But you live near the beach right~!:rolleyes:

Going to make my fourth order soon.
That will make $3600 for the season not including the fuel I started with~!🤬

i only gave em $800 this time... my third order... 3.55 a gallon. yeah lets give more money to ukrain and israel and everybody f'in else!
i only gave em $800 this time... my third order... 3.55 a gallon. yeah lets give more money to ukrain and israel and everybody f'in else!
Price of gas here just got jacked because of all the "expected travelling to see the eclipse"
How TF does that make sense.... damn rapists...
They have signs on the Northway for the last 3 weeks saying " Solar eclipse on 4/8 expect delays".
How the fuck will an eclipse cause delays on a 2-3 lane thruway type road?
I pass maybe 30-50 vehicles on my 80MPH 2 hour drive home.
How can they really think the road will clog up?

The hotels told the crew they have guaranteed rooms for the whole summer....Except 4/8 and 4/9~!
Book rooms for 3months and they throw you out for 2 days. No joke.
I told my partner that I would tell them it was all the days or none and see who really wants to please their customers~!

Price of gas here just got jacked because of all the "expected travelling to see the eclipse"
How TF does that make sense.... damn rapists...
They are allowing restaurants to charge more if they are busy so who knows what these fucks will come up with next~!
I see mass failure for many in the not so distant future.
I won't support them.
When all else fails and any thought of compromise or reconciliation are out the window I choose to never give them one more penny.
I have a short list already of businesses that will never see my money.
Best Buy is #1~! FUCK EM~!
I'm going back to oil over the summer.
At least with oil it drips and the leak can be found super easy.
With propane I gotta crawl the length of my trailer and spray every inch of pipe with soapy water and see where it bubbles 🫧
What a pain dude.
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They have signs on the Northway for the last 3 weeks saying " Solar eclipse on 4/8 expect delays".
How the fuck will an eclipse cause delays on a 2-3 lane thruway type road?
I pass maybe 30-50 vehicles on my 80MPH 2 hour drive home.
How can they really think the road will clog up?

The hotels told the crew they have guaranteed rooms for the whole summer....Except 4/8 and 4/9~!
Book rooms for 3months and they throw you out for 2 days. No joke.
I told my partner that I would tell them it was all the days or none and see who really wants to please their customers~!

They are allowing restaurants to charge more if they are busy so who knows what these fucks will come up with next~!
I see mass failure for many in the not so distant future.
I won't support them.
When all else fails and any thought of compromise or reconciliation are out the window I choose to never give them one more penny.
I have a short list already of businesses that will never see my money.
Best Buy is #1~! FUCK EM~!

do ya think any of those idiots will try and drive 80 mph with their eclipse glasses on lookn at the sky? :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
They have signs on the Northway for the last 3 weeks saying " Solar eclipse on 4/8 expect delays".
How the fuck will an eclipse cause delays on a 2-3 lane thruway type road?
I pass maybe 30-50 vehicles on my 80MPH 2 hour drive home.
How can they really think the road will clog up?

The hotels told the crew they have guaranteed rooms for the whole summer....Except 4/8 and 4/9~!
Book rooms for 3months and they throw you out for 2 days. No joke.
I told my partner that I would tell them it was all the days or none and see who really wants to please their customers~!

They are allowing restaurants to charge more if they are busy so who knows what these fucks will come up with next~!
I see mass failure for many in the not so distant future.
I won't support them.
When all else fails and any thought of compromise or reconciliation are out the window I choose to never give them one more penny.
I have a short list already of businesses that will never see my money.
Best Buy is #1~! FUCK EM~!
Yeah i don't see the eclipse causing the entire state to fall the hell apart, but the state officials sure make it seem thats the case.

Wow, theyre really gonna kick the crew put for 2 days when yall are there 3 months?! That's some major BS...

I have a few stores I won't shop at anymore too, walmart is getting real close to making that list too but then it only leaves target and Amazon so I'm kinda fkd and need to just deal with Walmart BS lol.
But you live near the beach right~!:rolleyes:

Going to make my fourth order soon.
That will make $3600 for the season not including the fuel I started with~!🤬
I think we had 10 beach going days last summer no 2 days in a row I can remember but at least 1 day a week it poked through enough for the mushrooms to sprout.

