So here we are, day 3 of calling to find a workers comp approved doctor for my wife.

I finally got in touch with the Workers Compensation Board and her options legitimately are, go to Buffalo, Queens, or the ER and wait.

When she was in the ER last Tuesday, there were people that had been there waiting for 2 days because it goes by how urgent the matter is.
im like 110% positive stitch removal isnt very high on an ERs to do list...
So yeah.... might be driving to Queens Friday itll prolly be faster than aitting at the ER....
Or let Uber drive to queens

Lol, nah that'd probably be pretty pricey I'm guessing
Wanna take a little poll for those that see this.

Late flower, do you turn your light down at the end or do you keep it full on right until harvest?

If you turn your light down - give a thumbs up emoji
If you keep it at 100% - give an angry emoji

Thanks, not sure what I'm going to do yet thinkin I'll turn it down some
I watch a lot of YT stuff and one guy was showing how too much light at the end can shoot foxtails and keep shooting out new white hairs and by turning the light down let the buds have a more uniformed shape, no fox tailing and the pistils all turned brown giving the buds a more finished look. His end product looked better with the light turned down some, than those that weren't, I was sold on it. I'm easily swayed but I haven't seen a down side to it.

My last batch did have a lot of fox tailing but I think my lights at the end were far too close at the end 10 -12" and even turning the light down didn't do much
I watch a lot of YT stuff and one guy was showing how too much light at the end can shoot foxtails and keep shooting out new white hairs and by turning the light down let the buds have a more uniformed shape, no fox tailing and the pistils all turned brown giving the buds a more finished look. His end product looked better with the light turned down some, than those that weren't, I was sold on it. I'm easily swayed but I haven't seen a down side to it.

My last batch did have a lot of fox tailing but I think my lights at the end were far too close at the end 10 -12" and even turning the light down didn't do much
Yea I've seen people say to preserve the volatile terps and oils...but fox tailing was my main reasoning to consider it. Not a fan of foxtailing personally
Wanna take a little poll for those that see this.

Late flower, do you turn your light down at the end or do you keep it full on right until harvest?

If you turn your light down - give a thumbs up emoji
If you keep it at 100% - give an angry emoji

Thanks, not sure what I'm going to do yet thinkin I'll turn it down some
I had fox tails on Solo and got about 12 seeds. Three tails had seeds.
Wanna take a little poll for those that see this.

Late flower, do you turn your light down at the end or do you keep it full on right until harvest?

If you turn your light down - give a thumbs up emoji
If you keep it at 100% - give an angry emoji

Thanks, not sure what I'm going to do yet thinkin I'll turn it down some
I begin backing the ppfd off and lowering temps about two weeks before I think they’ll be finished.
I begin backing the ppfd off and lowering temps about two weeks before I think they’ll be finished.
That's about where i let the temps hit low 70s during lights on and yesterday i went to light only has 25/50/75/100..

I don't even know the ppfd currently just feeling it out. I knew it for 100% on but haven't looked
When do you start dropping the humidity in flower? in my 5x5 with 6 auto pots and the doors closed it stays about 65% with no humidifiers running, My basement / lung room is @ 44%.

My plants are 2 weeks into flower and I can probably drop the humidity by opening the doors a bit but when is the best time to start dropping the RH? I know Granny likes to get it down into the 40's but when?

They are still stretching like crazy and look more in veg mode still than flower mode. I've let the humidity stay high because of that but as we move into flower is there a graph or chart that shows optimal humidity through a plants weekly growth in flower?
When do you start dropping the humidity in flower? in my 5x5 with 6 auto pots and the doors closed it stays about 65% with no humidifiers running, My basement / lung room is @ 44%.

My plants are 2 weeks into flower and I can probably drop the humidity by opening the doors a bit but when is the best time to start dropping the RH? I know Granny likes to get it down into the 40's but when?

They are still stretching like crazy and look more in veg mode still than flower mode. I've let the humidity stay high because of that but as we move into flower is there a graph or chart that shows optimal humidity through a plants weekly growth in flower?
lol I copy pasted my question into ggl and there we have it .

As this is still a transition period in which plants progressively end the veg phase, the humidity level needs to be set at 50-60%. It is also essential that the temperature remains between 20-26ºC both day and night.

In the second part of the flowering phase the humidity level must be reduced to 40-50%. In the two to three final weeks it's preferable for this figure to be closer to 40%.
When do you start dropping the humidity in flower? in my 5x5 with 6 auto pots and the doors closed it stays about 65% with no humidifiers running, My basement / lung room is @ 44%.

My plants are 2 weeks into flower and I can probably drop the humidity by opening the doors a bit but when is the best time to start dropping the RH? I know Granny likes to get it down into the 40's but when?

They are still stretching like crazy and look more in veg mode still than flower mode. I've let the humidity stay high because of that but as we move into flower is there a graph or chart that shows optimal humidity through a plants weekly growth in flower?
I'm still getting my feet wet with being able to control this...but I started really dropping my rh after the stretch so at about 3 weeks into flower...that to me seemed best since that's when it starts bulking up.

