CannaGranny’s Corner a Thread For General BS and Good Will On BudBuilders

I think we need to go in a different direction this morning!

Tell me about you most stoned ever experience!
Gotta be some good ones out there!

I fell through a glass table at my best friends house, right in front of his mom. We were smoking purple sierra (it was indica but that’s all I know other than it would mess us up!). I was also drinking whisky and huffing on whippets.

Might have lost brain cells that day, no blood was spilled, but I didn’t keep our condition secret very well!
Ok this one is a bit messed up. I was still living at home and so was my brother, the day prior I had a huge smoke out at a buddy's house. Everyone at least had a quarter and a 5pack of blunts...there must've been 9 or 10 of us, so somewhere around 40 to 50 blunts got smoked. My buddy actually blacked out on a bong he didn't have any water in, he wanted to smoke that as well so he could layer it with hash. Anyway, I had nothing to eat that day...normal for me to skip breakfast and lunch but I was smokin out around dinner time so I didn't even think about it until later that night when i had the munchies laying in bed.

Now for the gross part. Had to take a deuce in the morning. Doing my business all I can smell is some dank ass weed, look in the bowl, lime green waste. A knock on the door, my brother wants into the bathroom. Ok so I finish up and tell him bathroom is open...he goes in and I hear "motherfucker" thinking he smelled my dookie 😆. I laugh aloud he is like "it isn't funny dude you know mom don't like you smoking that shit in her house". Now I'm really rolling in laughter, he is like "why is that funny". So then I told him, it wasn't me smokin and what it actually was that smelled like weed. I've had this happen twice both times after large amounts of weed were smoked.
He actually did pretty well, Mom and I saw the whole thing. The most telling part was 1 R senator mouthing the words, "I agree" to the point being made. He did pound on congress for doing nothing on the immigration bill that might (or might not) have helped. Here the government tracks all immigrants and makes them report every 90 days in person or in the mail -- failure to comply and the visitor faces expulsion. Cheeto man got several mentions in the 'gotcha now' category and he did display Marjorie Taylor Greene's button -- and it wasn't upside down. Bring in Gretchen from Michigan and don't tell Joe...
I fully don’t agree. But, being friends you and I we can do this.
He yelled a lot, threatened the Supreme Court judges in a super embarrassing display and lied.
Here they are turning them loose with court dates of up to seven years away. Providing them with housing, medical care, food and free transportation, while we have Americans homeless and hungry that we do not address at all. A very large number of them veterans. We have hard working families worrying that they cannot pay this months rent or mortgages and terrified that they cannot feed their children.
I have zero dislike for immigrants, but they can do the same process that my family did to become citizens in this country after being processed through Ellis Island.
Last but not least, this past week, a bill was presented to Congress asking that illegals be allowed to purchase and own guns sans a background check, nor permits. While Americans are put through the wringer to have this right.
A sad ole attempt at a worn out reelection speech, still promising to legalize cannabis, which he ran on four years ago, and zero has been done.
So, you and I see this through very different lenses. But, I respect your opinion, as I hope you do mine.
Providing them with housing, medical care, food and free transportation, while we have Americans homeless and hungry
This is a huge beef for me. I'll never forget Obama coming to Mizzou when I went there, giving a real powerful speech...felt like a change we needed even though my vote didn't matter (I think he lost Missouri) but I voted for him. Then I left school after spring. Went home to help care for my ailing grandparents, couldn't find work all summer finally found a part time 10 dollar an hour job around September....worked for a piddly couple hundo spending money (part time) made like 6 or 7k the whole year. Below the poverty line. Supposed to receive all my taxes back. Nope, Obama care had other plans for me. They decided I needed a 2k penalty for not having healthcare. Making me beyond poor as if I wasn't already....and putting me further away from their healthcare they swore I needed at a young healthy 24ish.

