Got up at 445, sat around the house until 1030 when i took my kids fishing.
We got to the lake and i was attacked by fishing spiders. Not even joking, they were the size of softballs!!
So i killed 2 of them and away we went, got to where we wanted to be and i went to drop the anchor and here is another softball sized fishing spider wiggling her damn fangs at me while she sat on her egg sac....
So we paddled back to shore because if i staryed messing with that thing on the boat, i was gonna end up wet. Im not scared of spiders, but when i can see their fangs clear as day, im just not comfortable anymore.

We killed all the spiders, then i flipped the boat over to be sure there were no more.

So i stand by what i said yesterday. The fishing spider i found in my 4x4 tent, hitched a ride home from the lake....
What is a fishing spider?
Thank you, my offer has a few contingencies, like finishing school and a background check. Never heard of an offer before a check was done so I don't really know if they already did one or don't plan on doing one. Nothing of this was ever mentioned in the interviews. I've got some stuff 10+ years back and just hoping for the best.. Either it's too far back to matter or they let me fight my case, all the stuff I've done since then, like go back to school, volunteer work, etc...

Just nervous and hoping it works out
🤞View attachment 16934
hey Congrats. i've had offers that were based on passing Background and all of that. not sure about an offer and finish your degree. how far away are you from that?
Morning yall...hope everyone has an enjoyable weekend. Went to check my outdoor this morning. It's a lady bug swingers party on my plants, found 3 seperate sets of lady bugs mating on 2 different plants. We are one this year apparently, a team...I provide the bed and breakfast they're getting fed and laid in the shade keeping my plants free of pests. Have had some leaf hoppers not too worried about them though, they aren't doing much and will be gone before long. Rain needs to chill soon, all in all...goin good outdoor this year.
Morning yall...hope everyone has an enjoyable weekend. Went to check my outdoor this morning. It's a lady bug swingers party on my plants, found 3 seperate sets of lady bugs mating on 2 different plants. We are one this year apparently, a team...I provide the bed and breakfast they're getting fed and laid in the shade keeping my plants free of pests. Have had some leaf hoppers not too worried about them though, they aren't doing much and will be gone before long. Rain needs to chill soon, all in all...goin good outdoor this year.
Good to hear!

It's a damn beautiful morning here in VA, but I think it's going to be a little hot today

Hope everyone enjoys their weekend

I'm loving some real Southern cheese grits right now
It was a nice morning at 5am but it’s 9:45 now and the downpour stopped a few minutes ago. Humid as heck again now and supposed to be hot later.

Switched from drying in the tent to Lotus method again. I can’t get temps lower than 20c-22c and humidity keeps bumping up. So I hope this dodges any mold issues.

29oz wet with little to no branches after 6 days drying in the tent. G$ guesses 14oz dry but I’m hoping for closer to low 20’s. 🤞
Up at 3:30 AM
Drove 130 miles east to be with my lady and my foothill plants (mostly my lady).
Plants are looking happy but need a little bit of water and nutrients.
Two plants are winding down week 3, but the outdoor plant is just now in the stretch, bud sites a plenty!

Don’t know what the rest of this week hold, but next week, a wedding in Hawaii awaits.
We’re celebrating my GF’s son and daughter-in-law getting married at sunset in Kauai.
View attachment 17265

Harmless, but nasty looking tarantula like spiders lol you know there is no such thing as a non poisonous spider?.......its only a matter of how strong the venom is and how much they can give no!...I have facts in my head that won't go away and that fker looks nasty.....
Harm you know there is no such thing as a non poisonous spider?.......its only a matter of how strong the venom is and how much they can give no!...I have facts in my head that won't go away and that fker looks nasty.....
Yeah i had 2 run up my leg.... bot gonna lie i went into full freak out mode lol.
Theyre nasty for sure.
Tell your wife right before you go to bed that you saw one in the bedroom then take a feather and fuck with her all night while she's laying down!
You trying to get my nuts chopped off??? 🤣
Shes terrified of spiders.
Like full on screams bloody murder when she sees a tiny little one
You can throw in some Cotton Mouth, Copperheads and three different types of rattle snakes..
Now you know why I get in the pool with my Kevlar snake boots on and a .22🤣😂😅😂🤣
Leaves some damn funny looking tan lines tho…
I always tell people that I know the nature of the animals in my front yard, but folks in the city..they have no definitive idea of the animals that walk through their yards.
Night Yiz!
I gotta move early in the morning, off to a shoot. So I have to make myself go to bed, a vape of concrete shoes will take right care of tha

I always tell people that I know the nature of the animals in my front yard, but folks in the city..they have no definitive idea of the animals that walk through their yards.
How did the shoot go granny?
How did the shoot go granny?
Not so darn good. The Hubby and I both agreed today to put this ole gal out to pasture and haul out my new build. I was going to shoot my old gun til the end of the year to defend my Shooter of the Year title in my division last year. The new gun will take me out of tactical and move me to an open class. After today’s performance and two prior, it does not leave me much of a choice. I’m not used to coming in fifth.
At amy rate, I always say a bad day on the range is better than a good day at work 🙂
Not so darn good. The Hubby and I both agreed today to put this ole gal out to pasture and haul out my new build. I was going to shoot my old gun til the end of the year to defend my Shooter of the Year title in my division last year. The new gun will take me out of tactical and move me to an open class. After today’s performance and two prior, it does not leave me much of a choice. I’m not used to coming in fifth.
At amy rate, I always say a bad day on the range is better than a good day at work 🙂
Gota love new beginnings.i can hear the men in open class trembling from here.
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