So far so good, I just set my dehu to lowest setting (40%) and have had it going constantly since that point. Buds laying on other buds and I've been inspecting them thinking they'll rot but a lot of wind tho too. I too watch YouTube and shit, I've seen people talk about ending flower at 1.1 me, that's ballsy...they must have some magnificent airflow or running a beast of a dehu and an even more beast humidifier to keep it at 1.1.
I'd have to see it in practice before I try running that kinda vpd in flower again. I'd have to tour a grow room or facility and get the ins and outs. I thought it'd make bud growth suck being so dry...but my buds are fat and dense so I'm happy...maybe they'd be more fat and dense but I'd have to see it and understand it before risking my grow that late again. Caught budrot last time trying to stay within some charts recommendations
I'm still getting my feet wet with being able to control this...but I started really dropping my rh after the stretch so at about 3 weeks into flower...that to me seemed best since that's when it starts bulking up.

So far so good, I just set my dehu to lowest setting (40%) and have had it going constantly since that point. Buds laying on other buds and I've been inspecting them thinking they'll rot but a lot of wind tho too. I too watch YouTube and shit, I've seen people talk about ending flower at 1.1 me, that's ballsy...they must have some magnificent airflow or running a beast of a dehu and an even more beast humidifier to keep it at 1.1.
I'd have to see it in practice before I try running that kinda vpd in flower again. I'd have to tour a grow room or facility and get the ins and outs. I thought it'd make bud growth suck being so dry...but my buds are fat and dense so I'm happy...maybe they'd be more fat and dense but I'd have to see it and understand it before risking my grow that late again. Caught budrot last time trying to stay within some charts recommendations
I grew for 20+ years before I knew I should keep a low rh in flower and I never had mold problems. It wasn't until I moved into a tent I had my first bud rot indoors and that was because my exhaust duct separated from the fan, leaving dead air in my tent. I knew about low RH in flower before my question, just when to flip to a low rh was not available in my frontal lobe, not sure where that info is tucked away but I'm sure its in there some where
That's about where i let the temps hit low 70s during lights on and yesterday i went to light only has 25/50/75/100..

I don't even know the ppfd currently just feeling it out. I knew it for 100% on but haven't looked
Another option since your light makes you adjust 25% each way is to shorten your light on cycle to have the next lower effect without going down to 50%.
Losing an hour or so will effect your DLI in the same way as lower the power.

I usually try to get RH 50% by week 5 and go down to 40 from there.
I also make sure temps are not consistently high[82+] after 5 weeks and favor a larger day night temp difference, trying to keep day night the same during veg.
Another option since your light makes you adjust 25% each way is to shorten your light on cycle to have the next lower effect without going down to 50%.
Losing an hour or so will effect your DLI in the same way as lower the power.

I usually try to get RH 50% by week 5 and go down to 40 from there.
I also make sure temps are not consistently high[82+] after 5 weeks and favor a larger day night temp difference, trying to keep day night the same during veg.
I was told by an old pro grower that they will increase the hours of light the last 7 - 10 days to 16 hrs but turn down the intensity to 60% to boost under performing buds size. He said just keep an eye on them for signs of revegging after 7 days. I've done it twice for 7 days and I can't tell one way or the other with no control plant but it didn't hurt them.
When do you start dropping the humidity in flower? in my 5x5 with 6 auto pots and the doors closed it stays about 65% with no humidifiers running, My basement / lung room is @ 44%.

My plants are 2 weeks into flower and I can probably drop the humidity by opening the doors a bit but when is the best time to start dropping the RH? I know Granny likes to get it down into the 40's but when?

They are still stretching like crazy and look more in veg mode still than flower mode. I've let the humidity stay high because of that but as we move into flower is there a graph or chart that shows optimal humidity through a plants weekly growth in flower?
I see ya fished around and caught the answer!🙂
I started doing that a long time ago. The reason behind it? Trichs in nature are a defense mechanism. If the nucleus of the bud starts to get too dry, or the plant is threatened by deer or bugs, the trichs coat the bud to protect it and to make it stink.
Secondly, I loveeeee frosty bud. If those trichs are not feeling like kinetic sand between my fingers when I’m rolling one, I’m disappointed!
I drop it from 34 to 40%. I do that the last 2-2.5 weeks of flower. It has a very profound effect.IMG_1555.png
Hey ya Menz!
I woke up! 🙂 Blasted outta my mind for about three hrs after but heyyyyyyy, imma here!
They could not fix me, but at least we know what’s going on and they are sending me some place where they can.
I actually feel pretty good this evening but I always do after a fast. Almost like euphoric. Could also be lingering anesthesia and some super nice Blackberry Moonrock.. 🤷‍♀️
Anyways thanks guys for the prayers, messages, good vibes and good juju sent my way. Most appreciated 🥰
So while i was on my normal 430am run to bring my wife to work this morning i saw not 1, but 6 dang shooting stars!
I thought it was pretty neat considering ive only ever seen like 2 or 3 in the 26 years ive been alive.
So while i was on my normal 430am run to bring my wife to work this morning i saw not 1, but 6 dang shooting stars!
I thought it was pretty neat considering ive only ever seen like 2 or 3 in the 26 years ive been alive.
It’s the geminid meteor shower. That’s the only meteor shower from the trail dust of an asteroid. All other meteor showers are from comet dust. In case you were interested to know…….
It’s the geminid meteor shower. That’s the only meteor shower from the trail dust of an asteroid. All other meteor showers are from comet dust. In case you were interested to know…….
Thats pretty interesting.
It was definitely neat regardless lol. Something i am glad i saw 🤪
It’s the geminid meteor shower. That’s the only meteor shower from the trail dust of an asteroid. All other meteor showers are from comet dust. In case you were interested to know…….
I was watching too. They said a spectacular viewing, it was. Just every few seconds. Fantastic show.
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