Now they just give it to people. I had to pay a fuckin penalty while only making 6k...clearly my status as a white male earned me all the privilege...infact I'm taxed so hard as a white male (especially when single or filing single) that I'm reminded every tax season of said privileges. 🤮

That's why in my mind, I'm an outlaw...don't regret any times I've evaded taxes or broken rules....those taxes and rules sort of broke me in mind, spirit and definitely wallet
Well would it make you feel any better to know I took out the insurance (three times the cost of the policy I had always carried, with half of the benefits), and at the end of the year, they decided it wasn’t enough, even tho they sat the cost, penalized me and added an extra 1700.00 to my tax bill?
No winning with a government that steals every penny they can get from their citizens, all to hand..hand over someone illegally in this country?
I have played their game. Worked like a dog from the age of 14. Flipped burgers to help pay for thousands in education that frankly really never benefited me. Skipped vacations and eating out to save every penny. Working 2-3 jobs at a time. Wearing old mended clothing and growing a lot of my own food to save on groceries.
Today, all that I have earned or saved sits in an account that they determine how much of my money I can use and it’s still being taxed. Even though every penny has had taxes paid on it already?
There is no such thing as fair, nor a reward when we live with a government that stays awake at night figuring out ways to legally steal our money.
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So many emojis over that one granny love, anger, agree... beautifully said...

I think we would just be better off with as little govt as possible and the people who are afraid of it should give it a shot we've been doing the big govt for a long while and it's become a corporate entity of its own...not owned by the shareholders either

Think I'm just disillusioned with it all anymore
So many emojis over that one granny love, anger, agree... beautifully said...

I think we would just be better off with as little govt as possible and the people who are afraid of it should give it a shot we've been doing the big govt for a long while and it's become a corporate entity of its own...not owned by the shareholders either

Think I'm just disillusioned with it all anymore
I think we all are!
Does not matter who is in control. Two wings, the right and the left..of the same bird!🦅
I think we all are!
Does not matter who is in control. Two wings, the right and the left..of the same bird!🦅
Saw a video that said a visual representation of earned income tax and it was a couple coyotes fighting over a rabbit and a bald eagle swoops in and steals it from them.


It was perfect
When I could do a state of the union more diplomatically than our leaders can..this country is in trouble!
The SOU addresses are always political shit shows. I never watch them. They don’t convince anybody of anything nor do they move the needle in any direction during election years. Folks already have their minds made up on who they are voting for. There is no such thing as an undecided voter. There are just those who admit who they are voting for and those who won’t. Biden can’t get voted out fast enough. He did a lot of damage to this country.
I think we all are!
Does not matter who is in control. Two wings, the right and the left..of the same bird!🦅

thats a good way to put it Granny!!!

i feel like the left is so far left and the right just wants to be anything but left and we're stuck in the middle paying for it all!!
thats a good way to put it Granny!!!

i feel like the left is so far left and the right just wants to be anything but left and we're stuck in the middle paying for it all!!
And yet nothing gets done. But the debt clock spins away like the wheel of fortune. I’m glad I’m old and have lived the bulk of my life already. Would hate to be a young person today starting out life. Good luck to you future generations because your going to need it on our current trajectory.
I fully don’t agree. But, being friends you and I we can do this.
He yelled a lot, threatened the Supreme Court judges in a super embarrassing display and lied.
Here they are turning them loose with court dates of up to seven years away. Providing them with housing, medical care, food and free transportation, while we have Americans homeless and hungry that we do not address at all. A very large number of them veterans. We have hard working families worrying that they cannot pay this months rent or mortgages and terrified that they cannot feed their children.
I have zero dislike for immigrants, but they can do the same process that my family did to become citizens in this country after being processed through Ellis Island.
Last but not least, this past week, a bill was presented to Congress asking that illegals be allowed to purchase and own guns sans a background check, nor permits. While Americans are put through the wringer to have this right.
A sad ole attempt at a worn out reelection speech, still promising to legalize cannabis, which he ran on four years ago, and zero has been done.
So, you and I see this through very different lenses. But, I respect your opinion, as I hope you do mine.
Vast majority of the people coming from Mexico were here on this continent before ellis island and America was ever created. Cause they are actual Native American People.

Who's the invaders here is up for debate imo

Lots of landslides and destruction happening down there and Americans were and are built from immigrants.

IMHO, only commies build walls and put a gate or moat to keep our the undesirables. Open boarders created our prosperity

I've worked with thousands of immigrants who are doctors, nurses or healthcare providers who have filed positions in the workforce that Americans lack the credentials. Thus creating many more jobs and expanding our economy. All while taking care of American children and the elderly.

