They're all a bunch of child molestors and they want to indoctrinate the youth and make that sick shit normal. Not if I have anything to say about it! :mad:
Alright, I've got a lot of respect for you, and this statement you've made is absolutely, unequivocally unfounded and incorrect. Frankly, it's bullshit. Almost every gay or lesbian individual I've engaged with in life, and there have been A LOT, was neither a child molester nor looking to indoctrinate anyone into their lifestyle. What brings them fulfillment in life is no one else's business than their own. It doesn't impact you, or anyone else, in any way what they do and who they do it with behind closed doors.

For apparently being the most free country in the world, the bigotry against gays is pretty fucking significant and needs to end. They aren't harming anyone. Also, it's a book, and if you don't like it don't buy it. Pretty simple. It's simply trying to teach acceptance so that the bigotry ends.

Honestly, your statement reads just like the statements my grandmother faced when she was fighting for women's rights.
Alright, I've got a lot of respect for you, and this statement you've made is absolutely, unequivocally unfounded and incorrect. Frankly, it's bullshit. Almost every gay or lesbian individual I've engaged with in life, and there have been A LOT, was neither a child molester nor looking to indoctrinate anyone into their lifestyle. What brings them fulfillment in life is no one else's business than their own. It doesn't impact you, or anyone else, in any way what they do and who they do it with behind closed doors.

For apparently being the most free country in the world, the bigotry against gays is pretty fucking significant and needs to end. They aren't harming anyone. Also, it's a book, and if you don't like it don't buy it. Pretty simple. It's simply trying to teach acceptance so that the bigotry ends.
Lots of respect for you too tobh. I should have been more clear. I am talking about the people that push these books on kids. I have nothing against gays either and I apologize if that came across that way. When it involves the kids, and that is what that book is doing, that is where the line in the sand is.
Alright, I've got a lot of respect for you, and this statement you've made is absolutely, unequivocally unfounded and incorrect. Frankly, it's bullshit. Almost every gay or lesbian individual I've engaged with in life, and there have been A LOT, was neither a child molester nor looking to indoctrinate anyone into their lifestyle. What brings them fulfillment in life is no one else's business than their own. It doesn't impact you, or anyone else, in any way what they do and who they do it with behind closed doors.

For apparently being the most free country in the world, the bigotry against gays is pretty fucking significant and needs to end. They aren't harming anyone. Also, it's a book, and if you don't like it don't buy it. Pretty simple. It's simply trying to teach acceptance so that the bigotry ends.

Honestly, your statement reads just like the statements my grandmother faced when she was fighting for women's rights.
I don’t believe he meant gay people in general, as a matter of a fact they are the ones that stand to lose ground in society over this madness.
People pushing this shit in school to an audience that has not even experienced sex education of any sort yet.
Who give’s a shit if so an so is gay? I don’t.
Who gives a shit if all this transgender propaganda is waved in the face of children? Who gives a shit that there is a drag queen story hour?
I do!
Keep that shit to adults that are old enough to understand and leave the young impressionable minds alone. Allow them to just be children.
I don’t believe he meant gay people in general, as a matter of a fact they are the ones that stand to lose ground in society over this madness.
This is 100% true. Most gay people are not happy with what they see either. There is even an org that started up to oppose this and these are gay folks themselves standing up to it.

Alright, I've got a lot of respect for you, and this statement you've made is absolutely, unequivocally unfounded and incorrect. Frankly, it's bullshit. Almost every gay or lesbian individual I've engaged with in life, and there have been A LOT, was neither a child molester nor looking to indoctrinate anyone into their lifestyle. What brings them fulfillment in life is no one else's business than their own. It doesn't impact you, or anyone else, in any way what they do and who they do it with behind closed doors.

For apparently being the most free country in the world, the bigotry against gays is pretty fucking significant and needs to end. They aren't harming anyone. Also, it's a book, and if you don't like it don't buy it. Pretty simple. It's simply trying to teach acceptance so that the bigotry ends.

Honestly, your statement reads just like the statements my grandmother faced when she was fighting for women's rights.
Politics: the great divider of friendships.

Tbh I just can't get down with drag shows for little kids and ANY mention of sexuality for kids under 12-14.

I think what SLG is referring to when he said "they are indoctrinating our kids" is this theory held my some that the world is overpopulated and we need less kids. So the more gay couple's, the less kids there will be aka better for the earth. There is a significant amount of people that believe in this which is pretty wild actually. Its like, being pro-human is being anti-earth. Wtf?
Lots of respect for you too tobh. I should have been more clear. I am talking about the people that push these books on kids. I have nothing against gays either and I apologize if that came across that way. When it involves the kids, and that is what that book is doing, that is where the line in the sand is.\
I don't see how that's "pushing" such a book on kids, though? It's literally a listing for an item for sale. We are gifted with the freedom of press in this country (which is rapidly deteriorating). I re-iterate, if you don't like it, don't buy it. I don't see how it's become mandated kids read it, nor that people buy it. It's simply a publication by someone hoping to inform children of parents wanting to expose or educate their children about why some people have two dads or two moms.

