I have often said that nothing is off limits for discussion on the Corner. I wanted it to be a place that we could come together just like we would be it at a morning table for coffee or the bar at the end of the evening. Share common love of a plant and a bit of who we are. Some of you I have come to know very well. Some of you have me.
With that said, I will not revisit the big C word poke again. All of you know what I think and to do so, literally puts me in danger. Today, the truth will find you in the gulag.
I have some pretty large followings on other social media and I have been media jailed, my posts banned and shadow banned. So, I know, I am watched. I have a voice, so therefore I am the enemy. I copped to being crazy from the get, so it was an ineffective way to cancel me. Hard to tell people don’t listen she’s nuts, when I openly share that every day! I kinda like being nuts, although at my age it’s considered eccentric

and is a great excuse for saying what ya want!
My heart goes out to anyone harmed from this, and I respect your right to make that decision. I expect my right to certain decisions to be respected as well. As long as we all respect one another, it’s all good.
United we stand, divided, we will fall.
Now let’s get back to the serious things… like, what if the stars are just holes poked in the top so we can breath? Oh, bahahaha..