I'm ready for this part of it to stop, the diapers...love him being tiny but damn some parts...no beuno
One Sunday morning I let my wife sleep in and I got up with our son....I worked 6 days a week so she had to do it daily....I was being a nice guy.......

So I get up & get the bottle ready alls good I'm feeding him but its taking too long he's hardly getting anything out of the bottle.....I see scissors so I cut just a tiny bit bigger hole then gave it back to him........

perfect he drank the rest of the bottle in no time....I lifted him up to look at his smiley face and up it came....like a never ending volcano spewing warm everything all over my face & shirt......it was horrible......He started screaming....I started screaming and I had this stuff all over me in my mouth nose I was gagging it was horrible.......

My wife of course heard the commotion and had to get up and help us both then she started screaming at me because of the bigger hole......it was horrible.....its one of the most traumatic incidents in my life......lol.......I can remember it like yesterday and he's now 43 go ahead tell me I didn't get emotional damage by that event....children of that age need their mothers....I had just traumatized everyone involved because of my good ideas....
Mornin Zen!
Cool and rainy here this morning. Such strange weather. Fogs in August. Only two really hot weeks even though it’s an El Niño year.
One thing all these rains have done is to make for a gorgeous wild flower bloom in Mo. I have seen things in bloom this year that I have not seen in many years. Passion Flowers, butterfly weed and paintbrush in huge amounts.
Sept. Opens root season, I’m sure hoping that the ginseng and golden seal blooms just as heavy.
Anyways, it’s harvest day here. Whooooop whooooop! Blackberry Moonrocks 🥰
No pics???? Show us dem rocks!!
Lol, I've known a few...wild lifestyle they live.

Fun one today my kid dug into his diaper and had crap smeared all over himself...first time that one's happened...hope its the last...yuck🤢
Ah Yes! The joys of Fatherhood!!! :ROFLMAO:

My son use to wait until I had his diapers off and had cleaned him up for him to piss all over me. He would laugh while he was doing it too little fucker!!🤣
My youngest did that to my wife like every time she would change him 🤣🤣
The first time I told my kid I'd take him to the shooting range he got all excited but asked me why I was taking him. I told him when he would piss on me he had an uncanny aim that would always get at least some of the piss in my mouth no matter how much I tried to keep my mouth closed. I wanted to see if that would translate to a 2 inch grouping at 100 yards with a 9mm Glock 17!!
The first time I told my kid I'd take him to the shooting range he got all excited but asked me why I was taking him. I told him when he would piss on me he had an uncanny aim that would always get at least some of the piss in my mouth no matter how much I tried to keep my mouth closed. I wanted to see if that would translate to a 2 inch grouping at 100 yards with a 9mm Glock 17!!
Ummm so did it? 🤣😂
Some of the conversations I come back too in here causes me great laughter. I NEVER know what you guys may be discussing. Many of you were not cut out for the job of motherhood and it shows! 😂🤣😅 A plus for the effort though…
No but he loved every second of it. A few times I had to correct his gun safety practices but all in all not bad. We were going pretty regular for a while but Dad got busy with life so I didn't really have time to go shooting with him as often as I would have liked to but every once in a while I'll dust off the arms and go put a few rounds downrange with him.

He just bought his first gun last year after shooting Dads guns all these years. He wanted an AK so we picked up an Arsenal SLR 107R for him. He loves the snot out of that gun!! :ROFLMAO:
Some of the conversations I come back too in here causes me great laughter. I NEVER know what you guys may be discussing. Many of you were not cut out for the job of motherhood and it shows! 😂🤣😅 A plus for the effort though…
Some of use weren’t cut out for fatherhood either but we’re trying are damnedest🤣🤣😍🤪
@MDK @ninjadip
You heard about what happened in Missouri’s dispensaries today? Over a hundred items pulled and by their own words (Mo State) placed into quarantine. With zero explanation of why! Also they closed down three commercial grows completely today! Ya know it’s bad, cause that’s cutting into their tax money.
Greenway magazine is writing on it. Let me know if you hear anything on it.
Didn't hear that...wonder what it could be
No idea, and they sure are not saying! It encompasses flower edibles and distillates. One dispensary reports that it closed last night to twenty quarantined items and opened this morning to over one hundred items ordered by the state to be placed in quarantine.
@MDK @ninjadip
You heard about what happened in Missouri’s dispensaries today? Over a hundred items pulled and by their own words (Mo State) placed into quarantine. With zero explanation of why! Also they closed down three commercial grows completely today! Ya know it’s bad, cause that’s cutting into their tax money.
Greenway magazine is writing on it. Let me know if you hear anything on it.
Absolutely crazy!! If you hear anything more keep us updated, im definitely curious.
I had my son do that for me on my revegged auto I just cut,,,,,,first time anyone but myself has helped out with the trimming........I just sat rolled joints and watched him trim....