Same thing can be said for the technology sector.
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I'm in the party of chaos. None of these guys speak for me or have my interests in mind. Career liar politician from Delaware? Nope. Some lying grifter con man from New York wearing more make up than a drag queen? Nope

No way I'll watch a SOU speech. I watched Days of Thunder for the 27th time instead 🥴

When Obama and Romney went at it in 2012...This sign was in my yard just to fuck with people


I may have another sign made for this election to stick out in the yard...Something like vote for Toaster Oven because I'm pretty sure any toaster oven will do a better job than the two self serving asshats we're being presented with again this cycle.

Super thankful none of these clowns have an impact in my life and I can check out of it but also disappointed in the fact that these guys are the best we can do? I mean, if we're going with old fucks then my vote is Willie Nelson for prez. At least I'd be proud of him to be my prez. Not these dudes
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Vast majority of the people coming from Mexico were here on this continent before ellis island and America was ever created. Cause they are actual native American people.

Who's the invaders here is up for debate imo
If you view it that way...I'm of the view point none of them were alive when the boundaries were formed and they were fully born and raised in Mexico some 15 to 40 years ago when the lines had been drawn and decided upon.
If you view it that way...I'm of the view point none of them were alive when the boundaries were formed and they were fully born and raised in Mexico some 15 to 40 years ago when the lines had been drawn and decided upon.
Yeah I think the indigenous people have certain rights that need to be respected

But no doubt my ancestors play a role in my viewpoint on the issue

The Montgomery were Scottish royals who colonized Montgomery Alabama, came over before America was USA, and the other side I have Cherokee ancestry that probably either married into a white family or perhaps survived the trail of tears.

My family Crest is a woman with a anchor in one hand and the head of a savage in the other with royal colors

America is for ALL PEOPLE not just European people or those with six figure income, or comfortable assets
This is what makes America great IMHO everyone gets to have their own opinion on issues even if they are misguided radicals, racist, hateful or just out of ignorance... I believe they generally are in the minority of both sides.

Our personal freedoms, as individuals not just a segment of society or some slogans or wearing a political hat of any color or type

Lots of Americans have been living in a echo chamber all their lives, and simply cannot fathom anything different.
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I get ya it's a tough subject and I have native American heritage too, what's going on here just doesn't seem sustainable to me

Imagine if every American decided they wanted to go back to Europe, hard to imagine that working. I could feel like some of Europe is mine and my homeland but I don't, and wouldn't expect them to give me a spot.
I get ya it's a tough subject and I have native American heritage too, what's going on here just doesn't seem sustainable to me

Imagine if every American decided they wanted to go back to Europe, hard to imagine that working. I could feel like some of Europe is mine and my homeland but I don't, and wouldn't expect them to give me a spot.
I think this is a false argument and that immigration creates more jobs than goes to immigrants.

Take a technology workers and doctors for example. A single qualified individual can contribute tens or perhaps hundreds of other positions that less qualified people can fill

The economy has expanded in the last thirty years and unemployment rates are at 3.9 as of February. It's not a lack of jobs, more likely a lack of someone who doesn't want a particular job and feeling entitled to something better

I suggest finding your own gigs and working for yourself. This way you get to steer your own destiny and not dependant upon somebody else
The biggest threat to the economy IMHO is billionaires and big corporations that pay little or no taxes and provide more loophole for the CEO and board of directors. Black political money their lobbiest lawyer minions

Union busting, and no retirement benefits for the people who actually do the brain work and heavy lifting for these billionaires.

Corporate and billionaires are what is responsible for what you described not the Mexican strawberry picker and bush trimmer
It's think if people are genuinely interested in politics they need a open mind and a great deal of historical insight

Both is sorely lacking these days

We're not a Christan nation nor do we have a King no matter how many people think otherwise. We fought two wars over this one issue. The revolution and 1812

The founding fathers were almost exclusively Masons, which were venomly against any forms of nepotism and theocracy
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Serious discussion on my front porch.
Subject: Twerking.
Hubby: “We used to have a cat that did that until we got her fixed.”
The biggest threat to the economy IMHO is billionaires and big corporations that pay little or no taxes and provide more loophole for the CEO and board of directors. Black political money their lobbiest lawyer minions

Union busting, and no retirement benefits for the people who actually do the brain work and heavy lifting for these billionaires.

Corporate and billionaires are what is responsible for what you described not the Mexican strawberry picker and bush trimmer
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