@freezeland Damn what a scene! Glad you are okay, sounds like the BP dropped completely out. Out of habit, if a MD adds or changes my meds, I call and confirm with my heart Doc as I have had an experience like that too. When my heart Doc seen what the MD had put me on she had a runaway. Also explained why I felt so bad too. Happy that had a good outcome!
@ninjadip What defoliation?

You better take yourself back in there and try that again! Looks pretty thick. Get rid of everything that covers or shades a bud site, you should be able to look through from the top and see somewhat through your canopy. I try to leave the top third alone and tuck the leaves that shade any bud. Don’t worry in ten days you won’t know you have done it!
@GoodShit97 Glad you know what’s going on with the Little One. Keep him in where it’s warm, push fluids and control fever, about all you can do. Give him lots of hugs and good cartoons.
Sorry I missed all of this yesterday. Have a rather heartbreaking situation going on here. My friend of 18 years is giving up the ghost. Most dogs of his type live to be 8-11 years old, he almost doubled that. We sat in the cold and rain all day yesterday on the porch. I finally gave up and went in around 11 last night, froze to the bones. He was comfortable, warm and sleeping. He made it through the night, and is pulling last breaths this morning. I didn’t take him in as he hates being in the house. I was afraid it would upset his process. So, here we are again in the rain and the cold, waiting for his last goodbye. It’s close. He is in no pain, I believe he had a heart attack yesterday. I saw it happen and he barely made it back to the porch. Today, he gets peace and I get the heart ache. It was worth it.
Anyways, its a cold rainy day in the Zarks. Almost five inches of rain since yesterday and it’s still pouring.
Wishing you all a good day. Some of us need one for sure.