Yeah, id love a month break, but then id start drinking more or be back on the pain pills, which im 100% good being off of.

Ya know, a hot steam sauna sounds relaxing right now. My back and neck have been as stiff as a board all day.

Maybe Ill try this along with that cleansing kit CannaGranny mentioned.
Get a cheap hot tub and crank it up... soak the muscles and sweat out the weed. 🤣 We had a ghetto one for years, we got it for free... it finally died... hoping to get another one soon. People sell them frequently when they realize how much upkeep and such they require.
The other way is to keep mixing it up and/or several strains at once which is what I usually do these days

Helps to confuse your receptors

Some sativa are just always a little stronger than the rest IMO
That's why I always grow all different strains... I ain't smoking the same one or two for a year.
Get a cheap hot tub and crank it up... soak the muscles and sweat out the weed. 🤣 We had a ghetto one for years, we got it for free... it finally died... hoping to get another one soon. People sell them frequently when they realize how much upkeep and such they require.
Would love one, but landlord says no cause of "insurance reasons"
I've been tracking it a little while. Was third for Bud builders.. . Now it's got the top spot View attachment 5830
When I put Bud Builders into Duck-Duck-Go, it suggests "Moe Red's Bud Builders" before I finish typing. When I finish typing, the first thing that comes up is some company in western Michigan that either helps people set up grows or is a grow op itself.
We really do too. It rained yesterday reqlly hard for like 5 minutes, maybe 1/4 of an inch if lucky.
Weve got another air quality warning today, smokey and smells like burnt plastic all over Albany County.
It's the wildfires over in Canada, it was very hazy here yesterday...20230606_074405.jpg today is just cloudy. Hopefully we get more rain, my lawn is dead everywhere that's in the sun that I haven't watered. We got some good storms last night, but not much significant rain.
It's the wildfires over in Canada, it was very hazy here yesterday...View attachment 5925 today is just cloudy. Hopefully we get more rain, my lawn is dead everywhere that's in the sun that I haven't watered. We got some good storms last night, but not much significant rain.
Yeah there are fires in New Jersey too which im sure isnt helping any.
They cancelled my sons baseball game last night because the air quality isbso shitty. I dont even have respiratory issues and i can feel the difference in the air when i breathe.
Everything in my yard is pretty much dead aside from the dandelions.
The weather is only saying 5-15% chance of rain here today, and we didnt get much of anything for rain yesterday. Its so dry here.
I give you a lot of credit. I couldn't imagine trying to go get 3 months worth of groceries with my 2 kids lmao. I go to get 2 weeks worth of groceries and forget half of what i went in for. Ill be 26 at the end of this month and already need to write shit down or i forget more than i needed.
Please do not say 4 get when it means you didnt remember your list (not pointing fingers here)
Lol nah I’ve been as low as 17’ lol I’m not even sure they would drive a well where I’m at now
Damn, that's pretty low. We actually got 2 veins, 1 at around 20-30ft but your water will be orange....gotta hit that 2nd vein at 40. I've done a few points manually but 40ft ain't shit compared to some. My uncle just built a new home it was like 950ft to find it for him...f that lol
Mornin' everyone.
Sun looks weird this morning down in Albany. View attachment 5923
Damn my aunt has a house up in Albany. She is hella old though and is one of those Florida for summer type people. I don't think she even goes to her house in Albany much anymore her husband had broke his hip and all sorts of shit so I think they've stuck around Florida the last couple years.

My cousins were NY Hoosiers, not exactly what i picture when I think of someone from NY. I was a kid but I remember them driving jetskis across their pond to impress us on a visit 🤣😂. It worked I still remember it!
Damn, that's pretty low. We actually got 2 veins, 1 at around 20-30ft but your water will be orange....gotta hit that 2nd vein at 40. I've done a few points manually but 40ft ain't shit compared to some. My uncle just built a new home it was like 950ft to find it for him...f that lol
I think mine is like 150, I had a friend up in the mountains that had her old well go dry and just had to spend close to 10k to dig a new one, I think they ended up having to go like 550 feet. My old property that I sold up that way had a 350 foot well, I know this because my well pump died and we had to pull out 350 feet of hose lol... but that was the best water I've had anywhere I've lived and has ruined me to all other water. Water here is fine, just hard so I run it through a brita. I think they dug deeper here intentionally or something because everyone around me has stanky sulfer water but mine is clean.
Town water tastes like poison after drinking well water for so long, I can't even drink it. I'll forget and order a water at a restaurant then let it sit untouched like a douche lol.
Damn my aunt has a house up in Albany. She is hella old though and is one of those Florida for summer type people. I don't think she even goes to her house in Albany much anymore her husband had broke his hip and all sorts of shit so I think they've stuck around Florida the last couple years.

