God damn yall.
I can't believe tomorrow is my little dudes first day of school!
This kid has grown up so fast and now its really gonna fly with him being gone 6.5-7 hours a day 5 days a week.

Must be an emotional one for ya brotha. All I can say is try to stay present and be proud of yourself for somehow raising him till meow in one piece. This world can be tough and you must be doing a lot right.
God damn yall.
I can't believe tomorrow is my little dudes first day of school!
This kid has grown up so fast and now its really gonna fly with him being gone 6.5-7 hours a day 5 days a week.
Yeah I'm not sure about putting her in public school.

I'm not looking forward to getting a call one day that her school was shot up.
Yeah I'm not sure about putting her in public school.

I'm not looking forward to getting a call one day that her school was shot up.
Worst nightmare right there bro. My wife went and ordered them these ar-15/ak-47 bulletproof back packs so if the situation were to arise, they cqn at least have some sort of protection.
Must be an emotional one for ya brotha. All I can say is try to stay present and be proud of yourself for somehow raising him till meow in one piece. This world can be tough and you must be doing a lot right.
Its more emotional for my wife but thats because we totally switched roles when the plandemic hit. She was an asst manager making 5 dollars an hour more than i was when i got laid off so she kept working and i stayed home with the kiddos.

Its actually exciting for me because i get to go back to work. Even if it is part time, im ready to get back out there and work, i need spending cash lol.
That must be a beast backpack to stop a 7.62x39 round! Can't ever be to safe in this fucked up world!

$269 a pop....
But I cant put a pricetag on my childrens lives so its worth every penny of the 500 bucks spent. Plus gives some piece of mind too.
Yeah I'm not sure about putting her in public school.

I'm not looking forward to getting a call one day that her school was shot up.
Where I'm at, shootings aren't so much of a concern. I'm not at all saying it couldn't happen because nearly every one I know owns multiple guns, so they're accessible to an extent.

Here, the bigger issue is the lack of give-a-shit from the teachers. Can't punish the kids anymore so the bad kids corrupt the good and the teachers don't have any incentive to care at all. There are definitely some good ones, but they're being pushed out by the shitty ones.

We're a couple years away from having to worry about it but we're considering homeschooling. Never thought I'd be on the fence there...
I lost track of one of my old elementary thru high school friends. He went to school for training to be a cinematographer and drifted away from everyone else I knew. Last time I saw him was 1980.

We did some research and found out he ended up homeless, living in a box under a bridge on the upper west side of Manhattan. He was then stabbed to death by some rando nutcase, for the hell of it.

Knowing him, I knew it had to be some drug or another. His death came in '94, so I figure he must have gotten addicted to crack. He was on the street for a few years. It's really weird to find out stuff like this, decades after the fact.

Some additional detail -- about a year before he was killed, his mother died and he was left $10K in an insurance policy. He partied like a maniac for a month, then was back on the street.
Sadly, it's a story I'm only too familiar with.

Got introduced to a kid fresh out of Chattanooga Tennessee who could play the crap out of a guitar. This kid was a freaking prodigy. He could pick up pretty much any instrument and figure it out within hours. He had just turned 18 and hopped on a bus with his axe and decided to make his fortune out in California. When he first dropped on the scene everyone wanted a piece of him and he was the toast of the town. Fast forward a few years and I see him walking out of the local heroin dealers apartment, emaciated, missing teeth, dirty and smelly. I asked him if he was still playing and he told me he pawned his guitar. Sad!

$269 a pop....
But I cant put a pricetag on my childrens lives so its worth every penny of the 500 bucks spent. Plus gives some piece of mind too.
Thanks for the link, man. I didn't even know these were a thing, and with both kids in school now anything I can do to protect them when they're away from home is worth it. I spent $600 on top of the line car seats, why not another $500 for backpacks? Sure, they'll be upset that they're not cool or colorful or whatever but can never be too safe now.
Where I'm at, shootings aren't so much of a concern. I'm not at all saying it couldn't happen because nearly every one I know owns multiple guns, so they're accessible to an extent.

