Tetris champ too?
Gaming is one thing I have never done. I do play poker online, but just never had the time to get into gaming. I raised five kids, barely had time to bathe. I only had one by birth, but I raised five of them. That’s also why I’m crazy!!!
So, today is provision day. This means a 150 mile round trip to buy three months worth of groceries. I’d rather eat dirt! Yes, we have grocery stores closer to us and all of them operate on tourist prices all summer long, making it worth my time to drive that far just to shop. At least by doing three months at a time, I only have to do it four times a year.
Shopping is not one of my fav things!
Good morning Granny, same for us, today is 30% off day at Value Village a walmart sized second hand store. I'm in need of another humidifier if I can find one. Also our Costco run bi weekly run for cat litter and basics. Its only 1 hr each way not like your adventure....we'll get lunch somewhere before shopping. There's an all you can eat Japanese restaurant..... Mizu's we like where we order small order's of a variety of stuff off a tablet then a few min later its brought to us hot and fresh from the kitchen and we keep ordering small side dishes off the tablet until we're done. May get 10 - 12 small dishes over 1/2 hr dining......lots of fun with a bunch of people and tablets, different food coming steadily to the table. Who ordered what is moot. it just keeps coming....
Hard time getting motivated today. 3 cups of coffee and a smoke already this morning, my lower back is so stiff. Damp weather sucks.
I'm just the reverse of that, 3 joints and I'm about to get my first coffee. Me and my cat Qnight down checking the girls, I had to feed my 8 vegging clones that need transplanting badly but I need the auto pots to be done first cause that's where 6 are going
So, today is provision day. This means a 150 mile round trip to buy three months worth of groceries. I’d rather eat dirt! Yes, we have grocery stores closer to us and all of them operate on tourist prices all summer long, making it worth my time to drive that far just to shop. At least by doing three months at a time, I only have to do it four times a year.
Shopping is not one of my fav things!
My problem would be trying to ration everything to make it last 3 months. If I have a lot of something I tend to go through it faster. I'd blow 3 months budget on groceries & then would probably start running out of stuff after 1-2 months. 🤣
I kind of figured he was yanking your chain. 1diesel1 has huffed entirely too many diesel fumes. Not a trustworthy sort in my opinion. Pretty ridiculous that a few grown men are playing high school girl games.
Anyways, I’m still sorry that happened to you. To all of us for that matter. Good thing is, this is a fantastic forum. Tons of knowledge and kindness.
Thanks @CannaGranny! 😍

I've never seen anything quite like this in my many years interacting on the Internet. Those are some extremely fragile egos over there. I don't need that type of toxicity in my life. So, it's all good. We've all moved on to better things. That much is certain.
My problem would be trying to ration everything to make it last 3 months. If I have a lot of something I tend to go through it faster. I'd blow 3 months budget on groceries & then would probably start running out of stuff after 1-2 months. 🤣
I’m the opposite. Need one get two and put one away JIC. Now my son keeps asking for my JIC food. He went through all his and now that we can’t find more to buy he’s like the dog when I have Tim Bits. 🤷

So much for saving...
Thanks @CannaGranny! 😍

I've never seen anything quite like this in my many years interacting on the Internet. Those are some extremely fragile egos over there. I don't need that type of toxicity in my life. So, it's all good. We've all moved on to better things. That much is certain.
How’s Mikedin & GNick doing?

Haven’t bothered to login and try to talk to people. Don’t need the drama...but a few I still miss.

Glad you’re settling in. Good to see ya. 👍
Was thinking about a few things when I should have been sleeping. The big one was; I’m going to have to wash these buds before I give them away aren’t I?

What’s the easy simple way? I remember reading some use two or three 5g buckets, one with cold water... and that’s about it.

Pretty sure cold water is fine, doesn’t get it off my hands it’s not coming off the plant. But I don’t want to buy anything if dawn dish soap and warm water are okay to clean them in one bucket and then a rinse in cold after will be fine.

At least that’s how I hope this will go. 🤣
How’s Mikedin & GNick doing?

Haven’t bothered to login and try to talk to people. Don’t need the drama...but a few I still miss.

Glad you’re settling in. Good to see ya. 👍
They seem to be doing okay. I didn't see much of either of them. I didn't see much moderation. It's mostly left to the members now.

Be careful with PMs. They're not private there.

Thanks. All is well. It was time to move on and move away from the toxicity.
Amnesia, there is no need to be defensive here. We are not looking for bad guys or scapegoats. Really.

Regardless of what happens there, it is out of our control. If you are banned, or simply decide to quit over there, you will remain welcome here. If you stay there as well, that is fine with us. We don't think we own anyone.

