CannaGranny’s Corner a Thread For General BS and Good Will On BudBuilders

Ok I gotta work on my clean up tent is full I have good buds on top but under those is smaller larfy stuff that’s above the SCROG but must not be getting enough light to mature?
Do you strip all that at 21 days of flower or something?
ps I have a double net also but should have pinned the corners like you everything is laying over now 🤦🏻‍♂️ Newb
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Yeah one thing you would notice if I photographed from the top is that every single cola is well lit. I defoil heavy on week three, but try to not go past week 3.5.
Both sides of the tent unzip, just like the front, so I can get up from the sides.

ahh i see... i can't do that... i think i'll be okay though, i use one of those grab reach tools to get to the back wall of my cabinet.

i like how your screen stretches a lot... where do you buy them?
okaaay... so you attached all the corners first and then carefully slid corner by corner round and round till it fit where you liked it?
Attached all four corners and just slid it down the tent poles until it was as low as I wanted it.
ahh i see... i can't do that... i think i'll be okay though, i use one of those grab reach tools to get to the back wall of my cabinet.

i like how your screen stretches a lot... where do you buy them?
Are you calling the black net a screen? If so, it’s a trellis net. I get them off of Amazon. They are measured for the size of your tent and fairly inexpensive.
Are you calling the black net a screen? If so, it’s a trellis net. I get them off of Amazon. They are measured for the size of your tent and fairly inexpensive.

yeah i was calling your top net a screen but i now realize thats opposite and you call the bottom one the screen and the top one the net... i'm catching on, one thing you might not know is i'm slow!! hahaha you probably already figured that out!!! hahahaha

thanks for that link and also thanks so much for all your advice tonight and this makes me feel pretty comfortable going forward to try!
yeah i was calling your top net a screen but i now realize thats opposite and you call the bottom one the screen and the top one the net... i'm catching on, one thing you might not know is i'm slow!! hahaha you probably already figured that out!!! hahahaha

thanks for that link and also thanks so much for all your advice tonight and this makes me feel pretty comfortable going forward to try!
Like I said if I can help, just hit me up! Ive been on scrog now about nine years. Once I did it and literally tripled my take, I just couldn’t stop! lol..
ahh i see... i can't do that... i think i'll be okay though, i use one of those grab reach tools to get to the back wall of my cabinet.

i like how your screen stretches a lot... where do you buy them?
Buddy we need to make your bottom of your cabinet like a creeper so it will slide out.
Then you could install poles for a scrog and have easy access to the whole grow.
There are some pretty low wheels that screw on a simple flat piece of plywood.
Buddy we need to make your bottom of your cabinet like a creeper so it will slide out.
Then you could install poles for a scrog and have easy access to the whole grow.
There are some pretty low wheels that screw on a simple flat piece of plywood.
holy shit, thats a great idea!!!!! like the football fields do!!!

i got a bunch of these i could put under the plywood liner i have in there!!!

Those should be perfect~!
Dude no more reach tool unless something falls off the back of the tray~!
I have wheels like that on a base that is a drawer of my TV stand.
It looks solid but is a drawer that slides open on the floor~!
DSC_0842 - Copy.JPGDSC_0843 - Copy.JPG
Those should be perfect~!
Dude no more reach tool unless something falls off the back of the tray~!
I have wheels like that on a base that is a drawer of my TV stand.
It looks solid but is a drawer that slides open on the floor~!
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thats a really neat design!!! man the whole reason i have my turntable was to perpetual plants in a nd out without moving the other ones in different phases. a slide out table where i could get all the way around would make an awesome perpetual setup. the center plants would still suck to reach over and pull up but it wouldn't be nearly as bad if you could get 360* around the plants!!...
ah that's what i'm talkin bout right there.... i like that idea!!!!!!!

my plan was the same. i have hemp wick i was going to use then just cut out the strings when done, but if i can lift the whole thing off and leave the plants in place i would much rather have that.

hell yeah Happy Belated man!!!! hope you had a fun birthday!!!


i'm getting a face palm right here...

so whats the most unseen thing in grow pics??? ^^^ painted toenails!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha
Thank you my brother! It was fun, went for a 100 mile bike ride with 14 mph winds lol. Thankfully I had a tailwind on the way back :D.
Happy late birthday brother.
Thank you my brother! 👊
Sitting here dying to flip these plants to flower just waiting to see if I can get this super glazed haze clone to root before I do. Sona da bish

Lmao y'all have any family that said cuss words funny like? Son of a bitch was a phrase that often got mishandled around my folks.

