@CannaGranny - So sorry for your loss. Losing a friend like that is tough. My only solace is I know he's going to a better place. When you pass he'll be waiting for you to hang out on the porch!!!:)

@freezeland - Wow! Bro please take it easy. I love driving bikes but when I was in L.A. it was WAY too dangerous to ride bikes. Too many a-hole drivers that don't respect bike riders. Passing out on a bike would be the scariest thing I can imagine. Maybe you're like Sampson. The moment they cut your hair you lose your strength!:D

My hair started to thin about 5 years ago up to the point I was getting a bald spot on the top of my head. Started taking Minoxidil 2.5mg pills to see if it would help. 6 months and I'm really starting to see improvement. My bald spot is gone and my barber was even surprised. GF loves it since we met when I was playing music so I had long, wavy thick hair back then. I started doing this after I read an article about an Australian Dr. that got reports from his patients that they weren't using the spray that goes with it and only took the pills and had just as good a result as with the spray but they just doubled up the pills. I decided to try the same thing but, now that it's working, I'm going to dial it back a bit and take just one a day and see if it'll maintain or if I'll have to go back to doubling up to 5mg.

Moral of the story? If you want to grow hair back on the top of your head you may want to try this.

What's really weird is I'm not a hairy guy. To the contrary, my arms and legs hardly had any hair and I'd shave like maybe once or twice a week. Now that I've been taking these pills my arms and legs are getting hair where there never was before so I guess it's a good indicator as to if it's working or not. BTW.....shaving sucks. I didn't like it before and now I have to do it practically every day!☹️ I guess it's the price you pay for not having to rub sunblock on your head when you go out!:sneaky:
Combination hair restorer and sunblock potion would be a good seller for the fellers....
Guys im fkn dead.. Gary Busey is hilarious lmao.
Poor guy....he lost it after he laid down his bike...

The craziest part to this whole ordeal is he would have been ok if he had been wearing a helmet yet when he crashed he had just come from a meeting to pass legislation to allow riding with no helmet!!!🥸
Poor guy....he lost it after he laid down his bike...

The craziest part to this whole ordeal is he would have been ok if he had been wearing a helmet yet when he crashed he had just come from a meeting to pass legislation to allow riding with no helmet!!!🥸
Something about him reminds me of Ron White, lmao.
You talking about the cube movies where they are stuck in the rotating rooms with doors on each side and booby traps? Those movies were dope....saw an Asian one based off the first movie and it was hard to watch (no good)

12 members online 116 guests lol

Yep, a few copy cats. Got them too. Daughter used to have 2-3 girls sleep over and they would watch these. I had the parents sign agreements that their kids could watch them even if “R” rated. Never had a problem in years.

Bruce Campbell classics are great too.
The ACI bars are really good and strong. You can also mount two to the tent frame and the other two to the bars, like a “H” shape. That would give you two more top bar’s strong enough to hold a light.
Ooh could I do it on the sides to "reinforce" the pole structure?
Ooh could I do it on the sides to "reinforce" the pole structure?

Yes. They hold a lot of weight. They use rubber and hose clamps to give extra strength.

Sorry for crappy pics. Dark mode. Couldn’t see crap. Figured they see lightning so a flash should be okay.


This is attached to other ACI pole, not the frame.

These are the best I’ve seen for the price so far. IMO
Yes. They hold a lot of weight. They use rubber and hose clamps to give extra strength.

Sorry for crappy pics. Dark mode. Couldn’t see crap. Figured they see lightning so a flash should be okay.

View attachment 27796View attachment 27798

This is attached to other ACI pole, not the frame.
View attachment 27800

These are the best I’ve seen for the price so far. IMO
Lol, I'm alot less careful with lights on the flowers, been better about it though, like lamps or some sun through the patio slidy door

