How did you shoot today CG?
For sure not my best. I let my temper get the best of me. I ended up having to share a table with a guy that spent eight mins of my table up time fecking with an iPad trying to send himself his score. Left me about four mins to get my set up on the table . Gun,rest and bag up, bullets and timer set up..started out pissed and nervous. Not my normal start.
Wind gusts to 35, and I came in fifth. He talked the entire time I was shooting, as I got stuck with him as my scorer too. I don’t like being talked to at all while I’m shooting. I may have told him this three times.
So ya could say I was a bit temperamental. I told him one more word and I would kick his damn chair out from under him. He got pooched and shut up then.
Then he went and told my Hubby on me.
Hubby told him he best quit fecking with me as I was justttt getting started. Went on to tell him if he had made me mad enough to say that, he best get the move on getting his shit tore down, and don’t mess with me.
Unnecessary BS, my back bones still frozen..but, I have weed and hot gonna get better! Thanks for askin!
@Kopper1013 🥴

You know… it wasn’t CG that made the typo, it was my fat finger. Small phone, big hands. 🤷‍♂️

But then @CannaGranny didn’t notice either…🥴

Let’s just quietly back away and pretend it never happened. 🤔🤣
Actually I did notice, but it had gone all day and no one said anything, so I figured I’d just let it fly. Thennnnn someone noticed.
He was apologizing to me for bringing up an accidental risqué typo. I understand him having to do it. When I saw it this evening when I got home, I spit coffee on my damn iPad. Was a great giggle!
Gonna try some NY dispo weed for the first time.
My wifes head cashier brought her a 5 pack of joints, but i dont havw much hopw at only 12% thc. We shall see. View attachment 33493View attachment 33495
Well, it aint to shabby.

So taste wise its got this earty motor oil sweet berry taste, kinda strange.
My wife and i each smoked a .5 joint and we are both feeling pretty good. Definitely an indica.
Well, it aint to shabby.

So taste wise its got this earty motor oil sweet berry taste, kinda strange.
My wife and i each smoked a .5 joint and we are both feeling pretty good. Definitely an indica.

hot coco and deep fried ice cream... your name says it all- good shit!!!! :D

Granny, sucks you had to deal with a fart knocker!! can't believe he went and ratted to your hubby... what a b@tch move!!!
For sure not my best. I let my temper get the best of me. I ended up having to share a table with a guy that spent eight mins of my table up time fecking with an iPad trying to send himself his score. Left me about four mins to get my set up on the table . Gun,rest and bag up, bullets and timer set up..started out pissed and nervous. Not my normal start.
Wind gusts to 35, and I came in fifth. He talked the entire time I was shooting, as I got stuck with him as my scorer too. I don’t like being talked to at all while I’m shooting. I may have told him this three times.
So ya could say I was a bit temperamental. I told him one more word and I would kick his damn chair out from under him. He got pooched and shut up then.
Then he went and told my Hubby on me.
Hubby told him he best quit fecking with me as I was justttt getting started. Went on to tell him if he had made me mad enough to say that, he best get the move on getting his shit tore down, and don’t mess with me.
Unnecessary BS, my back bones still frozen..but, I have weed and hot gonna get better! Thanks for askin!
Thought I missed it for a minute - not every day can be the best , I’m sure u weee to nice to the “asshat” and his asshattery! Lol

Look on the bright side you got ur bad day out ur system ! 5th bad day ? Lol prolly not still sounds pretty good to me? , what ya score? Just hittin the target in 35 mph gust is hard enuff .

Just curious u shooting with that awesome hand made stock yet?
My chart shows feed to the end in diminishing quantities.........I like this chart even if others don't. It shows tapering off nutes not cutting them off completely. I've stretched it to 10 weeks and taper off accordingly.View attachment 33519
I moved to this method and now prefer to feed till the end lightly but still feeding - personally I think it increased yield and terps-I did not see any negetive effects in smoke quality - in my opinion dry and cure are most important to a smooth smoke and nice white ash . That’s my opinion even though it may not be the most popular
Nope no ice fishing .how bout you? We sometimes don't even get enough ice to get on it.
Nope I don’t fish often just figured u might, come summer though I’ll have to get ya up here , we got a little piece of property on private lake , small, but full of awesome panfish
Actually, my phone was once STOLEN back in the 80s, when some assholes broke into my house.

I had like half a pound of weed in the house. They left that, but they took a bottle of Jack Daniels, my TV, my phone and my answering machine. The only other thing of value I had was a stereo system, but speakers were huge, and the amp weighed about 40 pounds. This stuff was stacked at the door, ready to go. I imagine one of my neighbors pulled in and they freaked out and ran.
hot coco and deep fried ice cream... your name says it all- good shit!!!! :D

Granny, sucks you had to deal with a fart knocker!! can't believe he went and ratted to your hubby... what a b@tch move!!!
Sounds like he must be a "Get your woman under control" type.

I've never been interested in women I could control.
Thought I missed it for a minute - not every day can be the best , I’m sure u weee to nice to the “asshat” and his asshattery! Lol

Look on the bright side you got ur bad day out ur system ! 5th bad day ? Lol prolly not still sounds pretty good to me? , what ya score? Just hittin the target in 35 mph gust is hard enuff .

Just curious u shooting with that awesome hand made stock yet?
Morning Mosh!
Yup I started out being nice. On the reg I’m a pretty nice person, but when you push my buttons, once you reach the asshat (love that word) level, it’s pretty much over. I have 12 mins to set up, yesterday I had four. It takes me that long to get my rest set up and level.
As for score, I shot a 393 out of a possible 400. Wind was a steady 11-17 with gusts to 34-35.
You bet I’m shooting that pretty lady 🥰 I call her Stella 🤭
Sounds like he must be a "Get your woman under control" type.

I've never been interested in women I could control.
Ask my Hubby how he controls me. He’d laugh. My Hubby is an old retired Ship Captain, he loves and appreciates salty women. 😍 He also knows me well enough to know if someone says I said something like that..he will warn them ..once lol.
I viewed it as a (pardon the French) a pussy move.
I will say for round two, he got his shit moved and quick. He also did not speak to me during scoring.
I could feel his energy tho and even that was distracting.
Hopefully I will never be drawn to shoot with him again. If so, I think he will be quicker. 😜
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