Ninja was the last remaining that was following along with my project at the Farm. It'd be cool to see him in here and get him all caught up.
I am confident he was banned and can't find us. He did something similar to me and it cost him. I saw him say something to the effect of "why was he getting DM's about another site" :LOL: which was not from me because I legit was so unaware of what was going on, that I had already made a thread here called "Where the Red Moe goes, PT will follow" 🤣 Obviously that doesn't look good but the funny part is I had no idea. 1 person hit me up to mention it but I had already found it and made an account. I was oblivious to it all really and found out I was banned there, while here 🤣 Someone mentioned they were and I went and checked and so was I.
Anywho, this is long-winded way of saying, I'm starting a campaign to #findNinja
@Ninjadip on cannabis forums.
We have bots reading us all the time.
Put out what you think he may search. Who knows.

He was down on his luck a bit once and I sent him a gang of seeds including some Alien Dragon BX1 from 7eastgenetics that he was growing. I had to have had his info to send it. He then sent me some awesome homemade thc suckers and some Black Domina beans from Sensi Seeds. That plant is doing awesome and I want him to see and thank him. I consider him a friend and am now taking things to Phase 2 and I will not fail. I'm pretty dirt nasty with the web and if all else fails, my better half is a phenom csi-type super sleuth. Together if need be, we will rescue the Ninja and bring him back home where he belongs. #FreeNinja has begun...
Dont like hard liquor much at all. I don't even like beer, It all smells like piss.
Really only drink hard ciders or teas, and it cant be a dry cider cause they're gross.
I hope I don't have my stoner card revoked for this, but I don't drink anything more that tea.
Black tea (lapsang suchong) in the morning and green or white tea in the afternoon and evening.
I found that everyone else was really unreasonable when I was drinking, so I gave it up about 13 years ago.
People are much nicer now! Go figure!
I hope I don't have my stoner card revoked for this, but I don't drink anything more that tea.
Black tea (lapsang suchong) in the morning and green or white tea in the afternoon and evening.
I found that everyone else was really unreasonable when I was drinking, so I gave it up about 13 years ago.
People are much nicer now! Go figure!
Me too. About the same time. I do occasionally drink non alcoholic beer. Quit the methadone also

Just down to reefer cigs and coffee ☕. Lol 😆 getting old sucks
I hope I don't have my stoner card revoked for this, but I don't drink anything more that tea.
Black tea (lapsang suchong) in the morning and green or white tea in the afternoon and evening.
I found that everyone else was really unreasonable when I was drinking, so I gave it up about 13 years ago.
People are much nicer now! Go figure!
Nawww T-money, don't work like that in my book. Pretty sure nobody from HS is here other than iLogicals stagnant head. Peer pressure can suck my blizalls

I'm a pretty heavy high-end Tiequanyin Oolong drinker. In order of favorites, Drunken Concubine, Hairy Crab, Monkey Picked, Breast Flower Fragrance. I love tea
Nawww T-money, don't work like that in my book. Pretty sure nobody from HS is here other than iLogicals stagnant head. Peer pressure can suck my blizalls

