I'm going to add that your involvement with your tribe is probably stoking those spirits. They or it probably sees you as a conduit that they can use to express themselves since you are more in tune. I've always felt whatever spiritual energy that is manifesting itself on earth are souls that have some unfinished business that they need to figure out before they move on to their next destination.
Maybe so, but my religion requires me to make a choice. I have done so and have no qualms about it. It is the ultimate protector in this situation.
Lou WhiteEagle a much loved old medicine man schooled me in this. He said I would have to make choices both would provide protection, to do so from the heart. I have done so. I hate the battle, but am thankful for the tools. It has been a combination effort of all of them is why I still live here.
So, I have spent a great deal of time today in my grow room. I’m not finding anything alarming. No warm or burnt wires, plug in’s etc. So, I don’t feel like it was a warning, however its been perfectly quiet in there all day.
Im rolling along with the idea it was happenstance and will be watching pretty close. That does happen at times, more so before a storm system moves in. I’m not aware of any approaching storm systems.
A few weeks back, if you all remember, I told you about the tv turning itself on. That has not happened again. Maybe this is a one time incident as well. (Fingers crossed) if not, well then I will start my three day fast and deal with it. I sure like eating..
So, I have spent a great deal of time today in my grow room. I’m not finding anything alarming. No warm or burnt wires, plug in’s etc. So, I don’t feel like it was a warning, however its been perfectly quiet in there all day.
Im rolling along with the idea it was happenstance and will be watching pretty close. That does happen at times, more so before a storm system moves in. I’m not aware of any approaching storm systems.
A few weeks back, if you all remember, I told you about the tv turning itself on. That has not happened again. Maybe this is a one time incident as well. (Fingers crossed) if not, well then I will start my three day fast and deal with it. I sure like eating..
You are by far the wisest in this bunch, has that been said before?

I hope you have some apprentices that are taking your wisdom in, outside of growing
You are by far the wisest in this bunch, has that been said before?

I hope you have some apprentices that are taking your wisdom in, outside of growing
Wisdom comes on the heels of necessity.
Thanks for the kind words 🥰
I actually do get visitors here that are having similar problems. I never stopped talking about what I have dealt with, and they know I’m no liar. Some, I can help, others I refer to our local Priest. Not even my religion, but the only one that will openly address the problem. Some of the problems I hear about are wayyyyy beyond my abilities.
Here, I must defend my space.
An idea of the energy around me..at times it’s almost palatable..will make the hair stand up on the back of one’s neck like static electricity.IMG_0758.jpegIMG_0757.jpeg
Hey Gmorning all, I dropped 6 seeds into water last Sunday night. 5 popped 1 failed so I dropped another seed to replace it. 1 week later I've 6 up but the last one I popped isn't looking good, no secondary leaves after 2 days out of the ground. The rest look great 2 Trainwreck, 2 Green Crack 1 Gruntz and an Iffy GruntzView attachment 23668
Why some double cupped and some not? Just curious.
Okay imma have to quit playing go on and face the booger in my grow room. Been kind of putting that off.
I knew it was the most active room in the house when I made it a grow. Still makes me jumpy. I absolutely hate this shit.
If there is no good reason for this to have happened and I’m not even sure what that would be, then it will be a war.
I have been told by many in the know that I am gifted. This is no gift. This is a curse.
Yes, I’m insane. Wanna come stay the night in my grow room?
One family we knew used to swear they had a ghost. Used to talk to it and pat the walls and stuff. Seemed to work. It was a trickster and not a harmful one, so they said. 🤷‍♂️
Why some double cupped and some not? Just curious.
I must have 101 solo cups around here and as I was potting the seedlings I had 2 cups stuck together & I remembered seeing others use a clear cup on the inside to see root production. So I thought wtf i have the cups go for it. The inside cups have a lot of holes in them, I didn't want to block drainage or ventilation.
So, I have spent a great deal of time today in my grow room. I’m not finding anything alarming. No warm or burnt wires, plug in’s etc. So, I don’t feel like it was a warning, however its been perfectly quiet in there all day.
Im rolling along with the idea it was happenstance and will be watching pretty close. That does happen at times, more so before a storm system moves in. I’m not aware of any approaching storm systems.
A few weeks back, if you all remember, I told you about the tv turning itself on. That has not happened again. Maybe this is a one time incident as well. (Fingers crossed) if not, well then I will start my three day fast and deal with it. I sure like eating..
I did an electrical job 1 time that when they turned on their washing machine the TV would go on but not fire up 100%......I go WTF it ended up being a short in the incoming power line where 1 wire of the 3 wire coming into the house had been cut putting the load on the neutral so it was back feeding through the panel on the neutral. So the neutral was hot at all outlets, lights and other equipment making turning something on reroute the current backwards through the house
Got the phone call I've been waiting for yesterday! They made me a conditional offer contingent on the passing of a background check, physical, drug evaluation and a health screen. I gladly accepted the position and can't wait to get started.

