CannaGranny’s Corner a Thread For General BS and Good Will On BudBuilders

Is that in case Johnny Cash comes to visit? Sometimes these threads get mixed up....
This hangs right inside my front door lol 20240305_070603.jpg

But all jokes aside I got the sleeper model so my FIL has a bed to sleep in when he comes to visit.
He was blown up in a humvee during his tour in Iraq, he has permanent back issues and I felt bad he slept on my couch or an air mattress.
So I needed a new couch, the sleeper model was on sale from $1650 down to $1200, and the regular sofa was $1100 so I bought the sleeper lol, and put 5 years of insurance on it 👊🏼
It's a pretty sweet piece. After using it though, I would likely go with the smaller version. The 13" is just a little heavy for how slick it is.

It pulls 100x easier than the wofe's 13" beaker bong and it comes apart. The top and downstem are ceramic coated, I believe. The bowl is metal and has a magnetic snuffer that allows you to get every bit of amoke from the hit. The whole piece unscrews for easy cleaning. I've only used it for a few days but it's already my favorite bong I've ever used. A bit pricey though.

I looked it up. Very nice. $260us here. Ouch. We lost a glass pipe and two bongs over the last two years. Picked up a $20 glass bong to hold us over but it has a crappy taste. I was hoping to find a good one for $100 or less on sale but that’s steep. Still very nice. Sounds super easy to clean too. 👍
I looked it up. Very nice. $260us here. Ouch. We lost a glass pipe and two bongs over the last two years. Picked up a $20 glass bong to hold us over but it has a crappy taste. I was hoping to find a good one for $100 or less on sale but that’s steep. Still very nice. Sounds super easy to clean too. 👍
Man, I hate to tell ya but all the glass I've bought have been $100+ 😑
Glass to smoke out of is so stupidly expensive but you really can't beat quality glass.

My Glasslab303 glass is super strong stuff. I've kicked some of their stuff across my bedroom and not broken them lol.
Man, I hate to tell ya but all the glass I've bought have been $100+ 😑
Glass to smoke out of is so stupidly expensive but you really can't beat quality glass.

My Glasslab303 glass is super strong stuff. I've kicked some of their stuff across my bedroom and not broken them lol.

It’s been expensive since I started smoking in the 90’s. But the last few years it’s gotten worse.

I don’t think I’ll be using an apple and bic pen anytime soon but I’m not spending more than $100 on something we keep breaking. We do most of our smoking outside. I’m also the only one who buys glass.

Son just got his Helix last year but I like my own glass. Simple and easy to clean preferably.
I looked it up. Very nice. $260us here. Ouch. We lost a glass pipe and two bongs over the last two years. Picked up a $20 glass bong to hold us over but it has a crappy taste. I was hoping to find a good one for $100 or less on sale but that’s steep. Still very nice. Sounds super easy to clean too. 👍
Very easy to clean. That's what I like the most about it. It does give some deep, lung-buster rips, too. Easy to pull and clear. So far I love it. I'm gonna order the 11" one soon and if I like it better, the 13" will get raffled off here.
Very easy to clean. That's what I like the most about it. It does give some deep, lung-buster rips, too. Easy to pull and clear. So far I love it. I'm gonna order the 11" one soon and if I like it better, the 13" will get raffled off here.
I like the way the bowl comes off too. Does it just sit on top or is it threaded or magnetic?

This is what we’re working with for now. I put the old bowl on the cheap bong. Sons Helix needs a cleaning, bad. 🤦
I like the way the bowl comes off too. Does it just sit on top or is it threaded or magnetic?
It's got a rubber gasket that keeps it pretty snug. The snuffer is pretty sweet too. It's magnetic and allows you to get every bit of the hit and keeps it from burning between rips.
Man, I hate to tell ya but all the glass I've bought have been $100+ 😑
Glass to smoke out of is so stupidly expensive but you really can't beat quality glass.

My Glasslab303 glass is super strong stuff. I've kicked some of their stuff across my bedroom and not broken them lol.
That reminds me of a time my buddy showed up with this unbreakable glass pipe to smoke out of. He said the guy was throwing it in the store to show him how tough the stuff was. I said "oh yea show me state rules, prove it" and he proceeded to drop it on the sidewalk and it shattered. He was like "damn guess the guy at the store used up all the free throws" lol 😂
That reminds me of a time my buddy showed up with this unbreakable glass pipe to smoke out of. He said the guy was throwing it in the store to show him how tough the stuff was. I said "oh yea show me state rules, prove it" and he proceeded to drop it on the sidewalk and it shattered. He was like "damn guess the guy at the store used up all the free throws" lol 😂
I used to play a lot of Hockey, mens leagues up until about 40. I had a guy that used to play with us and he had all the gear top notch stuff. One day he came in with a hockey stick he said was unbreakable, I leaned it up against the bench and jumped on it, snapped it in half...unbreakable I said...he was

I met a guy with 9 fingers that bet his brother he wouldn't cut his finger off with an axe.....somehow that little story fits here
That reminds me of a time my buddy showed up with this unbreakable glass pipe to smoke out of. He said the guy was throwing it in the store to show him how tough the stuff was. I said "oh yea show me state rules, prove it" and he proceeded to drop it on the sidewalk and it shattered. He was like "damn guess the guy at the store used up all the free throws" lol 😂
Haha yeah I would never claim any form of glass to be indestructible, but borosilicate glass is much stronger than regular soda line silicate glass. Pyrex is also borosilicate glass and that shit is dumb strong.
Gday all, my boy Qnight was a bad cat today, I went from my grow room upstairs to take them for a walk, the second I opend the door Qnight was gone, full flight fun hippity hop across the yard, through the trees dividing our property and off he went. My wife went one way I went the other to keep him off the highway, I saw him full bolt go through the neighbours yard and disappear into the woods behind us...

