
Harmless......lol.....Do you know there is no such thing as a non poisonous spider?.......its only a matter of how strong the venom is and how much they can give you.....no...just no!...I have facts in my head that won't go away and that fker looks nasty.....
As a kid an adult told me that daddy long legs have a bad venom but because the fangs are to short they couldn’t hurt us.

Haven’t thought of that in a long time. Now I wonder if it’s true.

Older I got the more I found out most adults are full of shit, even if they don’t know it. 🤣
You can throw in some Cotton Mouth, Copperheads and three different types of rattle snakes..
Now you know why I get in the pool with my Kevlar snake boots on and a .22🤣😂😅😂🤣
Leaves some damn funny looking tan lines tho…
These and scorpions are cool. Even interesting to watch and follow along. Maybe they can deal with the fracken spiders! 😝
As a kid an adult told me that daddy long legs have a bad venom but because the fangs are to short they couldn’t hurt us.

Haven’t thought of that in a long time. Now I wonder if it’s true.

Older I got the more I found out most adults are full of shit, even if they don’t know it. 🤣
It’s BS of course;
“That leaves us with cellar spiders, the only true spiders of the bunch. These can, in fact, bite humans. Their fangs are similar to those of the brown recluse (Loxosceles reclusa), Vetter said, which is notorious for its potentially fatal bite to humans. But that's where the similarities end.

"I'm not aware of any publication showing that pholcid spiders cause a toxic effect in humans," Vetter said. "I think one scientist did some work on that, and he had a little black mark for a day or two and went, 'It's not that big of a deal.' Definitely not the most toxic spider in the world."

Venom analysis has confirmed that. On a 2004 "Mythbusters" episode that was later documented in a 2019 study, arachnologist Charles Kristensen reported injecting mice with venom of either cellar spiders or black widow spiders. The black-widow venom had a much more potent effect.”
It’s BS of course;
“That leaves us with cellar spiders, the only true spiders of the bunch. These can, in fact, bite humans. Their fangs are similar to those of the brown recluse (Loxosceles reclusa), Vetter said, which is notorious for its potentially fatal bite to humans. But that's where the similarities end.

"I'm not aware of any publication showing that pholcid spiders cause a toxic effect in humans," Vetter said. "I think one scientist did some work on that, and he had a little black mark for a day or two and went, 'It's not that big of a deal.' Definitely not the most toxic spider in the world."

Venom analysis has confirmed that. On a 2004 "Mythbusters" episode that was later documented in a 2019 study, arachnologist Charles Kristensen reported injecting mice with venom of either cellar spiders or black widow spiders. The black-widow venom had a much more potent effect.”
I was told by the curator at a Las Vegas museum that daddy long leg spiders have some of the most potent venom of any spider alive.....the problem for them is their fangs are not sharp enough to penetrate our skin and they can't give enough venom to cause us any harm....but if they could bite us and give us the amount of venom in a black widow bite we'd be dead quickly....gram to gram its more deadly than most spiders poisons
Around here it’s the dreaded brown recluse. One knows to always shake out your clothes and look inside of your shoes boots etc before putting them on. The tarantula and the wolf are scary looking, but harmless.
Idk if you all saw the story come out a week or so ago about a little boy who let himself get bit by a black widow in hopes of becoming Spiderman...

Glad I don't have kids crazy enough to try this... legal Kid count=0, maybe kids out there=2 😂
My understanding is the daddy long legs is the most dangerous spider to most other spiders. Not all some actually mimic and trap the DL for their own food.
They actively hunt other spiders and insects, not using a web. This is how they can be tricked by some.
In tough times they will become cannibalistic to survive.
Around here it’s the dreaded brown recluse. One knows to always shake out your clothes and look inside of your shoes boots etc before putting them on. The tarantula and the wolf are scary looking, but harmless.
I've never seen a missouri tarantula in nearly 40 years of living here

But the brown recluse is a bastard...seen a few black widows too...wonder what that missouri tarantula population is like...?
My understanding is the daddy long legs is the most dangerous spider to most other spiders. Not all some actually mimic and trap the DL for their own food.
They actively hunt other spiders and insects, not using a web. This is how they can be tricked by some.
In tough times they will become cannibalistic to survive.
I've got daddy long legs in my basement by my grow tent. I flicked on of those stink beetles or whatever they are into the web to watch the spider get it...2 spiders went for it...one got the bug, the 2nd spider got the 1st spider and rolled his ass up for dinner...was pretty wild to see the other spider freak out once it realized there was no escape
I've never seen a missouri tarantula in nearly 40 years of living here

