Morning Granny!

Finally had to turn heat on yesterday, cold effing night out there.
Now I'm about to get my annual blood work done... Hate needles.. and the waiting room is a scary place to be
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Morning Roots!
Hubby obtains our brass from different places. Accurate Shooter, and a couple of other places. Brass to reload pistols can easily be found. Rifles not always. We are currently using Alpha Brass.
Top end use, can be reloaded 15 times, as long as no stressors are observed. Stressors will present themselves in a couple of ways, but mainly the metal looses its ability to stretch and after being clamped will not hold tight on the primer. This is easily seen during anealment. If you have never seen that process, I will vid it for you the next time he does it. It involves gas and an open flame, so I don’t play with it.
There are several safety check points.
Custom ammo for precision shooting is loaded differently even depending on weather conditions. He is already up and headed to the range this morning to get some shots in at 25 degrees as the load is different when the weather is cooler. Sometimes just two tenths makes all the difference.
If you were to get serious about it, I would intro you to him. He is well known in our area as one of the best.

I could enjoy hunting and camping and target shooting, or you can reload. 🤣

Many hours in that hobby without a smoke or a drink. You really have to be into it and be safe…or else. Way to easy to double load or seat the projectile to low and add pressure when fired.

I like it…just don’t have the patience. But you save a LOT of $$$ and improve your POI greatly if you’re into it. 👍
Good mid-morning to all.

Lack of sleep and not eating much has me a bit woozy. Think a hot tea and soda cracker are needed. Might need lunch today. Something warm and comforting like chicken soup or oatmeal.

Up to 2* here…so it’s an inside day. Maybe SCROG the flower tent later. Haven’t made up my mind yet. 🤔
Good mid-morning to all.

Lack of sleep and not eating much has me a bit woozy. Think a hot tea and soda cracker are needed. Might need lunch today. Something warm and comforting like chicken soup or oatmeal.

Up to 2* here…so it’s an inside day. Maybe SCROG the flower tent later. Haven’t made up my mind yet. 🤔
I got up this morning starving! I neverrr do that. Took right care of that! Maybe I’ll have extra energy to burn off now. Imma need it today. I have projects going on everywhere!
Morning Granny!

Finally had to turn heat on yesterday, cold effing night out there.
Now I'm about to get my annual blood work done... Hate needles.. and the waiting room is a scary place to be
Just look away when they pull your blood. Put your mind elsewhere.
It’s damn cold here too. Got a bit warmer come daylight and then dropped again. It’s a balmy 21 currently, so for sure running heat. We have been running heat at night for about three weeks now. I’m not ready, but Mother Nature dun give a rip!
Done my chore already [notice chore is singular].
Replaced my blower fan so I now have circulating heat in the vehicle.
What a joke how GM installed this thing.
I needed to cut out the fan motor with a razor blade~!
The replacement had holes and screws that fit holes in the vehicle already but I guess engineers suck just as bad with autos as they do roofs~! ;)
Got me 2 joints of buds that broke while pruning all dried up that I am test driving in 5 , 4 , 3 , 2 , 1 Fire~!
Yeah I bet, I changed an in cab air filter on my Nissan Rogue. What a joke! I have to get in the passenger seat, turn around backwards, hold on with my feet and slide down into the floorboard. Nooooo shit! No opening the door and sliding up under the dash as it won’t line up just perfect to slide in nor out. What bullshit!
I finished off a joint of concrete shoes that I rolled last night. Found out that if I don’t smoke that and go to bed, I’m apparently starving!
Morning Granny!

Finally had to turn heat on yesterday, cold effing night out there.
Now I'm about to get my annual blood work done... Hate needles.. and the waiting room is a scary place to be
Gday, Yes we've had the heat on for 2 weeks now, it was snowing when I came down to my shop this am but it will be gone with 6-7-8c predicted for the rest of the month, on the warm side of a cold front north of us.
Morning Granny!

Finally had to turn heat on yesterday, cold effing night out there.
Now I'm about to get my annual blood work done... Hate needles.. and the waiting room is a scary place to be
I got mad at my boy Qnight last night trying to close up the shop. He wouldn't let me catch him. I got him into the garage and then the fun started with him playing hide and seek, catch me if you can. After about 10 min I started to growl then throw shit out of the way trying to catch him hippity hop skip and jump no fking way I could get him.

The garage isn't heated and he's an indoor cat with freezing weather I can't leave him, I had to go get my wife and after a bit we both corralled him. He's usually so good I just call him he comes to me I pick him up and shove him in a bag to carry him up or down...he loves his bag, its like a womb for him, purring and kneading inside its cute as heck....just last night Qnight wanted some fun......Black cat on Halloween giving me problems. He's back down here with me this am sitting along side me

I'm halfway through my 3rd QCblue of the morning, I've been chain smoking as I type and read
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Done my chore already [notice chore is singular].
Replaced my blower fan so I now have circulating heat in the vehicle.
What a joke how GM installed this thing.
I needed to cut out the fan motor with a razor blade~!
The replacement had holes and screws that fit holes in the vehicle already but I guess engineers suck just as bad with autos as they do roofs~! ;)
Got me 2 joints of buds that broke while pruning all dried up that I am test driving in 5 , 4 , 3 , 2 , 1 Fire~!
GM is the one manufacturer that I've cursed more at because of their ass backwards engineering. Some of the shit they did is mind blowing. It's like they spent all their brain power on the 350 and couldn't figure out what to do with the rest of a car lol
Morning Roots!
Hubby obtains our brass from different places. Accurate Shooter, and a couple of other places. Brass to reload pistols can easily be found. Rifles not always. We are currently using Alpha Brass.
Top end use, can be reloaded 15 times, as long as no stressors are observed. Stressors will present themselves in a couple of ways, but mainly the metal looses its ability to stretch and after being clamped will not hold tight on the primer. This is easily seen during anealment. If you have never seen that process, I will vid it for you the next time he does it. It involves gas and an open flame, so I don’t play with it.
There are several safety check points.
Custom ammo for precision shooting is loaded differently even depending on weather conditions. He is already up and headed to the range this morning to get some shots in at 25 degrees as the load is different when the weather is cooler. Sometimes just two tenths makes all the difference.
If you were to get serious about it, I would intro you to him. He is well known in our area as one of the best.
Thanks for the offer. I don't get out to the range much so reloading isn't my priority but I appreciate the offer.
maybe you should stop scaring her with that circular saw 🧐
Hahaha maybe thats why she gre so much in 3 days🤣

