Everything I see is more like 29x33 sizes so these probably wont work. But for a small tent, this is a great idea.
Anyone good with welding thermal plastics? I used to do this decades ago, I could probably whip these things out pretty quickly, but I have no idea what the cost of polypropylene has done, probably through the ceiling!
A little story that might please this crowd...When I was in my 20's...1977 I took 10 speed bike to Hawaii tent sleeping bag some close with an open ended return ticket and $200 cash . I landed in Honolulu airport with a map and no idea where I was going...
I asked a cab driver to take me to a cheap hotel in Waikiki for the night to set up my bike and make a plan. The plan was to ride around Oahu then head to Maui if I had enough money......
After 3 nights riding around Oahu I found a spot on the beach to set up camp for the night...I'd passed a store and had picked up a six pack.......sitting at a picnic table looking at the ocean a couple of hippy looking guys my age came up and said hey whats up and helped them selves to my beer...great a couple guys I could talk to for a while...
After the beer was done they started to move my tent saying I can't camp alone here and even under protest they moved my stuff in among their group on the beach where I stayed for 9 months.There were about a dozen of us eventually We spent about 6 months on the windward side near Makaha and 3 on the leeward....really just around the point to a drier location through winter........
While on the leeward side near Waialua.....We took a hike one day up to a pasture on the mountains we could see from the beach...in search of mushrooms We cut across an airport runway and through a deserted army barracks they used during WW2... freaky shit....at one point there was an old hanger with what looked like plastic explosives wired to the door with 2 wires going into the top and disapering through the wood door on the other end.......WTF..... Joe pulled the fking wires out I'm like I"m going to die but it was a piece of styrofoam with 2 wires stuck in it.....
Nothing in the hanger except old mouldy jungle invaded crap.......we wandered through some of the barracks but we got a creepy feeling after going through one large dark building with multiple halls and room all inter connecting like a gloomy unlit maze of mouldy walls and floors broken glass so we headed onward up the mountain.......
Google maps has the pics of the mountain and beach park we stayed at
Up the side of the mountain climbing hand over fist up trees lava rocks up vines what ever to get up....about half way up after scrambling through jungle we found an old road lol....
we followed it up to the top where the medow was & we saw a large water trough that we sauntered up to...we get close to the trough and we come in contact with a herd of long horn cattle heading to the water,,,,
We're on a grassy ridge in a Mexican stand off they're looking at us and we're frozen looking at them when Joe grabs a stick and starts yelling and heading towards the oncoming cattle I'm dead...twice in one day Fking Joe is going to get me killed....The cattle scrambled over the side of the ridge on both sides they went where we didn't think anything could go but they were in full control and just disappeared .......
We continued on our hike along the ridge to a trail the cattle had come from to the top of the Mountain where we could see both sides of the island.....This probably took us 6 hrs from the beach and it was time to head back but not before we found a bunch of mushrooms in the meadow we could see from the beach.
We hoped they were Psilocybin they looked like them so we ate a few before walking back to camp....We got lucky I guess because not long after we found the old road going down we started tripping.......
I don't remember the walk down after that but we ended up back at camp with a pocket full of mushrooms and we had lots for the gang ....
We took a few more trips up to the top and even a few more into the old barracks until we were stopped by the airport police and threatened with arrest if we crossed the runways again.........
Its was and still is a glider plane airport while I was there and the first place the Japanese bombed on the Pearl Harbour attack as they flew onto the island.......The end.....lol