I'm a pretty heavy high-end Tiequanyin Oolong drinker. In order of favorites, Drunken Concubine, Hairy Crab, Monkey Picked, Breast Flower Fragrance. I love tea
I tried to tell my GF about that money picked tea.
She laughed and laughed and said I was probably stoned!
I was, but that's not the point, I want to get a cup of that in front of her and see who laughs.
No way in hell she'll take a sip, but at least I can show her it's real!
So, I’m way behind! If I missed something tag me and I will respond.
Okay about the weekend. I got my ass kicked! I fecked up the very first relay and could not recover from it. The competition was without a doubt one of the toughest I have ever shot. I came in fifth out of eighty shooters. We started the competition with a thousand points a piece, and each shot made not the sum of ten is deducted. I finished with a 995 and 59 X’s. Winner finished with a thousand points and 74 X’s.
I enjoyed every single minute of it! One of three women chose to compete based on a total score of all sanctioned shoots. That in itself was an honor. I spent the weekend with some of the best in the United States. Got some terrific pointers. Had a great time, well except what happened at the Holiday Inn.
Saturday was a 12 hour day, when we got back to the hotel, we made the decision to just unload our rifles. I told my Hubby, don’t waste the time and energy of getting a luggage trolley, you haul one, I’ll haul the other. So we did.
When we got to our room, he inserted the key card and the light stays red, door won’t open. So, I tell Hubby to head to the lobby for rekeying I’ll stay here with the rifles.
Now, I realize that a woman standing in front of a hotel room door with two rifles looks a bit odd. I’m watching as a young boy I’d say nine to twelve comes bebopping up the hallway, I see at the other end a group of people that are waiting for the little boy. He comes strolling past me flip flops popping as he walks. He gets closer, slows down, eyes my rifle cases. I look up and smile, then he runs past me yelling at the top of his lungs, “Mom! She has a gun!”. Now, the entire group is in a panic and head up the stairwell, while a new group on the other end at the exit door at a high rate of speed.
I am pretty embarrassed. I have just become a shooter in the hallway of the Holiday Inn! I shit you not!
Thank goodness the clerk in the lobby was able to settle them all down.
I can’t blame the child, it’s the media. School shootings and being taught that bad guys have guns, but damn.
So that’s how the day ended yesterday!
So, thanks to all for cheering me on! I appreciate it! I just got home a little while ago. Looking forward to a hot shower and my own bed!
Catch up with yiz tomorrow! 🥰
Short of being a hotel shooter, you should be super proud!! 5th out of 80 on an invite only shoot!!! That’s INCREDIBLE!! Next year, podium 🏅
I tried to tell my GF about that money picked tea.
She laughed and laughed and said I was probably stoned!
I was, but that's not the point, I want to get a cup of that in front of her and see who laughs.
No way in hell she'll take a sip, but at least I can show her it's real!
I got too old to drink, I just get different levels of nausea now. Fk I used to drink like a fish loved beer still do but 1-2 beer = headache 3-4 = 5-67 then yikes it'll be 3 days of rolling headaches and I can feel the poison leaving my system....Hard stuff, Theres nothing I haven't drank to excess by the quart, If its booze I've drank it.....except the new bubbly stuff I don't get out much.

I made up an account at the Farm yesterday ( Stubborn ) I was looking around to see who was still on the pages I recognized...I clicked a few pages viewed a few new post then left it open and opened a new tab for another site Amzon.....As I was viewing shit there I noticed I was banned on the new Stubborn handle??? wtf I didn't even say anything I just viewed my page then a few others and I opened another account ( stillstubborn ) and viewed a few more pages before I just closed it out I'm not sure if it got the boot too but sensitive or what?
nasty is relative to the experience. Ever go into a house where curry is often cooking?

Scents are really instinct and history driven. Highly linked to experience
True True but my soon to be better half loves curry and is fairly German in my book with a last name "Krause" :LOL:

She is pretty open to all foods yet I'm a wussified "plain" guy who will only play eat shit you don't like the taste of if I'm on one of them shows where we have to eat anything to survive. I'd be foreced to become by most native self, and the Martinez Rodriguez in me comes out. Sure wish I could meet ya my friend. I owe ya a few drinks for the experiences you have shared 🙇‍♂️🙏 live in one of the best Mex food states in the US!?!

How is your palate not set to inferno?

I've pretty much stopped drinking hard liquor. If I'm having a rib eye at a steakhouse then I'll pair it with a Dirty Manhattan. Tequila if I'm eating mexican. Beer if I'm thirsty.

Fuck.....I guess I haven't stopped drinking.....
I tried to tell my GF about that money picked tea.
She laughed and laughed and said I was probably stoned!
I was, but that's not the point, I want to get a cup of that in front of her and see who laughs.
No way in hell she'll take a sip, but at least I can show her it's real!

