CannaGranny’s Corner a Thread For General BS and Good Will On BudBuilders

The water source is rain water collected during the rain season when it's cleanest atmosphere conditions here. Needs a few more vessels and hopefully will last. I add about tbsp of bleach in every vessel

I also have the creek and river below and can use a pump system. Inside I'm using lithium phosphate battery and inverter for power, plus I have a generator, I want to install some hydroelectric capacity up above me

Believe it or not, I’ve spent half or better of my life in dresses, business suits and heels. The other half, boots, carhartt’s and hoodies.
I love 👄 lipstick 💄.
I just got no back down in me. That could be a good thing or a bad one, depending on where you stand at the time. That may or may not be attributed to a mix of Native and Irish blood. 🙂
I no longer drink bourbon, 🥃.. so that leaves most safe from the wedgie threat. 😂🤣😂🥲😂🤣
Shape shifter sharp shooter she can be anywhere and do anything, our CG.
every blunder he makes tonight ya gotta drink....


saw this article on main stream news today... (just the headline)

Single dose of LSD provides immediate and lasting relief from anxiety, study says​

C'mon people!! hippies have been telling you all this for more than 50 years!!!!!

i really should stop reading headline news... but then what would i make fun of every day!! :D
every blunder he makes tonight ya gotta drink....


saw this article on main stream news today... (just the headline)

Single dose of LSD provides immediate and lasting relief from anxiety, study says​

C'mon people!! hippies have been telling you all this for more than 50 years!!!!!

i really should stop reading headline news... but then what would i make fun of every day!! :D
Someone say LSD?

This does what takes LSD 1-24hrs, this does it in 30minutes ~

You be dancin with the plants

Itll make you "better" at EVERYTHING you do, more efficient.

Gain new insights, perspective.

I could go on and on....


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every blunder he makes tonight ya gotta drink....


saw this article on main stream news today... (just the headline)

Single dose of LSD provides immediate and lasting relief from anxiety, study says​

C'mon people!! hippies have been telling you all this for more than 50 years!!!!!

i really should stop reading headline news... but then what would i make fun of every day!! :D

Just in case anyone watches and wants to play along.
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I want no more of him...gosh dam even if he wasn't the worst his age and mental health surely are in decline. 🖕🏻

One thing he taught us is how to live below the living standard and fake like we are just fine, I could sure use one of those immigration hand outs
Okay, I may need a drink now…
If this is meant to bring us together, whoever writes his speeches has some serious shortcomings.
The state of our union is not optimal I think most Americans will agree on both sides of these arguments. Lol sometimes I wonder if it's even real

I quit alcohol over twelve years ago and not looking back, two years off the methadone treatment
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i couldn't watch.. i ffwed to where he started talking and turned it off after 3 seconds. why do all these sheep need to clap after every four words!!! get some self esteem!!!
The state of our union is not optimal I think most Americans will agree on both sides of these arguments. Lol sometimes I wonder if it's even real

I quit alcohol over twelve years ago and not looking back, two years off the methadone treatment
Hey @Franksta !
Long time no see! Glad to see you are doing well!
My last drink was ten years ago. 😊
I think it all matters. Facts are facts and lies and bullshit are lies and bullshit. I don’t see that changing much.
He actually did pretty well, Mom and I saw the whole thing. The most telling part was 1 R senator mouthing the words, "I agree" to the point being made. He did pound on congress for doing nothing on the immigration bill that might (or might not) have helped. Here the government tracks all immigrants and makes them report every 90 days in person or in the mail -- failure to comply and the visitor faces expulsion. Cheeto man got several mentions in the 'gotcha now' category and he did display Marjorie Taylor Greene's button -- and it wasn't upside down. Bring in Gretchen from Michigan and don't tell Joe...
I think we need to go in a different direction this morning!

Tell me about you most stoned ever experience!
Gotta be some good ones out there!

I fell through a glass table at my best friends house, right in front of his mom. We were smoking purple sierra (it was indica but that’s all I know other than it would mess us up!). I was also drinking whisky and huffing on whippets.

Might have lost brain cells that day, no blood was spilled, but I didn’t keep our condition secret very well!
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