One of my lawyer buddies told me in traffic cases when you present evidence like having a picture of the location of the infraction and a presentation of what happened telling your side of the story it improves your chances greatly of getting it reduced or dismissed. Something to do with you putting out that much effort shows you believe you are innocent and it has an impact on the judges perspective.

Hopefully you get heard in this guys court....

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One of my lawyer buddies told me in traffic cases when you present evidence like having a picture of the location of the infraction and a presentation of what happened telling your side of the story it improves your chances greatly of getting it reduced or dismissed. Something to do with you putting out that much effort shows you believe you are innocent and it has an impact on the judges perspective.

Hopefully you get heard in this guys court....

View attachment 23310
Really good advice!
I also think attire matters as well, put the effort to put on non denim pants and a shirt that didn't come from Spencer's lol

I've been in court and seen people go to the stand with jeans that had holes in them and talked to the judge with zero respect.... never goes there way
Really good advice!
I also think attire matters as well, put the effort to put on non denim pants and a shirt that didn't come from Spencer's lol

I've been in court and seen people go to the stand with jeans that had holes in them and talked to the judge with zero respect.... never goes there way

I'm convinced the only reason the one time I found myself in real trouble was because I showed up suited up to the pretrial hearing. Judge dismissed the charges without prejudice (which sucks on the latter part) but I ended up without a conviction. Whereas, three of the four people up before me all were sent to trial, and were dressed either in t-shirts with jeans and dirty shoes or in crisp gangsterware all the way to the waistband riding mid-thigh. Crazy how far a bit of respect for not only the judge, but the courtroom itself, can go.
Really good advice!
I also think attire matters as well, put the effort to put on non denim pants and a shirt that didn't come from Spencer's lol

I've been in court and seen people go to the stand with jeans that had holes in them and talked to the judge with zero respect.... never goes there way

I'm convinced the only reason the one time I found myself in real trouble was because I showed up suited up to the pretrial hearing. Judge dismissed the charges without prejudice (which sucks on the latter part) but I ended up without a conviction. Whereas, three of the four people up before me all were sent to trial, and were dressed either in t-shirts with jeans and dirty shoes or in crisp gangsterware all the way to the waistband riding mid-thigh. Crazy how far a bit of respect for not only the judge, but the courtroom itself, can go.
I would agree but the opposite happened to my Gromie. 😄

He got caught running a 20 light warehouse setup. His saving grace was he didn't have anything in flower and had just harvested and was dry/curing off site. He told me he had 450 plants about to go into his flower rooms. Where he fucked up was letting them search his car. He got caught with 10 Ecstasy pills that he forgot was in the car.

Our attorney was a highly respected weed attorney. His daughter was also a weed attorney. Bruce couldn't take his case on as he was doing a bunch of stuff for NORML, him being the west coast director but his daughter could. Alison likes to party.

The day my Gromie shows up for his hearing he told me he was waiting in the courtroom for Alison and his case gets called. He's shitting bricks because his attorney isn't there to represent him. As he walks up to the defendant table Alison comes bustin' in. My Gromie told me he thought he was going to be doing 20 years for sure when he saw her. He described what she was wearing as "Club Hooker" wear. He said she looked like she just walked out of an afterparty after clubbing all night with her ass and tits falling out of her fabric patch. Then he overheard the D.A. tell his associate "Fuck! Alisons representing him.". He said she apologized to the court for being late and asked for a side conference with the D.A. 15 minutes later she returns and tells him D.A. is willing to drop the cultivation charge and knock his controlled substance charge to a class 1 misdemeanor and a $1,500 fine. 3 years unsupervised probation.

Gromie was so happy he wanted to celebrate and treated me to all you can eat Korean BBQ and Beer that night!

