CannaGranny’s Corner a Thread For General BS and Good Will On BudBuilders



Tell me about you most stoned ever experience!
Gotta be some good ones out there!
Drinking and smoking up on a flat roof during winter vacation with my buddy back in high school.
1982 lets say. The year Sporto rubber boots were big and I had just got a pair for Xmas.
I looked at the roof next door and told my buddy I bet I could make it if I jumped.
Then told him that my boots would stick like glue[ the soles looked like glue~!] to other roof and I would walk right up it.
Went to jump and he stopped me. Wouldn't let me do it. I told him was over it and settled down and then dodged him and made my leap~!
I remember hitting the other roof [ I made it] and then watching it go right out from under me. It was slate and was off like an ice cube~!
Hit the ground about 16' down and folded up like an accordion. When I looked up he was almost over the edge following me when said don't jump, it is higher then it looks~! limped home and felt it for over a month.

A drunk goes into a new bar. Having a couple of drinks he sees a sign that says Help Wanted 1 million dollar pay need 3 task completed.
Ordering his next round he asks the bartender is that sign for real? The bartender says yea it is real, I put it up. You want to hear about the 3 task?
The drunk says yup and bartender starts out.
For task 1 do you see that extremely large man at the end of the bar? Every night he drinks too much and causes trouble with other customers.
Just once I would like to see someone knock him out with one punch. Knock him out one shot and task 1 is done.
Next for task 2 I have a pet alligator I keep out back. She has a bad tooth and I need it removed. You can't hurt her or anything bad. Pull that tooth and task 2 is complete.
For task 3 my elderly grandmother has not been satisfied in a long time. If you can pleasure her that is task 3.
The drunk keeps drinking for a while thinking about it and finally finishes his last drink rolls up his sleeves and say to the bartender I accept your job~!
He walks down to extremely large man at the end of the bar and knocks him out one punch. Just like that done~!.
He looks at the bartender and starts walking to the back door and tells the bartender I will be back shortly.
You could hear all sorts of screaming and alligator noises and stuff just getting thrown all over for like 5 minutes and then just quiet. Another 5 minutes pass and the drunk comes back in bloody and with his clothes all ripped up and torn.
He looks at the bartender and says OK where is the old broad that needs her tooth pulled~! :D
Drinking and smoking up on a flat roof during winter vacation with my buddy back in high school.
1982 lets say. The year Sporto rubber boots were big and I had just got a pair for Xmas.
I looked at the roof next door and told my buddy I bet I could make it if I jumped.
Then told him that my boots would stick like glue[ the soles looked like glue~!] to other roof and I would walk right up it.
Went to jump and he stopped me. Wouldn't let me do it. I told him was over it and settled down and then dodged him and made my leap~!
I remember hitting the other roof [ I made it] and then watching it go right out from under me. It was slate and was off like an ice cube~!
Hit the ground about 16' down and folded up like an accordion. When I looked up he was almost over the edge following me when said don't jump, it is higher then it looks~! limped home and felt it for over a month.

da f@ck is wrong with you? jumping off a perfectly good roof!!! you didn't learn huh, still on rooves to this day!!! haha

the only times in my life that i ever jumped off anything there was water underneath!!! screw that hard stuff to land on!! 😆
Got my Ethos Hahs Plant seeds and 2 freebies~!
The freebie I chose was female Grape Crescendo [ Ethos 3 seeds] and another unexpected freebie Punch Line BX1 Regular [ Ethos 5 seeds].
I grew the original Crescendo[ still have full pack] and it was killer. Sweet leaf had his tested at close to or over 30%. I can't wait to try it with grape.The original had the most funky body odor smell before cure. It was the must pungent/offensive bud so far~!
Happy Friday Granny~!
Yeah I think the indigenous people have certain rights that need to be respected

But no doubt my ancestors play a role in my viewpoint on the issue

The Montgomery were Scottish royals who colonized Montgomery Alabama, came over before America was USA, and the other side I have Cherokee ancestry that probably either married into a white family or perhaps survived the trail of tears.

