Can't wait for some snow here. I'm in VA, we didn't get much last year
Gday, Yes we woke up on Sunday to 6", its not as much fun as you think when you get older. its now frozen solid after yesterdays thawing & ice is the result. Easy to fall and....break a hip....for an old guy. not that its ever happened to me but its the stereotypic old guy joke.

A cat story.....We have 3 cats one named Qnight I carry down stairs to my grow room work shop in a green reusable grocery bag. He loves his bag and he needs and picks at the fabric while i carry him downstairs. After a couple month of this the bag was toast. So I've another green bag brand new he now uses.

We have 10 cat beds in the living room alone along with 3 tunnels & a large cat tree with bed posts on it. The old green bag that got ripped up I laid on a cat bed. it is now the only bed they want to use and wrestle one another for the privilege.

Its the funniest thing to watch when one cat claims it and is peacefully sleeping another will come up and start liking him and grooming him then the wrestle is on and usually the aggressor wins and then claims the bed, still laying on part of the green bag.

Qnight just lost to Coal and now Dusk is circling Coal but Coals on guard after his win......and dog people wonder why we like cats
Gday, Yes we woke up on Sunday to 6", its not as much fun as you think when you get older. its now frozen solid after yesterdays thawing & ice is the result. Easy to fall and....break a hip....for an old guy. not that its ever happened to me but its the stereotypic old guy joke.

A cat story.....We have 3 cats one named Qnight I carry down stairs to my grow room work shop in a green reusable grocery bag. He loves his bag and he needs and picks at the fabric while i carry him downstairs. After a couple month of this the bag was toast. So I've another green bag brand new he now uses.

We have 10 cat beds in the living room alone along with 3 tunnels & a large cat tree with bed posts on it. The old green bag that got ripped up I laid on a cat bed. it is now the only bed they want to use and wrestle one another for the privilege.

Its the funniest thing to watch when one cat claims it and is peacefully sleeping another will come up and start liking him and grooming him then the wrestle is on and usually the aggressor wins and then claims the bed, still laying on part of the green bag.

Qnight just lost to Coal and now Dusk is circling Coal but Coals on guard after his win......and dog people wonder why we like cats
That's cool, reminds me of these cat relaxation bars in the East I saw on YouTube. You pay to go in and hang out with cats just chilling and walking through tunnels and stuff. It's trippy for sure
Morning ya Menz!
Im a late starter this morning as I finally made it to bed at 4am.
It’s a sunny day here and cold. Looking for sixty and sunny here tomorrow and snow starting Saturday night. I’m okay with that! I’ve plenty essentials, smoke and chocolate..let er snow!
The problem child is still holding her own with enough greenery to carry us through until the time I put her on plain water and force the reaction. She is a 9-10 week bloomer, but the way she is drawing in her pistils and fattening up, I’d say week nine for sure.
Here’s wishing all of you a fantastic day!
This is one of the reasons more and more Americans are flying out of the country to get procedures done.
We don’t know anyone who’s done this, yet. But stepfather was on a waiting list for years. Rare blood type. Maybe more US?

If you come to Thailand I will hold your hand at the hospital and bring you edibles to keep up your strength.
Not sure why I’d go to a hospital there over one here? I rarely go to the doctor let alone a hospital. But if you’re going to bring edibles I’ll see what I can do. 😝

Meanwhile I am scheduled to see the doctor about my 2 hernias one of which is bothering me. Very easy to get an appointment -- then you can have a walletectomy.
We have that option too. Pay or free. Quality and top results are expected for private pay. But you don’t always get what you pay for.

When I was a kid I had a hernia. Parents had it fixed at a fancy hospital. They missed I had a double hernia which was fixed a little later at Sick Kids iirc.

I have a huge ugly scar from one place and a nice thin line from the other. Sick Kids did the better job.
We don’t know anyone who’s done this, yet. But stepfather was on a waiting list for years. Rare blood type. Maybe more US?

Not sure why I’d go to a hospital there over one here? I rarely go to the doctor let alone a hospital. But if you’re going to bring edibles I’ll see what I can do. 😝

We have that option too. Pay or free. Quality and top results are expected for private pay. But you don’t always get what you pay for.

