So, I have my cloner up and running. All of the table tops inside of the tents and closet. All of my wiring connections checked. Just waiting on one thing.. a tripod with a remote control to do vids with my iPad while having my hands free. This way, I can show you how to top the table off without continuing to write it over and over. 🙂
It was supposed to be here today, and now it says tomorrow.
@CannaGrannysSeedling will be here in the morning to help. She is charging me biscuits and gravy 😂🤣😂
That sounds like a fair fee, i too love me some biscuits and gravy, and im sure you make some slammin biscuits and gravy!
Terrible start to the day for me, friday the 13th go figure. Hit a damn ghost this morning (I think it was a deer not sure). Whatever it was, I got it good. Odd thing I was driving staring straight ahead and saw nothing next thing thing I know my vehicle is all over. I think it was either a deer or a piece of wood. Yea dog life just finds a way to keep a fella down. Airbags didn't go off, good thing I suppose...feck feck feck

Terrible start to the day for me, friday the 13th go figure. Hit a damn ghost this morning (I think it was a deer not sure). Whatever it was, I got it good. Odd thing I was driving staring straight ahead and saw nothing next thing thing I know my vehicle is all over. I think it was either a deer or a piece of wood. Yea dog life just finds a way to keep a fella down. Airbags didn't go off, good thing I suppose...feck feck feck

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Damn, its always something isnt it bro.
Hopefully insurance covers it!
Damn, its always something isnt it bro.
Hopefully insurance covers it!
It's a 2005 I only have liability on nope.

Been a dependable ride, don't wanna get rid of it, always starts and goes. If it weren't for bad luck I'd truly have none at all and that saying just fits my life

Hope it wasn't some crack head
It's a 2005 I only have liability on nope.

Been a dependable ride, don't wanna get rid of it, always starts and goes. If it weren't for bad luck I'd truly have none at all and that saying just fits my life

Hope it wasn't some crack head
Looks like deer country to me, man. I'm sure it just hit you trying to book it across the road.

The last one that hit me scared the shit out of me and fucked up everything down the side of my work truck. Couldn't even open the back door. Hit the front fender-well and there was dookie on the rear quarter-panel. Everything between was trashed.
Mornin ya Menz!
I got the oven heating up, biscuits ready to go in and the sausage cooked to go in the gravy. What a trade! She has nooooo idea what I have waiting on her! 😂
@MDK glad you are okay! My Toyota looked just like that once. Cept mine had to be towed off, it shoved the fender into my tire. I got a twelve pointer called the Firehouse buck. Good thing for you that the air bags did not deploy! Now, they are totaling everything that the air bags have deployed on.
Wishing a great day upon all of yiz! Stay safe!
Looks like deer country to me, man. I'm sure it just hit you trying to book it across the road.

The last one that hit me scared the shit out of me and fucked up everything down the side of my work truck. Couldn't even open the back door. Hit the front fender-well and there was dookie on the rear quarter-panel. Everything between was trashed.
Yea 1 already went down the driver side of this's all dinged up. Just found hair in the bumper...looks to be deer but the crack heads screw chickens out here so who really knows lol
Mornin ya Menz!
I got the oven heating up, biscuits ready to go in and the sausage cooked to go in the gravy. What a trade! She has nooooo idea what I have waiting on her! 😂
@MDK glad you are okay! My Toyota looked just like that once. Cept mine had to be towed off, it shoved the fender into my tire. I got a twelve pointer called the Firehouse buck. Good thing for you that the air bags did not deploy! Now, they are totaling everything that the air bags have deployed on.
Wishing a great day upon all of yiz! Stay safe!
Gmorning, I got another 2 pipes made yesterday but I'm not happy with my mouth pieces, one is off kilter and the other just doesn't look right. I made them from Blood wood and they took 3hrs each to make and I didn't finish until 9:30 last night. I'm out of mouth pieces now but I've another 7 ordered and on the way. I might make a few small hash pipes without mouth pieces today, I'll figure it out after a few smokes, I've more of the Bubinga wood and I think I like the grain in that better than the Blood wood, its easier to work with so ya good talk Bubinga it is.bloodwood1.JPGbloodwood2.JPG
Terrible start to the day for me, friday the 13th go figure. Hit a damn ghost this morning (I think it was a deer not sure). Whatever it was, I got it good. Odd thing I was driving staring straight ahead and saw nothing next thing thing I know my vehicle is all over. I think it was either a deer or a piece of wood. Yea dog life just finds a way to keep a fella down. Airbags didn't go off, good thing I suppose...feck feck feck

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That sucks. Do you have a pick yer part junkyard anywhere near you?

