Season 3 isnt gonna be out for like 3 years cause they havent even started filming it yet. Now im angry
ugh. that's just as bad as how they handled Ozarks. and now, apparently, they're never going to finish ozarks. a whole bunch of bullshit. get us invested in these story lines and characters and then just drop em like our emotions mean nothing. goddamn gaslighting bastards.
When you aren't sure your method of cloning is gonna work, no problem take extras. When it turns out to work a little better than you expected, time for a plan B 😬. I do this shit with seed too! Plant 40 thinking 4 will germ then end up with 42 plants somehow...

Well for all you folks that don’t have a red headed lady to do this for you.. this little gadget has kept me on my feet for a long time!
My lady is ginger as they come (hair matches drapes) and I'd likely die out of surprise if she ever gave me a massage. Instead I just get grumped at about not stretching between her choking on dabs lol
When you aren't sure your method of cloning is gonna work, no problem take extras. When it turns out to work a little better than you expected, time for a plan B 😬. I do this shit with seed too! Plant 40 thinking 4 will germ then end up with 42 plants somehow...

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Never underestimate clones man. I dialed way back ones I figured out that taking 3x needed expecting to need to take more, then ending up with 3x needed leads to killing healthy plants. Once you get that process down, it's no longer a numbers game
Never underestimate clones man. I dialed way back ones I figured out that taking 3x needed expecting to need to take more, then ending up with 3x needed leads to killing healthy plants. Once you get that process down, it's no longer a numbers game
@Observer been casting spells my way trying to get me to leave these things in solo cups and flower em lol

@tobh got you one of those smoke mommy's too huh?
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Congratulations Bro! Time to pour out a whiskey neat and a big fat doob!🥳
I don't drink but I really wanna sample my plant with a celebratory doob. I'm just a little worried about the random mouth swabs and the fact that I'm sure the background check showed my pot charge. Makes me nervous about a swab shortly after getting hired.

I peed clean for the first time in my life, though, so that's pretty cool.
I actually forgot about my heat pad so thanks for that!
Tiger balm works on my sore muscles, but the nerve twitches are whats killing me.
Im actually talking to my wife about possibly grabbing some super high CBD seeds and see if it helps at all with the pain im in. I gotta do something about it and will NOT go back on opiates.

Gabapentin works sometimes but thats another one i dont wanna be addicted too so i stay away from pills unless Tylenol or Motrin lol.
The best thing i took for my pain was cyclobenzaprine and 800mg Motrin, but it only works for like 2 hours.
Really just need bite the bullet and go get surgery.
I take something like the gabapentin without the side effects - non controlled I’ll get you the name it starts with a M and is also a nerve blocker
I don't drink but I really wanna sample my plant with a celebratory doob. I'm just a little worried about the random mouth swabs and the fact that I'm sure the background check showed my pot charge. Makes me nervous about a swab shortly after getting hired.

I peed clean for the first time in my life, though, so that's pretty cool.
it just sucks that companies do that. I know some folks can't function high or drunk, but I can work and be higher than a kite. I worked for myself but I still had to submit a UA for certain contracts. I think I was swabbed once and that was when I worked in the union.
it just sucks that companies do that. I know some folks can't function high or drunk, but I can work and be higher than a kite. I worked for myself but I still had to submit a UA for certain contracts. I think I was swabbed once and that was when I worked in the union.
Agreed. I dabbed all day every day leading up to this stint of sobriety and still outworked all my apprentices. I get so tired of repeating myself and saying "see that's why I said to do it this particular way" after they didn't listen and fucked something up.

Thankfully that's all behind me now.
What's up gang! You guys won't believe what I was doing this past weekend!

Just got back from an awesome trip this weekend, I am the one in the front that is invisible due to the sheer amount of water coming at us. A group of 8 of us went out rafting on the Gauley river in WV this weekend, it was honestly the most fun of my entire life!!! We hit 4 or 5 level 5 rapids... just sick, totally sick

Funny part about it is I brought some chocolate edibles i made that are super strong by just one piece along with me in a bag. At the end of the bus ride to drop in, i check them and they are all melting up into a glob... So only thing to do is eat some kind of hero dose of edibles right before we got out, and when the guide (the guy in the back leading us) asks who wants to lead this thing and ride up front i'm the very first one to put their hand up! We were out for 5 hours i think, i'm trying to remember, but it was like 4 level 5's and a crazy amount of level 4's. cant say it again, best time of my life!! gave the guide a good amount of money and some of my home grown prerolls i had for the trip as tip, lol. If you ever book a trip at Adventures on the Gorge in WV, ask for Nick, really cool guide!