My family Crest is a woman with a anchor in one hand and the head of a savage in the other with royal colors

America is for ALL PEOPLE not just European people or those with six figure income, or comfortable assets
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@Franksta , you may be my cousin…
Got my Ethos Hahs Plant seeds and 2 freebies~!
The freebie I chose was female Grape Crescendo [ Ethos 3 seeds] and another unexpected freebie Punch Line BX1 Regular [ Ethos 5 seeds].
I grew the original Crescendo[ still have full pack] and it was killer. Sweet leaf had his tested at close to or over 30%. I can't wait to try it with grape.The original had the most funky body odor smell before cure. It was the must pungent/offensive bud so far~!
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Happy Friday Granny~!
Only did 4 days this week but 4:45am-5:15pm is my leave return times.
Looking forward to tomorrow and not getting up at 4 am. Did it with no alarm still.:oops:
At least both Planet grapes have to come down and the Mandarin cookies R3 are there IMO.
Probably 4 more ready in 1 week or maybe less.
Daylights this weekend also for you stoners~!
I worked midnights for a couple of these and always got burned by day staff being late.
Saw some bananas were available to add to my new FFJ. Got a wooden spoon across my knuckles reaching for them. Apparently they are spoken for. Someone is making banana bread this week.

At least she gave me some of tonight’s batch.

Chocolate chips and walnuts. 👌
Who are you up so early and what have you done to Stoney?:ROFLMAO:
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birds outside woke me up, laid there for 20 minutes and couldn't get back to sleep. my woman had coffee going already anyway. bushy tailed!!!

gonna rain all day and night, gonna get a few quick chores done before i get drenched!!


i like that business card idea!!! i normally sign them up for annoying spam!! :ROFLMAO:
Spring is upon us. Check this out this has to be one of the larger migratory groups of birds in North America. I live across the river from Alton and last year I seen them over Alton as I was driving and the flow of birds went on for no joke 40 mins (just that I saw). Gotta be over a million in this group it never seems to end. They look like bats swarming out of a cave. This year they're making a pitstop over my place.IMG_20240309_074734041.jpgIMG_20240309_074756218.jpg
Spring is upon us. Check this out this has to be one of the larger migratory groups of birds in North America. I live across the river from Alton and last year I seen them over Alton as I was driving and the flow of birds went on for no joke 40 mins (just that I saw). Gotta be over a million in this group it never seems to end. They look like bats swarming out of a cave. This year they're making a pitstop over my place.View attachment 48516View attachment 48517
Waterfowl too, but they travel by night.
The biggest threat to the economy IMHO is billionaires and big corporations that pay little or no taxes and provide more loophole for the CEO and board of directors. Black political money their lobbiest lawyer minions

Union busting, and no retirement benefits for the people who actually do the brain work and heavy lifting for these billionaires.

Corporate and billionaires are what is responsible for what you described not the Mexican strawberry picker and bush trimmer
Agree with most of your statement but I see million and billionaires as only taking advantage of the system they bought and paid for. The legislators, judges and SCOTUS that helped pass McConnel vs. FEC, McCutcheon vs. FEC and Citizens United vs FEC are the ones to blame for the crisis we are in in regard to politics. Money in politics is the root of all those problems. We used to severely restrict money to only donations from the general public along with a set amount of funding provided to the final candidates by the Feds for that very reason. No shadow groups propped up by even shadowier billionaires or countries interfering in our elections hiding behind layers of shell groups to hide their identity. Why would you need to hide who you're giving money to if your intentions are honorable, or you truly feel it's for the good of the country? Because it all comes back to the core. Greed, Power and Money. When SCOTUS decided that money is a form of free speech we hammered in the last nail in the coffin for this country. This essentially opened the doors to legalized corruption. Not that our country isn't already corrupt but at least there was a thin veil keeping the majority of it under some control but that is all but gone now.

Democrats keep yelling about how Donald Trump being elected into the White House again will be the end of Democracy but that already happened in 2010 when plutocracy took over after those rulings. The only difference is Donald Trump has no shame in doing it out in the open and his supporters don't care if he does emboldening him even further.
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Hey, I was thinkin...Why are there no deep fried Rabbit places?....Chicken shops everywhere KFC and such not a chopped bunny shop around......They breed like...rabits,...they can grow huge,......... there feet are lucky charms...their fur could be used for slippers.....WTF.......Easter would be huge.....

Proof I can grow good weed sometimes....I get great ideas.....
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