I bought enough wood for about 10+ pipes yesterday, Cherry, Bubinga, Birdseye maple & Canary so I've my weeks entertainment worked out. I'm not sure how many I can make without mouth pieces but I'm looking into making them as well once I figure out how to make a nice connection between stem and bowl with a home made mouth piece
Some of my birdseye pocket knobs I cut off the firewood these things would make excellent pipes I think if you have something sharp enough to shape it efficientlyPXL_20231025_042559403.jpg
Have to clean out and rip down my shed this week, need to rebuild my trailer skirting cause the 30mph wind storm we just had ripped one side completely off.
Need it all done by Saturday, its just me doing it all, and my youngest is running a 102.2 fever today. Fuuuck. I feel bad hes sick but i really have no time for him to be sick right now. 🙄😔
Ya know, I seem to notice a pattern.

1 - I can't wait to start a grow
2 - Seeds popped! YeHaw
3 - I don't think they are growing quickly enough!
4 - Add cal-mag, reduce light
5 - Look awesome, flip to 12/12
6 - Lots of stretch!
7 - what's wrong?
8 - I hate growing!
9 - Harvest day, life is wonderful again
and back to #1
Some of my birdseye pocket knobs I cut off the firewood these things would make excellent pipes I think if you have something sharp enough to shape it efficientlyView attachment 27026
A nice piece of wood you have there. The trouble I have is squaring it up to drill holes. I had a nice chunk of apple wood I tried to square up and I ruined it, my square wasn't square and I drilled through the side and on another the drill went to the top of the bowl not the bottom
What’s going on up North @MDK ? It’s a rainy slash sunny day here, temps in the 70’s and the trees shedding leaves like crazy.
I have a busy day today, Doctor appt at 1:15, a trip into Mtn. View to pick up my meds, swing by the vet to get the cats meds. Half a day to do simple chores!
Looking forward to a day at home minus company and not having to leave to go somewhere.
Yesterday, I listened to a hard headed GF of mine lament over a red spider mite infestation. Talking to her about grow room etiquette is like pissing in the wind. I have warned her for quite sometime now about allowing her outside animals in her grow, and about her not cleaning after every harvest and about controlling heat and humidity.
Well nowwww, she knows. Low RH, hot temps, animals in the grow and not properly cleaning, and ta daaaa you just won a case of lovely red spider 🕷️ mites!
She wanted to look at my ladies..that got a hearty resounding hellllllll naw! Telling her I really did not like her in my house, much less my grow..
Truth seems to butthurt so many people.
Have to clean out and rip down my shed this week, need to rebuild my trailer skirting cause the 30mph wind storm we just had ripped one side completely off.
Need it all done by Saturday, its just me doing it all, and my youngest is running a 102.2 fever today. Fuuuck. I feel bad hes sick but i really have no time for him to be sick right now. 🙄😔
I see that ole man winter is moving in, in your area. We are getting there! I won’t tell you it’s a gorgeous 70 here today!😜
Whats going on with the small fry? Hope to hear he is back in fine form, quick!
I see that you have so much going on at any given time. I think you may need smudged!
66 here rainy and cloudy. That fall humidity rolling in with the rain.

Good job on ninja blocking her from your grow haha. I had to do the same when my grow buddy here in town ended up with a hermie...he had moved the plant all over his house then took it to his work to throw it away...probably dragged pollen all over the north side of town lol
I see that ole man winter is moving in, in your area. We are getting there! I won’t tell you it’s a gorgeous 70 here today!😜
Whats going on with the small fry? Hope to hear he is back in fine form, quick!
I see that you have so much going on at any given time. I think you may need smudged!
It is, but isnt lol, its apparently gonna be in the 70s the next 3 or 4 days ao thats cool i can shut the heat off again 😅

Not sure whats up with little guy, his brother just got over strep throat, hoping to hell its not that. He woke up at like 330 and came to my room, i put him back in bed and he was hot so i checked his temp he was 101.4. At 6am when we got up for school, he was 102.2 so im keeping him home and doctor tomorrow if the fever doesnt pass.

Seems things never end for me, i always have too much to get done in a short time frame lol.
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Well nowwww, she knows. Low RH, hot temps, animals in the grow and not properly cleaning, and ta daaaa you just won a case of lovely red spider 🕷️ mites!
She wanted to look at my ladies..that got a hearty resounding hellllllll naw! Telling her I really did not like her in my house, much less my grow..
Truth seems to butthurt so many people.
Some people gotta learn the hard way... i did anyways lol. Things were great for so long and i thought i was invincible.... well that bit me in the ass, real hard 😅

I dont let people who grow outside in my house all summer, they get pissy about it but im not gonna get an infestation of bugs or WPM infection because i let someone in my house to look at some plants, so i get why you said "helllllll naw!" Last thing you need/want is mites.
What’s going on up North @MDK ? It’s a rainy slash sunny day here, temps in the 70’s and the trees shedding leaves like crazy.
I have a busy day today, Doctor appt at 1:15, a trip into Mtn. View to pick up my meds, swing by the vet to get the cats meds. Half a day to do simple chores!
Looking forward to a day at home minus company and not having to leave to go somewhere.
Yesterday, I listened to a hard headed GF of mine lament over a red spider mite infestation. Talking to her about grow room etiquette is like pissing in the wind. I have warned her for quite sometime now about allowing her outside animals in her grow, and about her not cleaning after every harvest and about controlling heat and humidity.
Well nowwww, she knows. Low RH, hot temps, animals in the grow and not properly cleaning, and ta daaaa you just won a case of lovely red spider 🕷️ mites!
She wanted to look at my ladies..that got a hearty resounding hellllllll naw! Telling her I really did not like her in my house, much less my grow..
Truth seems to butthurt so many people.
They never learn until it's too late......:rolleyes:
So I had to run out to look at something at a customers house today, was out by the gated community I mentioned yesterday that has all the deer when I saw this:

Bald eagle munching on a deer carcass, I've seen a few in this area, I'll try to find another picture I have from the same area where I saw 4 of them eating a dead deer.
An old tree with a multi-decade eagle's nest in it fell in northern Michigan a few years ago. They found 17 cat collars in it, so I guess they prefer fish, but will pretty much eat anything they can carry away.

And speaking of cats (was that a smooth segue, or what?), I came dangerously close to bringing one home today.
I was working in the field next to what I assume was her owner's home and she came out to demand petting. Then, after lounging on my backpack for a while, she used all her skills to try and get into The Dirtmobile.
The temptation passed and I remain kitten-less. It's so easy to end up with a cat living with you, when they cute-it-up like this.

Here she is after I sped away in The Dirtmobile. She'll have to wait for her people to come home before she's petted again. How sad/not sad.
So I am tired of fighting humidity during the lights on time so I can hope to skate by with my dehumidifier outside my tent at night because it's a God dammed light bright as a secondary option. So I built this sum bitch hope it works good.

So I am tired of fighting humidity during the lights on time so I can hope to skate by with my dehumidifier outside my tent at night because it's a God dammed light bright as a secondary option. So I built this sum bitch hope it works good.

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I would be VERY cautious doing that. If there's any restriction on that dehuey inlet, it could pose a significant fire hazard.
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