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Good thing I was the passenger or I'd probably be dead cause a bee made me crash a bike lol.
that's one of my biggest semi-illegitimate fears when riding. even with a full face helmet, if one of those fuckers gets in, it's game over. it's actually a big reason i use the chin curtain lol
Most terrifying thing that ever happened to me was we were on a canoe trip. About eight of us shooting a shoal at the same time. Shallow, strong current. We washed up and hit the bank and a copperhead fell out of a tree and between my feet in the canoe. The current has now swept us up into the other canoes. It is coiled between my feet. I know it’s either going to hit my calf, or go under the seat and hit me in the kidneys. I have the choice of remaining calm, or jumping out in rushing screaming water Being ran over by other canoes, and possibly dumping it atop of me. I slowly raise my legs and hook my toes on the top rim of the canoe. Ever seen white knuckled toes? 😂
When we got through the Shute a friend of mine stuck out his paddle and I pulled my canoe up besides his and that snake lost its life via a boat paddle, between my feet. I shit you not!
My friends were super impressed, gave taekwondo all the credit. Truth was, I was froze in fear and about to shat myself!
I had a motorcycle in my youth (I used to be cool) and was taking my wife (then girlfriend) out on a date. It was HOT so I had my coat half zipped. Well we must have rode through a swam of yeller jackets cause I just started getting lit up on my chest. Pulled the bike over, kicked her trying to get off, ripped that jacket off. I was stung like 5 times. Got back on (put the jacked back on like the half wit I am) proceeded down the road and a little fuck was still In my sleeve! Got whacked twice more. By the time I got to my parents my nipple was swollen right up (yes I was stung right on my nipple) and the rest where black and blueish. Took 3 Benadryl and slept the day away. Real nice date.
I had a motorcycle in my youth (I used to be cool) and was taking my wife (then girlfriend) out on a date. It was HOT so I had my coat half zipped. Well we must have rode through a swam of yeller jackets cause I just started getting lit up on my chest. Pulled the bike over, kicked her trying to get off, ripped that jacket off. I was stung like 5 times. Got back on (put the jacked back on like the half wit I am) proceeded down the road and a little fuck was still In my sleeve! Got whacked twice more. By the time I got to my parents my nipple was swollen right up (yes I was stung right on my nipple) and the rest where black and blueish. Took 3 Benadryl and slept the day away. Real nice date.
Nasty, evil bastards lol bet you and the wifey were glad you kept it shiny side up through that ordeal though. Talk about a road hazard
Hey I know that name... weird how that keeps happening. 🤔 I have to have the corpse stench... the beetles must be purged. Actually should hang the bag I got tomorrow...
Ya. I spent the morning in the new member thread with the latest band of outcasts.
This place is a breath of fresh air, enjoying the warm welcome.
Why are you concerned with flies out in the forest? Sorry I’m new here😂
So i live in a 40 family trailer park.... with 30 or so of those families being absolutely disgusting, and a bear that steals everyones trash and drags it all through the woods, i pick all my trash up but i cant say that for the rest of the park.... so we have a fuck ton of flies....
Just trying to keep them away so they stay out of my house.
So i live in a 40 family trailer park.... with 30 or so of those families being absolutely disgusting, and a bear that steals everyones trash and drags it all through the woods, i pick all my trash up but i cant say that for the rest of the park.... so we have a fuck ton of flies....
Just trying to keep them away so they stay out of my house.
Sunnyvale trailer park.
Ya the rotting corps may go unnoticed. Proceed.
Along with expecting the worse [ or being prepare for it ] and being pleasantly surprised when it does not blow up in your face, I also believe there is a reason for everything. Sounds cliche, but I keep this caveat always in my mind.
While things happen for a reason all too often, we do not need to know the reason, or it is not time for the reason to be divulged yet. IME too many people struggle and 'punish' themselves for not knowing what the reason is.
Acceptance is the key.
You know it is what is unless you can do something to change it..
Change is very hard for many and most possess a little bit inside them that wants to resist change.
I'm not the religious type but I do appreciate it. There's a lot of wisdom in reaching to a higher power

I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live. That each of them may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all their toil—this is the gift of Jah

There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens:
a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,

However I believe there benevolent 👽👽👽 aliens with the wisdom
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