Lots of respect for you too tobh. I should have been more clear. I am talking about the people that push these books on kids. I have nothing against gays either and I apologize if that came across that way. When it involves the kids, and that is what that book is doing, that is where the line in the sand is.\
I don't see how that's "pushing" such a book on kids, though? It's literally a listing for an item for sale. We are gifted with the freedom of press in this country (which is rapidly deteriorating). I re-iterate, if you don't like it, don't buy it. I don't see how it's become mandated kids read it, nor that people buy it. It's simply a publication by someone hoping to inform children of parents wanting to expose or educate their children about why some people have two dads or two moms.
I'll marginally agree with the trans thing, and the whole "i identify as..." thing, but to be honest I think most of that has been blown waaaay out of proportion by the media. A litter box in a bathroom? OK. That sounds like someone trying to blow smoke up someone's ass, just saying. There's an agenda behind that. It's as touchy as talking about abortion rights, which no one should have any say over what one individual does or doesn't do with their own body, or what's inside their body, whether they have a penis or a vagina. Simple. Human autonomy is a thing, and people will do what they need whether there are legal routes or not. Look at drug prohibition for a prime example of how well making shit illegal works out. Just saying, and I digress.
My children have grown up around gay men and women their entire lives. One of their grandfathers is gay, and I officiated his and his late husband's wedding. My best friend, their godfather, is also gay. And you know what? I trust those men over their own blood on their mother's side because heterosexuals on that side molested my lady, her brother, and her sister, and those people spit the same vile kind of crap. I've called them out the same exact way.
We've also been fully transparent about who's what. it's not a sexual thing, it's a concept of love and identity at a fundamental level. Are we evil for teaching love comes in many forms? I think not. But at least my kids are going to be there, as allies, when they're old enough to start getting feelings alongside their peers will likely be the first to keep their gay friend(s) from getting beat to a pulp by some closed minded child of a Fox news household. My children also know anatomically correct terms (and can say the names of the parts without giggling) and the difference between a boy and a girl.
I get heated when hate speech like that is spoken. Choose your words more carefully please. Just because knowledge exists (it's a fucking child's book people -- please tell me how it could possibly be sexual) doesn't mean it's indoctrination nor does stating accusatory blanket statements convey a clear intent in language. "They're all child molesters" is a pretty fucking strong accusation and I take contention with that.
End rant.