Two not so funny things about where we stand today and how we are divided in politics and religion.
One, I know who the hell Jeff Dunham is, and I know his dead terrorist dummy AckMed. Guess what my Dr‘s name was? You got it! AckMed! Okay that’s concern one. I’m a infidel .. he knows it..
Two, AckMed notices that the tv in my room has Fox News playing on it. He grabs the remote on the side of my bed and turns it off!
For starters the other lady in my room much older than me had seniority she turned it on. Second I was watching nothing, but unicorns and the back of my blurry eye lids.
Now I know I’m in shit, and I quietly pray to Creator not to let my wry sense of humor take over and yell, Trump 2024! Fuck Joe Biden!!! Was super glad I didn’t have on a I sure could use a mean tweet shirt..or even use part of my sheet and my ability of ventriloquism to speak back to him like AchMed the dead terrorist..
So it was hairy for a bit..
Did I mention visiting with him the next morning, to have him tell me he had repaired the bleeding the other Dr caused, but it was nothing the other Dr. did that caused it? Yup..
They been steady calling the house and my cell..but I’m not talking right now.
After all, I’m just a simple sort of infidel..😉
Morning ya Menz!
Granny is still a kickin! Feeling better today even. Won’t be long till I’m dancing 💃 🕺
Weather has warmed up a bit. A 90% chance of snow today, and the 40-50 mph winds with 2-10 below on its way here Friday. Finally, winter in the Ozarks. Pantry stocked, smoke curing and wood pellets stacked up on the porch. Soooo, let’s go! I got hot chocolate!
I got like 3 boxes of hot chocolate as well, I guess it's time to start drinking it

Dr peppa gonna be mad
DP's like gold in these parts. GF has a plastic bottle phobia. She says she can't drink DP out of a plastic bottle. Only aluminum cans. Not a hard phobia cuz she'll drink it out of a 2 liter bottle. Just not the 12 oz.:rolleyes:😄
DP's like gold in these parts. GF has a plastic bottle phobia. She says she can't drink DP out of a plastic bottle. Only aluminum cans. Not a hard phobia cuz she'll drink it out of a 2 liter bottle. Just not the 12 oz.:rolleyes:😄
Well in her defense I won’t either, it does taste completely different. I know that makes no sense, but a consumer of DP can taste the difference.
This month’s planting by the moon schedule:
  • 9th – 10th
    Good planting days for root crops where climate permits.
  • 11th – 12th
    A good time to kill plant pests or do plowing. Poor for planting.
  • 13th – 14th
    Extra good for peppers, tomatoes, peas and other vine crops. Fine for planting any aboveground crop where the climate permits.
  • 15th – 17th
    Barren days, do no planting.
  • 18th – 19th
    Fine for planting beans, peppers, cucumbers, melons, and other aboveground crops where climate is suitable.
  • 20th – 21st
    Poor days for planting, seeds tend to rot in ground.
  • 22nd – 24th
    Plant seedbeds and flower gardens. Best planting days for aboveground crops, especially peas, beans, cucumbers, and squash where climate is suitable.
  • 25th – 29th
    A barren time. Best for killing weeds, briars, poison ivy, and other plant pests. Clear wood lots and fencerows.
  • 30th – 31st
    A favorable time for sowing grains, hay, and forage crops. Plant flowers. Favorable days for planting root crops.
Just came back from the room.
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^^ The two 'smaller Zamal Dreams from DFG^^
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^^ the larger Zamal dreams^^
Caught right up to the plants 11 days ahead of them.
Monster leaves~!
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More will be posted in my thread.:cool:


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So my FIL passed and now comes the real drama. Fighting between my wife and her half brothers. Trying to little sister my wife and take all the cookies and leave her with the jar. No shit less than 24 hours after the funeral her millionaire brother was at her throat threatening to punch her and all sorts of shit if he didn't get his check. Her dad had about 50k in the bank. Roughly 15k each if split 3 ways. Her dad however always said ”all my money goes to your sister hehehehe” with a devilish snicker. He knew his own money was small compared to what his boys made. The least paid of her brothers makes $600 a day. The other is millionaire. Well her dad knew they never included her unless he made them. So he had a joint account with my wife. His will had no mention on how to split it up, so under Missouri law all assets are to be split equally. She spoke with a lawyer just because she didn't want to cut them a check then get screwed by some other debt that rolled in and needed paid. Lawyer said since her name was on the account in transfers solely to her. They have no right to it. If her name hadn't been on the account it would have to be split.

