Just a pic, no review or test feed back?
It's a pretty sweet piece. After using it though, I would likely go with the smaller version. The 13" is just a little heavy for how slick it is.

It pulls 100x easier than the wofe's 13" beaker bong and it comes apart. The top and downstem are ceramic coated, I believe. The bowl is metal and has a magnetic snuffer that allows you to get every bit of amoke from the hit. The whole piece unscrews for easy cleaning. I've only used it for a few days but it's already my favorite bong I've ever used. A bit pricey though.
Nice! We’re in the market but not sure if we’ll purchase until the kitchen is done so we can know better how it’ll fit/look
I had no choice but to buy a new one.
My kids have destroyed the one i currently have. The left cushion has 2 springs blown through it from when my little one thought it was his personaly trampoline, and I have to sit on a pillow 😤
Plus it was my parents so it was already pretty worn when I got it from them 2 years ago.

Now if I have company they have a bed to sleep on 👍🏻
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Gday all, my boy Qnight was a bad cat today, I went from my grow room upstairs to take them for a walk, the second I opend the door Qnight was gone, full flight fun hippity hop across the yard, through the trees dividing our property and off he went. My wife went one way I went the other to keep him off the highway, I saw him full bolt go through the neighbours yard and disappear into the woods behind us...

Oh fk here we go, its a nice warm day and he's liking some fun....We caught up with him in an open work field and we got within a few feet and I played dead, dropping onto the ground moaning hoping he'd get close so my wife could grab him, nope wise to that but after about 15 min of him scooting away my wife got close enough too grab him, the next thing is this horrible scream from my wife, he's got all claws out scratching, screaming and biting, I catch up and grab him by the neck, he was like a wild cat, it was everything I could do to hold onto him and he was pissed. He took up my wifes hand and arm pretty bad, she has 5 large wounds and a few minor. She had his leash with her and with some struggling & pinned up against a work trailer we got it on him. Charlotte went back to the house to tend her wounds and I took him the long way home to calm him down......

Fkin cats, I'd hate to lose him or have to get rid of him if he gets violent, he just turned wild for a bit. He's fine now, keeping a low profile....I guess he took us for a walk and he wasn't ready to go home...
Gday all, my boy Qnight was a bad cat today, I went from my grow room upstairs to take them for a walk, the second I opend the door Qnight was gone, full flight fun hippity hop across the yard, through the trees dividing our property and off he went. My wife went one way I went the other to keep him off the highway, I saw him full bolt go through the neighbours yard and disappear into the woods behind us...

Oh fk here we go, its a nice warm day and he's liking some fun....We caught up with him in an open work field and we got within a few feet and I played dead, dropping onto the ground moaning hoping he'd get close so my wife could grab him, nope wise to that but after about 15 min of him scooting away my wife got close enough too grab him, the next thing is this horrible scream from my wife, he's got all claws out scratching, screaming and biting, I catch up and grab him by the neck, he was like a wild cat, it was everything I could do to hold onto him and he was pissed. He took up my wifes hand and arm pretty bad, she has 5 large wounds and a few minor. She had his leash with her and with some struggling & pinned up against a work trailer we got it on him. Charlotte went back to the house to tend her wounds and I took him the long way home to calm him down......

Fkin cats, I'd hate to lose him or have to get rid of him if he gets violent, he just turned wild for a bit. He's fine now, keeping a low profile....I guess he took us for a walk and he wasn't ready to go home...
Wow make sure you wife pays real close attention to her wounds, she really should get on some antibiotics.
My mom is a vet tech and says that a cats mouth is pretty much the worst. They have a standing rule that if your but it’s off the doctors, emergency room or urgent care, your choice but your getting seen, cleaned and medicated.
Wow make sure you wife pays real close attention to her wounds, she really should get on some antibiotics.
My mom is a vet tech and says that a cats mouth is pretty much the worst. They have a standing rule that if your but it’s off the doctors, emergency room or urgent care, your choice but your getting seen, cleaned and medicated.
I’d say a bear’s mouth is probably worser
Worser is a double comparative and superlative construction that Shakespeare used in his works, such as Hamlet and Sonnet 144.
Who are you??
And yea no kidding about the bear~!:ROFLMAO:
Not gonna lie I just went down a rabbit hole to verify your bear clam and the internet can take you to some weird places if you let it 🤣🤣🤣

But you’re more than likely correct about the bear and a lot of other animals I stand corrected 😂
Human mouth is the worst.
How’s your weather @steamroller ?
Im sitting on my front porch and it’s currently 76*. No wind, so quiet you could hear a gnat fart.
Congrats on your new couch! I have one pretty much like it. Takes up a lot of room.
Made it up to 60 today and still close to 50 now.
What a weird winter.
If I had to use 1 word for my thoughts on the next months weather it would be apprehensive.
I really don't even want say boo.
One coast or the other gets it they say.
Cali can have the snow~!
Worser is a double comparative and superlative construction that Shakespeare used in his works, such as Hamlet and Sonnet 144.
Who are you??
And yea no kidding about the bear~!:ROFLMAO:
It’s in the dictionary and will earn you scrabble points, lol. And I thought I just made that mother fucker up.
Made it up to 60 today and still close to 50 now.
What a weird winter.
If I had to use 1 word for my thoughts on the next months weather it would be apprehensive.
I really don't even want say boo.
One coast or the other gets it they say.
Cali can have the snow~!
Two old age adages in play here. One, it thundered in Feb. which brings a frost in May and March came in like a lamb, so it will finish as a lion.
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