So this evening all five plants are praying. Three different growing areas.
No burning, curling or discoloration of the leaves so I’m going to assume the ladies are at top homeostasis. Happy happy happy 🥰
My Hubby decided today to just randomly roll all the bits and pieces on his rolling tray. The entourage effect is very real. Knocked the snot out of me, twice. I asked WTH are we smoking? He calls it jambalaya.. I call it wicked!
I still have about 30 mins worth of work left in my veg room, then I get to call it a day. For now tho..I have a cup of hot chocolate and a smooth smoking joint of who knows what..
Just dropped 2Cherry Garcias, 2 Mandarin cookies R3, 2 XXX, 2 Planet of the grapes, 2Candy store,2 Grape Balls of fire into the VG.
These all did well for me or well enough I don't mind doing them again. Left out the Hash Plant and replaced it with 2 Fruit Punch, 2 Rum Runners from Greenpoint. My first seeds other than Ethos in 2 years.
16 seeds in total hoping they all do their thing~!
Thanks for the heads up CG.(y)

All but one of 16 seeds is showing tails~! 🥳
They will be put in a 50/50 mix of Sohum and seed starter tomorrow.:D
Saturdays are for cannabis...well especially Saturdays
Yeah since they took are Saturday cartoons away, we just have weed left

@CannaGranny sorry to hear about that wild cat! Have you got a good look at the culprit?

We do have some mountain cats out here, but rare to see them
Yeah since they took are Saturday cartoons away, we just have weed left

@CannaGranny sorry to hear about that wild cat! Have you got a good look at the culprit?

We do have some mountain cats out here, but rare to see them
The culprit was hauled off to a friends barn. It was a house cat that someone dumped and he went feral. He is the one that keeps attacking my cats.
As for real wild cats, we have them all. Bobcats, mountain lions and panther. It’s the coyotes that think cats are crunchy and go good with ketchup!
Morning CG~!
Just got back from getting seed starter soil~! :D
Need to start trimming and get my sprouts in some soil.
Wooooo hooooooo! I saw you had a big success in popping those ladies! I also saw you say that you used the VG, I’m assuming it worked out wonderfully.
I just pulled mine from soaking and put them in soil last night, so for sure my method is slower than yours. You also did this during choice moon planting phases, I swear it makes a difference!
Today, I’m making a vid on defoliation. I have a perfect candidate for it too. Will be my last big defoil of this crop. @ZombieRider will take all of my clips throughout the grow and create a vid from start to finish. I’m excited about that!
Rifle season is 6 days away here.
Right now its crossbow, im waiting fir rifle. Gonna go out i think.
Will provide a lot of meat for you. The only way to do this to save the dollars and come out ahead of the hunt is to be able to process the meat yourself. If you need help with that, hit me up. I’m capable.
I have seen processing fees hit upwards of 500.00 this year. That’s for sure no great savings when you can do it for free at home.
By my Native culture I cannot hunt nor take the deer because I’m not in need of the meat nor hide.
Will provide a lot of meat for you. The only way to do this to save the dollars and come out ahead of the hunt is to be able to process the meat yourself. If you need help with that, hit me up. I’m capable.
I have seen processing fees hit upwards of 500.00 this year. That’s for sure no great savings when you can do it for free at home.
By my Native culture I cannot hunt nor take the deer because I’m not in need of the meat nor hide.
Thank you greatly for the offer!
If i do get one, thankfully my father and i will butcher it ourselves.
We sent a deerout for processing one time cause we were going to be leaving town. Was a local shop, think it was like $125? But it was 10+ years ago. Anyway it came back tasting like doe urine.... 🤮🤮
So that was all a complete waste and went to the coyotes.

Ever since that time we have been doing it ourselves. Regardless of what is going on we make time for it because its not worth wasting that amount of meat.

We use everything and i gice the hide away to people who use it for all kinds of things as i dont have a use for it and like to see it all used.
Wooooo hooooooo! I saw you had a big success in popping those ladies! I also saw you say that you used the VG, I’m assuming it worked out wonderfully.
I just pulled mine from soaking and put them in soil last night, so for sure my method is slower than yours. You also did this during choice moon planting phases, I swear it makes a difference!
Today, I’m making a vid on defoliation. I have a perfect candidate for it too. Will be my last big defoil of this crop. @ZombieRider will take all of my clips throughout the grow and create a vid from start to finish. I’m excited about that!
Whats up CG! Today has been hella busy, setting up my drying tent, rearranging our walk in pantry, moving chickens to winter Good stuff, chickens arent laying as much now that the weather is colder, but the ducks are laying just fine.

And yes Cannagranny, whenever you got those vids I will edit it for you and do any sort of compilation/whatever we decide on! Just keep me in the loop of what you got working on! Link your videos on here when you post em. Super cool! Have a good night, im smoking some peyote wifi. Tastes like a straight up glass of grape juice :D.
Whats up CG! Today has been hella busy, setting up my drying tent, rearranging our walk in pantry, moving chickens to winter Good stuff, chickens arent laying as much now that the weather is colder, but the ducks are laying just fine.

And yes Cannagranny, whenever you got those vids I will edit it for you and do any sort of compilation/whatever we decide on! Just keep me in the loop of what you got working on! Link your videos on here when you post em. Super cool! Have a good night, im smoking some peyote wifi. Tastes like a straight up glass of grape juice :D.
I want grape juice! ❤️
Today I changed my YouTube channel to Canna Granny’s House of Scrog and I added links to Budbuilder and The Corner. It’s a start!
I’ve done the defoil vid and prepping to do the entire process from seed to finish. This will take a bit of time, but should answer any questions anyone has concerning pre prep etc. I’m counting on you to edit it down and make it visually interesting.
Im working on a weather mark currently. I may have to hit you up on that. I have the idea, just don’t know if I can make it come together.
Herding 🐥’s huh? Bout like herding 🐈 🐱
Finishing up my night smoke and then I’m headed in to find some trashy worn out pj’s and a soft blanket.
I want grape juice! ❤️
Today I changed my YouTube channel to Canna Granny’s House of Scrog and I added links to Budbuilder and The Corner. It’s a start!
I’ve done the defoil vid and prepping to do the entire process from seed to finish. This will take a bit of time, but should answer any questions anyone has concerning pre prep etc. I’m counting on you to edit it down and make it visually interesting.
Im working on a weather mark currently. I may have to hit you up on that. I have the idea, just don’t know if I can make it come together.
Herding 🐥’s huh? Bout like herding 🐈 🐱
Finishing up my night smoke and then I’m headed in to find some trashy worn out pj’s and a soft blanket.
Are you live yet? I looked you up but didn't find your channel.
Once i get out of this doctors office im headed to my parents house to burn some powder.
Gotta make sure my rifle is sighted in for opening day!
Might trap shoot too while im at it 🤔
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Mornin ya Menz!
It’s funday Monday alllll day long. Another stellar day here in the Ozarks! Highs today of 70* and sunshine ☀️.
For those of you that think we have wonderful weather here..this is highly abbynormal.
I remember several opening days of deer season being snowed on, sleeted on and cut in half by the cold wind. I was camp cook. As I said, this year, the hunters must be on the look out for rattlesnakes.
This just means we will have some major big wet heavy snows this year. Glad we have the new generator up hooked into the gas tank and ready to take over. Heavy wet snows mean power loss and sometimes for days. Can’t fix what ya can’t get to.
Here’s to wishing you all a fantastic day!
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