When I was a kid I had a hernia. Parents had it fixed at a fancy hospital. They missed I had a double hernia which was fixed a little later at Sick Kids iirc.

I have a huge ugly scar from one place and a nice thin line from the other. Sick Kids did the better job.
I have a friend. Dr. Lisa Roark. ( that’s Roark family medical for anyone seeking a Mo medical cannabis license) (Ya welcome Lisa) that was diagnosed with MS. In the US that is a death sentence as the brain continues to malfunction and we lose control of bodily function. The ability to walk, eat, live.
She heard of a treatment for it being done in Mexico. She packed up, rented an apartment in Mexico and took the treatment. Today, she is and has been declared MS free by both Mexican and American physicians.
So this is my disillusionment with medical care. There are cures, IF you have enough money. All those bullshit telethons should have just sent these children to Mexico.
@SiamSam , I have actually watched a major surgical procedure done in Thailand. They were one of the first to do full on transgender surgical procedures. It was not uncommon for people from all over the world to go to Thailand as it was the leading edge of all of that.
The surgery, professionally done had a mind blowing outcome, but my Lord, it was BRUTAL! It was not for the weak of heart, but perhaps it filled a bill for the weak at mind?
Gday, Yes we woke up on Sunday to 6", its not as much fun as you think when you get older. its now frozen solid after yesterdays thawing & ice is the result. Easy to fall and....break a hip....for an old guy. not that its ever happened to me but its the stereotypic old guy joke.

A cat story.....We have 3 cats one named Qnight I carry down stairs to my grow room work shop in a green reusable grocery bag. He loves his bag and he needs and picks at the fabric while i carry him downstairs. After a couple month of this the bag was toast. So I've another green bag brand new he now uses.

We have 10 cat beds in the living room alone along with 3 tunnels & a large cat tree with bed posts on it. The old green bag that got ripped up I laid on a cat bed. it is now the only bed they want to use and wrestle one another for the privilege.

Its the funniest thing to watch when one cat claims it and is peacefully sleeping another will come up and start liking him and grooming him then the wrestle is on and usually the aggressor wins and then claims the bed, still laying on part of the green bag.

Qnight just lost to Coal and now Dusk is circling Coal but Coals on guard after his win......and dog people wonder why we like cats1701887254087.png
We don’t know anyone who’s done this, yet. But stepfather was on a waiting list for years. Rare blood type. Maybe more US?

Not sure why I’d go to a hospital there over one here? I rarely go to the doctor let alone a hospital. But if you’re going to bring edibles I’ll see what I can do. 😝

We have that option too. Pay or free. Quality and top results are expected for private pay. But you don’t always get what you pay for.

When I was a kid I had a hernia. Parents had it fixed at a fancy hospital. They missed I had a double hernia which was fixed a little later at Sick Kids iirc.