I guess it doesn't matter what you look like if you have the cred.........
I guess it doesn't matter what you look like if you have the cred.........
that's just it, man. most of us don't have the luxury of regularly rubbing shoulders with the assholes that will fuck us if we end up in the same room as them. that's where lawyer selection becomes the real issue. lawyers that can pull that kind of business tend not to be cheap because you're not paying for their skill, you're paying for the pockets they're lining.
Mornin Menz
Im slow on the go this morning. Well, I was slow until my cat dropped a baby ground rattler at my feet! This ole Gal still got it! That will wake ya up! Spilled coffee all over my feet and knocked a chair over, but, I escaped all five inches of it!
Damnnnnnn! What a way to start my day.
Its a gorgeous morning here this morning. Cool and sunny.
Sending wishes of a fantastic day to yiz.. gonna be a good one PaPa…
My wife has the same reaction when she trying to escape all 5 inches of it 🤣🤣🤣
Sorry CG had to do it (miss @TSD 😆)
that's just it, man. most of us don't have the luxury of regularly rubbing shoulders with the assholes that will fuck us if we end up in the same room as them. that's where lawyer selection becomes the real issue. lawyers that can pull that kind of business tend not to be cheap because you're not paying for their skill, you're paying for the pockets they're lining.
You know how it is. It's not what you know but WHO you know.

After a couple years in the biz I realized a good attorney is worth its weight in gold. I knew Bruce and his daughter Alison were my lawyers when Alisons boyfriend told me he got caught with a couple kilos of blow and he walked.
You know how it is. It's not what you know but WHO you know.

After a couple years in the biz I realized a good attorney is worth its weight in gold. I knew Bruce and his daughter Alison were my lawyers when Alisons boyfriend told me he got caught with a couple kilos of blow and he walked.
Yeah all that kind of shit is great unless you are on the other end of it. I have been on the other side of that shit. Was served three different restraining orders on a woman I would not have known if I stood next to her in a grocery store. All three orders had a different description of me. Weight, height, hair and eye color. My local Sheriff asked me why I didn’t just stomp her ass. Had to tell him that I wouldn’t know who she was.
Why? She was my husband’s girlfriend and decided that would be good to throw into the divorce proceedings. My X, unbeknown to me (until after marriage) was a grand poopah in a dark and nasty brotherhood. It infiltrated the courts as well. I damn near went to jail, was not allowed to face my accuser, was asked to turn my face away.. The only thing that saved my ass was a home security system and a security service that proved I was at home! Technically under electronic surveillance for protection!
It ended up in the Supreme Court of Missouri, made case law and my judgement was shockingly upheld. Four years to get a divorce at a cost of 48k, four years of harassment from a crazy bitch.
Yup, it’s all good as long as your a decent person like me that refused to pledge my allegiance to the dark things of the night. It’s all good until someone gets one of those demons set loose on his or her ass.. That can really have an impact.
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Good morning citizens of CG Corners! It’s Friday, Drinking tea, hands are sticky and smell like good sativa, heck, it’s a pretty good day!

Enjoy it my friends!

One more chop to take care of tomorrow!
I’ll be heading east to see my lady tomorrow.
The beast from the east meets the axe in the first light of day!
QUOTE="CannaGranny, post: 40040, member: 13
QUOTE="TomH, post: 40039, member: 69

I never realize until now that if you look at the information in the “quoted” post, it’ll tell you the order of the people that joined the builders site (I believe).

CG is # 13, for good luck no doubt!

I, on the other hand and lucky number 69! :)
QUOTE="CannaGranny, post: 40040, member: 13
QUOTE="TomH, post: 40039, member: 69

I never realize until now that if you look at the information in the “quoted” post, it’ll tell you the order of the people that joined the builders site (I believe).

CG is # 13, for good luck no doubt!

I, on the other hand and lucky number 69! :)
Funny, I was born on the 13th! I have no comment on your number! Lol 😜
Man, we got the humidity rolling through these hills this morning! Fog like crazy. Grow room is topping out at 68% humidity a little higher than I like to see it. Normally this time of the year I’m fighting to keep it up.
Got my seed bags hauled out this morning, it’s just like Christmas! Two of my choices at this point is Imperium X and Black Sugar Rose.
@dragonsflamegenetics five of five of the Haole Moonshine has germinated! I have a friend that’s a pretty avid pheno hunter running these out for me.
Anyone else popping any new stuff?
Man, we got the humidity rolling through these hills this morning! Fog like crazy. Grow room is topping out at 68% humidity a little higher than I like to see it. Normally this time of the year I’m fighting to keep it up.
Got my seed bags hauled out this morning, it’s just like Christmas! Two of my choices at this point is Imperium X and Black Sugar Rose.
@dragonsflamegenetics five of five of the Haole Moonshine has germinated! I have a friend that’s a pretty avid pheno hunter running these out for me.
Anyone else popping any new stuff?
Thinking about it...when's the good dates for germinating/planting? Saw you keep up on the moon phases figured I'd pop some one the days you say are best and give that a whirl.