I'll marginally agree with the trans thing, and the whole "i identify as..." thing, but to be honest I think most of that has been blown waaaay out of proportion by the media. A litter box in a bathroom? OK. That sounds like someone trying to blow smoke up someone's ass, just saying. There's an agenda behind that. It's as touchy as talking about abortion rights, which no one should have any say over what one individual does or doesn't do with their own body, or what's inside their body, whether they have a penis or a vagina. Simple. Human autonomy is a thing, and people will do what they need whether there are legal routes or not. Look at drug prohibition for a prime example of how well making shit illegal works out. Just saying, and I digress.

My children have grown up around gay men and women their entire lives. One of their grandfathers is gay, and I officiated his and his late husband's wedding. My best friend, their godfather, is also gay. And you know what? I trust those men over their own blood on their mother's side because heterosexuals on that side molested my lady, her brother, and her sister, and those people spit the same vile kind of crap. I've called them out the same exact way.

We've also been fully transparent about who's what. it's not a sexual thing, it's a concept of love and identity at a fundamental level. Are we evil for teaching love comes in many forms? I think not. But at least my kids are going to be there, as allies, when they're old enough to start getting feelings alongside their peers will likely be the first to keep their gay friend(s) from getting beat to a pulp by some closed minded child of a Fox news household. My children also know anatomically correct terms (and can say the names of the parts without giggling) and the difference between a boy and a girl.

I get heated when hate speech like that is spoken. Choose your words more carefully please. Just because knowledge exists (it's a fucking child's book people -- please tell me how it could possibly be sexual) doesn't mean it's indoctrination nor does stating accusatory blanket statements convey a clear intent in language. "They're all child molesters" is a pretty fucking strong accusation and I take contention with that.

End rant.
"They're all child molesters" is a pretty fucking strong accusation and I take contention with that.
Again, I clarified and apologized for not being more clear. It was not hate speech coming from me, but seems to be oozing from you.

You want to be a douche, be my guest, but I don't have anything else to say to you about it.
Again, I clarified and apologized for not being more clear. It was not hate speech coming from me, but seems to be oozing from you.

You want to be a douche, be my guest, but I don't have anything else to say to you about it.
Cool. Maybe don't make blanket statements bud.
Book found in several public school libraries, no age limits..sorry, any way you call it this its indoctrination. Since when was porn allowed?
All the things that make us different, gay, straight, black, white, poor, rich, liberal, conservative, alcoholic, addicted…whatever the human differences are..noooo excuse good enough for this.
Sadly, the gay community will get the rap for this. Just like they did another of Faucies lab monsters, aids.
This is not a book that is the parents choice to buy or not, it’s in the school library! Sister is gay and she loves Fox News..
This will be my last comment on this subject, just so everyone’s a problem.
Many states, parents arrested at school board meetings for opposing this. This is so wrong on every level.
View attachment 29359
Yeah its outta control. Lots of things seem to be outta control these days. Like noone in their right mind is in charge of anything and its a free for all lol. Tbh i would vote for Elon Musk since he seems pretty centrist and actually smart and human-centric.
Yeah its outta control. Lots of things seem to be outta control these days. Like noone in their right mind is in charge of anything and its a free for all lol. Tbh i would vote for Elon Musk since he seems pretty centrist and actually smart and human-centric.
He scares the hell outta me.
He scares the hell outta me.
I see how he could be scary and not 100% trustworthy, who knows who he's really working for...

I do see potential for good in lots of what he's trying though. At least he is trying "stuff" and bucking the system, others seem to restrained by "the status quo".
Well, I’m all tired now. Don’t know why cough surely it wasn’t that joint of Concrete Shoes that I forgot to quit hitting cause I was peed off about porn in our school libraries and distracted.
Or maybe it was just the long busy day.
At any rate imma shut this she shed down, and go test out a tempurpedic mattress.
Night John Boy..
soooo there's this wonderful concept that was developed long before computers were a thing. it's been ported to computers, and even phones too. what's the concept, you ask?

Let me tell you about file systems!

They come in many shapes, sizes, and form factors ready to fit your every organizational need. Can't find proof you're alive? There's a folder for that. Need important banking documents? Store em in their own folder! And what about digital photos? Well, you can sort them by category and keep them in their own folders, too! Don't take my word for it, see for yourself 😜
Computers are just electronic file cabinets.
Haha no way. Sounds like there are plenty of good growers from VA, but most moved out lol. Virginia would be so much nicer if the local state govt wasnt such a mess.
You know I'm in VA, I do hate our 4 plant limit or "guideline" but God this is a beautiful state

No comment on current topic

Good morning and good grow wishes to all!