I have a huge ugly scar from one place and a nice thin line from the other. Sick Kids did the better job.
Afternoon mah friend Zen!
In the US, if you have good insurance and I do, but man do I pay for it, makes you a cash cow to the medical field. It literally has decreased the level of care I had. They see testing, unnecessary treatment, money for rehab after they Feck you up. You then by my idea become a fantastic paying lab rat.
My doctors now know, I will do as I please and will seek out care if I need it. I may or may not take your tests and more than likely I will cancel any specialist appointments made for me. I will refuse to take their medication if it is of a detrimental sort.
By all standards on the psychological side of things (insurance pays real well for that) I would be considered non compliant and then, they could prescribe me some head meds!
Well Feck all of that, Feck the way the Government controls our healthcare. I will make my own decisions accordingly.
Signed, crazy ole cat woman out in the valley ,cannabis cultivator and purveyor of the worlds best strains. 😂🤣😂
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Morning ya Menz!
Im a late starter this morning as I finally made it to bed at 4am.
It’s a sunny day here and cold. Looking for sixty and sunny here tomorrow and snow starting Saturday night. I’m okay with that! I’ve plenty essentials, smoke and chocolate..let er snow!
The problem child is still holding her own with enough greenery to carry us through until the time I put her on plain water and force the reaction. She is a 9-10 week bloomer, but the way she is drawing in her pistils and fattening up, I’d say week nine for sure.
Here’s wishing all of you a fantastic day!
I am right there with ya timing wise. Just hit 7.5 weeks and just gave my plants what I think will be the last feed. Went a little heavier on the PK for one final push. Onto water only and high times!
I am right there with ya timing wise. Just hit 7.5 weeks and just gave my plants what I think will be the last feed. Went a little heavier on the PK for one final push. Onto water only and high times!
Yup this coming Mon. Will be seven weeks for me and then she’s getting water too. I was going to push it to 7.5, but she is ripening pretty quick.
I just flipped the Oregon Grape and Concrete Shoes to water. We are getting close and the Concrete Shoes are burning it up like a house on fire.
I see trim jail in my near future.
I also see running the heat full blast and opening up the house windows for a good airing out. This whole crop literally reeks! Puppy breath, skunk and rotten fruit!
The Hubby is not so happy, he just does not wholly appreciate good terpenes. My friends are thrilled 😂 and I’m just sick of smelling it!
Yup and our 125 foot man lift even arrived today~!
The roof is what is called TPO.
Basically a 10 foot wide sheetof a vinyl like product that is heat welded together.
Slicker than snot on flat roofs.
Just right out stupid on a pitched roof more or less a very poorly engineered one like this. There is zero traction when dry and no place to mount a roof anchor without penetrating the roof and needing to install patches when done.
We are back here after following engineers and architects directions last year to install snow rails now since an automobile size chunk of ice spit out of the valleys last year.
One went about 25 feet out in the parking lot~!
This roof could easily kill a civilian, I am not playing.
We'll be up on the lifts again tomorrow I assume.
Nobody saw this snow coming.:cautious:
I love any day off we don't get many during the real season.
Yup and our 125 foot man lift even arrived today~!
The roof is what is called TPO.
Basically a 10 foot wide sheetof a vinyl like product that is heat welded together.
Slicker than snot on flat roofs.
Just right out stupid on a pitched roof more or less a very poorly engineered one like this. There is zero traction when dry and no place to mount a roof anchor without penetrating the roof and needing to install patches when done.
We are back here after following engineers and architects directions last year to install snow rails now since an automobile size chunk of ice spit out of the valleys last year.
One went about 25 feet out in the parking lot~!
This roof could easily kill a civilian, I am not playing.
We'll be up on the lifts again tomorrow I assume.
Nobody saw this snow coming.:cautious:
I love any day off we don't get many during the real season.
I have a past history with roofs. One that broke me from ever wanting to crawl atop of one again.
I was 4 yrs old and went with my Mom and Dad to a neighbor’s house, so Dad could help reroof it. I guess Mom got busy and soooo did I. Dad looked around and there I was. On the roof, three stories up.
It was alllll good until time to come down. Because of how you had to get back on the ladder, Dad made me get on his back. One look down from that position broke me for forever! To this day heights make me ill.
My Husband, a retired Ship Captain, retired early as he fell off of our roof and broke his back in seven places. Also broke seven ribs and punctured a lung. Today, through total determination and cannabis, it’s hard for me to keep up with him.
Soooo, this gal keeps her feet on the ground where I am sure they belong!
I'll try to remember to bring my phone with me and get some shots from the lift.
Work in 85 footers all the time but the big 125-150 are a lot more fun~!
Pics from being in a 150.
We had to get to top of flag pole~!
0827210541a (1).jpg
^^The BIG girl~!^^
^^Basically 150 feet straight up^^
0827210555a (1).jpg
^^ We were replacing the rope on the flag pole for Abany City Hall.^^
They said there used to be guys that did just this, but they could not find any anymore.
The lift was $5000 for the day~!
I'll try to remember to bring my phone with me and get some shots from the lift.
Work in 85 footers all the time but the big 125-150 are a lot more fun~!
Pics from being in a 150.
View attachment 32860
We had to get to top of flag pole~!
View attachment 32857
^^The BIG girl~!^^
View attachment 32856
^^Basically 150 feet straight up^^
View attachment 32858
^^ We were replacing the rope on the flag pole for Abany City Hall.^^
They said there used to be guys that did just this, but they could not find any anymore.
The lift was $5000 for the day~!
Notes to self..Steams nuts..😂🤣😂
I'll try to remember to bring my phone with me and get some shots from the lift.
Work in 85 footers all the time but the big 125-150 are a lot more fun~!
Pics from being in a 150.
View attachment 32860
We had to get to top of flag pole~!
View attachment 32857
^^The BIG girl~!^^
View attachment 32856
^^Basically 150 feet straight up^^
View attachment 32858
^^ We were replacing the rope on the flag pole for Abany City Hall.^^
They said there used to be guys that did just this, but they could not find any anymore.
The lift was $5000 for the day~!
At what wind speeds do they shut you down
At what wind speeds do they shut you down
There's usually nobody watching us besides us~!:oops:
My partner has brass balls but is settling slightly better with age and repeated suggestions.
We have worked together for 20 years.
There are hard rules, and we are all licensed to operate this equipment, so I guess we really make the call. We are responsible for daily safety inspections on even rented equipment. We own a couple of the 85s and lull telehandlers , but rent larger equipment.
I am fairly crazy and comfortable when others are not. But I won't fool around with Mother Nature with stuff like this.
We get roofs that we are very comfortable on and then we get these that are very difficult to even be on.