Took 9 clones to put in peat pellets since I am not sure about my aero cloner if it's gonna yield me good success. So I went back to a method that's worked for me prior. Anyway got all my clones cut put in tray and domed....took them to sit them next to the aero cloner and light...for shits and giggles I popped the lid on the cloner...sure as shit the first clone is throwing roots...ah well, they needed a prune I'll have like 25 clones 🙄👍😁
Yeah all that kind of shit is great unless you are on the other end of it. I have been on the other side of that shit. Was served three different restraining orders on a woman I would not have known if I stood next to her in a grocery store. All three orders had a different description of me. Weight, height, hair and eye color. My local Sheriff asked me why I didn’t just stomp her ass. Had to tell him that I wouldn’t know who she was.
Why? She was my husband’s girlfriend and decided that would be good to throw into the divorce proceedings. My X, unbeknown to me (until after marriage) was a grand poopah in a dark and nasty brotherhood. It infiltrated the courts as well. I damn near went to jail, was not allowed to face my accuser, was asked to turn my face away.. The only thing that saved my ass was a home security system and a security service that proved I was at home! Technically under electronic surveillance for protection!
It ended up in the Supreme Court of Missouri, made case law and my judgement was shockingly upheld. Four years to get a divorce at a cost of 48k, four years of harassment from a crazy bitch.
Yup, it’s all good as long as your a decent person like me that refused to pledge my allegiance to the dark things of the night. It’s all good until someone gets one of those demons set loose on his or her ass.. That can really have an impact.
Sorry to hear the agony you had to go through. Sometimes the justice system isn't so just

If you ever find yourself in a pickle on the left coast call Bruce. He was there when there was no "there"....

I just tested out some newly harvested sativa that is so speedy it caused my cat to get the zoomies just from how speedy I am.

Still way too early to enjoy much of it, I believe it’ll be one of my best so far when done, right now, it’s pretty freaking awesome.

It’s so mild when puffing it through my bong, I don’t even begin feeling it in my throat until the 3rd or 4th big gulp off the thing. By then, the next 30 minutes are going to get weird!

The smell is strong lemons, maybe lemon peel, the aroma is very mild but caries some of the citrus from the smell. It hits strong and fast, but not fast enough to have prevented me from the 4th hit.
Anyone else popping any new stuff?

For the past two weeks I’ve been trying to pop some new beans, they all come up, get about 3/4” tall and die.

I realized, they have all been seeds from the same place. Hmmm. Maybe I’m screwing up time and time again. Or maybe bunk seeds.

REgroup! On the 25th, I dropped 2 seeds each from some bagseed that I have collected along the way.
Orange Cream Pop - Sativa leaning hybrid
Crystal Berry - Indica leaning hybrid

Both sets of seeds popped open and dropped into soil, now all I can hear is the Jeopardy music playing in the background while I await the next grow/or not!
Sorry to hear the agony you had to go through. Sometimes the justice system isn't so just

If you ever find yourself in a pickle on the left coast call Bruce. He was there when there was no "there"....

I try to stay out of all pickles 🙂 I’m not exactly the criminal sort since legalization. I’ve been driving for 45 years and to this day never even had a warning. Yet all of a sudden I’m a criminal? A mean one too? At times I still try to find the humor in it. Main thing was is the law was upheld properly and four years later and several thousand dollars less in my coffers the Mo Supreme Court upheld case law. They also expunged any and all court records concerning three restraining orders.
What if I had not have had the money to fight that? I’d be sharing ramen noodles with Corn Pop in the county jail! Imagine that..
I just tested out some newly harvested sativa that is so speedy it caused my cat to get the zoomies just from how speedy I am.