There was sonsa bitch, Sona da bitch, sumna bitch, summon na bitch, sum bitch, Sonya bitches....very very colorful flare with that phrase and my peeps...very liberal in the pronunciation 😜
Mornin Yiz Menz!
So, I have to tell you how my night ended. In trouble, with the Hubby! Seems he does not like me disappearing into the wood line with a flashlight and a 9.
Last night right after telling you guys good night, a sound I have NEVER heard before startled the hell out of me.
It came closer and closer and became louder and louder. Sounded at first kind of like a deer in severe distress. So, I got a light and my pistol out of the car and headed out there. As the sound came closer and closer it was louder and louder. I also knew then it was not a deer. Not sure what the hell it was. My yelling and telling it to get out of here, didn’t even slow it down, buttttt…it did wake the Hubby and he came out there.
Thats when I got into trouble. Seems he would like a heads up on my “escapades“, and would very much appreciate my not going into the woods at night, armed or not. At least he says without a notification. (I’ll leave him a note next time!)
He did get to hear it, it addled him as well. I know the sounds of the woods at night, this was unlike anything I have ever heard before and still do not know what it was. It seemed to be moving closer and still screaming, yet no noise whatsoever from underfoot like dry leaves or twigs cracking.
Just a weird damn thing. I’d be okay if I never heard that again.
The Hubby made me promise I would never do that again. Thennnn the Bunny took my 🧺 for being a badddd girl. He knows me, he knows I would do it again. I don’t like boiled eggs anyway..
Mornin Yiz Menz!
So, I have to tell you how my night ended. In trouble, with the Hubby! Seems he does not like me disappearing into the wood line with a flashlight and a 9.
Last night right after telling you guys good night, a sound I have NEVER heard before startled the hell out of me.
It came closer and closer and became louder and louder. Sounded at first kind of like a deer in severe distress. So, I got a light and my pistol out of the car and headed out there. As the sound came closer and closer it was louder and louder. I also knew then it was not a deer. Not sure what the hell it was. My yelling and telling it to get out of here, didn’t even slow it down, buttttt…it did wake the Hubby and he came out there.
Thats when I got into trouble. Seems he would like a heads up on my “escapades“, and would very much appreciate my not going into the woods at night, armed or not. At least he says without a notification. (I’ll leave him a note next time!)
He did get to hear it, it addled him as well. I know the sounds of the woods at night, this was unlike anything I have ever heard before and still do not know what it was. It seemed to be moving closer and still screaming, yet no noise whatsoever from underfoot like dry leaves or twigs cracking.
Just a weird damn thing. I’d be okay if I never heard that again.
The Hubby made me promise I would never do that again. Thennnn the Bunny took my 🧺 for being a badddd girl. He knows me, he knows I would do it again. I don’t like boiled eggs anyway..
My bad granny won't happen again 😜MV5BODkyMWFhNGEtZDc1Yy00MmQ1LWFjODAtNGU3ZTQyYTdmNmI4XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjUyNDk2ODc@._V1_~2.jpg
Mornin Yiz Menz!
So, I have to tell you how my night ended. In trouble, with the Hubby! Seems he does not like me disappearing into the wood line with a flashlight and a 9.
Last night right after telling you guys good night, a sound I have NEVER heard before startled the hell out of me.
It came closer and closer and became louder and louder. Sounded at first kind of like a deer in severe distress. So, I got a light and my pistol out of the car and headed out there. As the sound came closer and closer it was louder and louder. I also knew then it was not a deer. Not sure what the hell it was. My yelling and telling it to get out of here, didn’t even slow it down, buttttt…it did wake the Hubby and he came out there.
Thats when I got into trouble. Seems he would like a heads up on my “escapades“, and would very much appreciate my not going into the woods at night, armed or not. At least he says without a notification. (I’ll leave him a note next time!)
He did get to hear it, it addled him as well. I know the sounds of the woods at night, this was unlike anything I have ever heard before and still do not know what it was. It seemed to be moving closer and still screaming, yet no noise whatsoever from underfoot like dry leaves or twigs cracking.
Just a weird damn thing. I’d be okay if I never heard that again.
The Hubby made me promise I would never do that again. Thennnn the Bunny took my 🧺 for being a badddd girl. He knows me, he knows I would do it again. I don’t like boiled eggs anyway..
If you HAD to compare the noise to something, what would you compare it to? I know that foxes can make a yelling sound that sounds like a woman screaming.

Glad you weren't attacked by whatever the fk was out there! Gotta say that you got some cajones going out there by yourself, armed or not lol. Better to go with your hubby next time cuz at least one of you can be a witness to whatever happens :D.
If you HAD to compare the noise to something, what would you compare it to? I know that foxes can make a yelling sound that sounds like a woman screaming.

Glad you weren't attacked by whatever the fk was out there! Gotta say that you got some cajones going out there by yourself, armed or not lol. Better to go with your hubby next time cuz at least one of you can be a witness to whatever happens :D.
If I could compare it it would be the sound of a deer blowing to create a warning to the others. Why I originally went out there. I believed something was stalking a deer. (Before you get started, I knew it could be a bear or a mountain lion doing the stalking as per Hubby as well!)
When I got behind the house where the sound was coming from, I knew that was not what I was hearing. I have a herd of five does that stay in my yard. Not a deer around this morning. So whatever it was had for sure spooked my deer.
I know the sound of the fox. They also whistle. A woman screaming here is normally the sound of the panther. 🐆
We do have barred owls here and they sound like demented crazy looney laughter.
I may not be in tune with my human neighbor, but I am in tune with the earth and Creators creatures.
I hope to never hear this noise again.
PS.. I don’t recall opening a vote up about if I should listen to the Hubby or not.. just sayin 😂
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