@CannaGranny I was looking up your bubba fett strain as I had only really heard of it never smoked it (lot of star wars strains out there eh?) and hit up allbud for a quick description. I like allbud over Leafly but still consider it all to be subjective as far as numbers and how correct it is. However, bubba kush itself comes in around 20% and star dawg around 25%. But when mated that bubba fett is hitting higher. Like I said numbers depend on so many factors but seems promising. The more i read about breeding it seems this is what you ultimately want a new strain that beats out both parents. That stuff is gonna be some gas ⛽Screenshot_20240119-105626.png
@CannaGranny I was looking up your bubba fett strain as I had only really heard of it never smoked it (lot of star wars strains out there eh?) and hit up allbud for a quick description. I like allbud over Leafly but still consider it all to be subjective as far as numbers and how correct it is. However, bubba kush itself comes in around 20% and star dawg around 25%. But when mated that bubba fett is hitting higher. Like I said numbers depend on so many factors but seems promising. The more i read about breeding it seems this is what you ultimately want a new strain that beats out both parents. That stuff is gonna be some gas ⛽View attachment 39870
Pretty much word for word of how I described the buzz to sweetleaf yesterday.
Tell ya what impressed me with it, I got it from a dispensary! The ONLY strain that I have bought from a dispensary that I felt I had not wasted my money.
I have been trying To find this seed for over four years now. So, I’m pretty excited to get to grow it.
I figured if it was reduced to a waste product and it is at all dispensaries, terps shook off, machine trimmed etc. then it for sure would be kick ass in my own grow.
Good day CG~!;)
Just came back in from room and got all 16 plants hooked up to the Bluemats with the small drip rings.
Now I just got to watch them close for next couple days[ every hour maybe] to get them dialed in and make sure they don't flood my girls.
Got have as much helping me before I get the tent and seedlings in there. All the plants [ 8 strains I think 🥴] all are now drinking at their own pace so this will help me and improve growth hopefully. Plants got flipped to 13/11 yesterday. Stoney and I are knocking 1 hour off our cycle each week.
We finally get to 12/12 next week~! 🥳
I did an odd thing and slept in this morning. Was up most of the night with a darn stomach ache. Got on the couch about six this morning and woke up at 11:30! Fecked up my whole day.
Im popping seeds on your birthday, so got a couple of days before any weed work, but it is fast approaching time for some orchard work. Mid February is pruning time.
Prepping to make a trip to Ky. here in a couple of days. I have to go pack and move my Sister’s things. She left it all to me, and I have been waiting for the right time to do it. I didn’t just want to go in her and her husband’s home and dismantle the house out of respect for him. He too needed time to deal with the loss. Now, he has a new GF and his Daughter has been selling my Sister’s things in FB marketplace 🤬
Feckin people.
So, imma go and try to get all of this packed up and moved and not go Beth Dutton on a red headed bitch. Pray for me, or maybe her..
Gotta run, have a GF coming to get water and shower. Her water froze and busted and the repair ppl are several days out on getting it fixed.
Wishing all a great day! Catch ya this evening for a smoke and chocolate! 😍
I think my son just legit took a nap at a decent hour scared to check, tip toe tip toe....well shit...wide awake at least he is being chill 😂
Dude kine always wants to nap at 530 or 600 so then he wont sleep at night 😑

Ive put an end to that and make him go to bed at 730 on those nights lol.
Okay already, I get it, winters here.🥶View attachment 40057

Should be a bit better next week. Stock up on hot chocolate people. ☕
Its -2f here, so -19c. My car was not fkn happy to have to start up this morning.
Guess it might be time to do that oil change back to 5w30 for the winter 🤔 🙄
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