My cousins were NY Hoosiers, not exactly what i picture when I think of someone from NY. I was a kid but I remember them driving jetskis across their pond to impress us on a visit 🤣😂. It worked I still remember it!
I hate New York lol. I cant wait to move outta here and go back to Maine. Still a democratic state, but idgaf about politics and Maine is just nicer than NY lol.
Air quality was chit yesterday in Missouri. Not sure where it’s coming from, but it could be Canada. We had strong north winds all day yesterday. Or it could be the bullshit they are doing to the weather too, like seeding clouds and spraying metallic particles between us and the sun. Ask Bill Gates, he’s the real eco murderer.
I hate New York lol. I cant wait to move outta here and go back to Maine. Still a democratic state, but idgaf about politics and Maine is just nicer than NY lol.
NY does suck. So expensive, so many taxes, gotta pay for all the cops and various law enforcement agencies. The big cities get the lion's share of the resources and us rural folks get the crumbs. It's pretty and great for the outdoors, but real hard to get ahead here... I guess that's pretty much everywhere these days. I complain a lot, but I'd probably miss it unless I moved somewhere way better. Every area has pros and cons. We have actual cons here... 3 prisons and a jail within like 10 miles of me.
Nothing beats good well water in my opinion.
I could have good well water, but because i live in a trailer park, it has to be treated.

We have 2 wells here, one is 560 feet, the other one is 980 something feet. They use the 560 all winter but switch to the 980 in the summer because the 560 goes dry.
Air quality was chit yesterday in Missouri. Not sure where it’s coming from, but it could be Canada. We had strong north winds all day yesterday. Or it could be the bullshit they are doing to the weather too, like seeding clouds and spraying metallic particles between us and the sun. Ask Bill Gates, he’s the real eco murderer.
We keep coming up with new and more effective ways to kill the planet that gives us life... I'll never understand it. Every great civilization has to fall I guess... we're but a blip on the cosmic timeline.
Air quality was chit yesterday in Missouri. Not sure where it’s coming from, but it could be Canada. We had strong north winds all day yesterday. Or it could be the bullshit they are doing to the weather too, like seeding clouds and spraying metallic particles between us and the sun. Ask Bill Gates, he’s the real eco murderer.
Dam granny wasn't too bad outside STL yesterday, just a little over cast hardly any wind. F'in Missouri!
NY does suck. So expensive, so many taxes, gotta pay for all the cops and various law enforcement agencies. The big cities get the lion's share of the resources and us rural folks get the crumbs. It's pretty and great for the outdoors, but real hard to get ahead here... I guess that's pretty much everywhere these days. I complain a lot, but I'd probably miss it unless I moved somewhere way better. Every area has pros and cons. We have actual cons here... 3 prisons and a jail within like 10 miles of me.
It really is wicked expensive here. Id move to New Hampshire in a heartbeat and be tax free aside from property tax. But they would rather have the youngest drinking age in the entire country than let you grow some pot. So until they get their heads outta their asses and make it legal, its not even an option for me to move there. I refuse to move somewhere and backtrack now that NY is finally going legal. Ive been waiting for this for 5 years, not that thats long compared to some, but still lol.
We keep coming up with new and more effective ways to kill the planet that gives us life... I'll never understand it. Every great civilization has to fall I guess... we're but a blip on the cosmic timeline.
I was watching this tiktok my buddy sent me yesterday on black rock corporation. I knew they handled a large portion of the world's money but didn't know how bad it is. Head CEO last name is Fink and this guy is one of those climate crisis guys, yet he also helps to fund most of the shit causing it. Playing both sides of the fence. Probably making money both ways. What bothered me the most is the amount of everything they control. Estimates say there's about 40 trillion in money circulating world wide and they handle 20 half the world's money. Oh and when the financial collapse happened and they were "called in" an algorithm took over handling where money went. And the algorithm chose to give it all to banks, yeah banks.
Dam granny wasn't too bad outside STL yesterday, just a little over cast hardly any wind. F'in Missouri!
It was kind of crazy here, a perfectly sunny day. Except no sun and super hazy. The air was heavy feeling and many complained about breathing probs.
I didn’t know you were around the Lou. The range I am shooting on is in Warrenton.
It really is wicked expensive here. Id move to New Hampshire in a heartbeat and be tax free aside from property tax. But they would rather have the youngest drinking age in the entire country than let you grow some pot. So until they get their heads outta their asses and make it legal, its not even an option for me to move there. I refuse to move somewhere and backtrack now that NY is finally going legal. Ive been waiting for this for 5 years, not that thats long compared to some, but still lol.
I know, I can't believe the "Live Free or Die" state hasn't legalized yet. Ride a motorcycle with no helmet, sure, fine, but don't smoke a doob when you park lol.
I was watching this tiktok my buddy sent me yesterday on black rock corporation. I knew they handled a large portion of the world's money but didn't know how bad it is. Head CEO last name is Fink and this guy is one of those climate crisis guys, yet he also helps to fund most of the shit causing it. Playing both sides of the fence. Probably making money both ways. What bothered me the most is the amount of everything they control. Estimates say there's about 40 trillion in money circulating world wide and they handle 20 half the world's money. Oh and when the financial collapse happened and they were "called in" an algorithm took over handling where money went. And the algorithm chose to give it all to banks, yeah banks.
There are three of them, Blackrock, Vanguard and the other I can’t recall.
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