Thoughts from an old ladies smoking sesh on Sunday:
Hauling out winter clothes today

Need them for a bon fire tonight

One super cool thing about getting old..not one single person gives a hoot that it’s 1: Sunday night or 2: And no one has to work tomorrow.
We are the scrounge of the US..dared and managed to live long enough to get a pittance back of what they have took from us on paycheck one! Disrespectfully spoken to, by college deeducated puppets that believe the term “okay Boomer” is acceptable. (I’ll show ya a “boomer” bitch). Forced to purchase crappy insurance for premium prices and taxed on money we worked our asses off for paid taxes on and saved.
I sure hope this younger generation gets a better deal. So far, not looking so good. They play so easily into the hands of the man.
In the meantime this “boomer” is prepping to enjoy an evening of bon fires, excellent smoke, great food and damn good company.
Pondering shit like..the rat is free to move about anywhere as long as he stays in the maze..