I'm still trying to fall asleep lol

Not getting more than 4-5 hours myself most nights. Can’t stop thinking unless I just pass out from being awake to long.

Roofer should be selected by Monday. That will help. That will leave the water utility as the big one. Guy Fawkes might have been on to something. 🤔

I just put in a grocery order because I don't have the time to run to the store today, so hoping the asshole doing the shopping finds the everything. Half the list is natural remedies to deal help the little guy. FWIW Zarbee's is literally the bees knees. Expensive as hell but it has been reliable in getting the kids through some pretty rough times.
Two tablespoons of honey, half a teaspoon of cinnamon and two teaspoons of lemon juice mixed with enough boiling water to dissolve it. 1/4th to a 1/2 cup, let cool and let him drink it. It will coat his throat and help with the coughing. For an adult you would also add two aspirin, but not for a child. We now know aspirin, a fever and a child could turn into Reyes Syndrome.
lol was it legit coca cola, ya know, when it was more party drug than teeth rotter? :ROFLMAO: jk. for real, teething tablets are the best damn thing invented in the past thirty years. frozen fruits and veggies or wash clothes only go so far. those little white tablets, though, are like fuckin Demerol for baby gums.
Used to rub whiskey on my sons gums when he was teething but his Mom lost it when she found out I was doing that. It worked well but she preferred using the frozen towel method.

Thought about soaking the towel in whiskey and freezing it. This is why I need to be monitored.;)
Used to rub whiskey on my sons gums when he was teething but his Mom lost it when she found out I was doing that. It worked well but she preferred using the frozen towel method.

Thought about soaking the towel in whiskey and freezing it. This is why I need to be monitored.;)
When my daughter was a baby they had teething rings that you put in the freezer. We used the hell outta those things.
Used to rub whiskey on my sons gums when he was teething but his Mom lost it when she found out I was doing that. It worked well but she preferred using the frozen towel method.

Thought about soaking the towel in whiskey and freezing it. This is why I need to be monitored.;)

Brandy or Irish whiskey here. When they fall to sleep my turn. 🤣
Used to rub whiskey on my sons gums when he was teething but his Mom lost it when she found out I was doing that. It worked well but she preferred using the frozen towel method.

Thought about soaking the towel in whiskey and freezing it. This is why I need to be monitored.;)
i, too, got my ass chewed for doing that lol problem is it doesn't really numb them up, it just gets the kid drunk hah
Two tablespoons of honey, half a teaspoon of cinnamon and two teaspoons of lemon juice mixed with enough boiling water to dissolve it. 1/4th to a 1/2 cup, let cool and let him drink it. It will coat his throat and help with the coughing. For an adult you would also add two aspirin, but not for a child. We now know aspirin, a fever and a child could turn into Reyes Syndrome.
Yeah, aspirin is some scary stuff in general. It's also one of the only OTC medications that you can successfully commit suicide with, by taking a surprisingly small amount.
Hope everyone is having a good fried day and tuning out of all the fuss a little bit.

My son, 2, decides today is the day he no longer respects the barrier the baby gate presents to the kitchen. He has been able to climb it for a while, but always knew better. Today he raised a big middle finger to me and said 🖕🖕 to the gate as well...

Oh boy
Yeah, aspirin is some scary stuff in general. It's also one of the only OTC medications that you can successfully commit suicide with, by taking a surprisingly small amount.
Actually would you be surprised to know that the number one poisoning calls at poison control centers is Tylenol? Would you also be surprised to know that the incident of it happening ranks it at number four for emergency room deaths? There is no narcan, nor come back for it. It’s like poison shrooms, no antidote.
I’ve had a fantastic day today! Grabbed lunch and headed out to the range. I beat my instructor (Hubby) twice! Pretty windy, but I got on the bull and stayed there. I tore him up on X’s and teased him alllll the way home😜
We have a shoot tomorrow and a dinner afterwards, sooo imma drink this cup of coffee and smoke this bowl and I’m off to make chocolate oatmeal no bake cookies.
Happy Friday to yiz! 🥰
I’ve had a fantastic day today! Grabbed lunch and headed out to the range. I beat my instructor (Hubby) twice! Pretty windy, but I got on the bull and stayed there. I tore him up on X’s and teased him alllll the way home😜
We have a shoot tomorrow and a dinner afterwards, sooo imma drink this cup of coffee and smoke this bowl and I’m off to make chocolate oatmeal no bake cookies.
Happy Friday to yiz! 🥰
Happy Friday CG! I have a super hot mocha Frappuccino with 2 espresso shots👍🏻 its pretty good. Something my wife made up for me.
Oh and a fresh packed bong of some Crescendo that Steamroller gave me.
Actually would you be surprised to know that the number one poisoning calls at poison control centers is Tylenol? Would you also be surprised to know that the incident of it happening ranks it at number four for emergency room deaths? There is no narcan, nor come back for it. It’s like poison shrooms, no antidote.
For some reason that doesn't surprise me. I couldn't imagine how people do that, though. 4mg is the maximum recommended dose, so you'd be eating quite a few of the OTC pills, depending on the size. Even if it's the 500mg, that still eight pills you need to swallow in short order.

I will say you gotta be super careful with naproxen sodium, too. That shit will punch an ulcer in your stomach without warning. Don't ask how I know, just heed the advice and don't start your dosing with three of them like you do ibuprofen.
For some reason that doesn't surprise me. I couldn't imagine how people do that, though. 4mg is the maximum recommended dose, so you'd be eating quite a few of the OTC pills, depending on the size. Even if it's the 500mg, that still eight pills you need to swallow in short order.

I will say you gotta be super careful with naproxen sodium, too. That shit will punch an ulcer in your stomach without warning. Don't ask how I know, just heed the advice and don't start your dosing with three of them like you do ibuprofen.
They say it happens a lot with the elderly. Taking it, forgetting and taking it again.
You are straight up one hundred percent right about naproxen.
My heart Doc told me to never take another advil again. Said all nsaids are dangerous.
They say it happens a lot with the elderly. Taking it, forgetting and taking it again.
You are straight up one hundred percent right about naproxen.
My heart Doc told me to never take another advil again. Said all nsaids are dangerous.
Yeah, they're incredibly dangerous. I think a lot of people misunderstand how to use them, too. They're sold as a pain reliever but they're not. They're an anti inflammatory with pain reduction as a side effect, and that inflammation reduction happens through some rather unpredictable blood thinning behaviors. They also kick the hell out of some organs in the digestive tract.
Had a buddy stop by today he had a bowl packed and was like if you wanna smoke it, it has shrooms in it...nah no thanks I ain't tried smokin shrooms since I was like 12

Does that even do anything beside ruin the weed? The hell
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