This is some bad ass super glue here. I believe I paid 20 for this bottle. Talk about strong this shit can take your skin off with it if you get it on you. Woke up and my glasses were broken....this shit fixed em right up, need to go get a new pair soon as I can. IMG_20240226_101150362.jpg
Kids are back in school and its my wifes last day off so just realexing today.
Making lunch right now and then maybe a nap lol.
You home already?
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Morning Granny.
All the talk about autos this am makes me want seeds from the guys who make them.
Just ordered seeds this morning.
Grape Skunk Dog - Reg
This is his latest limited drop.
Sooooo Steamy, ya been hiding those autos from me! Throw them in the light and let em go!
I did not choose autos and am not hiding them.
They are what they are.
Unfortunately they are in my tent full of photos I started in January.
Not sure what to do with them.
First thought was an easy grow.
Second thought was @MDK mentioning herms~!
Part of why I just bought Jeffs gear.
May be done with sellers.
I'll go direct to source.
I did not choose autos and am not hiding them.
They are what they are.
Unfortunately they are in my tent full of photos I started in January.
Not sure what to do with them.
First thought was an easy grow.
Second thought was @MDK mentioning herms~!
Part of why I just bought Jeffs gear.
May be done with sellers.
I'll go direct to source.
Lol 😂 fuck my bad not trying to scare people I'm just horrible with it...real bad eye sight
Lol 😂 fuck my bad not trying to scare people I'm just horrible with it...real bad eye sight
You didn't scare me.
You opened my eyes.
The seeds I am growing are not what they are supposed to be I think.
If true who knows what the fuck they are.
I ain't got time for that really. Not sure any of us do.
I appreciate you making me think ahead instead of after.(y)
You didn't scare me.
You opened my eyes.
The seeds I am growing are not what they are supposed to be I think.
If true who knows what the fuck they are.
I ain't got time for that really. Not sure any of us do.
I appreciate you making me think ahead instead of after.(y)
Right on, yea man you pump out stellar grows would hate to see it cause an issue for ya
I did not choose autos and am not hiding them.
Okay Sally SunnyPants! 😂🤣😅😂🤣
They are what they are.
Autos autos autos!
Unfortunately they are in my tent full of photos I started in January.
Yup we started our seeds the same day, your birthday.
Not sure what to do with them.
Grow em!
First thought was an easy grow.
Pretty much is. They don’t really like wet feet, and not a lot of feed.
Second thought was @MDK mentioning herms~!
Part of why I just bought Jeffs gear.
May be done with sellers.
I'll go direct to source.
Why I stick with just a few that has proved themselves to me.
Agreed. I go for cleanings and checkups but I hate it. Depending on who’s doing the job a cleaning can bother me more than a filling.

And why do they insist on talking to you with both hands, tools, and a mouth full of gauze going on?

haha look who got data back!!!! hehe

so how did your dampened off seedling do? did you change soil or containers or anything?
Curious if anyone here owns a police scanner. I’m looking in to them from an emergency preparedness point of view. I’d like to hear your thoughts if anyone has one.
I know you have to get the programming from your local police department. A lot of stuff is still scrambled.
My Mom had one, I wouldn’t. It made a nervous wreck out of me. Car wrecks, shootings etc. more than I wanted to process on a daily basis.
I got 5 g ones that cost more and never used them. Seems like a good price.
Convinced air pots are the way to go but not clear what the proper shape is.
There are good and not good.
Some even have holes at certain levels sealed.
Stoney and Bandit know all about them.
G$ uses grow bags a lot right? if i were to use them i would get ones with handles. and if not the final size i would want velcro. Granny asking about 7 gallon tells me final size.. and from what i read the thicker the better. the thicker ones hold water better from what i understand.

i've always been intrigued for sure. i'm sure i will try them at some point. when i started growing indoors i flowered in milk crates lined with fabric cloth i always felt the bags would be similar.
G$ uses grow bags a lot right? if i were to use them i would get ones with handles. and if not the final size i would want velcro. Granny asking about 7 gallon tells me final size.. and from what i read the thicker the better. the thicker ones hold water better from what i understand.

i've always been intrigued for sure. i'm sure i will try them at some point. when i started growing indoors i flowered in milk crates lined with fabric cloth i always felt the bags would be similar.
I’ve been using them for about seven years now. I’m super happy with the outcome. Handles are a must! For sure. Seven gallon is perfect for me. I grow some big plants and weight wise is about all I can handle when it’s wet.
I’ve been using them for about seven years now. I’m super happy with the outcome. Handles are a must! For sure. Seven gallon is perfect for me. I grow some big plants and weight wise is about all I can handle when it’s wet.

ah shit, sorry.. i didn't realize you already used them... i'm new here, never saw your grows before.

i assume the bags don't last forever. how many runs do you usually get from them?

do you use them for all sizes? or just final size? i also use 7 gallon trade size containers so i understand the amount of wet weight you're speaking of.
haha look who got data back!!!! hehe

Sort of… it’s my daughters phone. We use it to FaceTime her and the grandkids. Things like that. But it’s a shared account. I went over the 20g limit, so it stole from another. With only a few days left before reset either my daughter or SIL bought more data. Which means I used data someone else needed. Not cool. 😒
so how did your dampened off seedling do? did you change soil or containers or anything?

I put the shot glass in my DIY cloner. Mostly to stop it from getting knocked over in the tent. Stonemason sent me a text with your post attached later that night. I sort of followed your advice already but I don’t have a air stone or pump. I just change the water ever few days and add a bit of h2o2 first.

I updated my Topanga thread yesterday if you get a chance.

The first seed showed signs of coming back after doing this but I tossed it as it would probably never do well. This one I have no idea. I don’t have high hopes but I can’t afford to toss it without trying to bring it back. I only have one seed left. 🤷‍♂️
Curious if anyone here owns a police scanner. I’m looking in to them from an emergency preparedness point of view. I’d like to hear your thoughts if anyone has one.

As a kid an uncle was into listening to them. One of my wife’s as well.

My uncle was into CB and ham as well. I still have some of the old equipment. Lollipop mic. Modded CB with extras. And one or two power boosters and a 102” whip antenna.

Cell phones kind of killed the hobby.
G$ uses grow bags a lot right? if i were to use them i would get ones with handles. and if not the final size i would want velcro.

Get the ones with holes and grommets around the top. Let’s you LST easier.

when i started growing indoors i flowered in milk crates lined with fabric cloth i always felt the bags would be similar.

That’s how I started. Remembered it from when I was a kid. Worked well. Still do it outside. I just switched to shopping bags outside last year. Shopping bags did better than I expected. I’ll be trying again this year.
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