some1 just tried to kick in my door


going to kill some1
Saturday morning after we left to grocery shop we came home to find someone tried to get in our locked gate. When they couldn’t they broke a stick and jammed it in the lock. I was able to get it out with compressed air about 15 minutes later.

Worlds turned. 😞
Right it's just stupid to try and slang it anymore government took all the money out the game....clown game now lol

I used to pay the price... quality over quantity had to pay the cost to be the boss. This low price market is exactly why "mids" are everywhere...cutting corners selling up junk. I can't think of any other thing since this inflation that went down in price besides bud
That’s because a lot of other things dropped in quality or quantity.

Shrinkflashion is pissing me off but cheap quality is stoping me from buying new things.
Fams all in bed sick. Sons up every hour or two throwing up. Looks like the dog puked in front of the back door. 🤦

I died at 7pm. 12:30am iPhone kept dinging. Seem I missed new years. But I’m up now…fffuuuccckkk.

Not as sore. Walking is better. Finished cleaning messes I found. Let Willow out. Plants checked but need to water veg tent.

Happy New Year All

Got to be a better start than this one.

Need a cider and vape. Then maybe back to bed. Stomach still isn’t happy. Even after 3 days of just soup.
Mornin Yiz Menz!
Happy New Year!
I had a great time last night, was home by 10:30 and more than likely asleep before midnight. I woke up at 3:30 still on the couch.
The deer were moving and extremely dangerous on the ride home as they seem to be moving in herds now. Not just seeing one or two but rather 15 plus at a time.
Anybody doing anything exciting today, or are ya just sleeping it off?
Mornin Yiz Menz!
Happy New Year!
I had a great time last night, was home by 10:30 and more than likely asleep before midnight. I woke up at 3:30 still on the couch.
The deer were moving and extremely dangerous on the ride home as they seem to be moving in herds now. Not just seeing one or two but rather 15 plus at a time.
Anybody doing anything exciting today, or are ya just sleeping it off?
Mornin Granny, seems you woke up on the couch about the time i fell to sleep lol. The deer are moving that way here too, ive never seen so many here this year its crazy. We have so many deer NYS is running a late deer season for 9 days. Dec. 26th to the 4th.

Today is the kids last day of Christmas break, wife is home, we are juat hangin out for the day. Its only 26° but the kids wanna go to the park so why not 🤷🏻🤷🏻 lol
About 9:30 last night, we suddenly started hearing the sound of professional fireworks (a muffled WUMP! followed by a bang, a few seconds later). Then they stopped. Then about 3-4 more went off. Then nothing. This was all in the usual area my township shoots off fireworks.

So here was the scene in Augusta Township, MI --

Firedude 1: Hey, looks like we've got about 8 or 9 rockets leftover from July 4th.

Firedude 2: Let's set them off. Fuckin'-A, we have to work New Year's Eve.

Firedude 3: Fuckin'-A!!

Firedude 1: Fuckin'-A!!!

Fireworks: (WUMP)-Boom! (WUMP)-Boom! (WUMP)-Boom! (WUMP)-Boom! (WUMP)-Boom!... [dead silence]

Me: They're shooting off rockets!

Wife: Where? Where?

Me: You missed it.
Happy 2024.....times ticking on my old bones, we were in bed by 11:30, I heard a few pops at 12 but pretty quiet out here at night, they could have been miles away.

Big plan today was to clean my reservoir before I loaded up another batch of nutes.


I get some biofilm I guess it is or chelates forming a light flaky cake on the bottom and on the pump,lines,and filter. Its been 3 weeks since I last cleaned it and I'm glad I did, there can be a lot of muck floating through my chiller and res in a short period of time.

I started using Peroxide at 5ml/gal along with my regular feed to see if it can help fight it off. From what I've recently read its an ongoing challenge to deal with and normal with no real cure unless I go the full hydro sterile route I guess.
Happy new year y’all
Guess I was the child last night

Had friends and their kids come over last night.
We made it Korean night. We ate 3 kinds of potstickers, kimchi pancakes and kimchi burgers. We had Korean snacks and desserts.
We had 5 bottles of soju a bottle of sake and kept adding of course beer.
Kids had nerf fights and we played 5 crowns (amazing card game with friends) watched the ball drop and crawled in bed at 1am…. I survived but didn’t see day light till 10am lol 🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️ Oh well. Had family fun day today and back to work tomorrow 🤦🏻‍♂️
Sup y'all and buenas dias! Im headed to go pickup some bugs from a cool collective here in VA that does bulk bug orders and saves money on shipping (getting bugs shipped from OR is like $75 shipping for $30 worth of bugs lol). Also setting up a dedicated veg tent as well as building a desk to mount an extra moniter on for my home-office...busy busy! Also turning my grow up a notch this year cuz fk it why not lol. Gonna be making some clones of this Fuel D.OG i grew that is the most intense blueberry taste and smell ive ever experienced. Condidering making some S1 seeds from it at some point, tjough im scared of the pollen migrating to my flower room lol. Anyway hope y'all have an awesome day, happy 2024!
Here is some of the fuel d.og and how im getting my day going. Its not a massive yielder but gotdayum does it wreak of blueberries. Funny cuz Fuel D.OG is supposed to be fuel terps lol. Granted it does have a nice fuelly background but its 99% blueberry.77F27A89-9F4D-430D-AA1E-DC2E79DEA4FD.jpeg
About 9:30 last night, we suddenly started hearing the sound of professional fireworks (a muffled WUMP! followed by a bang, a few seconds later). Then they stopped. Then about 3-4 more went off. Then nothing. This was all in the usual area my township shoots off fireworks.

So here was the scene in Augusta Township, MI --

Firedude 1: Hey, looks like we've got about 8 or 9 rockets leftover from July 4th.

Firedude 2: Let's set them off. Fuckin'-A, we have to work New Year's Eve.

Firedude 3: Fuckin'-A!!

Firedude 1: Fuckin'-A!!!

Fireworks: (WUMP)-Boom! (WUMP)-Boom! (WUMP)-Boom! (WUMP)-Boom! (WUMP)-Boom!... [dead silence]

Me: They're shooting off rockets!

Wife: Where? Where?

Me: You missed it.
Just passed ya on our way to borgess damn ur close like stonemason who I need to get down to see ! Mayb we could do dinner and a dooby someday ?
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