Got a beautiful sunny cold day here in the Zarks. All the more of a reason to get the hell outta this house and take a sunny stone cruise with the Sirius radio blasting..
Catch ya this evening. 🥰
Okayyyyyyy it’s a snowing! It’s pretty darn cold too and they say it’s just getting started. I saw a forecast for -70 in Wyoming and Montana. 🫣
I know what I need, you guessed chocolate anddd some wool socks!
Shit I'm there with ya on some warm drink. Really sucks when you smoke outside, may have to figure out another way, open my attic and stand on a chair or something sure as hell not putting on the attic fan!
Themeduser sent me his full list of gear in email today...he has some interesting shit for sure. Really nice person too, he has his own site that seems pretty barren to be honest....I may try to tell him about this place....after I place an order and everything arrives proper of course. Couple stand outs for me from his full list GG4 x Iraq, romulan/flo x ubc chemo, katsu bubba x DNA to be honest his full list has shit I havent seen offered since I have been looking.
Yeah, I’m super thankful for my heated she shed!
I had just one strain at this time left on my wishlist ..Bubba Fett..and I just got that. I got more seeds than I may have time to grow. Soooo, imma stop now. I’ve told myself that until I grow at least half of more seeds!
Yeah, I’m super thankful for my heated she shed!
I had just one strain at this time left on my wishlist ..Bubba Fett..and I just got that. I got more seeds than I may have time to grow. Soooo, imma stop now. I’ve told myself that until I grow at least half of more seeds!
It's like collecting albums. I want to quit but I also know I gotta get while they getting is good. One pack I want from themeduser he doesn't even have listed on his full list. He said he has a pack and then his breeding stock of it and no idea when he is gonna get to a seed increase. He is older so may never happen, gotta jump when ya can I guess. But yes, I already have years worth of seed just from that contest. Gave a friend a few seeds, pretty much will give out a few to any friend that wants to grow, in hopes they'll ring me if something stands out.

One thing is certain the wife is slowly warming up to my growing. I told her I plan to get the electric redone in the basement to handle more amps and eventually want 2 flower tents if possible. This next run will tell me more on if I need to or not. 15 oz last run but already down to about 6, everyone's cut off except moe and granny at this point. Still got your joint! It's yuuuge
-5 when I woke up -3 currently
It’s a balmy 3* here this morning. Upstairs heating keeping up 68-70*, lower floor 65. I left water dripping last night, so I still have water this morning. Dipping lower tonight. Whew! What a wake up!
Im drinking hot stuff and thinking bout sitting on my seedling mat 🤣😂😁
It’s a balmy 3* here this morning. Upstairs heating keeping up 68-70*, lower floor 65. I left water dripping last night, so I still have water this morning. Dipping lower tonight. Whew! What a wake up!
Im drinking hot stuff and thinking bout sitting on my seedling mat 🤣😂😁
We have it a balmy 3c = 37f.......T shirt weather up here, guy next door is washing his truck, dogs playing its like spring today after yesterdays storm. We had the warmest spot in Canada yesterday & maybe today.....From what I can see with this weather pattern we are going to continue this warmer than most of the country trend for a while as that big Artic low has dove so far south, its pushing all the warmer southern air moving north in our direction as it slides up the eastern should be a weather man.......Pipecarver...your stoned weather man on the Atlantic Coast.
We have it a balmy 3c = 37f.......T shirt weather up here, guy next door is washing his truck, dogs playing its like spring today after yesterdays storm. We had the warmest spot in Canada yesterday & maybe today.....From what I can see with this weather pattern we are going to continue this warmer than most of the country trend for a while as that big Artic low has dove so far south, its pushing all the warmer southern air moving north in our direction as it slides up the eastern should be a weather man.......Pipecarver...your stoned weather man on the Atlantic Coast.
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Washing his truck???!? That's crazy. We had a surprise snow sputter this morning in VA
We have it a balmy 3c = 37f.......T shirt weather up here, guy next door is washing his truck, dogs playing its like spring today after yesterdays storm. We had the warmest spot in Canada yesterday & maybe today.....From what I can see with this weather pattern we are going to continue this warmer than most of the country trend for a while as that big Artic low has dove so far south, its pushing all the warmer southern air moving north in our direction as it slides up the eastern should be a weather man.......Pipecarver...your stoned weather man on the Atlantic Coast.
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Yeah well you all can take it back now, I’m done with it! I never signed up for this. There is a reason I don’t live in Canada!
BTW pretty good analogy on the way the system is working!
It has shoved wayyyy south here. Poor Florida ppl have no heating! When certain areas run 85* year round, heat is not a thought. Bet it is today!
I like Florida but my visits last until my hauled well water runs out. They have some shitty drinking water. If it don’t smell like rotten eggs then it’s refined shit water..ummm I’ll pass on that.
I gave up a chance to live ocean front on Navarre Island..over drinking water.IMG_1663.jpeg
Total white out just overcame our area.
Clear as a bell 10 minutes ago, can't see road past front yard~!
Just got back from HomeDepot getting stuff for room.
Glad not to be out in it driving~!
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^^There is a car to the right on the road^^
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