Monkey not money 😆 and you tell her I said "For SHAME!" and also that whoops I just looked a bit deeper into it and I actually can't validate that monkeys EVER picked any tea leaves and it could possibly be/likely is a myth. Youtube would have that shit already 🤣
I hope I don't have my stoner card revoked for this, but I don't drink anything more that tea.
Black tea (lapsang suchong) in the morning and green or white tea in the afternoon and evening.
I found that everyone else was really unreasonable when I was drinking, so I gave it up about 13 years ago.
People are much nicer now! Go figure!
I lived in ont and the year i turned 18 and that was the the year they lowered the drinking age from 21 to 18. I drank 18 draft beers to celebrate my birthday.

The next year the Ontario government realized 18 was was too young so they raised the drinking to 19 the next. I drank 19 drafts to celebrate my 19th. Drank for the buz not the taste. Quite altogether a year later.
I like tea and all, but I don't need or want no monkey picking it for me~!
5fa9be33db735.jpeg live in one of the best Mex food states in the US!?!

How is your palate not set to inferno?

sniffle sniffle it is, and bae's too. But me rear 🤕 not so much. I eat spicy shit any pay the price like the next guy but the days of playing games with it so to speak, waaahhay behind me. I went to ASU and a place was about to open called "Cluck U" 🤣 in tempe right on campus. My roommate Jaime and I went and they had just opened. May have even been a soft opening. Their concept was a shitton of levels of hot sauces and 1 at the top they would have you sign a fkin waiver for. But they weren't "reallly" open yet or didn't have any waivers we'll say and basically they asked if I wanted to be a guinea pig for the "911". I said f yo couch and bring it. Fkin chef/cook came out with a single wing in a little tray. Had the thinnest sauce ever seen. Never forget how it had not a single flake of pepper on it. Just a thin light red sauce. Yeah it sucked. It was pretty bad and luckily Jamie had a motorcycle and we soon rode home and I had my mouth open like a dog would with completely numb gums flapping :LOL:
Now, I can't begin to tell you how important it is what I put in my body and when. Straight prison rules stuff so have had to be careful
So, I’m way behind! If I missed something tag me and I will respond.
Okay about the weekend. I got my ass kicked! I fecked up the very first relay and could not recover from it. The competition was without a doubt one of the toughest I have ever shot. I came in fifth out of eighty shooters. We started the competition with a thousand points a piece, and each shot made not the sum of ten is deducted. I finished with a 995 and 59 X’s. Winner finished with a thousand points and 74 X’s.
I enjoyed every single minute of it! One of three women chose to compete based on a total score of all sanctioned shoots. That in itself was an honor. I spent the weekend with some of the best in the United States. Got some terrific pointers. Had a great time, well except what happened at the Holiday Inn.
Saturday was a 12 hour day, when we got back to the hotel, we made the decision to just unload our rifles. I told my Hubby, don’t waste the time and energy of getting a luggage trolley, you haul one, I’ll haul the other. So we did.
When we got to our room, he inserted the key card and the light stays red, door won’t open. So, I tell Hubby to head to the lobby for rekeying I’ll stay here with the rifles.
Now, I realize that a woman standing in front of a hotel room door with two rifles looks a bit odd. I’m watching as a young boy I’d say nine to twelve comes bebopping up the hallway, I see at the other end a group of people that are waiting for the little boy. He comes strolling past me flip flops popping as he walks. He gets closer, slows down, eyes my rifle cases. I look up and smile, then he runs past me yelling at the top of his lungs, “Mom! She has a gun!”. Now, the entire group is in a panic and head up the stairwell, while a new group on the other end at the exit door at a high rate of speed.
I am pretty embarrassed. I have just become a shooter in the hallway of the Holiday Inn! I shit you not!
Thank goodness the clerk in the lobby was able to settle them all down.
I can’t blame the child, it’s the media. School shootings and being taught that bad guys have guns, but damn.
So that’s how the day ended yesterday!
So, thanks to all for cheering me on! I appreciate it! I just got home a little while ago. Looking forward to a hot shower and my own bed!
Catch up with yiz tomorrow! 🥰
Congrats very respectable! Top 5 woot woot!
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So, I’m way behind! If I missed something tag me and I will respond.
Okay about the weekend. I got my ass kicked! I fecked up the very first relay and could not recover from it. The competition was without a doubt one of the toughest I have ever shot. I came in fifth out of eighty shooters. We started the competition with a thousand points a piece, and each shot made not the sum of ten is deducted. I finished with a 995 and 59 X’s. Winner finished with a thousand points and 74 X’s.
I enjoyed every single minute of it! One of three women chose to compete based on a total score of all sanctioned shoots. That in itself was an honor. I spent the weekend with some of the best in the United States. Got some terrific pointers. Had a great time, well except what happened at the Holiday Inn.
Saturday was a 12 hour day, when we got back to the hotel, we made the decision to just unload our rifles. I told my Hubby, don’t waste the time and energy of getting a luggage trolley, you haul one, I’ll haul the other. So we did.
When we got to our room, he inserted the key card and the light stays red, door won’t open. So, I tell Hubby to head to the lobby for rekeying I’ll stay here with the rifles.
Now, I realize that a woman standing in front of a hotel room door with two rifles looks a bit odd. I’m watching as a young boy I’d say nine to twelve comes bebopping up the hallway, I see at the other end a group of people that are waiting for the little boy. He comes strolling past me flip flops popping as he walks. He gets closer, slows down, eyes my rifle cases. I look up and smile, then he runs past me yelling at the top of his lungs, “Mom! She has a gun!”. Now, the entire group is in a panic and head up the stairwell, while a new group on the other end at the exit door at a high rate of speed.
I am pretty embarrassed. I have just become a shooter in the hallway of the Holiday Inn! I shit you not!
Thank goodness the clerk in the lobby was able to settle them all down.
I can’t blame the child, it’s the media. School shootings and being taught that bad guys have guns, but damn.
So that’s how the day ended yesterday!
So, thanks to all for cheering me on! I appreciate it! I just got home a little while ago. Looking forward to a hot shower and my own bed!
Catch up with yiz tomorrow! 🥰
holllllllllllly Toledo Sensei. That is no joke and easily could have gone different had front desk not had your back/were able to chill them out. My lord that must have been just shy of the last thing you needed at that moment. Very sad imo that happened to you but so glad it didn't go way south.