Still way too early to enjoy much of it, I believe it’ll be one of my best so far when done, right now, it’s pretty freaking awesome.

It’s so mild when puffing it through my bong, I don’t even begin feeling it in my throat until the 3rd or 4th big gulp off the thing. By then, the next 30 minutes are going to get weird!

The smell is strong lemons, maybe lemon peel, the aroma is very mild but caries some of the citrus from the smell. It hits strong and fast, but not fast enough to have prevented me from the 4th hit.

Well, what strain is it?
Thinking about it...when's the good dates for germinating/planting? Saw you keep up on the moon phases figured I'd pop some one the days you say are best and give that a whirl.

Took 9 clones to put in peat pellets since I am not sure about my aero cloner if it's gonna yield me good success. So I went back to a method that's worked for me prior. Anyway got all my clones cut put in tray and domed....took them to sit them next to the aero cloner and light...for shits and giggles I popped the lid on the cloner...sure as shit the first clone is throwing roots...ah well, they needed a prune I'll have like 25 clones 🙄👍😁
By the Moon Phases
By Using fruitful Signs
  • 1st – 2nd
    Good days for transplanting. Good days for planting beets, carrots, onions, turnips, and other hardy root crops where climate is suitable.
  • 3rd – 4th
    Poor days for planting, seeds tend to rot in ground.
  • 5th – 6th
    Start seedbeds and flower gardens. Good days for transplanting. Best planting days for fall potatoes, turnips, onions, carrots, beets, and other root crops where climate is suitable.
  • 7th – 11th
    A most barren period, best for killing plant pests or doing chores around the farm. Good harvest days.
  • 12th – 14th
    Fine for sowing grains, hay, and forage crops. Plant flowers. First two days are favorable days for planting root crops. Last day is a favorable day for planting beans, peas, squash, sweet corn, tomatoes, and other aboveground crops in southern Florida, Texas, and California.
  • 15th – 16th
    Start seedbeds. Favorable days for planting aboveground crops, and leafy vegetables such as lettuce, cabbage, kale, and celery where climate is suitable.
  • 17th – 18th
    Do clearing and plowing, but no planting.
  • 19th – 21st
    Plant tomatoes, peas, beans, and other aboveground crops, indoors in the North and outdoors in lower South.
  • 22nd – 23rd
    Poor planting days. Kill poison ivy, weeds, clear land, but no planting.
  • 24th – 25th
    Extra good for vine crops. Favorable days for planting aboveground crops where climate is suitable.
  • 26th – 27th
    Barren days, do no planting.
  • 28th – 29th
    Good days for transplanting. Good days for planting beets, carrots, onions, turnips, and other hardy root crops where climate is suitable.
Well, what strain is it?
It is a sativa bagseed. Came from a friend of a friend that grew it at home and she had no idea what it was.
As of now, I’m going to need to be on my guard around this stuff. It’s a little too psychedelic for what I had expected.
I took about a 30 minute trip down a rabbit hole (psilocybin style) thinking about my late wife. I’ve done enough real psychedelics that I knew how to “moderate” it, but I was not expecting something that strong from weed.

I knew I was going down that hole, but totally powerless to stop it.