I took the day off and plan on getting the hydro system back up and running so I can move the little Power Plant seedling into the tent. Gonna be a good day!
A little late but congrats ! Glad to hear a story with a great ending once in while! 🍾
So I made the trip, no probs. Got enough mushroom compost to last a year. Had an excellent lunch and a lot of good giggles. Come home to some shit news.
A friend of mine that had a back surgery about three weeks ago decided he could no longer take the pain and offed himself. Breaks my heart for his wife and children. He wrote his wife a note this morning told her where he was going and what his plans were. She was supposed to find it after work. She forgot something came home, found the note and went after him. She was too late and first on the scene 😭 Breaks my heart and makes me so angry that no one listened to him about the pain he was experiencing. (Medical personnel). Just a shit ending to a great day.
Please, please never make this decision! It’s a permanent solution to a temporary problem, and the way it hurts your loved ones is unrecoverable.
Sorry to hear granny my heart goes out - must have been in the air I had a ex player ( I coached highs school football for 20 years) commit the horrible act Friday night ! We are unsure why at this point , personally have have had 4 friends or family members commit, Granny is right if there’s any one ya know or suspect , speak up if you’re wrong ? So what , if you’re right you could save a life !
Morning you menz!
Another gorgeous day in the Ozarks! I plan to enjoy every single minute of it before the long winter sets in.
The house was completely quiet last night. For that I am thankful. I’m going to lay it off at this point to a one time happenstance event. It will either stop or get crazier. At this point we are hoping it has just moved along. I did notice that my water cart battery is drained. It’s on a recharge now.
Bubbling up some tea today, will tea and top dress tomorrow evening then fim. We are on our way to flower!
Here’s wishing you all a fantastic day! Smoke em if ya got ‘em!
I did an electrical job 1 time that when they turned on their washing machine the TV would go on but not fire up 100%......I go WTF it ended up being a short in the incoming power line where 1 wire of the 3 wire coming into the house had been cut putting the load on the neutral so it was back feeding through the panel on the neutral. So the neutral was hot at all outlets, lights and other equipment making turning something on reroute the current backwards through the house
The tv came completely on, I guess the thing that caught my attention was what came on. A program called of all things Paranormal Caught On Camera was playing. This last incident involved a battery powdered cart. Just weird shit!
Such a beautiful day today!!!

My little diy cooler is finished, looks so cute in a gutted PC case lol.

Training my second backup at work, bored bored bored. Brought in peanut butter, chocolate, banana bread and a breakfast casserole for my coworkers today. Trying to put more effort into giving, just a bonus that good karma is coming my way, won the second lottery pool this month over the weekend. Interesting enough it was a way to raise money for funeral costs for someone that used to work here that committed...

It's a family recipe that is titled make ahead breakfast by my mom and hangover breakfast by my dad. Yeah, one of them liked to drink and passed that down to me lol.
We are looking at bread that has soaked up egg and milk over night in the fridge, with cheese, sausage, mushrooms, and peppers. When it bakes it fluffs up like a quiche.

Homemade diy peltier cooler finished, not that effective, but interesting project to keep me busy.
Such a beautiful day today!!!

My little diy cooler is finished, looks so cute in a gutted PC case lol.

Training my second backup at work, bored bored bored. Brought in peanut butter, chocolate, banana bread and a breakfast casserole for my coworkers today. Trying to put more effort into giving, just a bonus that good karma is coming my way, won the second lottery pool this month over the weekend. Interesting enough it was a way to raise money for funeral costs for someone that used to work here that committed...

View attachment 23748
It's a family recipe that is titled make ahead breakfast by my mom and hangover breakfast by my dad. Yeah, one of them liked to drink and passed that down to me lol.
We are looking at bread that has soaked up egg and milk over night in the fridge, with cheese, sausage, mushrooms, and peppers. When it bakes it fluffs up like a quiche.

Homemade diy peltier cooler finished, not that effective, but interesting project to keep me busy.
View attachment 23749
We have a breakfast casserole similar to that we have every Christmas it is one of my favorite things in the world to eat ❤️❤️Not sure if it’s just the tradition or the flavor or both but I loooovvvveee it
Such a beautiful day today!!!