The mother of her 2 brothers a 70 year old schwindler from days past was the one who orchestrated most of this. She was there with the brother my wife likes when the will got shoved through about 2 months ago. 2 weeks ago my FIL was deemed incapable of making his own decisions. I question if he was even capable when they did "the will".

My wife is having a hard time she is like if I don't pay them I'll never see them again. My reply, they make that money in 2 months. Takes you 5 to make that. If they wanna throw you away for money they make in 2 weeks they were never on your side anyway. They gotta put their piles even higher to look further down on you, and they'd rather see you on your ass or knees instead of on your feet. If you gotta pay em 15k just to be your brothers that's fucked up, they should just be able to understand the legality of it and that your dad wasn't bullshittin at all those bbqs when he told them they wouldn't be getting his money.

The millionaire brother won't talk to my wife ever again anyway, he cut his own daughters off over money too ..shame... everyone has a price even his daughters

I don't really care for them anyway the millionaire is a jackoff...and the other brother is a Jesus scammer...getting over on ya in the name of the Lord. Hell their mom (the 70 year old scammer) lives in a house she scammed from a church. Had my FIL pay her child support for 16 years in cash then took him to court saying he never paid so he had to double pay her ass. My wife has cameras in her dad's house and she was meeting her millionaire brother and his mom at her dads. She checked the cameras to see what was said. Her brother had already opened his dad's safe took all the guns...the mom was heard saying "she isn't going to write a check today so don't worry about my money yet...maybe you could go to the bank and withdraw money your names are the same and there is no sr or jr on his account. ” wow your money? What you getting outta this y'all are divorced...shes taught them the game, how to be a paperwork scammer.... shoulda seen the size checks both of them got for PPP loans during the pandemic. Y'all would be stunned how much money John Q taxpayer gave them both so they could put it in account to save and hoard and not use properly. I'll say the one bro who makes 600 a day, he got 285k in free PPP money. The millionaire got more put it that way.

Idc what she does but either way I don't want either in my if she has to pay them to keep them around that's on her, but I won't ever be around them lol
So my FIL passed and now comes the real drama. Fighting between my wife and her half brothers. Trying to little sister my wife and take all the cookies and leave her with the jar. No shit less than 24 hours after the funeral her millionaire brother was at her throat threatening to punch her and all sorts of shit if he didn't get his check. Her dad had about 50k in the bank. Roughly 15k each if split 3 ways. Her dad however always said ”all my money goes to your sister hehehehe” with a devilish snicker. He knew his own money was small compared to what his boys made. The least paid of her brothers makes $600 a day. The other is millionaire. Well her dad knew they never included her unless he made them. So he had a joint account with my wife. His will had no mention on how to split it up, so under Missouri law all assets are to be split equally. She spoke with a lawyer just because she didn't want to cut them a check then get screwed by some other debt that rolled in and needed paid. Lawyer said since her name was on the account in transfers solely to her. They have no right to it. If her name hadn't been on the account it would have to be split.

The mother of her 2 brothers a 70 year old schwindler from days past was the one who orchestrated most of this. She was there with the brother my wife likes when the will got shoved through about 2 months ago. 2 weeks ago my FIL was deemed incapable of making his own decisions. I question if he was even capable when they did "the will".

My wife is having a hard time she is like if I don't pay them I'll never see them again. My reply, they make that money in 2 months. Takes you 5 to make that. If they wanna throw you away for money they make in 2 weeks they were never on your side anyway. They gotta put their piles even higher to look further down on you, and they'd rather see you on your ass or knees instead of on your feet. If you gotta pay em 15k just to be your brothers that's fucked up, they should just be able to understand the legality of it and that your dad wasn't bullshittin at all those bbqs when he told them they wouldn't be getting his money.