Deer didn't hit me but it must've got hit and was roadkill before I drove over it driving up the mountain. Tore my fog light off and folded the front bumper. Went to the local pick yer part and found the fog and bumper I wrecked. Bumper wasn't the same color but I didn't care. Car had a 5 foot paint job anyways.
Yea I just don't really get time to fix it my wife is basically full time taking care of her dad because he refused an in home nurse (he is a hoarder and don't want to clean up)

So I gotta hope it ain't raining when he gives the ok for us to do anything for ourselves. Kicker is though my wife should be watching our son over there and I should be working. He told her our son can't come over because he makes a mess...bro your house is the mess! So he has us both essentially held hostage. It's getting old our whole marriage has played second fiddle to this dudes cancer and his half assed effort to fix it. His own son said "dad's a scam he didn't fuckin try, he did the bare minimum and now everyone has to boohoo for him"....he put it pretty well. So our well has about run dry and our finances are pretty much in total collapse but let's prop up a walking dead man sounds good.
It's tough to deal with people that have mental illnesses but I believe the sacrifices you're making, mostly for your wife, will be rewarded. Hang in there Brother!

My sons momma is a hoarder. She was a fairly popular DJ on the radio and made stupid money yapping away. She bought a big house in the Hollywood Hills just to fuck with me when we were working out custody to show it off in front of the judge as she was trying to get sole custody. The house was absolutely gorgeous. Fast forward 20 yrs and the place is a dump falling apart black mold everywhere because she's fucking crazy and thinks everyone wants to take her money so she doesn't hire in repairmen. She just lets shit deteriorate. I even volunteered to fix the worst of it if she provided the materials. Nope. The whole house is like a fucking maze with "paths" you walk through around all the rotting clutter.
It's tough to deal with people that have mental illnesses but I believe the sacrifices you're making, mostly for your wife, will be rewarded. Hang in there Brother!

My sons momma is a hoarder. She was a fairly popular DJ on the radio and made stupid money yapping away. She bought a big house in the Hollywood Hills just to fuck with me when we were working out custody to show it off in front of the judge as she was trying to get sole custody. The house was absolutely gorgeous. Fast forward 20 yrs and the place is a dump falling apart black mold everywhere because she's fucking crazy and thinks everyone wants to take her money so she doesn't hire in repairmen. She just lets shit deteriorate. I even volunteered to fix the worst of it if she provided the materials. Nope. The whole house is like a fucking maze with "paths" you walk through around all the rotting clutter.
My father in law has 3 sheds and has about 30 chemical spray cans just sitting on the floor by his front door my kid always tries to play with, nah don't put them in the shed.

I hope there is a silver lining but I don't think there is. He told my wife his money was hers because her brothers both make tons of money. One is a millionaire other does 300k a year. He called her over on her 1 day off to have have notiery finish his will...3 way split. So she'll barely recoup her losses. Her brothers will take their kids on their 10th trip to Mexico. Sweet. I will never be allowed to care for my mom properly in this marriage either. Haven't been allowed to yet, my mom is always a problem or inconvenience but has helped us more than her dad, yet he gets all the spoils.

It's a dog shit situation.
She was supposed to make the run to the store too. Milk, oj, chicken nuggets for the kid. But she didn't even wake up so I get up get my step son on the bus and head to the store...wasn't even daylight because if she wakes up at 8...she has to be to her dad's right away then she will be feeding someone who refused to eat and letting a little kid who wants to eat have scraps around that he don't like...just let us figure it out all day while she is over there. My plates are expired I told her that last night (even thought she knows) haven't been able to get the thing legal since I get no time to do anything. She was like "so it's just a ticket" yea...fuckin 300 milk run that's what I want in my life...