But the brown recluse is a bastard...seen a few black widows too...wonder what that missouri tarantula population is like...?
I have seen several of the tarantulas. They tend to be along the wood lines and woody glades, under rotten wood etc. They do come out at night, and crawl across my porches. They hang out under the porch lights where the insect population is more lucrative. Some of them really have some size.
I have seen several of the tarantulas. They tend to be along the wood lines and woody glades, under rotten wood etc. They do come out at night, and crawl across my porches. They hang out under the porch lights where the insect population is more lucrative. Some of them really have some size.
Wonder if flooding killed them in my area? I got all the above around me and still never have seen one...🙁
When younger I had a South American Bird eating spider. Largest spider going.
He was more docile than the Mexican Red legs.
I also kept and bred scorpions. Most all are fluorescent at night and can be easily found with a black light.
Mornin Zen!
Cool and rainy here this morning. Such strange weather. Fogs in August. Only two really hot weeks even though it’s an El Niño year.
One thing all these rains have done is to make for a gorgeous wild flower bloom in Mo. I have seen things in bloom this year that I have not seen in many years. Passion Flowers, butterfly weed and paintbrush in huge amounts.
Sept. Opens root season, I’m sure hoping that the ginseng and golden seal blooms just as heavy.
Anyways, it’s harvest day here. Whooooop whooooop! Blackberry Moonrocks 🥰
Mornin Zen!
Cool and rainy here this morning. Such strange weather. Fogs in August. Only two really hot weeks even though it’s an El Niño year.
One thing all these rains have done is to make for a gorgeous wild flower bloom in Mo. I have seen things in bloom this year that I have not seen in many years. Passion Flowers, butterfly weed and paintbrush in huge amounts.
Sept. Opens root season, I’m sure hoping that the ginseng and golden seal blooms just as heavy.
Anyways, it’s harvest day here. Whooooop whooooop! Blackberry Moonrocks

You say whoop whoop like you are down with the clown? Granny a juggalette? 🤪
Got a bit of thunder and lightning here in the hills last evening.
There were even enough raindrops to make my car dirtier, the air went from 14%RH to 30%, can you imagine if we actually had some moist air blow how much rain we might have received?

There were gorgeous rainfall plumes training off into nothing (Virga) in the setting sun. It was a great time to be high as a kite. The evaporating rainfall made the warm, dryish air start blowing like crazy.

I don’t see any signs of fire from dry lightning, but were looking at more moisture today, so keeping my fingers crossed. Liberal states seem to be more flammable than conservative ones for some reason!
Was 102* yesterday afternoon and a thunderstorm rolled in and dumped a bunch of rain. It was great at first as it cooled down the temp but after an hour or so the humidity got so bad I had to stop working to empty my shoes.
Was 102* yesterday afternoon and a thunderstorm rolled in and dumped a bunch of rain. It was great at first as it cooled down the temp but after an hour or so the humidity got so bad I had to stop working to empty my shoes.
It’s been super humid here for the past three weeks. Nasty nasty! When you come outside in the morning, I can smell mold 🤮 I know the outdoor ppl are having pure hell here.
Got a bit of thunder and lightning here in the hills last evening.
There were even enough raindrops to make my car dirtier, the air went from 14%RH to 30%, can you imagine if we actually had some moist air blow how much rain we might have received?

There were gorgeous rainfall plumes training off into nothing (Virga) in the setting sun. It was a great time to be high as a kite. The evaporating rainfall made the warm, dryish air start blowing like crazy.

I don’t see any signs of fire from dry lightning, but were looking at more moisture today, so keeping my fingers crossed. Liberal states seem to be more flammable than conservative ones for some reason!
All I’m going to say about flammable..same cities a certain party want to see turned into smart cities, with the taxpayer paying to rebuild. (Hide and watch) Same cities that shouted sanctuary, until they were called upon to be one.
It’s a crazy ass world out there and about three fourths of our so called “leaders” should be tarred and feathered. Dems and Repubs alike.
Was 102* yesterday afternoon and a thunderstorm rolled in and dumped a bunch of rain. It was great at first as it cooled down the temp but after an hour or so the humidity got so bad I had to stop working to empty my shoes.
It could be worse,,,,,we had another thunder storm roll through here again last night as well....rain most of yesterday and today....I saw the sun for a few min this morning but its grey and dark now.......68f @ 93%..
Off to trim the smoke..
Wishing all a day that’s as happy as mine. 🥰
I had my son do that for me on my revegged auto I just cut,,,,,,first time anyone but myself has helped out with the trimming........I just sat rolled joints and watched him trim....

Weather changed from this am.......its now 26c bright and sunny with a few big white clouds rolling by....still 90% humidity though...it went from raining on our heads to raining under our arm pits in 2 hrs
Lol, I've known a few...wild lifestyle they live.

Fun one today my kid dug into his diaper and had crap smeared all over himself...first time that one's happened...hope its the last...yuck🤢
So glad my kids are out of diapers. Such a nightmare those things are.
My youngest only did that only once, and it was just the tip of his finger and he freaked out 🤣
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