It was kind of crazy here, a perfectly sunny day. Except no sun and super hazy. The air was heavy feeling and many complained about breathing probs.
I didn’t know you were around the Lou. The range I am shooting on is in Warrenton.
Hazy it was here too...just not very windy or anything....not as good as last week by any means.

Yep lower st charles county here🙃
Good Morning All!! Hazy as heck here in the Mitten. Fog is on the pond this morning from cool air moving in. We have not seen rain here for 3 weeks . They say maybe this weekend. I hope so because the raspberry bushes are forming their fruit and i pick as many as i can get. Black raspberry is my favorite flavor and they grow wild here. After those come the Blackberries. I have cherry trees that i have been watering. They are loaded more than every year. Cherry tree fact: Spray with Grape juice and the birds will leave them alone. Just got to keep up with it all. Well now im hungry for some fruit
I was watching this tiktok my buddy sent me yesterday on black rock corporation. I knew they handled a large portion of the world's money but didn't know how bad it is. Head CEO last name is Fink and this guy is one of those climate crisis guys, yet he also helps to fund most of the shit causing it. Playing both sides of the fence. Probably making money both ways. What bothered me the most is the amount of everything they control. Estimates say there's about 40 trillion in money circulating world wide and they handle 20 half the world's money. Oh and when the financial collapse happened and they were "called in" an algorithm took over handling where money went. And the algorithm chose to give it all to banks, yeah banks.
Don't get me started on the societal construct that we call currency lol. Pretty soon clean air and water will be the currency. Fuck hiding paper under the mattress... buy land with water and the ability to sustain yourself, cause that's the only thing that's gonna save you when late stage capitalism finally collapses.
I was watching this tiktok my buddy sent me yesterday on black rock corporation. I knew they handled a large portion of the world's money but didn't know how bad it is. Head CEO last name is Fink and this guy is one of those climate crisis guys, yet he also helps to fund most of the shit causing it. Playing both sides of the fence. Probably making money both ways. What bothered me the most is the amount of everything they control. Estimates say there's about 40 trillion in money circulating world wide and they handle 20 half the world's money. Oh and when the financial collapse happened and they were "called in" an algorithm took over handling where money went. And the algorithm chose to give it all to banks, yeah banks.

Gotta be careful with information on the internet and take it with a grain of salt. There was almost 50 trillion in currency in circulation in 2022. That is paper currency, traveler checks, and bank deposits (savings and checkings).

Blackrock finished the first quarter of 2023 with 5.65 billion in cash reserves and 9.09 trillion assets under management. They are giants but not quite the claim of controlling half the world's money.
Don't get me started on the societal construct that we call currency lol. Pretty soon clean air and water will be the currency. Fuck hiding paper under the mattress... buy land with water and the ability to sustain yourself, cause that's the only thing that's gonna save you when late stage capitalism finally collapses.
I hate what they are doing to our children. Making futures impossible. Average low end home a half a mil, forced electrical cars at a hundred plus k with a 25k battery. The typical American job will not support this. Stealing their future, and taking everything we worked for our entire lives because we now have to pitch in for the kids and g babies. I cannot begin to tell you the amount of families that I know, that have had to allow their children and grandchildren to come back home. Me included!
Don't get me started on the societal construct that we call currency lol. Pretty soon clean air and water will be the currency. Fuck hiding paper under the mattress... buy land with water and the ability to sustain yourself, cause that's the only thing that's gonna save you when late stage capitalism finally collapses.
Long before donald trump made it famous I often thought the media was just bullshit. I can't believe the host of "issues" they drag up to keep the people in turmoil and take focus away from the real pressing issues. Like recovering from this huge economic dump that was just taken on us all. All these little inequities really pale in comparison to the inequities between the upper 1% and the rest of the world.

Not shilling for Trump (I hate all politicians equally 😁) but he wasn't wrong about the media.
Gotta be careful with information on the internet and take it with a grain of salt. There was almost 50 trillion in currency in circulation in 2022. That is paper currency, traveler checks, and bank deposits (savings and checkings).