I tore my shed down cause im getting a new one. Well i left the saw outside in the fkn rain cause i forgot i even used it so i had to bring it in to dry lol. My stoner ass 🥴🤦🏻
I see @madmax and you use the same trimming technique! 😄

Give her a few days. She'll start to fill the screen with leaves and new bud sites.
One more chore left today (make cornbread) and then I’m done and got time for trouble! Well not done done, just done enough for today. Upstairs be a sparkling, but I have all the windows left to do yet. That will be a big ass joint smoking project for tomorrow. I love all the glass, but what a pain in the ass!
When I get that done tomorrow be I granted that day, guess what? I’m done! Ummm nope, thennnnn I get to move downstairs and do another 1500 square feet of cleaning. Cuss word, cuss word! #feckfallcleaning #feckspringcleaningtoo #wtfDoILookLikeCinderella #SmellsLikeOrangesLemonsAndWeedInHere
One more chore left today (make cornbread) and then I’m done and got time for trouble! Well not done done, just done enough for today. Upstairs be a sparkling, but I have all the windows left to do yet. That will be a big ass joint smoking project for tomorrow. I love all the glass, but what a pain in the ass!
When I get that done tomorrow be I granted that day, guess what? I’m done! Ummm nope, thennnnn I get to move downstairs and do another 1500 square feet of cleaning. Cuss word, cuss word! #feckfallcleaning #feckspringcleaningtoo #wtfDoILookLikeCinderella #SmellsLikeOrangesLemonsAndWeedInHere
when you're done with that, wanna come help me do mine? I've got 1600 sqft upstairs I need to handle, then another 1000 downstairs. Downstairs is easier, but between the dog and kids, the upstairs is a constant chore that I swing from being super aggressive on handling to saying fuckit they're just gonna ruin it in ten minutes anyways.
How long did veg take on that. What size are your squares? Loving that table use what you got.😍
Ahh gee idk man. It was a clone i took a while ago before i pollinated the mom.
It stayed in a solo cup prolly 12 weeks then i put it into a 1 gallon pot and vegged it like 2 or 3 weeks and thats her now.

Squares are probably 2"x4", it was an old crib matress support frame i cut in half.
when you're done with that, wanna come help me do mine? I've got 1600 sqft upstairs I need to handle, then another 1000 downstairs. Downstairs is easier, but between the dog and kids, the upstairs is a constant chore that I swing from being super aggressive on handling to saying fuckit they're just gonna ruin it in ten minutes anyways.
Ummmm, how’s bout I just roll one when ya done and we have a smoke? I mean cleaning’s overrated right? 😂
Ummmm, how’s bout I just roll one when ya done and we have a smoke? I mean cleaning’s overrated right? 😂
fair, but you can smoke lol it's been a while since i've had a cannabis induced panic attack, i'm skerred to try it again.

though, drunkenly the other night i ate a 30mg 1:1 edible and got completely flipped upside down. that was not a fun time. fuckers need to tell a fucker how strong shit is before offering lol i just saw the 1:1 on the label and thought it'd be fine. it was not fine haha
One more chore left today (make cornbread) and then I’m done and got time for trouble! Well not done done, just done enough for today. Upstairs be a sparkling, but I have all the windows left to do yet. That will be a big ass joint smoking project for tomorrow. I love all the glass, but what a pain in the ass!
When I get that done tomorrow be I granted that day, guess what? I’m done! Ummm nope, thennnnn I get to move downstairs and do another 1500 square feet of cleaning. Cuss word, cuss word! #feckfallcleaning #feckspringcleaningtoo #wtfDoILookLikeCinderella #SmellsLikeOrangesLemonsAndWeedInHere

Thanks for the smile. 😝

Backs singing and necks sore now too. This helped a bit. 👍
Congrats @MDK on winning the Halloween grow room contest! You got goodies coming! Yay! 🥰
I'm shocked and humbled I really don't win much of anything so I'm just rolling with the positive vibes. With moe hooking me up and that new fancy seed germinator it's about time to get busy, I may need perlite and myco then I'm ready to go on the CG method

The dragons flame seed packs really sound awesome, I haven't smoked any of his strains so I've been kind of watching from the sideline. This will give me an opportunity to try what always look to be excellent genetics.

Also seems to be a good time, take a look at dragons flame website, he just dropped 2 new strains on Halloween!
I'm shocked and humbled I really don't win much of anything so I'm just rolling with the positive vibes. With moe hooking me up and that new fancy seed germinator it's about time to get busy, I may need perlite and myco then I'm ready to go on the CG method

The dragons flame seed packs really sound awesome, I haven't smoked any of his strains so I've been kind of watching from the sideline. This will give me an opportunity to try what always look to be excellent genetics.

Also seems to be a good time, take a look at dragons flame website, he just dropped 2 new strains on Halloween!
It was a good setup and the first. Congratulations!👍
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