CannaGranny’s Corner a Thread For General BS and Good Will On BudBuilders

I am saving material for an RSO run as my cancer has returned after 16 great years. I smoke 6-7 doobies a day, glad to have help from all the community, I am very grateful. SS
Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you bro, it's a fight we have in common. I'm here anytime if you need anything, please do not hesitate to message me. Much love 💚
Mornin Yiz Menz.
When You read right off first thing that the big C word is wrecking havoc upon our members and their family members, it makes one’s heart hurt. I absolutely cannot believe in a so called Great Nation such as ours that we have not defeated this disease.
I try to find joy in the simple things and never forget that each day we are granted is a blessing and not a given.
With that said, I think it’s time for me to head upstairs, sit in the floor, haul out my scissors, soak in some bright lights and give these ladies a haircut. 💇‍♀️
Catch up with Yiz this evening.
On a side note my Doctor told me I have 80 HD I'm not sure what HD is but 80 sounds like a lot....
Whats going on @TomH I didn't realize you were not feeling well.hope you feel better....
Been having some headaches all of a sudden. Between Thanksgiving and the beginning of february, I probably had 8 days without a headache. They have been lessening up in both intensity and quantity but they wanted to look at the brain with and without contrast, veins with and without contrast and one other scan that I can’t recall. That one was probably the flashy thingy that replaced my memory like on men in black!

They diagnosed it as cluster headaches, sometimes the sumatriptan helps, sometimes it doesn’t. I’m pretty sure a big dose of mushrooms would reset the brain chemistry, but I’m still afraid to take them. Too many memories I don’t want dredged up.
Been having some headaches all of a sudden. Between Thanksgiving and the beginning of february, I probably had 8 days without a headache. They have been lessening up in both intensity and quantity but they wanted to look at the brain with and without contrast, veins with and without contrast and one other scan that I can’t recall. That one was probably the flashy thingy that replaced my memory like on men in black!

They diagnosed it as cluster headaches, sometimes the sumatriptan helps, sometimes it doesn’t. I’m pretty sure a big dose of mushrooms would reset the brain chemistry, but I’m still afraid to take them. Too many memories I don’t want dredged up.
Glad they didn't find anything. ya I do a mushroom reset a couple times a year.
I used to love them, cyans grow in the parks where I live, pretty easy to get if ya know what to look for and what to throw away. They put ya through some serious mental gymnastics, not ready for that.
Micro doseing realy helped my wife with anxiety. I'm not sure it would do anything for your head aches. She took a tenth of a dryed gram every other day for like 10 months.
Micro doseing realy helped my wife with anxiety. I'm not sure it would do anything for your head aches. She took a tenth of a dryed gram every other day for like 10 months.
I don’t know about microdosing either. I attended a MAPS conference back in 2009. A speaker that was wrapping up some double blind testing going on at Brown University indicated that doses of 40mg wee being used and they were seeing a success rate of over 90% for more than 3 months were headache free.

40mg is a heroic dose!
I don’t know about microdosing either. I attended a MAPS conference back in 2009. A speaker that was wrapping up some double blind testing going on at Brown University indicated that doses of 40mg wee being used and they were seeing a success rate of over 90% for more than 3 months were headache free.

40mg is a heroic dose!
Definitely look into treating cluster headaches with micro dosing. Tons of info out there it's extremely popular.
My wife has cluster headaches too but she just smokes a bunch of pot and lays down, which doesn't accomplish much lol.

I don’t know about microdosing either. I attended a MAPS conference back in 2009. A speaker that was wrapping up some double blind testing going on at Brown University indicated that doses of 40mg wee being used and they were seeing a success rate of over 90% for more than 3 months were headache free.

40mg is a heroic dose!
Mabey I'm doing my math wrong I'm pretty baked,but 40 mg would be about half a tenth of a gram.if you figure a gram is 1000 mg.should be an unfeeling wife was taking about 100 mg and couldn't feel it.
Ya don’t like spaghetti? 🍝
Any other pasta is fine, but spaghetti can go straight to hell 🤣
Idk what it is but I hate spaghetti specifically, angel hair, fettuccine, linguine, literally any other pasta and I'll eat it. Spaghetti is just a big no go, I don't even buy it if it's 50 cents a box lol.
Any other pasta is fine, but spaghetti can go straight to hell 🤣
Idk what it is but I hate spaghetti specifically, angel hair, fettuccine, linguine, literally any other pasta and I'll eat it. Spaghetti is just a big no go, I don't even buy it if it's 50 cents a box lol.
Not something we eat often, but darn the Hubby has the sauce down to an art!
We eat some form of pasta probably twice a week, it's a super cheap easy meal with kids lol and I like sauces of all kinds pretty much. I really enjoy a homemade sauce tho, you can't beat that.
I make a pretty mean Alfredo in like 10 minutes lol
We eat some form of pasta probably twice a week, it's a super cheap easy meal with kids lol and I like sauces of all kinds pretty much. I really enjoy a homemade sauce tho, you can't beat that.
My fav is lasagna! We don’t eat a lot of pasta, probably why I enjoy it so when we do. I can’t get away with all the starch and carbs in it. Will shoot my blood sugar readings up fast! I can get away with some hot chocolates every once in awhile. Potatoes is another that will cause havoc and I loveeeeee potatoes! Fried, smashed, baked, twice baked, mashed, stewed..French fries 🍟 hash browns..
My fav is lasagna! We don’t eat a lot of pasta, probably why I enjoy it so when we do. I can’t get away with all the starch and carbs in it. Will shoot my blood sugar readings up fast! I can get away with some hot chocolates every once in awhile. Potatoes is another that will cause havoc and I loveeeeee potatoes! Fried, smashed, baked, twice baked, mashed, stewed..French fries 🍟 hash browns..
Mmmmmm. I love lasagna, cant go wromg with a good pasta cake!
I never liked potatoes when I was younger but now I can't get enough of em, I really enjoy salt potatoes and twice baked 😋
Mabey I'm doing my math wrong I'm pretty baked,but 40 mg would be about half a tenth of a gram.if you figure a gram is 1000 mg.should be an unfeeling wife was taking about 100 mg and couldn't feel it.
40mg of pure psilocybin, not of mushrooms.
Most people start feeling 5mg
10mg is enough to be strong to some
20mg is wicked strong to just about everyone.
40mg will take you on an elevator ride to the lowest floor of your psyche and you’ll need to explore your way back.
  • Deleted by Pipecarver
  • Reason: wrong post
II think that one you missed, went right over your head.......say it out loud....80HD......My cholesterol is fine, its my brain. it was a I have a hard time staying on task ....bad joke...I guess.....
I love spaghetti, I don't like the shit they served at the high school cafeteria though and that's how my love makes it 😂
What do you call spaghetti that's been boiled for 30 minutes???? I called it shit, my wife doesn't boil spaghetti any more....that was 30 years ago...she holds a grudge a long time......We won't talk about bean dip either.....
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