I've got a question for this garden raiding menace:

Who's a widdle bunny rabbit?
Wifey does the mowing but I try to check first. (She got a baby robin last year she doesn’t know about)

This one was in a hole in the middle of the inside yard. It looked like I drove my heel into the lawn and he sat in it.

Mom had three in our yard at one point but this was the last. So I put him where mom would get him.

He’s in the hole in the middle. We saw them in the yard at night or early morning most times.
You should stick around and make yourself comfortable, i sure did!
Im happy to be here with all these awesome people.
I'm feeling more comfortable.

Plus when I start feeling too important that's usually when the shit hits the fan
Been there, done that, don't want to do it again.

I'm convinced the biggest enemy to the human race will be microbes.
Especially the microbes with artificial intelligence.
I'm convinced the biggest enemy to the human race will be microbes.
Microbes are the aliens. They made us all and are ten times more ancient than all plants and animals

Over half your DNA and over half the cells on/in your body ARE THEM

Your just a biological SUV and not aware of it

They even tell you what to feel... Ie for example being drunk
If I were a higher intelligence of ancient orgin what would be more preferable to space travel and environmental management than becoming a single cell organisms that are 🔗🔗🔗🔗🔗🖇️🖇️🖇️🖇️ links in the biological cycle

You essentially ensure your survival in every niche of biology. I believe memory can be passed along from one cell to another in ways human might not be capable of fully understanding currently. Ie chemical and ionic information.

Expression in it's purest form
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Human is good at deduction of information. deduction is a flawed process.,. Trial and error. Learning from mistakes Simply put, we get lots of things wrong and have lots of biases that cloud our reasoning

Microorganisms have had four billion years of learning. They are in charge of everything and kinda guide the other end of the process.

enzymes... Chemical messengers.. They are the worker bees and we are the honeycomb. THEY CREATED US. They maintenance us also

I'm not suggesting that there's not some rogue bad ones out there also
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If I were a higher intelligence of ancient orgin what would be more preferable to space travel and environmental management than becoming a single cell organisms that are 🔗🔗🔗🔗🔗🖇️🖇️🖇️🖇️ links in the biological cycle

You essentially ensure your survival in every niche of biology. I believe memory can be passed along from one cell to another in ways human might not be capable of fully understanding currently. Ie chemical and ionic information.