Here, the bigger issue is the lack of give-a-shit from the teachers. Can't punish the kids anymore so the bad kids corrupt the good and the teachers don't have any incentive to care at all. There are definitely some good ones, but they're being pushed out by the shitty ones.

We're a couple years away from having to worry about it but we're considering homeschooling. Never thought I'd be on the fence there...
We debated the same thing, and it's still not off the table. I want them in public school at least for a few years, though, because socializing and figuring out where they stand in society is an important lesson they won't gain by being kept home and away from the worldly dangers. Also considered private school but I rather wait until they get through the foundational shit (learning to read, write, be a decent human, etc) before shelling out the big bucks for higher quality education.

we also don't really face the threat of shootings in my area. pretty much everyone carries concealed, and has a small armory at home, so the kids learn early on how to handle firearms as well as proper safety around firearms. Could it happen? Sure, there's ample opportunity for a kid to get a hold of mommy's helper and sneak it into school. Is it a realistic threat? I don't feel it is. That's a major reason I moved us to a red-leaning rural area instead of staying in the city. Last year alone, my daughter's school was locked down twice because of gunmen wandering around the area. Two other schools had incidents where kids brought guns to school. That wasn't a school district I wanted my kids to stay in.
Thanks for the link, man. I didn't even know these were a thing, and with both kids in school now anything I can do to protect them when they're away from home is worth it. I spent $600 on top of the line car seats, why not another $500 for backpacks? Sure, they'll be upset that they're not cool or colorful or whatever but can never be too safe now.
Hell yeah man, i had to throw it up. I feel the same way, ive blown 500 dollars on a lot dumber items and this one gives me a little peace of mind knowing that they have some kind of way to try and protect themselves if EVER needed. Hopefully its just money well spent and never needed.
Hell yeah man, i had to throw it up. I feel the same way, ive blown 500 dollars on a lot dumber items and this one gives me a little peace of mind knowing that they have some kind of way to try and protect themselves if EVER needed. Hopefully its just money well spent and never needed.
agreed. same reason i spent what i did on my motorcycle helmet. hope to never find out if it was money well spent, but if the opportunity arises i'll feel better knowing my brain bucket is rated for MotoGP-level wrecks. At least, for the split second while I ponder why TF i get on a death missile to begin with lol

$269 a pop....
But I cant put a pricetag on my childrens lives so its worth every penny of the 500 bucks spent. Plus gives some piece of mind too.
The fact that this shit even needs to exist hurts my heart.....😞
agreed. same reason i spent what i did on my motorcycle helmet. hope to never find out if it was money well spent, but if the opportunity arises i'll feel better knowing my brain bucket is rated for MotoGP-level wrecks. At least, for the split second while I ponder why TF i get on a death missile to begin with lol
I love bikes but will never own another. I had an old Triumph Bonneville that I converted into a cafe racer. My buddy Lance had a Ninja.

Every bike rider has to deal with inattentive or just plain clueless drivers. Just comes with the territory. Lance and I were cruising down the freeway when a Mercedes SL decides to cut us off and slam her brakes on. I barely missed running into her but my buddy Lance swerved and lost control and laid his bike down on the freeway while we were going 70 mph. He missed slamming into the back of her but he slid down the freeway, no leathers BTW, with his head slamming the freeway so hard it cracked the helmet and snapped the chin strap. His helmet flew off and he ground down part of his jaw and all of his left ear. Lance was never the same after that.

I love bikes but too many drivers don't respect bike riders. After Lance I sold my bike.
I love bikes but will never own another. I had an old Triumph Bonneville that I converted into a cafe racer. My buddy Lance had a Ninja.

Every bike rider has to deal with inattentive or just plain clueless drivers. Just comes with the territory. Lance and I were cruising down the freeway when a Mercedes SL decides to cut us off and slam her brakes on. I barely missed running into her but my buddy Lance swerved and lost control and laid his bike down on the freeway while we were going 70 mph. He missed slamming into the back of her but he slid down the freeway, no leathers BTW, with his head slamming the freeway so hard it cracked the helmet and snapped the chin strap. His helmet flew off and he ground down part of his jaw and all of his left ear. Lance was never the same after that.