Her dad is on a feeding tube, he can do his meds but can't do his shake drink...that's a pure asshole. Taking my wife away from her kid. I told my wife straight up he don't need you he needs his heaven! So his feedings should take 30 mins...but he has a thing on the tube that allows him to control flow so he slows it to a Drip and drags them out 3 hours plus sometimes. My wife will be at his house from 8am til 10pm daily. My kid don't understand. Her dad should, and if he don't oh've had your time dude.

Sorry, helps me to get it off my chest. Hate to be so negative.
Have faith Bro! I know its hard and you feel locked in but the sun will come out!!!:) Don't worry about that other shit. Just keep moving forward.

I have a similar situation. Both of my sisters are married to millionaires. My older sister is heavily involved in religion and is an ambassador to the Vatican, so she's the one that organizes and shepherds all the bishops and cardinals when they make their annual pilgrimage to the Vatican. My BIL and her are also deeply involved in Republican politics. When Kevin McCarthy is in Cali they have him over for dinner. I got to meet Mitt Romney at one of their dinners. BIL is cool. Sis is an asshole.

I'm doing ok but nowhere near them. My parents and I don't really talk after we had a falling out over some rat fuck shit they tried to do to me but that's a whole other story. My parents are well off and I don't expect to see a dime from them. They'll give it all to my sisters regardless of the fact I played an instrumental role in securing their comfortable retirement while my sisters were MIA for all of it.

In other news, out who's behind your news sources.

Gmorning, I got another 2 pipes made yesterday but I'm not happy with my mouth pieces, one is off kilter and the other just doesn't look right. I made them from Blood wood and they took 3hrs each to make and I didn't finish until 9:30 last night. I'm out of mouth pieces now but I've another 7 ordered and on the way. I might make a few small hash pipes without mouth pieces today, I'll figure it out after a few smokes, I've more of the Bubinga wood and I think I like the grain in that better than the Blood wood, its easier to work with so ya good talk Bubinga it is.View attachment 25555View attachment 25556
Have you ever made one of those oversized "Gandalf" pipes?
Something long that hangs down low! I swear, that sounds like a cheap 80s porn movie ad!
Your woodworking skills are pretty awesome.
Have you ever made one of those oversized "Gandalf" pipes?
Something long that hangs down low! I swear, that sounds like a cheap 80s porn movie ad!
Your woodworking skills are pretty awesome.
Ya I've made a few, this is all I have now and out without a bandsaw at the moment longpipe3.JPGI'm limited to what shapes I can make
oh i despise citrus too, man. grapefruit is literally my least favorite fruit out of them all. i smell the shit and gag. but for this one purpose, it's what i reach for because i rather dose on 1.7g and trip like i ate an eighth rather than eat an eighth and end up with a real fucked up stomach because fuck mushrooms.
Great info. I was forced to eat and drink grapefruit as a kid. I like it now but it took years. Red is best.

Used to like vodka with it long ago. Better than orange juice. Greyhound I think it’s called.
You got it~!
I drive like that when I know where I am.
Sometimes I have no clue where I am~!:rolleyes:
Yeah i know ill make it, just hate when the light pops on cause my old honda would throw the light on with 1 gallon of gas left😑 that only got me like 15-20 miles depending on the terrain.
Yeah i know ill make it, just hate when the light pops on cause my old honda would throw the light on with 1 gallon of gas left😑 that only got me like 15-20 miles depending on the terrain.
Gmorning, I always liked to run out of gas once when I was younger so I knew exactly where the empty line was but as I got older and the cars changed their fuel gauges to an electronic read out and they give that gas low light it was harder to know exactly where the bottom was.
Conditions for tomorrow’s shoot.. 😯 Good thing I’m a much stronger wind reader than a mirage reader, I’m gonna need that for sure tomorrow! Winds of six to eleven with gusts to 26, whew!
Fee fee fi fi fo fo fum, look out fellows cuz here I come! 🤣😂😅😂🤣 IMG_1342.jpeg
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