@freezeland Damn what a scene! Glad you are okay, sounds like the BP dropped completely out. Out of habit, if a MD adds or changes my meds, I call and confirm with my heart Doc as I have had an experience like that too. When my heart Doc seen what the MD had put me on she had a runaway. Also explained why I felt so bad too. Happy that had a good outcome!

@ninjadip What defoliation? 😂 You better take yourself back in there and try that again! Looks pretty thick. Get rid of everything that covers or shades a bud site, you should be able to look through from the top and see somewhat through your canopy. I try to leave the top third alone and tuck the leaves that shade any bud. Don’t worry in ten days you won’t know you have done it!

@GoodShit97 Glad you know what’s going on with the Little One. Keep him in where it’s warm, push fluids and control fever, about all you can do. Give him lots of hugs and good cartoons. 🥰

Sorry I missed all of this yesterday. Have a rather heartbreaking situation going on here. My friend of 18 years is giving up the ghost. Most dogs of his type live to be 8-11 years old, he almost doubled that. We sat in the cold and rain all day yesterday on the porch. I finally gave up and went in around 11 last night, froze to the bones. He was comfortable, warm and sleeping. He made it through the night, and is pulling last breaths this morning. I didn’t take him in as he hates being in the house. I was afraid it would upset his process. So, here we are again in the rain and the cold, waiting for his last goodbye. It’s close. He is in no pain, I believe he had a heart attack yesterday. I saw it happen and he barely made it back to the porch. Today, he gets peace and I get the heart ache. It was worth it.

Anyways, its a cold rainy day in the Zarks. Almost five inches of rain since yesterday and it’s still pouring.
Wishing you all a good day. Some of us need one for sure.
So sorry for your loss CG😞 truly a heart breaking thing. Most of us get to spend just as much time daily with our furry friends as we do our human roommates 😊
They are man’s best friend for a reason and will forever be apart of us.

When you say everything covering a bud site are you talking about the main colla site? Or anything that could be a bud like the stuff underneath the main colla’s? Just a curiosity question so I can learn….
@freezeland Damn what a scene! Glad you are okay, sounds like the BP dropped completely out. Out of habit, if a MD adds or changes my meds, I call and confirm with my heart Doc as I have had an experience like that too. When my heart Doc seen what the MD had put me on she had a runaway. Also explained why I felt so bad too. Happy that had a good outcome!

@ninjadip What defoliation? 😂 You better take yourself back in there and try that again! Looks pretty thick. Get rid of everything that covers or shades a bud site, you should be able to look through from the top and see somewhat through your canopy. I try to leave the top third alone and tuck the leaves that shade any bud. Don’t worry in ten days you won’t know you have done it!

@GoodShit97 Glad you know what’s going on with the Little One. Keep him in where it’s warm, push fluids and control fever, about all you can do. Give him lots of hugs and good cartoons. 🥰

Sorry I missed all of this yesterday. Have a rather heartbreaking situation going on here. My friend of 18 years is giving up the ghost. Most dogs of his type live to be 8-11 years old, he almost doubled that. We sat in the cold and rain all day yesterday on the porch. I finally gave up and went in around 11 last night, froze to the bones. He was comfortable, warm and sleeping. He made it through the night, and is pulling last breaths this morning. I didn’t take him in as he hates being in the house. I was afraid it would upset his process. So, here we are again in the rain and the cold, waiting for his last goodbye. It’s close. He is in no pain, I believe he had a heart attack yesterday. I saw it happen and he barely made it back to the porch. Today, he gets peace and I get the heart ache. It was worth it.

Anyways, its a cold rainy day in the Zarks. Almost five inches of rain since yesterday and it’s still pouring.
Wishing you all a good day. Some of us need one for sure.
It’s hard to let them go. Sorry for the loss. 18 for most any dog is a good run.
So sorry for your loss CG😞 truly a heart breaking thing. Most of us get to spend just as much time daily with our furry friends as we do our human roommates 😊
They are man’s best friend for a reason and will forever be apart of us.

