Very cool looking grains in this wood. I’m impressed!
I was a bit worried Briar wood would be to hard for me to work with but its softer than the Bubinga so I'm happy I can work with it.......But....I ordered some Olive wood......Bubinga is a 10.7 and very hard ...Olive is a 12.1.....So is the Blood wood I'm going to try today then I'll know if I can handle the Olive...Moe was asking about Coco Bolo....its 14.1.....yikes sound more rock like than wood
I was a bit worried Briar wood would be to hard for me to work with but its softer than the Bubinga so I'm happy I can work with it.......But....I ordered some Olive wood......Bubinga is a 10.7 and very hard ...Olive is a 12.1.....So is the Blood wood I'm going to try today then I'll know if I can handle the Olive...Moe was asking about Coco Bolo....its 14.1.....yikes sound more rock like than wood
Don't make a pipe out of cocobolo, I believe it has some toxic properties.
Many of the ironwoods have essential oils in them that can be harmful.
One of my best friends in high school's Dad had a pipe collection they inherited from like a grandparent or something. They had a pipe that the bowl was carved into Harry S. Truman's head. Every time he had a decent sized get together at his house we would break into the display case & smoke weed out of the Truman pipe, he used to get sooo pissed. 🤣
I've always loved good wooden pipes, but eventually they get to a point where you can't clean them enough to get the old tar taste out of them. Any good way of cleaning them that you'd recommend?
redrill the hole?. I'm not sure but I'd think in the breathe hole I could fit the same sized bit in it and give her hand spin. A precious old pipe I wouldn't want to crack it using a drill but spin progressively larger bits by hand & your pipe cleaners. Not sure really but my friend Google may have an answer or 2
redrill the hole?. I'm not sure but I'd think in the breathe hole I could fit the same sized bit in it and give her hand spin. A precious old pipe I wouldn't want to crack it using a drill but spin progressively larger bits by hand & your pipe cleaners. Not sure really but my friend Google may have an answer or 2
My method, when they get too dirty, is toss them in a box and get another pipe. I'd throw pipes made of other materials away, but for some reason I can't easily toss out a wooden pipe.
I was a bit worried Briar wood would be to hard for me to work with but its softer than the Bubinga so I'm happy I can work with it.......But....I ordered some Olive wood......Bubinga is a 10.7 and very hard ...Olive is a 12.1.....So is the Blood wood I'm going to try today then I'll know if I can handle the Olive...Moe was asking about Coco Bolo....its 14.1.....yikes sound more rock like than wood
Ever try petrified wood? Surely need other tools but should make for a cleanable pipe. I live by 2 big ass rivers I could probably come across some with a little effort and send it your way
As kids one my friends had this awesome peace pipe we would smoke out of. About a foot long, wooden stem with fur tied with leather strapping, connected to a marble like stone head piece that was carved into an eagles head.

It was bad ass
I gotta quit playin and get myself in that grow room. It’s table top and lollypopping around here today. Lollypopping creates cloning to be done. Cloning to be done means sitting up an aero cloner, cleaning and pre warming, adding a new pump and sprayers. Sure not getting it done sitting here pondering it all.
All jokes aside and on a note of seriousness.. I got no less than ten warnings on fakebook last night, several of them by intelligent people that shares trusted info. This Friday the 13th, a jihad across the world has been planned. Info is to avoid large cities, crowds and be aware. This was confirmed via American Military News this morning.
Stay safe, it’s a crazy world out there. I’d rather be warned than swarmed. Is it so? Who knows? Better to be safe than sorry.
Now, carry on! 🥰
I gotta quit playin and get myself in that grow room. It’s table top and lollypopping around here today. Lollypopping creates cloning to be done. Cloning to be done means sitting up an aero cloner, cleaning and pre warming, adding a new pump and sprayers. Sure not getting it done sitting here pondering it all.
All jokes aside and on a note of seriousness.. I got no less than ten warnings on fakebook last night, several of them by intelligent people that shares trusted info. This Friday the 13th, a jihad across the world has been planned. Info is to avoid large cities, crowds and be aware. This was confirmed via American Military News this morning.
Stay safe, it’s a crazy world out there. I’d rather be warned than swarmed. Is it so? Who knows? Better to be safe than sorry.
Now, carry on! 🥰
Sounds like a good day for my kiddos to be sick and miss school.
Getting ready to pop a couple plants over to flower...I think I'm kinda on the same mission of lollipopping.