Its hard to understand why our population doesn't increase. Immigrants come in to the Province from all over the world then move out after a few years for some odd reason.
me too man, been about twenty years now for me... i'd be scared to know how much a pack of smokes costs there days.. about a buck eighty a pack when i quit..
They were almost 13 a pack when I quit!!!
Gotta be 15 plus now.
No way I'd ever pay that kinda money to suck on a lung dart ever again
Quit cigars before Christmas.
Cigarettes in NY are $12+ a pack now.
Last I looked at my cancer statement that arrives with my SS they are not putting my share of the smoke tax in my account, so I stopped~!:p
me too man, been about twenty years now for me... i'd be scared to know how much a pack of smokes costs there days.. about a buck eighty a pack when i quit..
My cousin said he paid almost 13 a pack for Marlboro reds the other day

I smoke cheapos...I quit Marlboro when they hit 4 a pack...now these Cheapos are almost there.

For a country that was founded on the tobacco plant and as much as we ship cigs world wide you'd think they'd want them cheap...I guess they see the line drawn in the sand. My guess is not enough of the new generation are smoking cigs, they're smoking vapes and shit so the last real demographic left of buyers is probably the current smokers so raise the price to the ceiling and get that money while you can I guess 🤷🏻‍♂️
wet here as well... about ten degrees above snow!

Granny, thanks again for your time and help the other night with scrogs. i decided i wasn't going to dive into full scrog because i had fourteen plants and was scared. i did get a net though and plan to use it to keep my branches in order and just a few tucks here and there.

after my kneepads, a couple power tools and a tape measure this is what i came up with...

View attachment 52796

i flipped to 12/12 today so about a week behind ya!!!!
The trellis net will help a bit, if you can tuck your branches under. Just as long as you know, you won’t get a full on scrog effect. The stretchy net will allow them to do as they please as it gives and won’t 100% hold them down.
Even at that, you should still see a difference.
How do you water these ladies?
Quit cigars before Christmas.
Cigarettes in NY are $12+ a pack now.
Last I looked at my cancer statement that arrives with my SS they are not putting my share of the smoke tax in my account, so I stopped~!:p

$12!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a pack of joints almost costs less than that these days!!!!
The trellis net will help a bit, if you can tuck your branches under. Just as long as you know, you won’t get a full on scrog effect. The stretchy net will allow them to do as they please as it gives and won’t 100% hold them down.
Even at that, you should still see a difference.
How do you water these ladies?

yeah i assumed it would puff up like a pillow. i bought two and put a second set of hooks in a foot above this first net. not sure if i'll need it but if the buds amount to any significant size i might need it... we'll see.


i normally just water with a long neck watering can but the past couple weeks i've been trying out this bad boy...

been working way better than expected. i don't use the nozzles at all and just let it flow. but i'm diggin it so far!!!
yeah i assumed it would puff up like a pillow. i bought two and put a second set of hooks in a foot above this first net. not sure if i'll need it but if the buds amount to any significant size i might need it... we'll see.


i normally just water with a long neck watering can but the past couple weeks i've been trying out this bad boy...

been working way better than expected. i don't use the nozzles at all and just let it flow. but i'm diggin it so far!!!
I'm getting one....been looking for something like this. Thanks for sharing dude 😎
I'm getting one....been looking for something like this. Thanks for sharing dude 😎

i'm still giving it a test but so far... awesome. i put some nutes through it too. the end isn't like in the photo, it's better than the airstone pictured...

i put about 12 gallons through so far on the first charge yet. charges usb C... super lightweight. i tried the mister out for seedlings and it's a little too powerful. didn't try the sprinklers out yet. real quiet too not annoying at all. sounds loud at first till it primes. and it self primes. i just drop the weighted filter in a jug of water and hit the button. the hose was a little long so i cut that shorter. has a nice strain relief for the hose also not pictured. the add doesn't realy do it justice imo.
i'm still giving it a test but so far... awesome. i put some nutes through it too. the end isn't like in the photo, it's better than the airstone pictured...

i put about 12 gallons through so far on the first charge yet. charges usb C... super lightweight. i tried the mister out for seedlings and it's a little too powerful. didn't try the sprinklers out yet. real quiet too not annoying at all. sounds loud at first till it primes. and it self primes. i just drop the weighted filter in a jug of water and hit the button. the hose was a little long so i cut that shorter. has a nice strain relief for the hose also not pictured. the add doesn't realy do it justice imo.
Hell yea I got a USB c charge cable right there ready for that bad bish
This is my watering help. Been using it for over five years now and have replaced the battery once. It has been worth every single penny! Makes getting to the back of the five by five a snap.IMG_1929.png
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