When you say everything covering a bud site are you talking about the main colla site? Or anything that could be a bud like the stuff underneath the main colla’s? Just a curiosity question so I can learn….
Thanks, he has walked on. I don’t know why I’m still sitting outside in the cold, just trying to accept it I think.
Anything atop,of the table that can become a viable Bud site I expose. I don’t have much under the table as I lollypop the crap out of them. I plan on doing a major defoil in about two weeks, I’ll video it for you. Sometimes it’s a lot easier if you see what I mean.
Big medical scare for me today. I faded while sitting in a barber chair getting a haircut. Nearly missed an ambulance ride. Having an interaction between some meds my cardiologist had had me on for like 10 years. My family practioner prescribed a new med that doesn’t play well with the others. Been having low bp systems if I stand too quick. Today I was sitting in a chair about 10 minutes through a hair cut and beard trim and boom the lights went out. Lost vision, sweats, etc. scared the fuck out of me. Calling cardiologist and family practitioner offices Monday. No motorcycle riding tomorrow, lol. Imagine that happening riding on a bike, shit howdy game over.
Orthostatic hypotension brother, I got it too sometimes... Laying, sitting, standing

It's basically a delayed response in the neurovascular autonomic system

Lots of medicine 💊 can complicate these things. Especially cardiac meds

Mine is caused by my bradycardia or slow pulse
Damn that is a lot of hair to lose, maybe it did shock your system lol. I too also had long hair, it was fun until it wasn't. Being a 20 something with a ponytail is "cool" and "hip" but after 30 its "weird" and "shocking" lol. Once I saw myself researching conditioners I was like "Im out" and shaved it off.

After I moved from Seattle into the wilderness here in the mountains I cut 11years worth of hair. It was turning into dreads 🤣
Where can you buy bars that are like this, already curved on the end?



Aggravated, need more Bars lol.


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Where can you buy bars that are like this, already curved on the end?



Aggravated, need more Bars lol.

You might be able to buy 1/2” EMT and hammer the ends flat before rolling to hook on bars.

Seen a few elections make camping or hunting equipment out of EMT.

I got the ACI mounting bars. You could find a way to mount them up top?

You might be able to buy 1/2” EMT and hammer the ends flat before rolling to hook on bars.

Seen a few elections make camping or hunting equipment out of EMT.

I got the ACI mounting bars. You could find a way to mount them up top?

thanks man, ill check it out
It was hair cut shock, hair has feelings too. After 5 years your hair was calm and relaxed then it was violently attacked with sharp instruments. What did you expect to happen? You go chopping off healthy hair, Haven't you learned anything in here about defoliating? You can't just strip off your hair and expect to stay healthy, gee's man self control is a must at your age.

I haven't had a hair or beard cut in over 10 years and with whats just happened to you I'm not letting a barber anywhere close to me.
Good Point PC, look what happened to Sampson when Delilah sheared him down and then Tom Jones asked the musical question, "Why oh Why Delilah?" That guy had leather lungs, he could really hold onto and hammer notes and phrases.
I used to have them all. Some DVD some vid file. Daughter and I liked them. Same with CUBE.

Son and wife aren’t into horrors so haven’t seen any in a while. Wonder how old pin head is doing…
I used to have a rough cut of Hellraiser 2 from the director on DVD when we were auditioning for music in the movie. I probably tossed the copy after they picked Motorhead over us.
I used to have them all. Some DVD some vid file. Daughter and I liked them. Same with CUBE.

Son and wife aren’t into horrors so haven’t seen any in a while. Wonder how old pin head is doing…
You talking about the cube movies where they are stuck in the rotating rooms with doors on each side and booby traps? Those movies were dope....saw an Asian one based off the first movie and it was hard to watch (no good)

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@CannaGranny - So sorry for your loss. Losing a friend like that is tough. My only solace is I know he's going to a better place. When you pass he'll be waiting for you to hang out on the porch!!!:)

@freezeland - Wow! Bro please take it easy. I love driving bikes but when I was in L.A. it was WAY too dangerous to ride bikes. Too many a-hole drivers that don't respect bike riders. Passing out on a bike would be the scariest thing I can imagine. Maybe you're like Sampson. The moment they cut your hair you lose your strength!:D

My hair started to thin about 5 years ago up to the point I was getting a bald spot on the top of my head. Started taking Minoxidil 2.5mg pills to see if it would help. 6 months and I'm really starting to see improvement. My bald spot is gone and my barber was even surprised. GF loves it since we met when I was playing music so I had long, wavy thick hair back then. I started doing this after I read an article about an Australian Dr. that got reports from his patients that they weren't using the spray that goes with it and only took the pills and had just as good a result as with the spray but they just doubled up the pills. I decided to try the same thing but, now that it's working, I'm going to dial it back a bit and take just one a day and see if it'll maintain or if I'll have to go back to doubling up to 5mg.

Moral of the story? If you want to grow hair back on the top of your head you may want to try this.

What's really weird is I'm not a hairy guy. To the contrary, my arms and legs hardly had any hair and I'd shave like maybe once or twice a week. Now that I've been taking these pills my arms and legs are getting hair where there never was before so I guess it's a good indicator as to if it's working or not. BTW.....shaving sucks. I didn't like it before and now I have to do it practically every day!☹️ I guess it's the price you pay for not having to rub sunblock on your head when you go out!:sneaky:
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