They release huge amounts of dam water to get the water flow this intense

I'm up front on the left side of the boat, literally immersed in water, you can't see one piece of me in this picture. We didn't lose one person!!
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This is when i was up front and fucking ate it but fell in the boat instead of out
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This is from when i was in the back for the second half
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Bro this looks amazing. Will have to check it out someday soon. When does the season end out there? Lowkey jealous you got in some real mother nature fun time. Good idea on the edibles lol. Its probably a bad idea but imagine microdosing during this lmfao
Agreed. I dabbed all day every day leading up to this stint of sobriety and still outworked all my apprentices. I get so tired of repeating myself and saying "see that's why I said to do it this particular way" after they didn't listen and fucked something up.

Thankfully that's all behind me now.
yeah it sucks when someone says they can perform high and work. I remember once we ran 1600 cat-5e voice and Data wires in this building. we always pulled the cables to whatever the length was supposed to be and then additional 20 ft on each end just in case of a change in location etc. well we dropped all the cables at the location where they had to go and in the MDF ( Main distribution Frame ) we were dressing are cables and renumber and cutting off any extra for scrap. well this guy was high and he relabeled all the cables and he was suppose to cut the cables to the right of the label about a foot, well he cut it to the left of the cable and we had to tone all 1600 cables because he cut off the labeled part. when I did that task i always marked the cables 3 time a foot apart on both ends well they only marked it once.
Have you seen the "forever bulb" I think it's called? Lightbulb they powered up over 100 years ago that still is on and going...I think 130 years if they only put those in grow lamps 🤘
This just sent me into a wikipedia binge about carbon filament lol. 10/10 quality random factoid
Morning all ya menz!
Got all my ladies tented and my grow room is lit, warm and at 60% humidity. We be rockin round here!
Todays big challenge is to load up my craziest cat for a trip to the vet. Wish me luck, better yet pray for me!
Something big got ahold of him, space of the bites shows the teeth were not that of another cat. I’m thinking a coyote.
Yesterday was snake day here on the farm. I was talking to a friend yesterday morning telling her that having outdoor cats, I had not seen a snake all year. Within five mins of hanging up we killed a Pygmy rattler within ten feet of the south porch, and yesterday evening an almost three foot long copperhead within five feet of the carport! WTH?
Keep an eye out and know where your feet will fall next!
Wishing you all a great day!
sometimes i feel like just saying stuff can trigger stuff. Literally was telling my Mom that her shih tzu's are quiet and dont bark. Its like the shits understood me and have been barking fiends ever since. Ima just keep my mouth shut from now on lmao
yeah it sucks when someone says they can perform high and work. I remember once we ran 1600 cat-5e voice and Data wires in this building. we always pulled the cables to whatever the length was supposed to be and then additional 20 ft on each end just in case of a change in location etc. well we dropped all the cables at the location where they had to go and in the MDF ( Main distribution Frame ) we were dressing are cables and renumber and cutting off any extra for scrap. well this guy was high and he relabeled all the cables and he was suppose to cut the cables to the right of the label about a foot, well he cut it to the left of the cable and we had to tone all 1600 cables because he cut off the labeled part. when I did that task i always marked the cables 3 time a foot apart on both ends well they only marked it once.
Sometimes being stoned is not the best answer. 99% of the rest of the time its ok lol. But i dont want a surgeon to be baked or an airline pilot. Just imagine "attention passengers im baked off my ass and flew us to pittsburgh instead of miami. Oops!"
Sometimes being stoned is not the best answer. 99% of the rest of the time its ok lol. But i dont want a surgeon to be baked or an airline pilot. Just imagine "attention passengers im baked off my ass and flew us to pittsburgh instead of miami. Oops!"
yes. I should have specified unless you're this or that lol. I can hear it now, captain: uh we are 30,000 feet uh over uh have man stop that, uh over new lol no ssh they'll hear you, mexico.
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