Sweet looks good I'd like to reinforce mine
Morning all you Menz!
I woke this morning to our first frost of the year. It was a heavy one too. Looked like it snowed. I guess now I have to give in and admit winter is finally here to stay, although I have a shoot Sat. and the temps are slated for the high seventies. Good thing too as we have not had time to work up our winter loads yet for my new gun.
Yesterday was a good day of sorts. Four of my friends “randomly“ showed up to cheer me up. We sat outside and smoked ourselves silly. They brought interesting stuff like “holy rabbit” and “City of God”. I’m just darn blessed with good people in my life.
I do miss my friend. I’ve ended every day for the past 18 years with a treat and some loving, so I’m just a bit lost. First time in forty years that I have not had a dog on the place. I’m in no hurry for another, but I can see getting another come spring time.
Heres wishing a good day upon all of you! Thanks for keeping the Corner up and running while I took a break.🥰
Morning all you Menz!
I woke this morning to our first frost of the year. It was a heavy one too. Looked like it snowed. I guess now I have to give in and admit winter is finally here to stay, although I have a shoot Sat. and the temps are slated for the high seventies. Good thing too as we have not had time to work up our winter loads yet for my new gun.
Yesterday was a good day of sorts. Four of my friends “randomly“ showed up to cheer me up. We sat outside and smoked ourselves silly. They brought interesting stuff like “holy rabbit” and “City of God”. I’m just darn blessed with good people in my life.
I do miss my friend. I’ve ended every day for the past 18 years with a treat and some loving, so I’m just a bit lost. First time in forty years that I have not had a dog on the place. I’m in no hurry for another, but I can see getting another come spring time.
Heres wishing a good day upon all of you! Thanks for keeping the Corner up and running while I took a break.🥰
Gday, I'm sorry for your loss, it hurts loosing our pets. We put our hearts into them and they go too quickly. I lost a Dalmatian as a child, Sparky I still tear up about. 3 - 13 I had a best friend then he was gone. I couldn't go to school for a week even then I was lost. I guess it was depression in todays world but just get over it was the word of the day. I don't think I ever recovered from that loss and maybe why I smoke so much today. Pets are a blessing but can take a toll on ones heart
Gday, I'm sorry for your loss, it hurts loosing our pets. We put our hearts into them and they go too quickly. I lost a Dalmatian as a child, Sparky I still tear up about. 3 - 13 I had a best friend then he was gone. I couldn't go to school for a week even then I was lost. I guess it was depression in todays world but just get over it was the word of the day. I don't think I ever recovered from that loss and maybe why I smoke so much today. Pets are a blessing but can take a toll on ones heart
I got these guys 18 years ago, he and his brother. Mini Australian Shepherd’s. His brother lived 16 years. We were told that average life expectancy was 8-11 years. Well these guys blew that out of the water!
Did I mention that for 16 years these two fought every day? It literally was a daily thing. They never brought blood except one time, and fought to keep top dog position. When the biggest moved on a couple of years ago, this one FINALLY got to be top dog.
He throughly enjoyed his last couple of years, but he did pine for his brother.
Good thing is that he was never down or in pain. I’m pretty sure I saw him have a heart attack.
You are right PC, sure takes a toll on the ole ticker. It was worth it though.
Sorry for your loss @CannaGranny we had a lab for 15 years we had to have put down about 5 years ago. It was soo hard, but he got where he couldn't even stand up to go to the bathroom, just had no quality of life left & we had to let him go, again one of the hardest things I've ever done. Just have to remember the good times that they give us.

Also on a happier note I had a proud Dad moment yesterday. Had parent teacher conferences yesterday & my son who's in 4th grade not only got a glowing report about his behavior but they said he is reading at close to the end of a 7th grade level (he's where they expect a 7th graded to be 3/4 of the way through the school year) They took some reading evaluation test & she said he had one of if not the highest scores of anyone in the school (which goes to 5th grade) & they are wanting to evaluate him for the gifted program! We really lucked out with this kid!!
A gift from a friend..sure is apt! For those of you that don’t know, this is a reloading press.View attachment 27842
I remember you mentioning that your husband reloads. Where do you get your brass? Do you reuse your spent brass or do you buy new brass? When I was deeper into the gun game I wanted to start doing my own reloads but I was always leery of using spent brass after a reload exploded in the chamber of my Glock 17.
Also on a happier note I had a proud Dad moment yesterday. Had parent teacher conferences yesterday & my son who's in 4th grade not only got a glowing report about his behavior but they said he is reading at close to the end of a 7th grade level (he's where they expect a 7th graded to be 3/4 of the way through the school year) They took some reading evaluation test & she said he had one of if not the highest scores of anyone in the school (which goes to 5th grade) & they are wanting to evaluate him for the gifted program! We really lucked out with this kid!!
With that evaluation, consider an IEP to hold the school accountable. My education got completely wrecked by the public school system not meeting their promises for years because I ended up in the gifted program and they dicked around. Without an IEP there's not much recourse for the parent(s), so take advantage of the law in this case to help ensure your kiddo gets the education he deserves!
I remember you mentioning that your husband reloads. Where do you get your brass? Do you reuse your spent brass or do you buy new brass? When I was deeper into the gun game I wanted to start doing my own reloads but I was always leery of using spent brass after a reload exploded in the chamber of my Glock 17.
reloads, and the process of, scare the ever living shit out of me because of this right here. growing up i heard about all the accident my dad's friends would have. granted, they were all fat bikers that came back from Nam and didn't give two shits about safety lol
With that evaluation, consider an IEP to hold the school accountable. My education got completely wrecked by the public school system not meeting their promises for years because I ended up in the gifted program and they dicked around. Without an IEP there's not much recourse for the parent(s), so take advantage of the law in this case to help ensure your kiddo gets the education he deserves!