Blackrock finished the first quarter of 2023 with 5.65 billion in cash reserves and 9.09 trillion assets under management. They are giants but not quite the claim of controlling half the world's money.
They are heavily invested in real estate as well.
Gotta be careful with information on the internet and take it with a grain of salt. There was almost 50 trillion in currency in circulation in 2022. That is paper currency, traveler checks, and bank deposits (savings and checkings).

Blackrock finished the first quarter of 2023 with 5.65 billion in cash reserves and 9.09 trillion assets under management. They are giants but not quite the claim of controlling half the world's money.
Well to be fair the video was talking about vanguard too but yea I don't know how accurate the numbers are
Thanks for the cherry tree tip Dave! I’ve been shooting nets across mine. It’s super dry here too after a spring that could not stop raining.
Good morning all, rain here and the air is good, its all blowing away from us, We're just 500 yards from the ocean so we get the off shore winds blowing it away. I read about detoxing, let me say 1 week doesn't do squat. I was sick and couldn't smoke for 7 days, I started back easing into it but after another week alls the same....I'm still not recovered yet to100% I feel like I'm at 80% maybe.....Back to smoking like chimney though 2 at a time -6-7 times a day
Good morning all, rain here and the air is good, its all blowing away from us, We're just 500 yards from the ocean so we get the off shore winds blowing it away. I read about detoxing, let me say 1 week doesn't do squat. I was sick and couldn't smoke for 7 days, I started back easing into it but after another week alls the same....I'm still not recovered yet to100% I feel like I'm at 80% maybe.....Back to smoking like chimney though 2 at a time -6-7 times a day
Dealing with the covid or something else? Happy you are in the mend!
Could be Lyme, not sure, I'm still on antibiotics and still i ache, left shoulder and neck, it all started at the same time but I'm not sure they're connected...Just fking old maybe
Did you have a bite with a bullseye rash? How’s the ole ticker doing?
Could be Lyme, not sure, I'm still on antibiotics and still i ache, left shoulder and neck, it all started at the same time but I'm not sure they're connected...Just fking old maybe
Everything you've said symptom wise seems to be spot on with Lyme disease.
Imo, youll feel it the rest of your life, cold damp/wet days will really make it kick in high gear too.

Its cold and damp today and every joint in my body aches, thanks to a fucken tick, what a bastard...
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Did you have a bite with a bullseye rash? How’s the ole ticker doing?
No bite we could see and no rash, all the other symptoms though. Dr said whether its Lyme or not we need to treated it as if it is so high dose antibiotics. Its been 2 weeks now I've 1 pill left and I still feel off, I sweat just watering my plants and I get out of breath just walking a short distance, then there's this off taste where everything has like a plastic taste and feel to it...except ice cream............just off and not right yet.
2 of the wealthiest people are building rockets to go to space. Anyone else ever thought maybe it's just to escape this rock when all hell breaks loose? Not safe in a bunker?

Does make you wonder. The future of mankind is dependent on leaving this rock and exploring the great vastness of the universe. Also, space tourism will be so profitable. Construction, shipping, valuable resources.

If I had the money, I would surely be investing in it.
Does make you wonder. The future of mankind is dependent on leaving this rock and exploring the great vastness of the universe. Also, space tourism will be so profitable. Construction, hipping, valuable resources.