As far as novice growers go, there is a limit to what we can do with the hand we have been dealt. If that was something logic cared about, this could have gone down very differently. The fact it did not lets you know the real story.

We are working our way up the google ranks, and hopefully make it easier to find us in the future.
I've been tracking it a little while. Was third for Bud builders.. . Now it's got the top spot Screenshot_20230606-102219.png
Osprey? It's looking down at the bottom of the waterfall area looking for a meal

Still working on the stubborn stump on day four trying to burn it out more. I think the new plan is to get the chains up there and try to use a hand wench

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My problem would be trying to ration everything to make it last 3 months. If I have a lot of something I tend to go through it faster. I'd blow 3 months budget on groceries & then would probably start running out of stuff after 1-2 months. 🤣
I’m lucky to have a lot of storage. A large kitchen with several cabinets and a full on pantry. So no worries about a ration or making it last, more like rotating stock in and out. I have a grocery within eight miles of me that I buy milk bread etc from, but I live in a tourist town and prices triple during the summer.
I make that trip to shop a grocery warehouse type place, where you bag your own groceries. You pay the grocers cost plus ten percent. Makes the trip worth my while.
Anyways, I’m super glad that’s done for another three months!
I’m pretty sure I need some iced tea, a smoke and a nap!
Osprey? It's looking down at the bottom of the waterfall area looking for a meal

Still working on the stubborn stump on day four trying to burn it out more. I think the new plan is to get the chains up there and try to use a hand wench

View attachment 5833
Awww a keen eye has that one! At first I thought it was a bald eagle, then I put on my glasses. Very cool pic!
I think burning and a pick axe are what will get that lady to give up her ground.
Haven’t seen a @TSD post in a bit? All good or stuck in the garden?
All good, just too busy to burn time online between work, garden, house stuff, kid stuff, husband stuff, dad stuff, bff stuff... I'm pooped... too much stuff not enough hours. I see I have approximately 50 notifications and several pages to catch up on if I can manage to not pass out at 8 or 9 pm one of these nights lol.
Omg what a shit show..... I can't even take screen shots cause I've been banned from the old site...

I made a post about missing my Friends and I got an email from ... And he gave me an ultimatum, to choose one site or another. I told him I'm a pacifist and prefer to be friends with all, that I see people on both sides of this fence he's making. And he banned me...

Insane-o! To muddle business ethics with petty spite... Anyways, I got a shot out before the walls shut down and got an obscure way to find this site!! thanks @Coco Lopez .The guy was censoring my private messages .. told him that was unethical, still can't believe it but I'm sure it's old news for you all. I see all my favorite peeps here and even another @CannaGranny couch to sit on!!

Ninjas and growers unite!
Omg you made it here!! Yay! I'm so behind.
Omg you made it here!! Yay! I'm so behind.
I'm gonna need those TPS reports by end of business today, mmmmmkay?

I finished the veg garden, which is just heirloom tomatoes and peppers this year. Next year I'll have to rotate the boring vegetables in.

These were all soaking the artificial light under the Raging Kush II, which is a great tomato light, but might be a little pricey if you don't also grow weed.

For sandwiches:
Black Krim --among the best tasting tomatoes, IMO, but it is a crack addict.
Deliciious - never tried it. A giant red one, with fruits up to 7 pounds.
Dad's Sunset - never tried it. A yellow-orange variety.
Orange Strawberry - never tried it. Another orange one.

For sauce:
San Marzano Redorta - my favorite sauce tomato
Italian Gold - never tried it. I guess half the sauce will be yellow this year.

I'm very generous with the eating tomatoes, but only the best neighbors see any sauce.
thanks for posting. love me some good homemade sauce
Was thinking about a few things when I should have been sleeping. The big one was; I’m going to have to wash these buds before I give them away aren’t I?

What’s the easy simple way? I remember reading some use two or three 5g buckets, one with cold water... and that’s about it.

Pretty sure cold water is fine, doesn’t get it off my hands it’s not coming off the plant. But I don’t want to buy anything if dawn dish soap and warm water are okay to clean them in one bucket and then a rinse in cold after will be fine.

At least that’s how I hope this will go. 🤣
I use three 5 gal buckets
One pretty sure Has a cup of hydrogen peroxide per gallon of water in a 5gal bucket
Next is a rinse
Then the last is a final rinse
Thank you! I hate drama, but love people lol
I will go where the good energy flows. I don't have time for the BS
Love you guys!!

Just bagged this girl yesterday, stinky acp gold from my buddy @Coco Lopez . Trying this tool out this time, seems to match with my feel test lol
i have a moisture meter too. different brand but it worked good for me. then i put them in grove bag when meter read 12%
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