It was a good setup and the first. Congratulations!👍
It was OK but yea early bird special for sure. We are gonna have to get a way to do a contest for all the staff and vendors that make this place happen. I know they were excluded on this one.

On the final stretch of Moe's side by side test, all samples heads up.
It was OK but yea early bird special for sure. We are gonna have to get a way to do a contest for all the staff and vendors that make this place happen. I know they were excluded on this one.

On the final stretch of Moe's side by side test, all samples heads up.
i would be happy to donate an art piece towards the winner. do their logo (if vendor) or my choice (if staff member).
One more chore left today (make cornbread) and then I’m done and got time for trouble! Well not done done, just done enough for today. Upstairs be a sparkling, but I have all the windows left to do yet. That will be a big ass joint smoking project for tomorrow. I love all the glass, but what a pain in the ass!
When I get that done tomorrow be I granted that day, guess what? I’m done! Ummm nope, thennnnn I get to move downstairs and do another 1500 square feet of cleaning. Cuss word, cuss word! #feckfallcleaning #feckspringcleaningtoo #wtfDoILookLikeCinderella #SmellsLikeOrangesLemonsAndWeedInHere
Morning Cinderella~!:LOL:
I need more coffee and sativa this morning. So exhausted lately😴
Havent been sleeping as well as id like to be, its been too hot in my bedroom.
Basements a bit chill need socks on. Digital thermostat goes to 16c when no one is supposed to be home. I don’t bother changing it, most days.

Now where did Willow put my socks? Friggen dog…😝
I need more coffee and sativa this morning. So exhausted lately😴
Havent been sleeping as well as id like to be, its been too hot in my bedroom.
Open the window a bit? Block off the registers? That’s what I do. I shut the heat registers off. It helps!
Open the window a bit? Block off the registers? That’s what I do. I shut the heat registers off. It helps!
Its just heat from the tents, i dont even have a heater in my room lol.
I gotta take my AC out so i can open my window again but it was only 16°f this morning at 630... Damn cold!!
Mornin Menz
Sun is shining, got a big o nug of lavender work ur azz off permafrost rolled, a glass of iced sweet tea and a playlist that runs from 1970 through today. It’s on!
Feckin windows and glass doors, who needs em? I mean looking outside is wayyyy overrated.
Here’s wishing an xlent day upon ya all. Catch ya this evening gotta get my Cinderella groove on..
Mop the floor Cinderelly mop the floor..
damn. running on three hours of sleep is no bueno. this damn kid did the exact thing I told him not to, and got sick. the lady let his insurance lapse, so hoping his immune system handles it well enough with home remedies. can't afford an out-of-pocket doctor visit these days. poor guy is upstairs coughing his little lungs out.
damn. running on three hours of sleep is no bueno. this damn kid did the exact thing I told him not to, and got sick. the lady let his insurance lapse, so hoping his immune system handles it well enough with home remedies. can't afford an out-of-pocket doctor visit these days. poor guy is upstairs coughing his little lungs out.
Man that sucks. My little dude is still coughing his lungs out after 5 days of antibiotics and 8? Maybe 9 days of robitussin. Hate when the kids get sick its always so bad.

Hope little dude feels better soon.
Man that sucks. My little dude is still coughing his lungs out after 5 days of antibiotics and 8? Maybe 9 days of robitussin. Hate when the kids get sick its always so bad.

Hope little dude feels better soon.

I just put in a grocery order because I don't have the time to run to the store today, so hoping the asshole doing the shopping finds the everything. Half the list is natural remedies to deal help the little guy. FWIW Zarbee's is literally the bees knees. Expensive as hell but it has been reliable in getting the kids through some pretty rough times.

I just put in a grocery order because I don't have the time to run to the store today, so hoping the asshole doing the shopping finds the everything. Half the list is natural remedies to deal help the little guy. FWIW Zarbee's is literally the bees knees. Expensive as hell but it has been reliable in getting the kids through some pretty rough times.
I usually use Zarbees or Hylands as both are natural and better for the kids imo. Taste worse but hey whatever
I usually use Zarbees or Hylands as both are natural and better for the kids imo. Taste worse but hey whatever
haha i've never tried either of em. they work damn good, though.

well, that's a lie. i tried Hylands teething tablets when he was teething. I had to know why the kid loved those things so much.
haha i've never tried either of em. they work damn good, though.

well, that's a lie. i tried Hylands teething tablets when he was teething. I had to know why the kid loved those things so much.
Just wanted to qualify while I reacted with a laugh you also deserve a you stoner 🥴for that.
I have no knowledge of either child [ I assume ] med but admire the spirit~!
Just wanted to qualify while I reacted with a laugh you also deserve a you stoner 🥴for that.
I have no knowledge of either child [ I assume ] med but admire the spirit~!
teething tablets are kinda funky. they're like chalky but sweet like powdery sugar. when you've got a baby that's losing its shit because it feels like its head is being ripped apart (it kinda is, let's be real) they're a very, very convenient thing to have around.
teething tablets are kinda funky. they're like chalky but sweet like powdery sugar. when you've got a baby that's losing its shit because it feels like its head is being ripped apart (it kinda is, let's be real) they're a very, very convenient thing to have around.
When my kids were teething i would soak wash clothes and then freeze them. Theyd chew on them things for a while and loved it. My grandma told me to do it lol, who knew it would work, i didnt lmao🤣🥴
I grew up with coca cola syrup and chewable aspirins.
Directions were 1 tsp. every hour~!:p
lol was it legit coca cola, ya know, when it was more party drug than teeth rotter? :ROFLMAO: jk. for real, teething tablets are the best damn thing invented in the past thirty years. frozen fruits and veggies or wash clothes only go so far. those little white tablets, though, are like fuckin Demerol for baby gums.
Im Kinda behind on the corner.did you shoot that garbage bear?
Nope, season opened and i havent seen him at all. Saw a 6 pointer under the apple tree out front just a few days ago though and he comes back around hes gonna get swacked by a nice 2.5" swacker expandable 👊🏼
Nope, season opened and i havent seen him at all. Saw a 6 pointer under the apple tree out front just a few days ago though and he comes back around hes gonna get swacked by a nice 2.5" swacker expandable 👊🏼
My buddy just brought me a huge deer. I Dropped it off earlier to be processed. Jalapeño snack sticks and summer sausage mmmmm.we get the rest made into burger for jerky.we have good deer hunting here.i don't hunt much just raccoons with an old farmer down the road.i have two buddies that both bring me a deer every year 😀 . Love venison.
Nope, season opened and i havent seen him at all. Saw a 6 pointer under the apple tree out front just a few days ago though and he comes back around hes gonna get swacked by a nice 2.5" swacker expandable 👊🏼
Interested in seeing how your 2×2 scrog works out.i was thinking of doing one this run.
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