My little diy cooler is finished, looks so cute in a gutted PC case lol.

Training my second backup at work, bored bored bored. Brought in peanut butter, chocolate, banana bread and a breakfast casserole for my coworkers today. Trying to put more effort into giving, just a bonus that good karma is coming my way, won the second lottery pool this month over the weekend. Interesting enough it was a way to raise money for funeral costs for someone that used to work here that committed...

View attachment 23748
It's a family recipe that is titled make ahead breakfast by my mom and hangover breakfast by my dad. Yeah, one of them liked to drink and passed that down to me lol.
We are looking at bread that has soaked up egg and milk over night in the fridge, with cheese, sausage, mushrooms, and peppers. When it bakes it fluffs up like a quiche.

Homemade diy peltier cooler finished, not that effective, but interesting project to keep me busy.
View attachment 23749
Do you get any temperature drop at all on the cool side? How large a space did you use? If I could drop 27sq/ft a couple of degrees I'd be happy with that. Specially through the winter if it would cool my drying box a few degree's from 68f day time 64f night
Do you get any temperature drop at all on the cool side? How large a space did you use? If I could drop 27sq/ft a couple of degrees I'd be happy with that. Specially through the winter if it would cool my drying box a few degree's from 68f day time 64f night
It was a water cooler, I can feel it cold to the touch, but only slightly more than ambient. I am going to take it apart and test it as an air cooler next. Reversing the polarity of the thermoelectric peltier chips (4) is all you do to reverse the heating/cooling side of the chip. If anything this has been a great learning experience.

So the peltier chips get hot on one side and cool on the other, in it's current configuration the water radiator is on the cool side and the heatsink and fans on the hot side, and boy do they get hot. So if wired as an air cooler you will cycle water through to keep the chips cool and cold air will come out the fans and heatsink.

I will probably try it out this week and I'll let you know.
Do you get any temperature drop at all on the cool side? How large a space did you use? If I could drop 27sq/ft a couple of degrees I'd be happy with that. Specially through the winter if it would cool my drying box a few degree's from 68f day time 64f night
For some reason I'm feeling motivated lately, just fished putting the cooling air with peltier thermoelectric chips to the test. And I'm really blown away how effective it is!!!

Got a 10°f drop in temp in under two minutes, albeit directly above one of the fans, but still!! For $40 that is pretty damn cool if you ask me...lol

Here is my testing video, of course my testing equipment could be better, but it is def proof it is cooling air much more efficiently than it cools water(reverse wiring). I'm going to use this in a swamp or tent cooler for when we go camping!

Edit: Try not to laugh too hard at my excitement in the video as just the first few degrees drop! I really had no idea it was going to keep going, passed my expectations for sure

View attachment Pxl 20231003 003353647~2-copy.mp4
I must have 101 solo cups around here and as I was potting the seedlings I had 2 cups stuck together & I remembered seeing others use a clear cup on the inside to see root production. So I thought wtf i have the cups go for it. The inside cups have a lot of holes in them, I didn't want to block drainage or ventilation.
Cool. I still double cup. Just wondering why some and not others. Now I know, thank you. 😝
Ironically my wife loves Halloween & fall in general so we really do it up for Halloween. (honestly Christmas too) Like I currently have 6 or 7 (lol I can't remember) Halloween inflatables & 3 projectors going in my yard on top of all the other Halloween stuff my wife puts up around the house. The ironic thing about it is that it's all stored in my lung room year round until about 2 weeks ago when we put it out. I should have put it up in there & taken a picture before I moved it outside, now I would have to buy entirely new decorations just for the grow space. Maybe I should plan ahead for a potential Christmas contest. 🤣
For some reason I'm feeling motivated lately, just fished putting the cooling air with peltier thermoelectric chips to the test. And I'm really blown away how effective it is!!!

Got a 10°f drop in temp in under two minutes, albeit directly above one of the fans, but still!! For $40 that is pretty damn cool if you ask me...lol

Here is my testing video, of course my testing equipment could be better, but it is def proof it is cooling air much more efficiently than it cools water(reverse wiring). I'm going to use this in a swamp or tent cooler for when we go camping!

Edit: Try not to laugh too hard at my excitement in the video as just the first few degrees drop! I really had no idea it was going to keep going, passed my expectations for sure

View attachment 23785
I just placed an order for some Briar blocks it'll be the first time I try making pipes out of it. My plants are now dry and except for my Sour D all bagged up. I'll be making dust fly soon. I'll have to make a few to start before I cut into the Briar, I don''t want to fk up expensive wood. 1696349463952.png
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