‘‘Twas the eve before Christmas when all through this column, memes danced in my head from monkeys to Gollem.
The plants, they were potted and given great care. In hopes that some good smoke soon would be there.
Protected from mites and mold and dog hair.
The children were tucked in their beds with great care. Time for a smoke, to let down our hair.
The ole Man in his jamas and I just a coat, sat down and fired up. Enjoying that smoke!
We had just settled in to get good and stoned, when from the front yard there came a strange tone.
We sprang from our kitchen, hiding the joint , I ran to the front door, then I stopped to point.
I pulled the blinds off, swung open the door, slapped both my knees and laughed with a roar.
When before red squinting eyes what should appear? The Menz from the corner are in the yard here!
Theres Aqua and Mosh and Steamroller too, and Sweetleaf and Smoke, with Moe dressed in blue? Grump Azz is Grumpy but that’s what they do.
Zen, Roots and Goodshit, MDK and Stonemason, I’m filled with laughter, my heart it is racin.
Observer and Tom both dressed in red tweed, wearing t shirts with blinking lights saying “Just Free the Weed.”
PipeCarver and Ninja, Anthem Two Seven Five, El and his elves selling seeds just outside.
More rapid than Eagles my smokin friends came, soon the whole yard ignited with flames, we traded terps, buzzes and strains.
We smoked and we smoked, we traded up candies, we ate the brownies whatever was handy.
The laughter was loud, traveling in peels. Lit up the valley and tickled the hills.
We smoked bananas and diesel’s, all kinds of kush.. grease monkeys, green crack, blue dreams and lush. The smoke funneled up to the heavens and left with a rush.
We mixed up cultures of hydro and soil. We talked about waxes and solids and oils.
Finished our night with good will and laughter, truth it is, is what we’re all after.
A story it was.. one to be told, Merry Christmas to all your friendship is Gold.