I love bikes but too many drivers don't respect bike riders. After Lance I sold my bike.
yeah, you hit the nail on the head. there are only two types of riders. those that have gone down, and those that are going to. when it happens, you either survive or you don't. i refuse to ride without full gear specifically because of what you described. after riding for four years, i'm starting to debate whether i want to keep riding on the street or if i'll just go full track rider. i've had my share of close calls with drivers and am grateful for all the advanced training i've taken but there is always the risk of something freakish happening that you simply can't anticipate and have no evasive maneuvers to counter.

My dad laid his harley down riding down a road that went through a swamp, broke his leg and sat there for something like 12 hours before someone found him. this was back before cellphones were a thing, so even once he was found it took another two or three hours for emergency services to arrive. My brother was almost killed by a drunk driver while riding two up with a friend. that happened two days before i was born. shattered his leg in several places and he never ended up healing quite right. then, a few years ago we lost a dear friend to a left hand turner. it just comes with the territory, ya know.

as the kids get older, i'm becoming much more conscious of the decisions and risks i choose to take, and i'm just not sure if riding on the public roads is worth the experience. i love the freedom, it's the only time my brain isn't going 1000 mph, but it's also so damn risky because of all the variables i don't have control of. one can still die on a track, but there is a hell of a lot more safety controls in place there to prevent that from happening than on public roads.
@CannaGranny did you finish your blue jay? Isnt the pow wow this weekend?
Yes and Yes! 😍 Finished and on the dress. Been working on loading the car and should be out of here and on my way early in the morning.
Hell of a list to check off for this. Number one, joints rolled…check! Okayyy I’m ready!😂
Im super thankful for a cold front rolling in to Ky tomorrow afternoon too. High Sat of 72. Perfect weather when you’re wearing a 10lb 8 oz buckskin dress. I just feel blessed! Sunday a high of 80. Only one grand entry on Sunday, Saturday is the long days with grand entry at 1 and again at 6.
I think I could be a hundred and eight and still be just as excited about pow wow as I have been every year I have gone. It’s a rare time that my family comes together and just has fun.
Strange now that you mention it I can't recall it ever happening at a private school
Just a few months ago. Nashville, that was a private school. My best friends grand daughter attends that school, a terrifying day for every single parent.
Just a few months ago. Nashville, that was a private school. My best friends grand daughter attends that school, a terrifying day for every single parent.
some of my coworkers were impacted by that incident. had children at the school, and the HQ for my employer is just a few blocks away. was not a good day, or week, for a lot of people.
some of my coworkers were impacted by that incident. had children at the school, and the HQ for my employer is just a few blocks away. was not a good day, or week, for a lot of people.
The thing that blows me away is the politics of it all. They seem to make a big deal out of the color of the shooter. A sick bastard is a sick bastard no matter the color. I feel like if they think that’s significant then go ahead and tell the truth about five other shootings, stop protecting transgenders. They have the ability to be a rotten bastard just like everyone else.
Until the day our country addresses mental illness, and stops trying to take our rights to defend ourselves, all of us need to be alert and aware. Every single place we go.
This old lady goes off down the road, locked and loaded for bear, flying on the Grace of God. I won’t be a willing victim.
Just a few months ago. Nashville, that was a private school. My best friends grand daughter attends that school, a terrifying day for every single parent.
Damn you are right, and I remember hearing about that now that you mention it.

Hell of a pickle the world is in. When you got to fear government, the food industry, criminals, police enforcement, mentally ill, and just plain stupid I see no way for logical people to be ok giving up their 2nd amendment. How do you keep any of those entities from entering a school and causing harm is beyond me. Even with armed security, it could still happen...but even if it don't happen...government and the food industry, big pharma...all are slipping into that school undetected.

Idk what the answer is but it probably involves more people growing plants for themselves and I like that part of it.
I’d be more worried about what is being taught.
Me, too. Mind you I'm in Canuckistan where school shootings aren't a thing really, but we have the most brainwashed teachers imaginable. My kids didn't even learn basic geography or history in high school, or social studies. They had gender studies and Native American history, but no global or Canadian history, no geography, no social studies..
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