When we worked on swing scaffold like you see on the news we were told 20-25 mph was cut off by the guys who set it up.
That was 37 stories up on the wrong side of the wall. I didn't need many excuses~!
I'll try to remember to bring my phone with me and get some shots from the lift.
Work in 85 footers all the time but the big 125-150 are a lot more fun~!
Pics from being in a 150.
View attachment 32860
We had to get to top of flag pole~!
View attachment 32857
^^The BIG girl~!^^
View attachment 32856
^^Basically 150 feet straight up^^
View attachment 32858
^^ We were replacing the rope on the flag pole for Abany City Hall.^^
They said there used to be guys that did just this, but they could not find any anymore.
The lift was $5000 for the day~!
To funny. Back in like 2009 I installed a 30’ flagpole for the company I worked for.
One weekend I dug and installed the concrete footing and the mounting system in the footing. Next weekend I installed the flagpole. Flagpoles are installed in a round sleeve with a centering piece at the bottom. The sleeve has a filled with sand.
I had to rent a lift to put up the pole itself. Rigged everything on the ground and clinched the flagpole to the lift to get it in place. You definitely have to get use to working up on a lift. Not for the weak stomach folks
To funny. Back in like 2009 I installed a 30’ flagpole for the company I worked for.
One weekend I dug and installed the concrete footing and the mounting system in the footing. Next weekend I installed the flagpole. Flagpoles are installed in a round sleeve with a centering piece at the bottom. The sleeve has a filled with sand.
I had to rent a lift to put up the pole itself. Rigged everything on the ground and clinched the flagpole to the lift to get it in place. You definitely have to get use to working up on a lift. Not for the weak stomach folks
Sea legs just like being on a boat.
That and know when to hold on~!(y)
There's usually nobody watching us besides us~!:oops:
My partner has brass balls but is settling slightly better with age and repeated suggestions.
We have worked together for 20 years.
There are hard rules, and we are all licensed to operate this equipment, so I guess we really make the call. We are responsible for daily safety inspections on even rented equipment. We own a couple of the 85s and lull telehandlers , but rent larger equipment.
I am fairly crazy and comfortable when others are not. But I won't fool around with Mother Nature with stuff like this.
We get roofs that we are very comfortable on and then we get these that are very difficult to even be on.

When we worked on swing scaffold like you see on the news we were told 20-25 mph was cut off by the guys who set it up.
That was 37 stories up on the wrong side of the wall. I didn't need many excuses~!
Steam I am not familar with the term swing scaffolding. What is it?
You definitely have to get use to working up on a lift. Not for the weak stomach folks
Agreed, 4 years ago i spent most of the summer in a 65 foot genie lift residing a giant barn, maxing out the lift at times. Windy days were not much fun, once i got down for the day my legs were pretty shot from bouncing all day lol.
Sea legs just like being on a boat.
That and know when to hold on~!(y)
I'd be no good! I had wobbly legs from VR heights lol, first time using it and they thought it would be funny to have me do some standing on a skyscraper flagpole VR simulation. Spoiler, the flagpole breaks 5-10 seconds in and you freefall. It's only VR but it really fucks with you!
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