Here is a pic from a proud parent yesterday, purple punch

And then something to make everyone laugh, yes I bought it, but it was only $1 😂

A toilet-BOWL
You know I'm in VA, I do hate our 4 plant limit or "guideline" but God this is a beautiful state

No comment on current topic

Good morning and good grow wishes to all!

Here is a pic from a proud parent yesterday, purple punch
View attachment 29411

And then something to make everyone laugh, yes I bought it, but it was only $1 😂

A toilet-BOWL
View attachment 29412
Bro I need one lol
Anyone in Ohio?

Saw this in a fb group this morning. Guy who posted is solid. Seems like a good chance to try some genetics for Ohio growers. Runs from 4:20 pm Saturday til 4:20 pm sunday

Morning all ya Menz!
Another beautiful day in the Ozarks!
I want to thank all of you involved in a sensitive discussion last night for remaining an adult and being able to state your opinions.
The rules of the Corner is that it’s ALL open for discussion as long as we remain respectful. I appreciate that.
It’s easy to fire me up, one word and I’m on like a wildfire. Children. I have one by birth, but raised five. A younger Sister and three of societies “throw aways” that got a bum deal with shitty parents. I fully believe it’s every one of our jobs to protect the young and elderly. I will never fall short in that aspect, if I can help it. I’ve spent a lifetime coaching ball, a Girl Scout leader, hugging broken souls and fixing bloody knees.
Full day in the grow room this morning. Watering, cleaning tent floors, last big defoil and seed planting.
Anyways thanks you Menz🥰
I want to thank all of you involved in a sensitive discussion last night for remaining an adult and being able to state your opinions
Glad everyone acted as adults too, sorry i stirred the pot tho!
I really didnt even think about the possible backlash when i posted it. Its just frustrating for me because my kids are both in public school and these things are being pushed on them and i do not like it.
Let kids be kids and decide their fate for themselves.

Have a fun day in the grow room!
I have upgrades to make real soon myself. I just found out i need to have all my stuff locked up just like your state, so i gotta get a passcode doorknob now lol 😆
Its still a hollow core door so anyone can get through it.
Glad everyone acted as adults too, sorry i stirred the pot tho!
I really didnt even think about the possible backlash when i posted it. Its just frustrating for me because my kids are both in public school and these things are being pushed on them and i do not like it.
Let kids be kids and decide their fate for themselves.

Have a fun day in the grow room!
I have upgrades to make real soon myself. I just found out i need to have all my stuff locked up just like your state, so i gotta get a passcode doorknob now lol 😆
Its still a hollow core door so anyone can get through it.
Ya little pot stirrer, you! I get your frustration. As I stated, I would be one of those parents in jail. (Talking big here, I have never even had a speeding ticket). Let the kids be kids.
Yes, by Mo law we must keep our grows under lock and key. I had a code lock put in so when I had company it didn’t appear that I had one of those fun rooms where ya put da lotion on da skin 😂🤣 Looked a little better than a 🔐!
We must also keep our meds locked up as well. Small price to pay to legally cultivate. There are no inspections unless the state has had a complaint. (Grow in view, easily accessible or even smell).
Any work day in the grow room is a good day!
I see how he could be scary and not 100% trustworthy, who knows who he's really working for...

I do see potential for good in lots of what he's trying though. At least he is trying "stuff" and bucking the system, others seem to restrained by "the status quo".
The liberals hate him now that he's calling them out on their bs so I'm good with Elon.
The liberals hate him now that he's calling them out on their bs so I'm good with Elon.
I’m just not sure what to make of him. I’ll continue to watch with a weary eye. I have a list of reasons a mile long, but will keep them to myself and continue to observe.
I give him kudos for going against the grain and putting the facts out there, but was there a one of us that did not know we were being censored and what was being censored? No.
So in essence is he not just another cog in the hate machine? If these people were in anyway paying for what they were caught doing, perhaps I would view this differently?
If people don’t realize it, for the past ten years media has been telling us to hate something. Life styles, politics, religion, different cultures.
Its massive brainwashing all fueled by hate machines. A program initiated by a bad entity called Project Mockingbird.
When will we as a people recognize it’s been a massive effort to turn us against one another?
It began for me among my people on a reservation in 2016, the nodapl movement. It turned Native against native and tribes against tribes. All the way down to using a remote controlled AI owl that showed up as a sign to my people. The owl signifies death among my people and in essentially it was. It was deemed the largest gathering of the Nations in our time and it was. Too bad we can’t turn out like that for a celebration of love.
United we stand, divided we will fall. That’s the nasty truth behind that.
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