reloads, and the process of, scare the ever living shit out of me because of this right here. growing up i heard about all the accident my dad's friends would have. granted, they were all fat bikers that came back from Nam and didn't give two shits about safety lol
Bro my hand hurt for solid week after that. Glock was really good about replacing the lower that had cracked.
With that evaluation, consider an IEP to hold the school accountable. My education got completely wrecked by the public school system not meeting their promises for years because I ended up in the gifted program and they dicked around. Without an IEP there's not much recourse for the parent(s), so take advantage of the law in this case to help ensure your kiddo gets the education he deserves!

Thanks for the heads up, I'll look into that.
With that evaluation, consider an IEP to hold the school accountable. My education got completely wrecked by the public school system not meeting their promises for years because I ended up in the gifted program and they dicked around. Without an IEP there's not much recourse for the parent(s), so take advantage of the law in this case to help ensure your kiddo gets the education he deserves!
Couldn't agree more. My cousins son, was having some issues when I first got him. I talked to his counselor and she'd just give me lip service about how they were going to offer the services he needed. Great!

A month later I find out none of what she said was happening so back to the school. She makes up a bunch of excuses about how funding has tied her hands, blah , blah, blah.

Got a student advocate to come in with me and sit down with the admin to write up an IEP for him that I wanted signed by the counselor that was blowing smoke up my ass so that when they failed I could tear her a new one with the IEP in my hand. Advocate was checking in with the staff and Nick making sure he was getting all the services spelled out in the IEP along with my incessant whining about how they were not providing enough of it. They did what they said after that.

Nicks an Executive Chef in Europe now.
Couldn't agree more. My cousins son, was having some issues when I first got him. I talked to his counselor and she'd just give me lip service about how they were going to offer the services he needed. Great!

A month later I find out none of what she said was happening so back to the school. She makes up a bunch of excuses about how funding has tied her hands, blah , blah, blah.

Got a student advocate to come in with me and sit down with the admin to write up an IEP for him that I wanted signed by the counselor that was blowing smoke up my ass so that when they failed I could tear her a new one with the IEP in my hand. Advocate was checking in with the staff and Nick making sure he was getting all the services spelled out in the IEP along with my incessant whining about how they were not providing enough of it. They did what they said after that.

Nicks an Executive Chef in Europe now.
What really pisses me off about schools and IEPs is the schools get additional federal funding for every student on an IEP. They require more paperwork but the damn things literally benefit the school. They'll fight tooth and nail to avoid having kids on them though because they're then legally required to adhere to the terms of the contract and god forbid they do their fucking jobs as education administrators.

Once I was on mine, the teachers were fully accommodating and it turned my high school experience around completely. It was the administrators that were the problem overall.
  • Deleted by GoodShit97
  • Reason: Double post
I remember you mentioning that your husband reloads. Where do you get your brass? Do you reuse your spent brass or do you buy new brass? When I was deeper into the gun game I wanted to start doing my own reloads but I was always leery of using spent brass after a reload exploded in the chamber of my Glock 17.
Morning Roots!
Hubby obtains our brass from different places. Accurate Shooter, and a couple of other places. Brass to reload pistols can easily be found. Rifles not always. We are currently using Alpha Brass.
Top end use, can be reloaded 15 times, as long as no stressors are observed. Stressors will present themselves in a couple of ways, but mainly the metal looses its ability to stretch and after being clamped will not hold tight on the primer. This is easily seen during anealment. If you have never seen that process, I will vid it for you the next time he does it. It involves gas and an open flame, so I don’t play with it.
There are several safety check points.
Custom ammo for precision shooting is loaded differently even depending on weather conditions. He is already up and headed to the range this morning to get some shots in at 25 degrees as the load is different when the weather is cooler. Sometimes just two tenths makes all the difference.
If you were to get serious about it, I would intro you to him. He is well known in our area as one of the best.
Morning ya Menz!
It’s damn cold in the Zarks this morning. Twenty two when I got up and a balmy twenty five now. Brrrrrrrr! I’m not ready for this!
I have finally had to give the ghost up on setting on the porch and have moved my party to the she shed, it’s heated. My cats have moved to the shed as well, it has a cat door in it. Not that they are spoiled or anything… they don’t know what it is to be hungry or cold.
Still got my house tore apart and am closer to being done with it, building a beef stew this morning. Six a.m. and this place be rocking!
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