5th out of 80? Only female? 600 yds? You are a hero without a cape in my book and I hope you get some well deserved rest(I know you posted this days ago but you deserve like 2-3 straight coma rest 😀) and hope to catch up when the dust settles
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Time to get stoned
This is why it is so confusing to a new grower to get started. Too many options. You feel like a wrong choice could spoil your grow.

Certainly can.... I try to look at plants as sort of historical record. Especially outside... The missed opportunity.... Stress.. Milestones..

The flowers tell us a little story about what happened. The good the bad and ugly
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You are not wrong. I guess me starting a forum of my own, to stay in touch with the friends I lost, after getting kicked out in the same fashion you just were, was pissing on his floor? It sure didn't feel like that's what I was doing at the time.

I have no intention of competing with him. We are just not cut from the same cloth. I'm done and have moved on.

I'd do it the same way again tho, but knowing what I know now I would tell people up front that joining here means you will be removed over there. Allow people to make up their minds informed. He could have done that too.

The coffee shop is under new management. Long live the coffee shop.
Personally I prefer the fabric ones over the Air pots. Not just less expensive but better and easier to sterilize. Smaller storage... Less moving parts...

I lose those little tack things..

Plants love them and the watering cycles are more frequent. Better air flow IMO

Did I say CHEAP and you can even get gignormous pots the size of a pickup bed
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