got back surgery and she told me it was like instant relief. She said the Dr told her she had an inflamed nerve and it was touching the bone where the nerve was running through. Somehow he was able to remove enough of the bone for the nerve to stop touching it and, after a while, the nerve shrunk back and she's been good since then.
Headed down the road to Thompsons Lake State Campground for 2 nights.
15 bucks a night so im not gonna complain, thats dirt cheap fun imo.
Wont be long and we will be Boondocking on a lake in the upper peninsula of Michigan for 2 weeks .Those dispersed sites are 8 bucks a nite. There are no facilities there and very remote but its awesome.
Sciatica sucks. Old ex got it. I used to go over to her place and help her do stretches and massage her back to try and lessen the pain but it got to a point where even those weren't helping. She finally got back surgery and she told me it was like instant relief. She said the Dr told her she had an inflamed nerve and it was touching the bone where the nerve was running through. Somehow he was able to remove enough of the bone for the nerve to stop touching it and, after a while, the nerve shrunk back and she's been good since then.

Damn now that sounds like a surgery I'd be ok spinal surgery though the sciatica is more of a daily nagging issue....I'm gonna have to look into it, didn't know there was much they could do for it....Google isn't always the best thing to use for medical advice for sure. Good info thanks for sharing.
Wont be long and we will be Boondocking on a lake in the upper peninsula of Michigan for 2 weeks .Those dispersed sites are 8 bucks a nite. There are no facilities there and very remote but its awesome.
The UP is absolutely gorgeous, another one of the places i would love to visit in my lifetime.
Enjoy your time and take pics 📸
If you can, i know its wicked remote up there.
The UP is absolutely gorgeous, another one of the places i would love to visit in my lifetime.
Enjoy your time and take pics 📸
If you can, i know its wicked remote up there.
The spot we go has no cell service . we have found out through the years if we have to we can go up on a ridge a couple miles away and get service. I always take a bunch of pics like this one
You meaning just the struggle of doing it and how rough it is on you? Or have you come up with clever "back saving" ideas?

+100 for having good friends, it makes a great difference in life
Always back saving ideas 😍 I can no longer pitch 40 lb bags around like air. Growing upstairs has presented challenges that I have had to overcome. What goes up, must come down lol. Be it a pulley and cable system or moving my dirt a bit at a time in five gallon buckets, I get it done 🥰
I swear this Concrete Shoes is without a doubt some of the best pain relief I have found in the Canna World. Try it!

This sounds like something that would be good for me. CG, do you know the breeder of this strain? Seems like I recall something like Cult Classic bred this strain?

Would this be the one you are talking about?

I did a bit of looking around and there is a lot of conflicting info and what not. I always like to go to the original breeder of strains if possible, make sure I get the real deal and not some copycat stuff.
This sounds like something that would be good for me. CG, do you know the breeder of this strain? Seems like I recall something like Cult Classic bred this strain?

Would this be the one you are talking about?

I did a bit of looking around and there is a lot of conflicting info and what not. I always like to go to the original breeder of strains if possible, make sure I get the real deal and not some copycat stuff.
I'm also interested in where she got her seeds or cut from?
This sounds like something that would be good for me. CG, do you know the breeder of this strain? Seems like I recall something like Cult Classic bred this strain?

Would this be the one you are talking about?

I did a bit of looking around and there is a lot of conflicting info and what not. I always like to go to the original breeder of strains if possible, make sure I get the real deal and not some copycat stuff.
These were gifted to me. They are in the original bag with a bin number, but no identifying info other than strain and that ID number. I can take a pic of the bag if that may help?
@Rootsruler info above.
  • Deleted by CannaGranny
  • Reason: Mistake
Well it says cement too, not concrete like I said.
Yea, looking around, it seems the names can be interchangeable but from what I can tell, Cult Classic is the breeder and they call it Cement Shoes, which is the daddy of that Mellow Fellow. They have several crosses on their website using I would imagine the same Cement Shoes daddy, I've read when breeders find their male, they exploit him to the max and that is what I am seeing here. Was reading around about that Cement Shoes and this Mellow Fellow might be a good one to put in the que.

The original is not available atm through CC or any other seed bank that I would trust.
I have one that I just popped called Redbeards Cement Shoes. Have no clue if it is like the other but prepared to find out. I have one seed left of the stuff I just grew, if this is not like nor comparable to the other, I will pop the one I have left. If nothing else, I will mail you a clone. It literally is super effective against pain.
I was at a shoot and had been on my feet for about twelve hours, my feet and ankles were just screaming. Within ten mins of smoking this, I had zero pain.
I don’t necessarily trust Cult Classics as they were one of the “prizes” that I won at the other place and they never paid off. As a matter of a fact, they completely ignored me.
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