How does everyone do their flower transition then post 12/12 defoliation?
I know some got a time frame I always just wing it. My plan was trim lowers today let plant recover then flip to flower. Then I was thinking week 1ish and week 4ish defoliation once in flower....any recommendations? Kinda expected to toss these plants but they wanna bud so now I'm hurrying myself more than I'd like so that's something I wanted to nail down better. Cheers
Getting ready to pop a couple plants over to flower...I think I'm kinda on the same mission of lollipopping.


How does everyone do their flower transition then post 12/12 defoliation?
I know some got a time frame I always just wing it. My plan was trim lowers today let plant recover then flip to flower. Then I was thinking week 1ish and week 4ish defoliation once in flower....any recommendations? Kinda expected to toss these plants but they wanna bud so now I'm hurrying myself more than I'd like so that's something I wanted to nail down better. Cheers
i do the flip defoiiation a few days before flip to give the plants some time to recover from the stress. i do go pretty heavy handed, though. then i'll do a second defoliation around day 21, or whenever stretch looks to have slowed considerably or stopped completely.

timing the defoliations is critical to not impacting growth rates while still reaping the benefits that defoliation has to offer.
I gotta quit playin and get myself in that grow room. It’s table top and lollypopping around here today. Lollypopping creates cloning to be done. Cloning to be done means sitting up an aero cloner, cleaning and pre warming, adding a new pump and sprayers. Sure not getting it done sitting here pondering it all.
All jokes aside and on a note of seriousness.. I got no less than ten warnings on fakebook last night, several of them by intelligent people that shares trusted info. This Friday the 13th, a jihad across the world has been planned. Info is to avoid large cities, crowds and be aware. This was confirmed via American Military News this morning.
Stay safe, it’s a crazy world out there. I’d rather be warned than swarmed. Is it so? Who knows? Better to be safe than sorry.
Now, carry on! 🥰
From what I've read, it sounds like there is nothing organized about any of this, but so far, lone cranks are making bomb threats.

One loner wack-job can do a lot of damage, as we all know.
From what I've read, it sounds like there is nothing organized about any of this, but so far, lone cranks are making bomb threats.

One loner wack-job can do a lot of damage, as we all know.
i too struggle to accept warnings like this as truths. while it may happen, these kinds of things tend to crop up when tensions rise due to something in the middle east or asia happening.

also keep in mind that with election year coming up, misinformation and fear mongering is going to ramp up in a big way. is there some suspect shit going on in the world? absolutely. how much is verifiable and not wholly founded in conspiracies or standing on weak credibility is significantly less.

on a lighter note, i have a dad joke that I stole from a social media platform for y'all.

You can't have a garden of plants if you haven't botany!
Don't make a pipe out of cocobolo, I believe it has some toxic properties.
Many of the ironwoods have essential oils in them that can be harmful.
Ya I just looked that up, it doesn't look any worse than a lot of woods, they all have some toxicity. A lot of concern over the dust and food sitting on it that can leach toxins back into the food or in the old days into wine and kill a bunch. Smoking is even worse with some but I don't see it on Coco Bolo , pink eye is different though1697138662102.png
Ya I just looked that up, it doesn't look any worse than a lot of woods, they all have some toxicity. A lot of concern over the dust and food sitting on it that can leach toxins back into the food or in the old days into wine and kill a bunch. Smoking is even worse with some but I don't see it on Coco Bolo , pink eye is different thoughView attachment 25415
I looked into it a bit more, the dust from Blood wood can cause loss of brain functions and effect the gastrointestinal tract. I've told my wife to keep an eye out but it might be a tough call with both on account of my smoking and eating habits....
i too struggle to accept warnings like this as truths. while it may happen, these kinds of things tend to crop up when tensions rise due to something in the middle east or asia happening.

also keep in mind that with election year coming up, misinformation and fear mongering is going to ramp up in a big way. is there some suspect shit going on in the world? absolutely. how much is verifiable and not wholly founded in conspiracies or standing on weak credibility is significantly less.

on a lighter note, i have a dad joke that I stole from a social media platform for y'all.

You can't have a garden of plants if you haven't botany!
I would say your first sentence was applicable 10 years ago but today the biggest domestic threat we face is from our own citizenry. If there is going to be a threat like that happening odds are it will come from within.
I would say your first sentence was applicable 10 years ago but today the biggest domestic threat we face is from our own citizenry. If there is going to be a threat like that happening odds are it will come from within.
oh, absolutely. but if it's not schools or public gathering places that get hit, it's mosques and synagogues and Buddhist temples, usually by right wing extremist with neo-nazi or otherwise oppressive ideologies. my point still stands that it's not so common that something domestic triggers these fuckers to commit domestic terrorism, but something that frankly shouldn't have any impact on us on this side of the globe.