Weather changed from this am.......its now 26c bright and sunny with a few big white clouds rolling by....still 90% humidity though...it went from raining on our heads to raining under our arm pits in 2 hrs
My sons just leaning into smoking. Hard to say no when we grow it. He’s doing the leaves mixed with a bit of tobacco and/or buds. Never saw this day coming. Now to make him work for it!😝

Supposed to be rain from 8am to dinner. To early for new news or weather. Hope they got it wrong again. Think I’m getting webbed feet from all the damp and humidity.
Ah Yes! The joys of Fatherhood!!! :ROFLMAO:

My son use to wait until I had his diapers off and had cleaned him up for him to piss all over me. He would laugh while he was doing it too little fucker!!🤣
My funniest was when I was putting baby powder back on his butt and he farted. 🤣 5 second smoke cloud. Shocked look on his face…probably mine too. Then we both started laughing. 🤣

Grossest time was changing him on the couch and he made a bomb. Ran out of wipes so pinned him with pillows while I got more from the next room.

Our female bouvier considered my son hers. Sometimes she would even keep wifey away by getting between them. When I stepped out for more wipes she stepped in and cleaned things up…with her tongue.

Nope, nope, nope. No more dog kisses for me thank you very much. Son was happy as heck. Smiles and giggles.
My funniest was when I was putting baby powder back on his butt and he farted. 🤣 5 second smoke cloud. Shocked look on his face…probably mine too. Then we both started laughing. 🤣

Grossest time was changing him on the couch and he made a bomb. Ran out of wipes so pinned him with pillows while I got more from the next room.

Our female bouvier considered my son hers. Sometimes she would even keep wifey away by getting between them. When I stepped out for more wipes she stepped in and cleaned things up…with her tongue.

Nope, nope, nope. No more dog kisses for me thank you very much. Son was happy as heck. Smiles and giggles.
A long time ago, my dog gave birth in my closet. For a few weeks, she'd clean them up and there was never poop or pee on the floor. Then, suddenly, she decided she was done with that. The litter was moved into a more proper crate.
A long time ago, my dog gave birth in my closet. For a few weeks, she'd clean them up and there was never poop or pee on the floor. Then, suddenly, she decided she was done with that. The litter was moved into a more proper crate.
My cat did that. Cute and gross at the same time. Had to help her break open her last kittens sack. He ended up being my best bud for years. Almost chased my GF away…she’s my wifey now.
Lol, I've known a few...wild lifestyle they live.

Fun one today my kid dug into his diaper and had crap smeared all over himself...first time that one's happened...hope its the last...yuck🤢
When our 1st was still sleeping in a crib she woke up in the middle of the night, shit in her diaper, then dug it out with her hands and wiped it all.thee.fuck over the crib to get it off. Like wall to wall plaster job. Kid in the tub and the crib hulk smashed and stuffed in the trash lol. I'd still take that over the stuff they do as teens.
You guys are hilarious! Some pretty “shitty” memories, huh? 😂
Crazy ass weather in the Zarks this morning. Actually needing a long sleeved shirt to sit outside with a high today of 72*. August is normally the hottest month of the year here. Thank goodness the humidity has fallen off. A brisk NE wind. Just crazy!
You guys are hilarious! Some pretty “shitty” memories, huh? 😂
Crazy ass weather in the Zarks this morning. Actually needing a long sleeved shirt to sit outside with a high today of 72*. August is normally the hottest month of the year here. Thank goodness the humidity has fallen off. A brisk NE wind. Just crazy!
I have to admit that while I miss my dog deeply, there is a lot less poop in my life.
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (KCTV) - More than 60,000 marijuana products have been recalled by the Missouri Division of Cannabis Regulation, the DCR announced Monday evening.

The recall was issued for manufactured products sold to dispensaries and manufacturers by the manufacturer Delta Extraction, LLC.

While the DCR said no adverse reactions have been reported at this time, they said the recalled products were “not compliantly tracked in the statewide track and trace system. That system, METRC, allows the DCR to verify that the products came from marijuana grown in Missouri or that the product passed required testing prior to being sold at dispensaries.
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