CannaGranny’s Corner a Thread For General BS and Good Will On BudBuilders

that sucks man, thats good cheap meat right there!!!! do you ever go for any big game? bear, elk, caribou, will they eat any of that?
i assume your rabbits are pets and not for raising? i had rabbits growing up, not pets.. food.. don't know why i ever stopped doing that. i liked raising rabbits. hmmm..
I was supposed to go on an elk hunt in 2016 but my dad got sick and we never rescheduled.
I don't like bear, its greasy garbage meat imo lol.
I do enjoy rabbit, and we ate rehiming the rabbits actually, them and 2 cats are getting expensive, so we found someone we know and trust to take them and we go see them often so we'd see the rabbits still.
that sucks man, thats good cheap meat right there!!!! do you ever go for any big game? bear, elk, caribou, will they eat any of that?
i assume your rabbits are pets and not for raising? i had rabbits growing up, not pets.. food.. don't know why i ever stopped doing that. i liked raising rabbits. hmmm..
Delicious but expensive to buy, I try and shoot a couple of the wild ones a year
So my FIL gives me these papers, he rides a one wheel gets them from the site he shops on all the time.

With every order you get jumbo jets and landing gear😂 (papers and filters)
The filters even say "float on : )"
The inside of the papers says "do it yourself paper airplane kit" lmao
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View attachment 51580
Nice roll! I recently got a free pack of Futurola Classic's when I got some seeds and they are my new favorite over RAW black's. Super thin and they burn really nicely.
Yea it got 2 days and about 25 mins of my time...I much prefer Photoshop.

Running and old pirated version of it tho...the new version of that is all subscription based...nah
The creative suite is actually not too expensive if you use it a lot. I shoot real estate photography on the side so I need photoshop. If your a student its a lot cheaper.
Beauty of a day here too in the st Charles county region, awoke to some roots on some clones I got going, heck yea...been having some trouble cloning I think it was just a temperature deal

Watering the hell outta my tents cranking on the dehu to sop up anything too much and I'm headed outside with my boy!
You too. Spending the weekend downtown stl with mosh and his wife and son going to the super cross. Should be right proper. Curly fries is coming for the bbq and leaving before the race. (n):rolleyes:
You fellas have a good time, I used to be into the motor cross...Ricky Carmichael, Jeremy McGrath big battles back in the day. Nice weekend to get out. Enjoy that shit
Lmaooo oh em gee if you put weed growing stickers on my furniture..
All heart you are, and you make me laugh!
Hahaha that's my weed armoire lol 😆
I covered it in stickers 🤪
But it was already scratched and has a big peel on the front I covered with stickers lol.
Its literally full of everything weed related that I own.
Hahaha that's my weed armoire lol 😆
I covered it in stickers 🤪
But it was already scratched and has a big peel on the front I covered with stickers lol.
Its literally full of everything weed related that I own.
I see that! Lmaooo! 🙂
I gotta quit playing! Gotta smush some pretty plants and cup some clones. Catch yiz this afternoon with some pics!
Mornin Yiz Menz!
@MDK puleeeeeze no nakie Nancy Pelosi! 🤦‍♀️
Fer Gawds sakes no Maxine pics! That would send me round the bend!
@steamroller on the 🥯 you just need a sharper knife! 🔪
Dropping the table on my ladies heads this day. Gonna get my scrog on!
Maxine Waters is really James Brown in drag if you didn’t know.
Looking great in there bro. Mars Hydro actually makes some solid tents. I have a 2.3x2.3 from mars hydro and the material/zippers etc are higher quality than the Vivosun tents.
So it's actually a downgrade from my ac infinity tents, but having the extra space will be so much more productive that it's worth it lol.
The ac infinity tents are like 1 step below Gorilla Grow Tent.
So it's actually a downgrade from my ac infinity tents, but having the extra space will be so much more productive that it's worth it lol.
The ac infinity tents are like 1 step below Gorilla Grow Tent.

so is that a whole new extra tent ready to be filled? or is just an upgrade and is already kinda filled?
He is gonna have so much room may be able to even squeeze in a fat outta shape axl rose to sing welcome to the jungle when the zipper opens
"In this part of my 4x8 tent I have some Triangle Death Skunk from Dragons Flame Genetics. In the other part of the tent I have Axl Rose who is well past his prime and frankly...will be culled soon" lmao
So it's actually a downgrade from my ac infinity tents, but having the extra space will be so much more productive that it's worth it lol.
The ac infinity tents are like 1 step below Gorilla Grow Tent.
Gorilla Grow Tents are nice but dayum they pricey. 4x8 was a good choice though, gonna be an epic scrog. What lights you got in there?
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