So sorry to hear that this day starts off on such a bad foot for you. Super sorry to hear that the City is strong arming you too. That seems to be a problem all across the US as well.
I would take a break too we’re it making my anxiety worse.
I do morning prayer and will for sure keep your daughter and her family in prayer. That’s scary business.
I’m getting closer to being caught up, and I need to be! I grow in a room upstairs in my house. So, I have been “collecting “ used grow bags on an upper porch, cause the Hubby does not like me coming down the outside stairs with my hands full. Yesterday he rigged me up a pulley system so I can lower the bags down to be emptied hauled in and washed. I just have 27, seven gallon bags lol!
I think that two more weeks of busting ass will see me finally caught up with everything.
Thanks Zen, I for sure enjoy seeing you here too.