Expression in it's purest form
It all begins and ends with archaea ;)
Just tried my first "cheese strain" gotta say I don't think I'm a fan. I feel like I just grated parm into my doobie. It smells like the powdered Mac and cheese packet. Weird man.
My buddy just ran a viscous bastard strain
It's a dead ringer for dirty kitty litter. We started calling it fresh step.good weed but damn you gotta smell like a cat lady.
My buddy just ran a viscous bastard strain
It's a dead ringer for dirty kitty litter. We started calling it fresh step.good weed but damn you gotta smell like a cat lady.
Call me crazy, but I like my weed to smell appealing... not like old cheese or used cat litter 🤣 Everyone has different tastes I suppose.
So, I’m way behind! If I missed something tag me and I will respond.
Okay about the weekend. I got my ass kicked! I fecked up the very first relay and could not recover from it. The competition was without a doubt one of the toughest I have ever shot. I came in fifth out of eighty shooters. We started the competition with a thousand points a piece, and each shot made not the sum of ten is deducted. I finished with a 995 and 59 X’s. Winner finished with a thousand points and 74 X’s.
I enjoyed every single minute of it! One of three women chose to compete based on a total score of all sanctioned shoots. That in itself was an honor. I spent the weekend with some of the best in the United States. Got some terrific pointers. Had a great time, well except what happened at the Holiday Inn.
Saturday was a 12 hour day, when we got back to the hotel, we made the decision to just unload our rifles. I told my Hubby, don’t waste the time and energy of getting a luggage trolley, you haul one, I’ll haul the other. So we did.
When we got to our room, he inserted the key card and the light stays red, door won’t open. So, I tell Hubby to head to the lobby for rekeying I’ll stay here with the rifles.
Now, I realize that a woman standing in front of a hotel room door with two rifles looks a bit odd. I’m watching as a young boy I’d say nine to twelve comes bebopping up the hallway, I see at the other end a group of people that are waiting for the little boy. He comes strolling past me flip flops popping as he walks. He gets closer, slows down, eyes my rifle cases. I look up and smile, then he runs past me yelling at the top of his lungs, “Mom! She has a gun!”. Now, the entire group is in a panic and head up the stairwell, while a new group on the other end at the exit door at a high rate of speed.
I am pretty embarrassed. I have just become a shooter in the hallway of the Holiday Inn! I shit you not!
Thank goodness the clerk in the lobby was able to settle them all down.
I can’t blame the child, it’s the media. School shootings and being taught that bad guys have guns, but damn.
So that’s how the day ended yesterday!
So, thanks to all for cheering me on! I appreciate it! I just got home a little while ago. Looking forward to a hot shower and my own bed!
Catch up with yiz tomorrow! 🥰
  • Deleted by Franksta
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So, I’m way behind! If I missed something tag me and I will respond.
Okay about the weekend. I got my ass kicked! I fecked up the very first relay and could not recover from it. The competition was without a doubt one of the toughest I have ever shot. I came in fifth out of eighty shooters. We started the competition with a thousand points a piece, and each shot made not the sum of ten is deducted. I finished with a 995 and 59 X’s. Winner finished with a thousand points and 74 X’s.
I enjoyed every single minute of it! One of three women chose to compete based on a total score of all sanctioned shoots. That in itself was an honor. I spent the weekend with some of the best in the United States. Got some terrific pointers. Had a great time, well except what happened at the Holiday Inn.
Saturday was a 12 hour day, when we got back to the hotel, we made the decision to just unload our rifles. I told my Hubby, don’t waste the time and energy of getting a luggage trolley, you haul one, I’ll haul the other. So we did.
When we got to our room, he inserted the key card and the light stays red, door won’t open. So, I tell Hubby to head to the lobby for rekeying I’ll stay here with the rifles.
Now, I realize that a woman standing in front of a hotel room door with two rifles looks a bit odd. I’m watching as a young boy I’d say nine to twelve comes bebopping up the hallway, I see at the other end a group of people that are waiting for the little boy. He comes strolling past me flip flops popping as he walks. He gets closer, slows down, eyes my rifle cases. I look up and smile, then he runs past me yelling at the top of his lungs, “Mom! She has a gun!”. Now, the entire group is in a panic and head up the stairwell, while a new group on the other end at the exit door at a high rate of speed.
I am pretty embarrassed. I have just become a shooter in the hallway of the Holiday Inn! I shit you not!
Thank goodness the clerk in the lobby was able to settle them all down.
I can’t blame the child, it’s the media. School shootings and being taught that bad guys have guns, but damn.
So that’s how the day ended yesterday!
So, thanks to all for cheering me on! I appreciate it! I just got home a little while ago. Looking forward to a hot shower and my own bed!
Catch up with yiz tomorrow! 🥰
5th out of the best 80 in the country, aint too shabby mam
That is one ancient school bus. I've never seen one from that era. What is it, 1940s?
Its 1940s or 1950s, a quick google search of "1950 school bus" pulls up very similar results.
The next episode they put out on it will probably say. They didnt go into much detail when they picked it up.
Just went to grind a sativa for my wakey bakey before I plant and there was still some cheese weed left in my grinder. I audibly said "blehhhk" when I sniffed it, so that's a no from me dawg... I don't know what terp puts off that smell, but it needs to go back to hell from whence it came. 🤣

I can just see me dying and arriving in hell asking if there's weed and the devil is like "Oh sure, we have weed here... Adolf, bring the newcomer a selection of our finest cannabis creations!" Hitler comes back and opens a briefcase full of beautiful buds.... and it's all the cheese strains and nothing else. And I'm like "What the hell Satan... oh yeah, never mind." Then I shuffle off for my 9am flogging while they both laugh sardonically. "Oh well Ady, put them back in the cheese cave for storage, she'll get desperate eventually."
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