The millionaire brother won't talk to my wife ever again anyway, he cut his own daughters off over money too ..shame... everyone has a price even his daughters

I don't really care for them anyway the millionaire is a jackoff...and the other brother is a Jesus scammer...getting over on ya in the name of the Lord. Hell their mom (the 70 year old scammer) lives in a house she scammed from a church. Had my FIL pay her child support for 16 years in cash then took him to court saying he never paid so he had to double pay her ass. My wife has cameras in her dad's house and she was meeting her millionaire brother and his mom at her dads. She checked the cameras to see what was said. Her brother had already opened his dad's safe took all the guns...the mom was heard saying "she isn't going to write a check today so don't worry about my money yet...maybe you could go to the bank and withdraw money your names are the same and there is no sr or jr on his account. ” wow your money? What you getting outta this y'all are divorced...shes taught them the game, how to be a paperwork scammer.... shoulda seen the size checks both of them got for PPP loans during the pandemic. Y'all would be stunned how much money John Q taxpayer gave them both so they could put it in account to save and hoard and not use properly. I'll say the one bro who makes 600 a day, he got 285k in free PPP money. The millionaire got more put it that way.

Idc what she does but either way I don't want either in my if she has to pay them to keep them around that's on her, but I won't ever be around them lol
Family drama is always the worst drama man, and then money is always the root of family issues for some reason i dont get it.
My parents family all split like 10 years ago and its been so much easier since then not gonna lie.
Family drama is always the worst drama man, and then money is always the root of family issues for some reason i dont get it.
My parents family all split like 10 years ago and its been so much easier since then not gonna lie.
Yea I just want these fakes out of my life...I don't care what it costs lol

Easy for me to say I suppose not my money
Yea I just want these fakes out of my life...I don't care what it costs lol

Easy for me to say I suppose not my money
My dad and his sister dont talk anymore over a small $500 loan he gave her.
Its not the money thats the issue, its how his sister chose to handle the situation when she couldnt pay him back.

Big difference than your situation, but its always because of money at the end of the day man. It really is the root of all evil.
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So, one would have to surmise that the love of money is indeed the root of all evil?
You damn right it is.
You wanna be a greedy bastard by all means be that way just don't do it in the name of Jesus...that deserves a dick kick 😂

The older brother millionaire owns most of her family...he writes their they stay out of it because money allows for the evil...really is the root
You wanna be a greedy bastard by all means be that way just don't do it in the name of Jesus...that deserves a dick kick 😂

The older brother millionaire owns most of her family...he writes their they stay out of it because money allows for the evil...really is the root
"Dick kick" 🤣
Yea I just want these fakes out of my life...I don't care what it costs lol

Easy for me to say I suppose not my money
Yeah it sucks. Found out last year one of my uncles has been getting crazy amounts of money from my grandpa who has dementia..... Mom saw all the bank records, getting 5k a month sometimes from him.. one week he got two checks for 3k because Grandpa didn't remember sending the first one and my uncle asked again before he got the first check....

Money and family don't mix well.... Taking advantage of your own dad who has dementia is just.... Ugh

And now grandpa is running low on money to pay for declining health complications... Makes me mad
Yeah it sucks. Found out last year one of my uncles has been getting crazy amounts of money from my grandpa who has dementia..... Mom saw all the bank records, getting 5k a month sometimes from him.. one week he got two checks for 3k because Grandpa didn't remember sending the first one and my uncle asked again before he got the first check....

Money and family don't mix well.... Taking advantage of your own dad who has dementia is just.... Ugh

And now grandpa is running low on money to pay for declining health complications... Makes me mad
Make ya sick. My wife's millionaire brother was just telling them a couple months ago when they were talking about how much help he needed his remark was "dad's a scam, he is scamming y'all". No the mans dying and needs more help than we can give him but he's a stubborn asshole in his own right and refuses everything except our full attention.

Sick to hear it happening in your family as well. Scumbags. Happened on my mom's side too.
Morning ya Menz!
Granny is still a kickin! Feeling better today even. Won’t be long till I’m dancing 💃 🕺
Weather has warmed up a bit. A 90% chance of snow today, and the 40-50 mph winds with 2-10 below on its way here Friday. Finally, winter in the Ozarks. Pantry stocked, smoke curing and wood pellets stacked up on the porch. Soooo, let’s go! I got hot chocolate!

Morning PAL. 👋

Winter hit Canada from the west and south. Then swept across to the east. Not sure who got it worse yet. Pipecarver or my daughter.

New roof seems to be holding. 👍
Need to spot check for any missing shingles/ridge cap.

Cold and damp today but nothing like last week. +3 rather than minus.

Lots of muck and mush. Going to have to watch Willow and wipe her feet today. She sometimes like to zoom into the house when mucky. 🤦

Glad you’re on the mend and doing well. Let me just leave this on your desk for later. 🍎
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