you'd think they would get pissed off and raise hell about domestic policies that don't involve controlling other humans bodies, but nope. gotta get a hair up their peepee holes because the middle east is blowing itself apart again, so better go kill some Sikhs since they look like the propagandized terrorists. nevermind the drug policies, the economic policies, and the basic human right policies that have oppressed our own fuckin country over the past 50 years.

it's ignorance at its absolute ugliest.
I have worked with Ipe and other very hard woods.
They may be capable of producing toxic fumes, but good luck lighting Iron wood and many of others on fire to produce fumes with just smoking a bowl.
They are non flammable, and sink in water instantly. Very dense with no room for O2 so not so burnable?
While if you are burning them up on table saw you may smell it, I get that even from mahogany which is of no compare.
I smoke joints. My first arrest was using a bowl and if had been a joint it would probably have not occured.
I had an exotic wood bowl when much younger that was favorite and never even charred up. It did not burn. Loved it.
My issue is that the approach is all wrong on both sides. Not so much in their ideologies but in how they approach problems in general. Most of this nations problems are rooted in SYSTEMIC processes yet our legislators fix the problems with band aid solutions to appease the voters and donors and make them think that they are fixing the problem when they are essentially kicking the can down the road. I understand why they do it this way but that can and should also be fixed but, again, it has to be done from a systemic approach rather than fixing what is in front of you only.

I also have issue with government officials that only take action in electoral years. The state I am currently living in is at the bottom of the list when it comes to healthcare and education. We also have the one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the country. Our current governor has rejected Medicaid expansion while rural hospitals are closing and the major hospitals throughout the state are seeing a brain drain because of the poor support the government gives them. That hurts the ones in our community that need it the most and have the least means to get it.
My issue is that the approach is all wrong on both sides. Not so much in their ideologies but in how they approach problems in general. Most of this nations problems are rooted in SYSTEMIC processes yet our legislators fix the problems with band aid solutions to appease the voters and donors and make them think that they are fixing the problem when they are essentially kicking the can down the road. I understand why they do it this way but that can and should also be fixed but, again, it has to be done from a systemic approach rather than fixing what is in front of you only.

I also have issue with government officials that only take action in electoral years. The state I am currently living in is at the bottom of the list when it comes to healthcare and education. We also have the one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the country. Our current governor has rejected Medicaid expansion while rural hospitals are closing and the major hospitals throughout the state are seeing a brain drain because of the poor support the government gives them. That hurts the ones in our community that need it the most and have the least means to get it.
Shit, state and federal officials haven't served their people in decades. Once Corporate Personhood became law and people in positions of power were legally allowed to accept what equate to literal bribes via lobbying, the people became an afterthought to personal objectives for them. The only semi-effective govt bodies are local municipalities, but they're only as effective for an individual as the individual is involved eg. voting and attending city council meetings. I have first hand experience seeing the difference actually being involved locally can make vs sitting around bitching about how things don't change. But, local doesn't impact anything at a more macro level simply because of the economies of scale and how our oligarchy is now configured.

and, in situations like your state (saw very similar shit happen in NM), the people will continue vote for the incumbent or on a single party's candidate because they believe it's the other party's fault for creating the current situation. yet those same voters refuse to acknowledge anyone outside of the two party system because they believe it's a wasted vote if they don't vote red or blue. imagine what could happen if we introduced an anarchist party (effectively the green party in the US) or a true liberal party into the scenario and gave someone under the age of 80 with current real world living experience a chance to go in and execute on trying to make change a reality?

Of course the entire system would face a significant issue of needing to be purged and reset because the dog and pony show of democracy won't allow any change if it's not in line with the beliefs of who ever is in majority control, but just imagine.. maybe from the state level up we would see some real improvements in at least quality of life.
Damn, my wife is wicked judgey. Im eating rice with cream of chicken and shes all "you're nasty"
Lmfao its like rice and gravy shut up jfc. 🤣🤣
Sounds like a viable argument for, "well, i'd be eating mushroom gravy if you'd let me grow some damn mushrooms!"
Lmao, itll be a bit before i buy anything. Another 2 months prolly but shes gonna be pissed. I already know it. She gets angry when i buy mushrooms too so its not gonna be any different
sounds like when my high school best friend's dad would buy blow. his mom would get soooooo pissed off but we'd just rage into the early hours of the morning anyways lol
I keep trying to get her to eat some but she wont. Shes done cid with me before but wont eat the mushies 🤔
does she eat any mushrooms? or even potentially have some kind of allergy?

i've known quite a few people that are fine with acid but mushrooms are a hard no and of those people, at least half simply hate mushrooms of any variety.
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