Oh fk here we go, its a nice warm day and he's liking some fun....We caught up with him in an open work field and we got within a few feet and I played dead, dropping onto the ground moaning hoping he'd get close so my wife could grab him, nope wise to that but after about 15 min of him scooting away my wife got close enough too grab him, the next thing is this horrible scream from my wife, he's got all claws out scratching, screaming and biting, I catch up and grab him by the neck, he was like a wild cat, it was everything I could do to hold onto him and he was pissed. He took up my wifes hand and arm pretty bad, she has 5 large wounds and a few minor. She had his leash with her and with some struggling & pinned up against a work trailer we got it on him. Charlotte went back to the house to tend her wounds and I took him the long way home to calm him down......

Fkin cats, I'd hate to lose him or have to get rid of him if he gets violent, he just turned wild for a bit. He's fine now, keeping a low profile....I guess he took us for a walk and he wasn't ready to go home...
Qnight has been looking depressed today and since the indecent he's been hiding and sleeping, didn't come up on our bed last night or come for treats when I got up this morning which has been a routine for quite a while, all 3 boys meet me for treats.

I think its like an alcohol hangover after you fked up the night before. head low feeling like shit, sorry for pissing in your buddy's new boots and fondling his wife's tits sorta feeling......ooops over share....
Qnight has been looking depressed today and since the indecent he's been hiding and sleeping, didn't come up on our bed last night or come for treats when I got up this morning which has been a routine for quite a while, all 3 boys meet me for treats.

I think its like an alcohol hangover after you fked up the night before. head low feeling like shit, sorry for pissing in your buddy's new boots and fondling his wife's tits sorta feeling......ooops over share....
This crazy azz cat. She ❤️’s the deer. 🦌 Follows them, sits in the middle of the herd, goes right up to them and sniffs them. They all seem to know her.. Things you see off of my front porch when you’re enjoying a good morning buzz.IMG_1806.jpegIMG_1807.jpeg
Haha yeah I would never claim any form of glass to be indestructible, but borosilicate glass is much stronger than regular soda line silicate glass. Pyrex is also borosilicate glass and that shit is dumb strong.

You can microwave the Pyrex but not use on/in the stove iirc.

GRAV labs is who I think made ours. One was a Christmas gift that was big and multi coloured blown glass. Pretty but it cracked to easy just washing by hand. I’d never buy one like that.
Qnight has been looking depressed today and since the indecent he's been hiding and sleeping, didn't come up on our bed last night or come for treats when I got up this morning which has been a routine for quite a while, all 3 boys meet me for treats.

Wonder what set him off? He still have his original equipment?

I think its like an alcohol hangover after you fked up the night before. head low feeling like shit, sorry for pissing in your buddy's new boots and fondling his wife's tits sorta feeling......ooops over share....

You, sir, have had some interesting parties. If only the cats could talk. 🤣
Fuzzy game warden. Keeping the peace? 😸
When she first started doing this, they chased her! I looked up one day the cat was hauling azz and a deer right on her tail! I blinked my eyes cause I had never seen that before. Then I saw it was actually a game. I normally don’t bother to tell folks this stuff, cuz they would be like “yeah, right, wonder what she’s smokin.” But, this morning..I took a pic.
When she first started doing this, they chased her! I looked up one day the cat was hauling azz and a deer right on her tail! I blinked my eyes cause I had never seen that before. Then I saw it was actually a game. I normally don’t bother to tell folks this stuff, cuz they would be like “yeah, right, wonder what she’s smokin.” But, this morning..I took a pic.

Horses do it to. One of my dads barn cats, we called her the Ambassador as she was the only one allowed in the house, used to play and direct the horses. Hasn’t happened since she left years ago. Still makes me smile.

The two house cats, Boris & Natasha, siblings, used to leave offerings at the side door. The smaller female used to get huge rabbits. 😳
Wonder what set him off? He still have his original equipment?

You, sir, have had some interesting parties. If only the cats could talk. 🤣
Freedom set him off, he was having fun leading us around and racing through the woods and he didn't want it to end. He was just skipping away from us, keeping us in site them bolting away quickly. It was all fun and games until she grabbed him. He's a strong wiry Siamese type cat with deadly claws.

It was a reaction to being grabbed, I really think he knows he went off on her and was a bad cat, he seems to be sulking still. It might take a few days to get my buddy back.

No one is mad at him, he's a cat...there's no point trying to punish him. He knows. Quite a bit of blood though, he really ripped up her hands, one bad one at the base of her thumb and maybe 10 scratches & puncture holes. 5 that needed bandaids on them...
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