If I had the money, I would surely be investing in it.
My mind always goes straight to the evil intentions lol. I hope it's for the good of humanity...I just feel like none of these fuckers have our best interests in their heart or mind lol. Skeptical of everything
Good morning all, rain here and the air is good, its all blowing away from us, We're just 500 yards from the ocean so we get the off shore winds blowing it away. I read about detoxing, let me say 1 week doesn't do squat. I was sick and couldn't smoke for 7 days, I started back easing into it but after another week alls the same....I'm still not recovered yet to100% I feel like I'm at 80% maybe.....Back to smoking like chimney though 2 at a time -6-7 times a day
Yeah it takes me 2 weeks to see any real difference, and over a month to reset. I was only smoking at night for a while which helped, but I'm back to my stoner ways. My problem is if I wake and bake, then I want to smoke all day, but if I just wait, it doesn't really bother me... gotta get passed that first wake and bake lol... which today I did not, half a joint and I'm stoned rambling so my tolerance must not be too bad currently lol... I did just take about 3 weeks off a couple months ago. Off to clean the toilets of a rich lady who's playing a better game of capitalism monopoly than me. 🤣 This is how my squirrely brain works, I'm stressing I'm gonna be late... when I have no boss or set time, and also, no one is home and I get the same amount regardless of time for this lady. I guess I'm obsessively punctual. 🤣 Have a good day everyone. ✌️
No bite we could see and no rash, all the other symptoms though. Dr said whether its Lyme or not we need to treated it as if it is so high dose antibiotics. Its been 2 weeks now I've 1 pill left and I still feel off, I sweat just watering my plants and I get out of breath just walking a short distance, then there's this off taste where everything has like a plastic taste and feel to it...except ice cream............just off and not right yet.
I’m concerned about your heart! Sweating and shortness of breath are for sure heart symptoms, more so with pain on your left side.
I got bit, got the rash, went to the Doc and did two rounds of doxycycline. I don’t seem to have any after effects. They say quick treatment will be more successful.
My mind always goes straight to the evil intentions lol. I hope it's for the good of humanity...I just feel like none of these fuckers have our best interests in their heart or mind lol. Skeptical of everything
I think at this particular point and time, if one is not skeptical.. they are stuck in the matrix! (Nice term for dumbass) 😂
I’m concerned about your heart! Sweating and shortness of breath are for sure heart symptoms, more so with pain on your left side.
I got bit, got the rash, went to the Doc and did two rounds of doxycycline. I don’t seem to have any after effects. They say quick treatment will be more successful.
I've a good strong heart, I've a low heart rate of about 55 beats per min. Normal people are in the 70 or higher. I had a ECG done last year because of my low heart rate and its good, I've the heart of a 26 year old athlete according to my read out....Slow & strong when the blips go up it stays up and the pattern looks more like a bunch of n's not A's showing a good strong beat. If anything its my brain that will explode, both of my parents had cerebral hemorrhages blowing up their brains with strokes before they died......younger than me now....Yikes
I think mine is like 150, I had a friend up in the mountains that had her old well go dry and just had to spend close to 10k to dig a new one, I think they ended up having to go like 550 feet. My old property that I sold up that way had a 350 foot well, I know this because my well pump died and we had to pull out 350 feet of hose lol... but that was the best water I've had anywhere I've lived and has ruined me to all other water. Water here is fine, just hard so I run it through a brita. I think they dug deeper here intentionally or something because everyone around me has stanky sulfer water but mine is clean.
Town water tastes like poison after drinking well water for so long, I can't even drink it. I'll forget and order a water at a restaurant then let it sit untouched like a douche lol.
Your story about the mountain water reminded me of going on vacation in the Sierra Mountains. We would spend a week up there in the summer. The water out of the tap 50 years ago was so good. I since went back and they must have put in a new water treatment plant not the same water.
I was wondering if you were at Bench Rest. It's really the only serious range I know of locally (although I would consider it more Wright City than Warrenton) We actually do the HVAC out there. We did a big install in the loading room, had to install the duct work blowing up into the ceiling because the scales they use to load shells are so sensitive they would be affected by the force of the air blowing down.

When you come up 47 & get to the junction of 47 & 70 there's an Aldi's on the left, I live right behind that Aldi's.
Ok I’ve been reading. This is new to me too

Here is the patent

Here is the sales pitch using science

Here is how it works according to the website

View attachment 5862

So it binds to the same receptor as thc.

Survey based feedback from veterans in the study say tolerance is reduced UPTO 50%. That is fishy to me for a number of reasons.

The average is not given. Could be 2%.

Looking at this critically I think there is a possibility there is something to it. But what I read was all self serving by the company who is selling it.
The science is solid. Don't know about this specific patent but competition for the receptor sites and affinity to receptors is how this stuff works. Ratios and cascade reaction. Excitatory verses inhibiton

The ECS plays an important role in multiple aspects of neural functions, including the control of movement and motor coordination, learning and memory, emotion and motivation, addictive-like behavior and pain modulation, among others.

I recall a strain that was similar to this kind of thing. One that didn't get you high and reduced the effects of THC. I'm thinking 🤔 AC/DC maybe? It was developed in Israel
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