More respect for this one now!
View attachment 23405
By the Moon Phases
By Using fruitful Signs
  • 1st – 2nd
    Good days for transplanting. Good days for planting beets, carrots, onions, turnips, and other hardy root crops where climate is suitable.
  • 3rd – 4th
    Poor days for planting, seeds tend to rot in ground.
  • 5th – 6th
    Start seedbeds and flower gardens. Good days for transplanting. Best planting days for fall potatoes, turnips, onions, carrots, beets, and other root crops where climate is suitable.
  • 7th – 11th
    A most barren period, best for killing plant pests or doing chores around the farm. Good harvest days.
  • 12th – 14th
    Fine for sowing grains, hay, and forage crops. Plant flowers. First two days are favorable days for planting root crops. Last day is a favorable day for planting beans, peas, squash, sweet corn, tomatoes, and other aboveground crops in southern Florida, Texas, and California.
  • 15th – 16th
    Start seedbeds. Favorable days for planting aboveground crops, and leafy vegetables such as lettuce, cabbage, kale, and celery where climate is suitable.
  • 17th – 18th
    Do clearing and plowing, but no planting.
  • 19th – 21st
    Plant tomatoes, peas, beans, and other aboveground crops, indoors in the North and outdoors in lower South.
  • 22nd – 23rd
    Poor planting days. Kill poison ivy, weeds, clear land, but no planting.
  • 24th – 25th
    Extra good for vine crops. Favorable days for planting aboveground crops where climate is suitable.
  • 26th – 27th
    Barren days, do no planting.
  • 28th – 29th
    Good days for transplanting. Good days for planting beets, carrots, onions, turnips, and other hardy root crops where climate is suitable.
I'm gonna have to screen shot that...thanks granny! ❤

Going to hang a pinboard in my grow'll be pinned!
Man, we got the humidity rolling through these hills this morning! Fog like crazy. Grow room is topping out at 68% humidity a little higher than I like to see it. Normally this time of the year I’m fighting to keep it up.
Got my seed bags hauled out this morning, it’s just like Christmas! Two of my choices at this point is Imperium X and Black Sugar Rose.
@dragonsflamegenetics five of five of the Haole Moonshine has germinated! I have a friend that’s a pretty avid pheno hunter running these out for me.
Anyone else popping any new stuff?
I was about to take a few clones of a keeper, but then decided to pop a few new strains (to me) instead. All are fems:

1. Oracle Octane (Anesia) - one seed
2. Captain Future (Anesia) - one seed
3. The Rhombus (Irie) - two seeds - This is the only one I've run before. It's a killer sleep inducer.
4. Lemon Jeffery (Irie) - two seeds
5. Character Zero (Irie) - two seeds
6. The Wombat (Irie) - one seed.

Even though I prefer to run a full pack, so I can completely explore a strain, I opted for pure variety this time.

I assume Anesia selections will be very powerful, but I don't know if I'd like them. Lemon Jeffrey is the strain the breeder named after himself and it's supposed to be an extreme limonene plant. I figure I'll like it. Character Zero is Doorstep x Afterglow, which breaks down like this:

[Nepali x (Nigerian x Afghani)] x [Clementine x Arise]

Anything crossed to arise is very powerful. But that Nepali - Nigerian - Afghani parent is what intrigued me. Most Nepali weed we have is, oddly, sativa. Supposedly quite speedy. Nigerian is also known to be psycho-speedy.

The Wombat is NYC Diesel x Afterglow. The strain description includes, "This some [sic] will have your heart racing and your head spinning."

I don't know what "This some" means. Did he mean "This strain..." or "Some [phenos] will have..." Regardless, my heart racing and head spinning is what I'm all about. Hopefully I don't have to pheno hunt for that effect.
Really good advice!
I also think attire matters as well, put the effort to put on non denim pants and a shirt that didn't come from Spencer's lol

I've been in court and seen people go to the stand with jeans that had holes in them and talked to the judge with zero respect.... never goes there way
I had jury duty and was questioned by the judge about my potential biases. The first time I said something, I spoke like a normal person in a typical conversation. After that I addressed her as "your honor," and her mood changed completely, for the better.

The defense tossed me out for no stated reason, so the only take-away for me was be very polite and courteous when addressing judges.
Man, we got the humidity rolling through these hills this morning! Fog like crazy. Grow room is topping out at 68% humidity a little higher than I like to see it. Normally this time of the year I’m fighting to keep it up.
Got my seed bags hauled out this morning, it’s just like Christmas! Two of my choices at this point is Imperium X and Black Sugar Rose.
@dragonsflamegenetics five of five of the Haole Moonshine has germinated! I have a friend that’s a pretty avid pheno hunter running these out for me.
Anyone else popping any new stuff?

I've got some of Jeff's seeds that I will be sowing right away here.
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